Benefits of Scada System in Indore Water Supply Project
Benefits of Scada System in Indore Water Supply Project
Benefits of Scada System in Indore Water Supply Project
The SCADA system will be used to measure, record and real time monitoring for the parameters like
flow, level, pressure, pH, turbidity, conductivity, residual chlorine of Water Supply & distribution
network at specific locations like Transmission Mains, WTP’s, distribution trunk mains, existing
OHT’s and proposed OHT’s etc. along with pump SCADA operations & valve actuator control
In these system necessary sensors, PLC’s / RTU’s and transmitters etc. will be provided along with
GPRS system to communicate the data/information with Central Monitoring System. The proposed
Monitoring system will have real time data retrieving, monitoring, recording and web enabled facility
for displaying the information through application software besides of Central SCADA Server. All the
relevant data, graphs, trends will be made available online to IMC executives and field personnel.
The benefits and objectives of SCADA system are as follows:
1) Timely availability of real time operating parameters for monitoring and control
2) Real time assessment of water supply situation for efficient operation
3) Real time data on water quality
4) Readily available on-line information of distribution data in command areas periphery network
5) Reliable real time data for service level parameters
6) To provide alert in case of deviation to set parameters.
7) To bring in accountability into the system and the services
8) To use latest technology effectively and efficiently to yield significant improvements in efficiency,
productivity, profitability and competitive advantage to Indore Municipal Corporation.
9) To enable better decision making by providing real time data and a technological platform for
effective integration with other communications and information management technology.
10) To provide continuous real time data monitoring from Municipal head office of water inventory
&inflows at each ESR & water inventory at BPT.
11) Water flow / discharge from BPT to various elevated service reservoirs
12) To create mathematical model for each ESR & use the same along with past data to derive
demand curve for each ESR.
13) To provide levels data of each reservoirs continuously for 24 Hrs.
14) To provide control of flow Control Valves from CMS to control the inlet and outlet flow of
service reservoirs by operation of inlet and outlet valves.
15) To make provision of flow measurement, inlet and outlet pressure measurement, and level
measurement at 27 upcoming ESRs.
16) To provide control of Flow Control valves from CMS to control inlet and outlet flow of 27
upcoming ESRs by operation of valves.
17) To measure flow and provide flow control at major branches on 1200 mm PSC transmission main
and 1700 mm MS transmission main.
18) To provide control on Direct Tapings points on transmission / distribution pipes.
19) Graphical trending diagrams of water balance (Pie Chart) of all ESRs / GSRs.
20) Water Audit charts with zone- Bar chart for each zone
22) To provide alerts, in case of emergency, to the appropriate authorities to quickly initiate actions
for disaster management.
23) Sending alarm SMS messages in case emergency to IMC engineers to connect them with the
system on 24x7 basis
24) To generate, store and print valuable data regarding water distribution network in, easy to analyse,
digital form which can be used for distribution chain optimization.
25) Generation of bulk water audit report (hourly / daily basis)