A magnetic flow meter uses Faraday's law to measure the volumetric flow of conductive liquids through a pipe without moving parts. It works by inducing a voltage in the liquid as it flows through a magnetic field created by coils around the pipe. The induced voltage is measured by electrodes and converted to a flow rate reading using a unique calibration factor for each meter. Magnetic flow meters offer high accuracy, wide turndown ratios, long service life, and do not require straight pipe runs upstream or downstream for proper installation and operation. They can measure flows down to zero and are suitable for applications including energy management, billing, process monitoring and flows of various liquids.
A magnetic flow meter uses Faraday's law to measure the volumetric flow of conductive liquids through a pipe without moving parts. It works by inducing a voltage in the liquid as it flows through a magnetic field created by coils around the pipe. The induced voltage is measured by electrodes and converted to a flow rate reading using a unique calibration factor for each meter. Magnetic flow meters offer high accuracy, wide turndown ratios, long service life, and do not require straight pipe runs upstream or downstream for proper installation and operation. They can measure flows down to zero and are suitable for applications including energy management, billing, process monitoring and flows of various liquids.
A magnetic flow meter uses Faraday's law to measure the volumetric flow of conductive liquids through a pipe without moving parts. It works by inducing a voltage in the liquid as it flows through a magnetic field created by coils around the pipe. The induced voltage is measured by electrodes and converted to a flow rate reading using a unique calibration factor for each meter. Magnetic flow meters offer high accuracy, wide turndown ratios, long service life, and do not require straight pipe runs upstream or downstream for proper installation and operation. They can measure flows down to zero and are suitable for applications including energy management, billing, process monitoring and flows of various liquids.
A magnetic flow meter uses Faraday's law to measure the volumetric flow of conductive liquids through a pipe without moving parts. It works by inducing a voltage in the liquid as it flows through a magnetic field created by coils around the pipe. The induced voltage is measured by electrodes and converted to a flow rate reading using a unique calibration factor for each meter. Magnetic flow meters offer high accuracy, wide turndown ratios, long service life, and do not require straight pipe runs upstream or downstream for proper installation and operation. They can measure flows down to zero and are suitable for applications including energy management, billing, process monitoring and flows of various liquids.
A magnetic flow meter (mag flowmeter) is a volumetric flow meter which
does not have any moving parts and is ideal for wastewater applications or any dirty liquid which is conductive or water based. Magnetic flowmeters will generally not work with hydrocarbons, distilled water and many non-aqueous solutions). Magnetic flowmeters are also ideal for applications where low pressure drop and low maintenance are required. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION araday!s law states that, when you move a conductor perpendicular through a magnetic field, a voltage will be induced proportional to the velocity of the conductor. A magnetic field is created by a set of coils which are encapsulated and rigidly retained in the meter flow tube and, when a conductive liquid moves through that magnetic field, a pair of electrodes measures the voltage induced by the movement of the liquid. "he measurement is independent of conductivity changes in the liquid as long as it remains above the minimum threshold of # u$%cm&. "he relationship between the liquid velocity and the induced voltage is e'pressed in a meter (-factor. "he meter (-factor is unique to each and every meter and is documented during a )*$" traceable flow test completed prior to shipment. +ith the (-factor established a highly accurate volumetric flow is calculated by multiplying the cross sectional area of the flow tube by the measured liquid velocity. "his volumetric relationship can then be converted to various engineering units and the flow meter converter can then retransmit this information with a ,-&- mA current signal and%or conditioned pulse. An optional integral ./0 *ndicator%"otali1er is available to locally display and totali1e in whatever engineering units preferred. FEATURES 2 A//34A/56 7%--.&89 of the reading for liquids. :igh accuracy allows significant improvement in both measurement and customer billing. 2 4A);<A=*.*"5.6 "ypically >-- to > turndown or better. +ith seasonal heating%cooling load variation, the need for a large turndown is essential. /adillac? magnetic flow meters will accurately measure all load requirements with proper si1ing. 2 .@);<A*"56 Mean time between failure (M"=) of B8 years. +ith no moving parts and through simple robust design the meter has unmeasured life e'pectancy. 2 M@0<4) <.</"4@)*/$6 meeting the challenges of the ne't millennium Meters are equipped with electronics capable of registering locally, remotely or interfacing with an energy management system. =uilt to withstand the toughest conditions. INSTALLATION *nstallation requirements have been redefined with the /adillac magnetic flow meter. <mploying coil and plate shaping techniques the /adillac? meter provides a uniform magnetic flu' distribution within the flow tube, allowing the meter to measure and sample uniformly the entire flow tube area. *n addition, the electronics provide high frequency 0/ square wave signal generation and flow signal sampling, enabling fast response to turbulent or tumbling flow conditions. *n practice, this means the /adillac? magnetic flow meters do not require piping straight run or flow conditioning, and may be installed ne't to elbows, tees, valves, etc. without any effect in meter accuracy or stability. *n comparison, the straight pipe run requirements for all other magnetic flow meters are as follows6 0ownstream of the meter6 <'pander (&-8) diameters "ee - (&-8) diameters <lbow - (&-8) diameters Aalves - (&->-) diameters 3pstream of the meter6 <'pander - (>-) diameters "ees - (8) diameters <lbow (8) diameters Aalves - (>-) diameters
3nlike other technologies such as the /adillac? Aorte' flow meter, magnetic flow meters do not have a low flow cutoff, essentially allowing the meter to read to 1ero. +ith such a wide flow range capability for the technology, most applications can be addressed with meters at full line si1e. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS >.Meter will consist of a full-bore body with encapsulated and rigidly retained set of coils. &.Meter available with remote or integral electronics. #.Meter available with local or remote indication or blind housings. ,.Meter available with pulse and analog (,-&- mA) outputs. 8.Meter will provide instantaneous and totali1ed flow available at local indicator or remotely through outputs. C.Meter measures flow using araday!s law (*nduce voltage is directly proportional to the velocity of the conductive liquid) B.Meter (-factor is stable and not influenced by e'ternal piping or mounting orientation. D.Meter will have uniform magnetic field flu' distribution eliminating piping straight run and flow profiling. E.Meter will measure fluids with conductivity greater than or equal to 8.- u$%cm& Meter fluid temperature range6 (>,F to &,DF) with integral electronics and GA liner. >-.Meter flow tube operating pressure rating6 A)$* >8- or A)$* #-- >>.Meter power supply6 >---&,- AA/, 8-%C- :1 or &,Adc. Gower consumption appro'imately >- watts APPLICATIONS >.0ata $ource for energy management system, 0/$, district-wide systems. &.<nergy-/ustomer billing from accurately totali1ed flow measurements. #.=asis for internal cost distribution using campus-wide systems. ,.Grocess monitoring from central control rooms. 8./ooling%heating load flows for :ydronic systems. C.Grocess flows of all liquid types (acids, caustics, abrasives, high suspended solids) B.All pumped condensate flows.