Boil-Off Gas Calculations
Boil-Off Gas Calculations
Boil-Off Gas Calculations
Applied Energy
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Various strategies to recover BOG are explored with energy requirement comparison.
BOG can be recovered to increase revenue of LNG plant and benefit the environment.
BOG generation can be decreased economically by sub-cooling LNG.
Heat leaks through LNG equipment are calculated.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is becoming one of the prominent clean energy sources with its abundance,
Received 2 April 2015 high calorific value, and low emission and price. Vapors generated from LNG due to heat leak are called
Received in revised form 28 June 2015 boil-off gas (BOG). As world-wide LNG productions are in an increasingly growth, BOG generation and
Accepted 15 July 2015
handling problems become more critical subject to more intense global competitions and stricter envi-
ronmental regulations. In this study, typical C3-MR process, storage facilities, and loading facilities are
modeled and simulated to study BOG generation at LNG exporting terminals, including LNG processing,
storage, and berth loading areas. Factors causing BOG are presented, and quantities of BOG generated due
Boil off gas
to each factor at each location are calculated under different LNG temperatures. Various strategies to
Flare minimization minimize, recover, and reuse BOG are also studied for their feasibility and energy requirements. The
Natural gas study would help proper handling of BOG problems in terms of minimizing flaring at LNG exporting ter-
C3-MR process minals, and thus reducing waste, saving energy, and protecting surrounding environments.
BOG recovery Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0306-2619/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641 629
bubble point is below 161 °C, which requires a huge amount of plants [19,20]. Therefore, the C3-MR process is used in this study.
energy for liquefaction operations. Note that the huge difference Steady-state simulation tool Aspen Plus v8.2 software is used to
between LNG processing temperature and the ambient tempera- simulate NG liquefaction, LNG loading, and BOG recovery
ture can easily cause heat leak in spite of careful insulations. The processes.
heat leak makes some LNG vaporize, where the vapors generated
are called boil-off gas (BOG). To avoid the overpressure in LNG 2.1. Base case simulation
containers, it is necessary to relieve BOG periodically. BOG mainly
contains the lightest compounds from LNG, i.e., methane and nitro- In the base case of C3-MR process, propane is used to precool
gen. Not having proper BOG recovery facility will lead to flaring of natural gas while mixed refrigerant is used for chilling process
BOG, which will result in wastage of material and energy, and envi- for liquefaction. The simulated C3-MR process is partly based on
ronmental pollutions. Limiting climate change [5] would require process flow and process conditions described by Ravavarapu
substantial and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) et al. [21]. Soave–Redlich–Kwong (SRK) cubic equation of state is
emissions [6]. A range of policies have been made for mitigation used as the property method based on the suggestion of Aspen
of GHG emissions in different sectors, and these policies are being Plus for gas processing and hydrocarbon systems. Fig. 1 shows
implemented effectively by many countries [7]. Various tools for the process flow diagram for this liquefaction process. An LNG
reduction of GHG emissions include: (a) increase of shares of plant with 4.3 MTPA capacity is simulated using Aspen Plus v8.2.
renewables, (b) increase of energy efficiency, (c) flare minimization The feed flow rate is calculated to be 600,000 kg/h. The feed com-
through proper planning and scheduling operations, avoiding pro- position is given in Table 1. The sweet natural gas enters the plant
cess upsets, using better process control, utilizing end flash gases, at 50 bar and 25 °C. The ambient temperature is set as 15 °C. The
(d) minimize venting and fugitive emissions, (e) use of cleaner natural gas is precooled to 34 °C using propane refrigeration
fuels, and (f) Carbon capture and sequestration [8]. Methane has cycle. The mixed refrigerant (MR) cycle is also precooled using pro-
about 26 times higher radiative efficiency than CO2, thus it is more pane refrigeration cycle. MR’s model composition includes 40%
dangerous to release methane into environment [9]. The global CO2 methane, 35% ethane, 15% propane, and 10% nitrogen. After the
emissions from flaring of unused gas (natural gas) during oil pro- NG is dried and sent to Scrubber for heavy hydrocarbon removal,
duction was about 250 million tonnes in 2011 [10]. Methane was it is directed to nitrogen removal unit (NRU) to separate excess
the second-highest contributor to total GHG emissions during nitrogen. There are different methods to remove nitrogen from
1990 and 2012 [11]. Therefore, it is important to avoid venting NG [22–24]. For NRU units in the simulation, it is assumed that
and flaring of boil-off gas. 75% of nitrogen from NRU-feed is removed to fuel gas stream com-
LNG industries are actually facing BOG problems in different ing out of the NRU, and 1.3% of methane from the feed is lost in the
sectors of the LNG supply chain: during LNG production, storage, fuel gas stream. After NRU, sweet, dry, and pure NG meeting spec-
loading, transportation, and unloading processes. BOG generation ification requirements is sent to bottom section of main cryogenic
during transportation [12–14] and during unloading [15–18] have heat exchanger (MCHE). It is cooled to 112 °C using heavier part
been addressed in many literatures. However, based on the litera- of mixed refrigerant. At this point, natural gas has been in the liq-
ture search, it seems that BOG generation at exporting terminals uid form at 49.3 bar. However, this temperature is still higher than
are still lacking systematic studies. Roughly, BOG generations at the bubble point of LNG at the storage pressure. Thus, it is further
exporting terminals range from 1% to over 3% of the produced chilled in top portion of MCHE by the lighter part of MR.
LNG. If they were not recovered and reused, the total amount of Finally, the LNG exits the main cryogenic heat exchanger at
material lost world-wide would be at least equivalent to the capac- 162 °C and 49 bar with the flow rate of 505,262 kg/h. The compo-
ity of one mid-scale LNG plant. Furthermore, due to more intensive sition of this effluent stream is given in Table 1. The LNG flash, stor-
global competitions and stricter environmental regulations, BOG age, and loading sections are simulated as shown in Fig. 2, where
flaring is becoming more unacceptable. If this BOG issue at LNG the LNG stream from MCHE is flashed to depressurize down to
exporting terminals is not addressed properly and in time, losses the storage pressure of 1.06 bar at ‘‘DEPRESS’’ tank. The flashing
of valuable materials and energy plus air pollutions would be sig- creates BOG, named as FBOG for the flash tank BOG. The pumping
nificantly greater than ever due to the LNG industry expansions and piping system is also simulated in order to include hydraulic
worldwide. Therefore, BOG minimization at LNG exporting termi- calculations, and heat added to LNG by the pumps. The liquid from
nals needs special considerations. the flash tank is then pumped to storage tanks through a 12 in.
In this study, typical C3-MR process, storage facilities, and load- pipeline represented by blocks P1 and P2. The equivalent pipe
ing facilities are modeled and simulated to study BOG generation length from flash tank to storage tanks is assumed to be 1000 m,
at LNG exporting terminals, including LNG processing, storage, with an elevation of 60 m (based on the overall height of the stor-
and berth loading areas. Factors causing BOG are presented, and age tank). The total LNG volumetric flow rate fed to storage tanks is
quantities of BOG generated due to each factor at each location calculated as 1133 m3/h at 1.06 bar.
are calculated under different LNG temperatures. Various strate- Two storage tanks (‘‘STORAGE1’’ and ‘‘STORAGE2’’ in Fig. 2)
gies to minimize, recover, and reuse BOG are also studied for their with LNG storage capacity 168,000 m3 each are considered in the
feasibility and energy requirements. The study would help proper study. The settings of the inner diameter of the storage tanks is
handling of BOG problems in terms of minimizing flaring at LNG 70 m; the inner height is 43.75 m, such that the D/H ratio 1.6.
exporting terminals, and thus reducing waste, saving energy, and Above ground full-containment type LNG storage tanks is consid-
protecting surrounding environments. ered. The tank design, insulation scheme, and heat leak calcula-
tions are explained in Section 2.3.1. The produced LNG is equally
2. BOG minimization and recovery strategies and process divided and fed to each storage tanks (‘‘STORAGE1’’ and
simulation ‘‘STORAGE2’’ in Fig. 2). During the storage, BOG generated from
storage tanks is named as TBOG.
There are several main LNG processes used in industries: (1) The LNG ship cargo is considered to have four moss type spher-
C3-MR process developed by Air Products & Chemicals Inc.; (2) ical tanks (‘‘SHIP-T1’’ through ‘‘SHIP-T4’’) with a total 143,000 m3
Cascade process developed by ConocoPhillips; (3) Duel Mixed storage capacity. The geometry of the tanks and calculation of heat
Refrigerant process by Shell; and (4) Mixed Fluid Cascade process leak through these tanks are explained in Section 2.3.2. Note that
by Linde Engineering. The C3-MR process is used in most LNG each LNG plant can be different in several aspects such as feed
630 Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641
Mixed Refrigerant
Cooling Water
Air Cooling
Table 1 originating from the two storage tanks. In Fig. 2, one of these
NG and LNG stream composition.
streams is indicated as ‘‘Note-1’’ to depict its location in the flow
NG (feed) LNG (from MCHE) sheet. In reality, this added amount of LNG is supplied from the
Mass % Mole % Mass % Mole % previously stored LNG. In our simulation, the adjustment is made
that the additional LNG stream would use exactly the same compo-
Methane 80.0 87.48 92.83 96.21
Ethane 6.0 3.50 4.99 2.76 sition, temperature, and pressure as those of the liquid outlet
Propane 2.0 0.80 0.71 0.27 stream of ‘‘STORAGE1’’ and ‘‘STORAGE2’’ in Fig. 2, so that the addi-
n-Butane 1.0 0.30 0.12 0.03 tional stream only adjusts the flow rate of loading line to a fixed
i-Butane 1.0 0.30 0.12 0.03 value by adding the required amount of LNG. This setting is
n-Pentane 0.5 0.12 0.05 0.01
i-Pentane 0.5 0.12 0.05 0.01
dynamic, meaning that change in the properties of liquid outlet
Nitrogen 4.0 2.50 1.13 0.67 stream of storage tank will automatically update properties of
Water 5.0 4.87 0.00 0.00 the corresponding additional stream used to meet a constant
LNG loading rate. This adjustment would not affect the BOG gener-
ation in the storage tank, but will reflect realistic results as long as
and product compositions, methods used for liquefaction, ambient
there is enough LNG flows into the storage tanks to absorb all the
temperature, jetty length, and cargo loading frequency. In this base
heat leak.
case, a long jetty is considered, where the BOG generation is signif-
During the LNG loading, the generated BOG is removed from
icant. Pumps PMP1 through PMP4 are LNG loading pumps. Two
ship tanks to maintain the tank pressure. In real processing, the
pipelines with 24 in. diameter are designated for the LNG loading.
remaining material would accumulate in the ship tank in the form
The equivalent piping length of 6000 m is considered from the
of liquid. Due to limitations of steady state simulation, this liquid
storage area to the ship tanks. The elevation of 50 m is assumed
had to be sent out of the ship tank. As shown in Fig. 2, all four ship
for these pipelines. The piping is represented by pipes P3, P4, P5,
tanks (‘‘SHIP-T1’’ through ‘‘SHIP-T4’’) have provided with liquid
and P6 as shown in Fig. 2. The maximum LNG loading rate is con-
outlet streams in the simulation. This modeling treatment would
sidered to be 10,000 m3/h. This loading rate is used for the simula-
not have any effect on BOG generation from ship tanks but reflect
tion, so that the maximum amount of BOG generation can be
the realistic process. The BOG generated at ship, while loading is in
estimated, and capacities of new BOG recovery equipment can be
process, is named as JBOG for jetty BOG.
identified. It is also assumed that the LNG being loaded is equally
withdrawn from each storage tanks, and each loading line has a
flow rate of 5000 m3/h. 2.2. BOG generation factors
Since the LNG production rate is lower than the LNG loading
rate, the additional LNG stream has to be used to supply the differ- At an LNG plant and exporting terminal, BOG is generated due
ence. Such a stream is used for each of two LNG loading lines to five main factors: (1) depressurization of LNG (flashing); (2) heat
Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641 631
Water Body
added by equipment like pumps; (3) tank breathing or vapor dis- of net liquid loading rate. The calculator block is set to add BOG of
placement; (4) heat leaks through containers and pipelines, and volume equal to liquid feed volume at tank pressure (not at feed
(5) LNG carrying vessels being relatively hot while loading LNG. pressure). The composition and other properties (e.g., density and
The difference between factors (4) and (5) is that for factor (4), temperature) of the additional stream is copied from the vapor out-
the temperature of the equipment (at a particular point) is almost let stream of the corresponding tank. The calculator block is set to
constant; whereas in factor (5), equipment needs to be cooled to update the values for every change in tank feed condition or any
achieve isothermal state. For factor (4), heat transfer is from ambi- other simulation parameters. In Fig. 2, one of these BOG addition
ent environment to LNG, and is due to the temperature difference streams is indicated by ‘‘Note-2’’ to depict its location. This BOG
between LNG/BOG and the ambient. But in factor (5), the heat stream represents the BOG generation due to vapor displacement.
transfer is from the container material, and is due to higher tem- Such a stream is used for each of the two storage tanks and four ship
perature of the tank. tanks. Factor (3) is not applicable to flash tank (‘‘DEPRESS’’ in Fig. 2),
In our case studies, feed to each tank (flash tank, storage tanks, because it does not store LNG, and liquid level in the flash tank is
and ship tanks) is set to flash at tank pressure. Pumps and piping sys- maintained at a constant value.
tems are simulated in order to include hydraulic calculations. Thus, In order to cover factor (4) in the simulation, normal designs for
factors (1) and (2) are considered automatically. For factor (3), tank tanks and pipelines are used to calculate overall heat transfer coef-
breathing involves the vapor fed to or removed from a tank to main- ficient of the equipment (U). Based on U, surface area, and temper-
tain its pressure. During the net liquid unloading from a tank, the liq- ature difference, the total heat leak into equipment can be
uid volume decreased shall be filled with some vapors in order to calculated in advance and then used as the heat duty for tanks
maintain the tank pressure, which is called vapor replacement. and pipelines in our simulations. Note that the heat leak through
Whereas, during the net liquid loading of a tank, the fed liquid will flash tank (‘‘DEPRESS’’ in Fig. 2) is neglected in this study.
displace some vapors; these vapors shall be removed from the tank However, the heat leak through LNG storage tanks is not negligible.
in order to maintain the tank pressure, which is called vapor dis- The details about heat leak calculations are discussed in the
placement. In the simulation, the amount of vapors generated due Section 2.3. Heat leak through pipelines is also calculated based
to feed flash is already considered in the vapor outlet stream of on overall heat transfer coefficient, size, and temperature gradient.
the corresponding tank. Thus, to calculate amount of BOG due to The heat leak through pipelines is temporarily stored in pipeline
vapor displacement, it requires the addition of some BOG amount LNG and later results in vapor generation after flashing in storage
based only on the liquid part of the tank feed. The amount of BOG tanks or ship tanks. Therefore, vapors generated due to feed flash
generation due to factor (3) is considered in our simulation by using in storage and ship tanks represent BOG generation due to pressure
a calculator block. This BOG amount is directly related to the volume changes, heat added by pumps, and heat leak through pipelines.
632 Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641
Factor (5) is applicable to cargo tanks. When cargo tank returns Table 3
from LNG unloading terminal to LNG loading terminal, it carries LNG storage tank – design and materials of construction.
some minimum amount of LNG (called heel) to keep tanks cold. Material of layer (from inside Thermal conductivity Thickness
Still the ship tank temperatures are relatively higher than LNG outwards) (W/(m K)) (cm)
temperature. In this case, the cargo initial temperature of Side wall
100 °C before loading is assumed. The cooling duty required to 1 9% Ni Steel 18.3 4
bring the ship-tanks down to LNG temperature ( 162 °C) is calcu- 2 Insulation – Perlite 0.03 80
3 Pre-stressed Concrete 1.5 50
lated using the following factors – heat capacity and mass of the
tank materials, and the difference between original tank tempera- Roof
1 Aluminum (Flat) 100 0.2
ture (100 °C) and target temperature ( 162 °C). At different time 2 Insulation – Glass Wool 0.05 30
during loading, the heating values would change along with the 3 Insulation – Perlite 0.03 80
LNG loading rate. Note that the maximum LNG loading rate should 4 Reinforced Concrete (ellipsoid 1.5 30
occur only after ship tank cooling is completed to avoid excessive shaped)
thermal shock to the tank material. Bottom
Factor (5), container being hot, is not applicable to flash 1 9% Ni Steel 18.3 0.5
2 Secondary 9% Ni Steel 18.3 0.5
tank or storage tanks onshore. This is because LNG production is
3 Insulation – Cellular Glass 0.045 45
in continuous operation, which makes flash and storage tanks 4 Concrete Base Slab (above 1.5 30
generally work at constant temperatures with respect to time, bottom heater)
and thus require no precooling/cooling, as needed during plant
start-ups. However, the change in temperature gradient due to
listed in Table 3. The average liquid height in the storage tanks is
LNG/BOG/air temperature change will affect heat flux. This
assumed to be 80% of tank inner height. In the simulation, storage
situation has been taken into consideration and are classified
tanks are defined as having flat heads.
under factor (4). The factors considered for all three BOG genera-
LNG, BOG, air, and nitrogen properties used for film coefficient
tion locations are summarized in Table 2. The FBOG amount in
calculations are listed in Table 4. The properties shown for LNG and
Table 2 directly represents BOG only due to depressurization of
BOG are at 162 °C (storage temperature), those for air and nitro-
LNG from 49 bar (production pressure) to 1.06 bar (storage
gen are at 15 °C (the ambient temperature).
Note that the LNG loading section is in holding mode when no
2.3.2. Heat leak through cargo tank
ship tank is being loaded; otherwise, it is in loading mode when
LNG cargo with four moss type spherical tanks having the total
ship tanks are being loaded. Based on the production rate and
capacity of 143,000 m3 is considered in this study. Diameter of one
cargo volumes, loading frequency at a loading terminal may vary.
tank is calculated to be 40.9 m. The tank wall is set to be made of
The base case represents the loading mode at peak LNG loading
5 cm thick 9% Ni steel inner layer and 22 cm thick rigid polyur-
rate of 10,000 m3/h at 1.06 bar.
ethane insulation. Thus, the thermal conductivity of 9% Ni steel is
18.3 W/(m K), and that for polyurethane foam is 0.025 W/(m K).
2.3. Heat leak calculation
2.3.3. Heat leak through piping
Heat leak from surroundings into the LNG tank can occur
The average heat transfer coefficients for LNG pipes is assumed
through conduction, convection, and radiation. To calculate con-
to be 0.26 W/(m2 K) [27], and that for BOG pipes is 0.5 W/(m2 K).
vective heat transfer coefficient for various situation, appropriate
Absolute roughness for 9% Ni steel pipe used for LNG flow is taken
empirical correlations [25,26] are used involving dimensionless
as 30 lm, and that for SS/CS pipe used for BOG flow is 45 lm.
numbers: Prandtl number (Pr), Grashof number (Gr), Rayleigh
Details of pipe parameters used are given in Table 5.
number (Ra), Nusselt number (Nu), Reynolds Number (Re).
Iterative calculating method is used to find out layer temperatures.
2.4. BOG minimization strategies
The overall heat transfer coefficients are calculated based on
LNG temperature of 162 °C and air temperature of 15 °C, which
BOG generation is mainly caused by heat leak to LNG in some
is assumed to be constants in all cases of the simulations. The
form. If the LNG temperature is low enough to be able to absorb
change in LNG temperature has negligible effect on U, because
this heat and still remain liquid, BOG generation can be reduced
the insulation resistance has the dominant effect on U compared
significantly. The degree of LNG sub-cooling, and its effect on
to the effect of the change in film coefficients of LNG, BOG and air.
BOG generation have been studied in this section. Sub-cooling
requires more refrigeration energy. Whereas, BOG recycle/recovery
2.3.1. Heat leak through storage tank requires energy for compression and other recovery processes.
Full containment type LNG storage tanks are considered for There should be an optimal temperature of LNG, where the total
heat leak calculations, each with a capacity of about 168,000 m3, cost is at a minimum.
inner diameter 78 m, and inner height of 43.75 m. In general, the
full containment LNG storage tank design includes layers of metal,
2.4.1. LNG sub-cooling in MCHX
insulation, and concrete. The major layers from inside outwards
The effects of sub-cooling LNG on different BOG generation fac-
along with their values of thermal conductivity and thickness are
tors would be different. BOG generated due to flashing can be
reduced by sub-cooling LNG, but that due to vapor displacement
Table 2
Factors considered for each BOG generation location.
is unavoidable. If flashing after MCHE is not intended for nitrogen
rejection, then LNG can be subcooled in MCHE to reduce BOG.
(1) FL (2) HE (3) VD (4) HL (5) HT Power requirement for C3 and MR refrigerant cycles to achieve var-
FBOG Y Y NA N N ious LNG temperatures in MCHX is calculated. For each case of LNG
TBOG Y Y Y Y N temperature from 160 °C to 168 °C, refrigerant quantities are
changed to keep minimum refrigerant flow rate to achieve the
Y – Considered, NA – Not Applicable, N – Not Considered. corresponding LNG temperature.
Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641 633
Table 5
LNG and BOG pipe parameters.
Block name in simulation Location Diameter (in.) Absolute roughness (lm) Pipe material
LNG pipes P1, P2 From plant to LNG storage tanks 12 30 9% Ni Steel
P3, P4, P5, P6 From storage tanks to ship tanks (2 lines) 24 30 9% Ni Steel
BOG Pipes P7, P8, P9, P10 From LNG ship to storage area, and to plant (in series) 24 45 SS or CS
P11, P12, P13 From storage tanks to plant 10 45 SS or CS
634 Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641
C3 Cycle
MR Cycle
BOG Vapor
material (methane and nitrogen from BOG). Because of BOG fed to 2.5.3. Liquefy BOG on shore
NRU, the nitrogen recycle to the plant will be less as compared to After the fulfillment of fuel gas requirements of the plant,
not using an NRU. Fig. 4 shows the setup for this BOG recovery excess BOG can be re-liquefied. This will increase LNG production
strategy. of the plant. The same refrigeration cycle used to liquefy natural
gas can be used to re-liquefy BOG, if this increased loads are within
2c. Feed BOG to MCHX (after NRU) the capacity of the refrigeration units. This strategy saves the cap-
ital investment required to build separate refrigeration facility.
Direct BOG feed to MCHE without nitrogen removal is studied However, it may create controllability issues since the BOG gener-
for its feasibility and effects on compression power require- ation rate changes significantly during LNG loading time periods.
ments. Precooling of BOG is also tried to reduce the load on Fig. 5 shows the setup of BOG liquefaction using C3-MR cycles
the MR cycle. for Strategy 3a. Fig. 6 shows the use of nitrogen refrigeration cycle
Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641 635
C3 Cycle
MR Cycle
BOG Vapor
Liquefied BOG
Fig. 5. BOG liquefaction on shore using the same C3-MR cycle (BOG recovery strategy 3a).
[29] for BOG liquefaction for Strategy 3c. For cases 3c and 3d, BOG that of MR is 1,300,000 kg/h. The LNG coming out of MCHX is at
recovery area can be close to the LNG storage area, since no refrig- 162 °C and 49 bar. The composition of this LNG stream is shown
erant from the plant is being used. in Table 1. The LNG leaving flash tank ‘‘DEPRESS’’ contained
methane 92.93%, ethane 5.03%, and nitrogen 0.97% by mass. The
2.5.4. Liquefy BOG on berth LNG is transferred from the plant to storage tanks by using pump
If the BOG liquefaction facility can be installed on the berth PMP, which has the outlet pressure of 6 bar. The pressure drop
area, jetty BOG can be liquefied and added immediately to the ship across pipes P1 and P2 is 4.26 bar. The quantity of LNG fed to
tanks being loaded. This will avoid transportation of BOG back to two storage tanks is 1133 m3/h. Net liquid fed to two storage tanks,
the shore. However, ship loadings are in batch operations. Thus, i.e., excluding TBOG, is about 1123 m3/h.
the corresponding start-up and shut-down of BOG liquefaction fre- LNG at outlet of storage tank contained methane 93.0%,
quently might cause problems. Further storage of the refrigerants Ethane 5.08%, and nitrogen 0.84% by mass. Each of pumps used
will add complexity to the problem. Transfer of on-shore refriger- for LNG ship loading has the flow rate of 2500 m3/h with the out-
ant to berth area has been considered, and energy required for let pressure at 10 bar. The total pressure drop across pipes P3
transportation and heat loss due to additional piping is calculated. and P4 is about 7.48 bar. Similarly, the total pressure drop across
pipes P5 and P6 is about 7.48 bar. LNG fed to each ship tank is
2.5.5. Use BOG as makeup gas about 2500 m3/h. Net liquid fed to all the four ship tanks, i.e.,
During the loading mode, LNG storage tank needs some gas feed excluding JBOG, is about 9950 m3/h with the composition of
to maintain its pressure and avoid vacuum operations. The BOG methane 93.04%, ethane 5.11%, propane 0.73%, and nitrogen
generation rate in storage tanks is much lower than the volume 0.76% by mass.
of LNG being withdrawn from the tanks during the LNG ship load-
ing. The BOG can be used as make-up gas for the storage tanks. 3.2. Quantities of BOG generated
BOG colder than ambient temperature will add less heat as com-
pared to using other gases at the ambient temperature. The BOG According to the base case simulation, the generated amount of
generation rate is not constant with time, however, JBOG genera- FBOG is 4897 kg/h with 82.7% methane and 17.2% nitrogen by
tion rate is higher than the make-up gas required for storage tanks mass. TBOG generation is 6905 kg/h with 84.8% methane and
as buffers. Therefore, a necessary amount of BOG can be diverted to about 15.2% nitrogen by mass. JBOG generation is 45,109 kg/h with
storage tanks and the remaining is utilized in other recovery pro- 86% methane and 13.9% nitrogen by mass.
cesses. This strategy cannot be simulated using steady state Quantity of FBOG depends on LNG composition, temperature,
simulation. and pressure. Quantity of TBOG depends on tank feed conditions
as well as several other factors like overall heat transfer coeffi-
3. Simulation results and discussions cients, surface area of the tank, liquid level in the tank. An 80%
average liquid level is assumed in the steady-state simulation.
3.1. Base case results Based on design specifications of LNG storage tanks, BOG genera-
tion from the tanks due to heat leaks varies within the range of
For the chosen natural gas composition and the designated flow 0.05–0.1 vol% of the tank per day for different tank designs.
rate of 600,000 kg/h, the amount of C3 used is 1,600,000 kg/h, and TBOG generation is 6905 kg/h for two storage tanks. Note that
636 Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641
Temperature (C)
Pressure (bar)
Vapor Fraction
BOG Vapor
Liquefied BOG
Nitrogen Cycle
Fig. 6. BOG liquefaction on shore with liquid N2 refrigeration cycle (BOG recovery strategy 3c).
the amount contains vapor displacement by the inflow liquid vol- 0.8% of transferred LNG per ship loading [30]. Since maximum
ume, which is 1123 m3/h. As the density of TBOG at 1.06 bar is instantaneous JBOG generation is considered for the steady state
2.02 kg/m3, the BOG mass due to vapor displacement is calculated simulation, it is higher than the reported average value for one ship
as 2268 kg/h. The feed to the storage tanks is flashed at 1.06 bar. loading. Instantaneous jetty-BOG rates vary with LNG loading rate
According to the simulation, it generates 947 kg/h vapors due to and ship tank precooling rate. In this study, the maximum JBOG
depressurization, heat added by pump, and heat leak through generation is considered for the study of BOG recovery process,
LNG piping lines. Thus, the BOG from storage tanks due to heat leak because design of additional equipment required for BOG recovery
only is about 3690 kg/h, which is obtained by subtracting BOG due should be based on maximum capacity needs, i.e., the maximum
to depressurization and vapor displacement from the total TBOG BOG rates.
amount. This is BOG generated due to heat leak from two storage
tanks. Therefore, the BOG generated in one storage tank equals 3.3. Heat leak calculation results
1845 kg/h, which is equivalent to 4.18 m3/h (100 m3/day) of
LNG volume based on LNG density of 441.4 kg/m3 at the storage The calculated heat transfer coefficients for tanks and pipes are
pressure. For a storage tank with a capacity of 168,000 m3, this is shown in the Table 6. Quantities of heat leaks through pipes are
0.06 vol% of BOG generation per day, which is within the range given from simulation results. For storage tank and ship tank, the
of normal tank design specifications. overall heat transfer coefficients are calculated at reference tem-
Jetty BOG amount for the base case simulation is 1.02% of LNG perature of 162 °C for LNG and BOG. Values for heat leak by radi-
loaded. Normal range of Jetty BOG generation is reported as 0.6– ation are given in Table 7.
Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641 637
Table 6
Heat transfer calculations.
UAi – overall heat transfer coefficient based on inside surface area; Ai – inside surface area, DT – temperature gradient; QC – heat transfer by conduction and convection.
Table 7
Heat leaks by radiation (QR) for storage tanks and ship tanks.
Table 8
LNG sub-cooling effect on BOG quantity and LNG temperature at various locations.
3.4. Simulation results of BOG minimization strategies Strategy 3a includes BOG compression to 50 bar as well as its liq-
uefaction using C3-MR refrigerants. In Fig. 7, Series-1 (blue line)
For different LNG temperatures, contribution of each shows1 compressor power consumed by refrigerants to liquefy and
BOG-generation-factor in generating FBOG, TBOG, and JBOG is sub-cool LNG. This trend goes up with decrease in LNG temperature.
given in Table 8. For different degree of LNG sub-cooling in Series-2 (orange trend) shows total power consumption for LNG pro-
MCHE, the corresponding LNG temperatures at various locations cess and BOG compression. Total energy usage increases slightly
(viz. after flash, in storage tank, and in ship tank) are also given with decrease in LNG temperature, up to 165 °C. Then it decreases
in Table 8. More sub-cooling of LNG resulted in increased loads drastically till 165.8 °C, and again starts increasing. Series-3 (green
on refrigeration cycles. On the other hand, LNG sub-cooling trend) shows total power for LNG process, BOG compression, and
decreased BOG, and resulted in less energy requirement for BOG BOG liquefaction using refrigerants. For Series-3, BOG recovery pro-
compression and recovery. There should be an optimum condition cess requires relatively high energy, therefore saving this energy by
between these opposite trends, where energy requirement is min- decreasing BOG amount compensates additional energy spent for
imum. For this, total energy requirement for LNG sub-cooling and sub-cooling LNG. The trend always goes down with decrease in
BOG recovery are calculated. The refrigeration power requirement LNG temperature, until BOG reaches its lowest possible value.
is based on minimum amounts of refrigerants used to achieve cor- Therefore, as long as BOG amounts are decreasing, sub-cooling
responding LNG temperature in MCHX. Two separate BOG recovery LNG is always economic in this case. For the both BOG recovery
processes were chosen – BOG compression to 50 bar to use BOG as
fuel gas (Strategy 1), and BOG liquefaction using Strategy 3a. 1
For interpretation of color in Fig. 7, the reader is referred to the web version of
Strategy 1 requires lower energy as compared to other Strategies. this article.
638 Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641
Compression Power
Compression Cost
Series3 250
200 20
270 150 15
100 10
50 5
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
-168 -167 -166 -165 -164 -163 -162 -161 -160
Pressure (bar)
LNG Temperature (°C) at outlet of MCHX Fig. 9. Cost of BOG compression.
Flash BOG 50,000 at 165 °C. It can be seen that decrease in total BOG amounts is
significant for LNG sub-cooled between 165 and 165.8 °C. This
is when the effect of LNG sub-cooling reaches JBOG, and JBOG
30,000 amount decreases. Therefore, the ‘total energy consumption’
trends in Fig. 7 decreases sharply when LNG temperature changes
20,000 from 165 °C to 165.8 °C. Once BOG generation from flashing,
10,000 pumping energy, and heat leaks (Factor (1), (2) and (4)), become
negligible, BOG generation is mainly due to vapor displacement
0 (Factor (3)). TBOG below 165 °C LNG temperature, and JBOG
-168 -167 -166 -165 -164 -163 -162 -161 -160
below 165.8 °C LNG temperature are due to vapor displacement,
LNG Temperature (°C) at outlet of MCHX thus remain almost constant even with decrease in LNG tempera-
Fig. 8. BOG amounts with respect to LNG temperature.
ture. Change in JBOG due to Factor (5), needs to be studied using
dynamic simulation.
Considering time averaged BOG generation rate at exporting
Table 9 terminal in the range of 2–4% of LNG produced, and about 300
Compression duties for FBOG, TBOG, and JBOG. MTPA LNG production worldwide, the range of BOG generation
Flow (kg/h) Duty (kW) Pressure (bar) Temperature (°C) at LNG exporting terminals would be 6–12 MTPA. Fig. 8 and
Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
Table 8 show BOG reduction over 60% due to sub-cooling LNG. If
this indicates actual BOG reduction that can be achieved at LNG
CMP-FBOG 4897 75 1.06 2.0 161.4 134.3
CMP-TBOG 6905 107 1.06 2.0 161.2 134.1
exporting terminal, global reduction in BOG can be 3.6–7.2
CMP-JBOG 45,109 703 1.06 2.0 161.1 134.0 MTPA. Methane content of this BOG ranges from 2.7 to 6.9
MTPA. If total BOG at exporting terminals is being flared, the
Table 10
List of additional equipment required for each BOG recovery strategy.
Energy required = Compression cost for BOG and refrigerants for BOG recovery purpose.
Energy recovered = BOG recovered Methane mass fraction Calorific value of methane.
Calculated for fuel gas pressure of 50 bar.
Applicable to JBOG only.
Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641 639
Table 11
BOG as feed gas (BOG recovery strategy 2).
Table 12
BOG liquefaction on shore (BOG recovery strategy 3).
Liquefied BOG fed to LNG storage tanks? (Y/N) BOG recovery strategy
3a 3b 3c 3d
Refrigerant C3-MR C3-MR LIN LIN
Duty (MW) of refrigerant compressor Base case 258.9 258.9 NA NA
N 298.1 298.4 104.0 104.1
Y 298.0 298.3 103.9 104.0
Duty (MW) of BOG compressors Base casec 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5
N 13.6 13.5 12.7 12.7
Y 13.6 13.8 12.7 12.7
Power generationa NA NA 10.6 10.6
N2 stream from NRU2 kg/h (N2 mass%) N 6771 (90.6) NA 6771 (90.6) NA
Y 7814 (92.0) NA 7895 (87.0) NA
FBOG2b kg/h (N2 mass%) N 1726 (38.3) 6074 (68.6) 1727 (38.3) 6075 (68.6)
Y 1986 (42.0) 10,759 (82.1) 2007 (42.4) 11,009 (83.0)
TBOG kg/h (N2 mass%) Y 7426 (17.8) 8801 (28.6) 7243 (18.0) 8807 (28.8)
JBOG kg/h (N2 mass%) Y 45,366 (16.6) 46,971 (25.7) 45,333 (16.7) 46,265 (27.0)
Total BOG recycled kg/h (N2 mass%) Y 57,689 (16.6) 60,668 (25.4) 57,473 (16.9) 59,969 (26.5)
NA – Not Applicable.
Power generation in MW, from nitrogen expander.
BOG generated by flashing of liquefied-BOG only (FBOG from main LNG stream is not included); This FBOG2 has high nitrogen content, thus not recycled to liquefaction
For BOG compression power, all BOG in base case is sent to the plant and compressed to 50 bar to calculate base case BOG compression duty.
reduction in BOG would represent emission reduction of comparison of energy requirements for various cases (such as –
9–22 Million tonnes CO2 equivalent (Mt CO2-eq) [31] over one year liquefied BOG recycled or not; NRU used or not) within a
(assumed 98% flare efficiency), and energy savings of 5–12 GW. BOG-recovery-strategy, is based on the constant amount of refrig-
Even if total BOG is being recovered, energy savings in BOG erants. The amount of energy required to recover BOG using vari-
re-liquefaction due to reduction in BOG amount will be approxi- ous strategies is given in Table 10. The list of additional
mately 0.3 to over 0.7 GW. Thus, sub-cooling LNG can help reduce equipment required in each strategy is also given.
emissions as well as costs.
If NG fed to MCHE is already within specification requirements, 3.5.1. Simulation results of BOG usage as fuel gas
particularly in nitrogen amount, FBOG can be theoretically reduced Energy utilization and cost associated with BOG compression
to zero. If LNG flashing is intended for nitrogen removal, then LNG from 1.01325 bar (standard atmospheric pressure) to pressures
can be subcooled after final flash, instead of sub-cooling immedi- between 2 bar and 70 bar is shown in Fig. 9. The cost calculation
ately after MCHX. End flash changes LNG composition, particularly is based on use of electricity utility at the rate of 0.0775 US $/kW h.
in methane and nitrogen content. If assume that LNG with different
composition is flashed to reduce nitrogen content, so that the com-
3.5.2. Simulation results of BOG usage as feed gas
position after flashing matches that from ‘‘Depress’’ block in Fig. 2,
The results for Strategies 2a and 2b are given in Table 11. For
then Table 8 would represent the TBOG and JBOG quantities cor-
BOG recovery strategy 2c, when nitrogen from BOG was not
rectly, even for the LNG stream which is sub-cooled after the flash.
removed, MCHX could not handle the hot feed, and there would
be temperature cross over occurred at inlet of MCXB. In the case
3.5. Simulation results of BOG recovery strategies 2c, BOG precooling and nitrogen removal is necessary to avoid
excessive load on MR cycle.
While sending BOG to LNG liquefaction plant, the pressure drop
for TBOG is 0.13 bar for 10 in. pipeline, and the pressure drop for 3.5.3. Simulation results of BOG liquefaction on shore
JBOG is 0.93 bar for 24 in. pipeline. The compressor duty for each For Strategies 3a and 3b, Fig. 5 shows BOG liquefaction using
BOG type is given in Table 9. Each compressor is assumed to have the same C3 and MR refrigeration cycles that are used in the base
isentropic efficiency of 0.72 and mechanical efficiency 0.9. The case. Results are given in Table 12.
640 Y.M. Kurle et al. / Applied Energy 156 (2015) 628–641
For Strategies 3c and 3d, Fig. 6 shows BOG liquefaction using and thus reducing waste, saving energy, and protecting surround-
separate refrigeration cycle. Liquid nitrogen is used as the refriger- ing environments. It also lays a solid foundation for future dynamic
ant. The nitrogen expander also drives turbine to generate electric- simulations on BOG minimization and recovery strategies to
ity. The amount of electricity generated is subtracted from energy explore their controllability and flexibility issues.
required to recover BOG using Strategy 3c and 3d, and net energy
requirement values for these strategies are shown in Table 10. The Acknowledgements
results for Strategy 3a through 3d are given in Table 12. For
Strategies 3c and 3d, BOG recovery area is assumed to be close to This work was supported in part by Texas Air Research Center
LNG storage area. Therefore, JBOG transportation distance headquartered at Lamar University and Graduate Student
decreases. Thus, the BOG compression cost decreases even when Scholarship from Lamar University.
the BOG amount increases. When BOG is liquefied, it is flashed to
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