Hema Lab
Hema Lab
Hema Lab
6. Absorb disinfectant with disposable material or ✓ Initials of the person who prepared the reagent.
allow disinfectant to dry. ✓ Date on which reagent is prepared.
7. Rinse spill site with water to remove odors. Dry ✓ Special requirements for storage and expiration
spill site to prevent slipping. date should be included.
8. Dispose of all contaminated materials used in
cleaning process in a biohazard container. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS):
• 1:10 for porous surface. ✓ Placed in the carton for describing all information
• 1:100 for hard smooth surfaces (bleach). necessary for the handling of the material
• 500 mg/L solution (1:100) for HBV in 10 mins. And (reagents)
HIV for 2 mins.
• 1% (1:5) dilution of bleach is for large spills SAFE DISPOSAL OF CHEMICALS:
(flooded and mixed) for 20 mins. ✓ Flushed down in the toilet – non-carcinogenic,
NOTE: some bleach corrode metal. dilute acid or alkaline reagents.
✓ Environmental Safety Specialist – contacted for
13. Protective Clothing Should Always Be specific instruction needed for chemical disposal.
worn in the laboratory but never outside
the laboratory. ELECTRIC HAZARDS:
• Frequent laundry is needed if lab ✓ Caused by inappropriate use or maintenance of
coats are not disposable electrical instruments.
(institutional laundry). ✓ Electrical shock, burns, fire explosions.
➢ Solid, liquid, gas may be ✓ Immediate replacement of frayed wires or
hazardous if transported, electrical connections.
handled, stored, or dispensed ✓ Inspection regularly.
inappropriately. ✓ All equipment must be grounded by 3-pronged
➢ Chemicals can be toxic, plug according to Occupational Safety and Health
flammable, carcinogenic. Act of 1970.
SAFE HANDLING OF CHEMICALS: ✓ Do not operate with wet hands.
• Improper use of cryogenic substance (stored at a ➢ Apply the tourniquet
very low temperature such as nitrogen) or ✓ 7.5 – 10 (3-4 inches).
substance capable of combustion. ➢ Select Exact Venipuncture Site
• Fire, explosion, or asphyxiation. ➢ Cleanse the area
➢ Inspect the needle
FIRE SAFETY: ➢ Preform venipuncture
• Dry chemical extinguisher – is popular due to its ➢ Release tourniquet
versatility (used in many types of fires). ➢ Position gauze over puncture site
• Fire blanket – for smothering small fires. ➢ Remove needle and apply pressure
• Cryogenic substances are not routinely used. • Specimen Preparation
➢ If syringe used, fill tubes
➢ Discard needle
➢ Label specimens
SPECIMEN COLLECTION: ➢ Transport specimens promptly and
• Patient identification
➢ Note Isolation Restrictions
➢ Note Patient Dietary Restrictions
✓ Not used for routine
➢ Reassure Patient
✓ Relieve apprehension.
➢ Verify Paperwork
➢ Position Patient
✓ Patient lying down (- 8% of packed
cell volume) due to hemodilution.
✓ Get out of bed,
hemoconcentration occurs.
• Assemble supplies and Equipment (Venipuncture)
✓ 19,20,21 is commonly used.
✓ 21 recommended for small difficult vein to
prevent from collapsing.
✓ Small needle can cause hemolysis
resulting to hemolyzed blood sample.
✓ Common length is 1-1.5.
➢ Select General Venipuncture Location