Prac 1 B
Prac 1 B
Prac 1 B
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18.02 Practice Exam 1B
Problem 1.
Let P , Q and R be the points at 1 on the x-axis, 2 on the y-axis and 3 on the z-axis, respectively.
−−� −−�
a) (6) Express QP and QR in terms of î, ĵ and k̂.
c) (5) Is the line through (1, 2, 3) and (2, 2, 0) parallel to the plane in part (b)? Explain why or
why not.
Problem 3. A ladybug is climbing on a Volkswagen Bug (= VW). In its starting position, the
the surface of the VW is represented by the unit semicircle x2 + y 2 = 1, y � 0 in the xy-plane. The
road is represented as the x-axis. At time t = 0 the ladybug starts at the front bumper, (1, 0), and
walks counterclockwise around the VW at unit speed relative to the VW. At the same time the
VW moves to the right at speed 10.
a) (15) Find the parametric formula for the trajectory of the ladybug, and find its position when
it reaches the rear bumper. (At t = 0, the rear bumper is at (−1, 0).)
b) (10) Compute the speed of the bug, and find where it is largest and smallest. Hint: It is easier
to work with the square of the speed.
Problem 4.
� ⎠ � ⎠
1 2 3 1 1 4
1 �
M =� 3 2 1 � M −1 = a 7 −8 �
2 −1 −1 12 b −5 4