ECO 1 Dec 2014 PDF

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of Printed Pages : 4 ECO-1


Term-End Examination
December, 2014



Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50

(Weightage 70%)
Note : Attempt both part- A and part - B.

1. Distinguish between any two of the following : 5+5
(a) Wholesale trade and retail trade
(b) Entrepreneur and promoter
(c) Statutory company and registered company
(d) Publicity and advertisement

2. Write short notes on any two of the following : 5+5

(a) Bank overdraft
(b) Margin trading
(c) Outdoor media
(d) Bill of lading

Attempt any three of the following questions :
3. What do you mean by business ? Describe salient
features of business and discuss its economic
objectives. 2+4+4

ECO-1 1 P.T.O.
4. (a) Describe the functions of Industrial 5+5
Development Bank of India (IDBI).
(b) How is it different from Industrial Finance
Corporation of India OECD ?

5. What do you mean by foreign trade ? Discuss 4+6

the importance of foreign trade. Explain the
common problems faced in foreign trade.

6. What do you mean by risk management ? Explain 2+8

the various steps followed in risk management.

7. "Efficient transportation is an integral part of 10

economic growth". Elaborate.

8. What is meant by departmental form of 2+8

organisation ? Discuss its merits and demerits.

ECO-1 2
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1. -14-im(gff -414 et). til3T— Tcrtz41- A-R: 5+5

(a) 21)-T otii4R 311{ TaTh7 ogrii(
(b) 3ar-11- 3 4T
(c) TIff4R-TW *E1-913 ff 4141
(d) 51LIIt 3 f-4-41:19'

2. ich41 TAP? leuffiw-AWruR : 5+5

(a) 4.1.) 3-T1-4-(Tr9
(b) 14Tr-47 717 oemit
(c) 31-137t7 -111ftzrr

F-14--1Rifigd 4 14 641 w1.9. 371t furiwR :
3. aTO t? oelcM11 Itset -WrEfd-raff
ufff 311T -Trk al-Ofw 3 -q-zri TR -uct, qr
s Fri 2+4+4

ECO-1 3 P.T.O.
4. (a) 1-1. 7 dt z I 3-TWIT tdMiTI• tT- -1711 .1117 5+5

A7 I
(b) ITIrdtzl3-1WITT Pi 1 fiTTTI tf f"*"74 -) R fi-T9


5. fqtt °61141t --r qzrr 330 t? fatft 061141t t i=r6 *1 4+6

Tcrl -1-F
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A7 I f- oe.111-4R 4 31-r a-r ill-11-q Tri:R:

TR ->R1 sik-Ri

6. 7-1-ftri4 wiq-ff 3174 7zrr TriTF. t? 7-1ru7:r -5r4q-ff t 2+8

Fri fafaN -t-cr4 Tcrq W71

7. " 3i- lif7d79. wr aTrWlfz *1 3-1-fir 31'7 t 1" 10

oe.ifts,e4r 1r

8. 44 1d-II• t9Trri-
1 -zr araTgr 1 cm' 330 t? *t' 31--7:4
77- 2+8

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ECO-1 4

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