Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 50 (Weightage 70%) Note: Attempt Any Four Questions Including Question No. 1 Which Is Compulsory

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of Printed Pages : 4 ECO-13


0 Term-End Examination
0 June, 2011



Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50

(Weightage 70%)

Note : Attempt any four questions including question no. 1

which is compulsory.

1. Attempt any four of the following : 4x31/2=14

(a) What do you mean by Restrictive Trade
Practices (RTP) ?
(b) Explain the main objectives of Monetary
Policy of India.
(c) What is meant by privatisation ?
(d) What are the Consumer Rights under
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 ?
(e) Define the terms 'Joint Venture' and
(f) Distinguish between National Income at
current price and constant price.
(g) What is the importance of small scale
industry in Indian economy ?

ECO-13 1 P.T.O.
2. What is meant by "Business Environment" ? 4+8
Describe the various components of business

3. Explain the objectives and importance of Fiscal 6+6

Policy. What are its tools ?

4. How is industrial sickness defined in India ? What 6+6

steps have been taken to tackle this problem ?

5. Give arguments in favour of and against 6+6

Economic Planning.

6. Explain the need for export promotion in India's 4+8

foreign trade. Briefly narrate the steps taken by
the Government in this connection.

7. Point out the main trends in India's Balance of 12

Payments. What steps have been taken to correct
the disequilibrium in the Balance of Payments ?

ECO-13 2
t-1Irich zEnfa chi stoi
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fop/ : 2 bpi? 37frd"g : 50
VT : ch WIT drH i r fT17-4 5R-f fl&-ll
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1. -P--i gc-i /%77 Wirt 371t tft§i7 : 4x31/2=14

(a) aT 061141k ogc4 l(t 3417 WIT 7170 ?

(b) ITR-d Th-kw t Alt-4

A7 I

(c) wor aircr .qzrr trr-4A t?

(d) 31131WIT Tt(kitrT alfttizfrl, 1986-k atTi7TTINUT

aTft t?

(e) 4.#7:1Wf 349111-I' 3 •Tgrtzr 1i14 trftiTri-Efff

ECO-13 3 P.T.O.
(f) 11(.111:1ff3 ft:ETT -41:7 TIT 7071 3171 -44 atd7
Tcfg Tr-
47 I
(g) rte zgh-rff Azrr t?

2. 00-11cit-11 get) Ildlcikul t aiTzr qzfr ? oqIcAtilre-Ich 4+8

tfdfl-T7 7-60 tr auk tr7R1

3. t 3-k-Ff -git oqwe-ll lI 6+6

7:r 41-1—t diAcr,

4. -1T T4 Adfrri- touiditrftiTrfura. obeli Trzff t? 6+6

77:1711WITt'71:frelTitdzT chq4-I dcil 77'x?

5. 3iTr2itt417ittiq-cr4 cr-Milt altAci •51WWIN71 6+6

6. 1.11rdizi fdtkrft °emit 14 f9717 #-d-

47 3174FrTUT 4+8
-11-1V1 1 r SAT titrnit mqc-1
1:10:1-4 auk 4177 I

7. 1177 t ITTUR *1E1 t fTrItt 'TT Z— "U tlf771 12

TrUF*Ert 3 w4R-I
T7f ?

ECO-13 4

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