OSY Report 13

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Micro-Project Report
Sayed Jafar Hussain Naqvi (13)


GUIDED BY : Mr. Asif Ali Sir


This is to certify that Sayed Jafar Hussain Naqvi (13) has
completed their project work during the diploma and
the embodies the result of work. It is therefore
recommended submission

Name And Signature Of Guide
Department Of Computer Engineering
1. Aim/Benefits of the Microproject : The aim of the micro-
project is to develop / prepare a report on Process command
with their syntax and example .
2. Course outcome addressed :
a. Install the operating system and configure it .
b. Use operating system tools to perform various functions .
c. Execute process commands for performing process
management operations .
3. Proposed Methodology :
➢ Collecting all the resources required for the project .
➢ Planning about the execution of the source code .
➢ Executing the source code to get the desired output .
➢ Preparing Microproject Report .
4. Action Plan
Sr Details Of Planned Planned Name Of Responsible Team
No. Activity Start Date Finished Member

1 Search Based 01-12-2022 02-12-2022 Sayed Jafar Hussain Naqvi

on Topic
2 Collection of 03-12-2022 05-12-2022 Sayed Jafar Hussain Naqvi
3 Implementation 06-12-2022 07-12-2022 Sayed Jafar Hussain Naqvi
4 Report 07-12-2022 08-12-2022 Sayed Jafar Hussain Naqvi
5. Resource Required

Sr Name Of Resources Specifications Quantity Remarks


1 Personal Computer R-3 Processor 1 Working Properly

AMD Graphics

2 Operating System Windows 11 1 Updated Version

3 Software Linux 1 Updated Version

4 Wikipedia / textbook & Linux utilities 1 None


Roll No. Name Of Team Member

13 Sayed Jafar Hussain Naqvi

Name & Signature Of Faculty

Process Command With Their Syntax And Example
1. Rationale
The command line is your direct access to computer it’s
where you ask software to perform hardware actions that
point-and-click graphical user interface (GUIs) simply can’t
ask . Command lines are available on many operating
systems-proprietary or open source. But it’s usually
associated with Linux because both command lines and
open-source software, together, give users unrestricted
access to their computer .
2. Aim / Benefits Of The Microproject : The aim of the micro
project is to study about Linux utilities and learn Linux
3. Course Outcome achieved :
a. Install the operating system and configure it .
b. Use operating system tools to perform various functions .
c. Execute process commands for performing process
management operations .
4. Literature Review :
Linux provides a powerful command-line interface compared
to other operating systems such as Windows and MacOS .
We can do some basic tasks such as creating a file, deleting a
file etc. In addition , we can also perform advanced tasks
such as administrative tasks (including package installation,
user management), networking tasks , security tasks and etc.
Linux terminal is user-friendly terminal as it provides various
support options. To open the Linux , press “CTRL+ALT+T”
keys together , and execute a command by pressing the
“ENTER” key .
5. Actual Methodology Followed
First , I gathered information regarding my topic from all the
sources like books , online information etc. By studying all
the process commands with their syntax and examples .
An instance of a program is called a Process . In Simple terms,
any command that give your Linux machine starts new
process .
Having Multiple processes for the same program is possible .
Types Of Processes :
• Foreground Processes : They run on the screen and
need input from the user .
• Background Processes : They run in the background and
usually do not need user input .
It is used to continue a program which was stopped and bring
it to the foreground .
The simple Syntax for this utility is :
fg jobname
Example :
1) Launch ‘banshee’ music player
2) Stop it with the ‘ctr+z’ command
3) Continue it with the ‘fg’ utility
This utility tells the user about all the running processes on
the Linux machine .
The simple syntax for this utility is :
Example :
PID : Show task’s unique process id .
PR : The process’s priority . The lower the number , the
higher the priority .
VIRT : Total virtual memory used by the task .
USER : User name of owner of task .
%CPU : Represent the CPU usage .
TIME+ : CPU Time, the same as ‘TIME’ , but reflecting more
granularity through hundredths of a second .
SHR : Represents the Shared Memory Size (kb) used by a
NI : Represents a nice value of task . A negative nice value
implies higher priority , and positive Nice value means lower
priority .
This command stands for ‘Process Status’ . It is similar to the
“Task Manager” that pop-ups in a windows machine when
we use Ctrl+alt+Del . This command is similar to ‘top’
command but the information displayed is different .
To check all the processes running under a user, use the
command –
ps ux
You can also check the process status of a single process, use
the syntax –
ps PID
This command terminates running processes on a Linux
machine .
To use these utilities you need to know the PID (process id) of
the process you wants to kill
Syntax –
kill PID
To find the PID of a process simply type paidof Process name
home@VirtualBox:~$ pidof Photoshop.exe
home@VirtualBox:~$ kill 1525
Linux can run a lot of processes at a time, which can slow
down the speed of some high priority processes and result in
poor performance .
To start a process with a niceness value other than the
default value use the following syntax
Nice -n ‘Nice value’ processes
If there is some process already running on the system, then
you can ‘Renice’ its value using syntax .
Renice ‘nice value’ -p ‘PID’
This utility reports the free disk space(Hard Disk) on all the
file systems .
‘df -h’
This command shows the free and used memory (RAM) on
the Linux system.
Syntax : - Free
You can use the arguments
Free -m to display output in MB
Free -g to display output in GB
6. Actual Resources Used
Sr Name Of Specifications Quantity Remarks
No. Resources
1 Personal R-3 Processor 1 Working Properly
Computer AMD Graphics
2 Software Microsoft Office 1 Updated Version

7. Outputs Of The Microprojects :

This micro project will give an information regarding process
commands in Linux Operating System .
8. Skill Developed / Learning Outcomes Of This Project :
Learning of process commands . How to use Linux operating
system . How to execute commands on operating system .
9. Applications Of This Microproject :
Used to study various process commands .
Usage of various process commands in Linux Operating
System .

Name & Signature of Faculty

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