Bachelor'S Degree Programme Term-End Examination December, 2011 (Application Oriented Course) Aed-1: Export Procedures and Documentation

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of Printed Pages : 4 AED-1 I


Term-End Examination
December, 2011



Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50

Note Answer' any four questions including question

No. 7 which is compulsory..,

1. Discuss the broad trends in India's exports in

recent years. What are the major products
exported from India ? What are the main
markets ? Discuss. 6+3+3

2. Discuss the rationale for documentation in export 4+8

- import trade. Explain the significance of
Commercial Invoice and Bill of lading.

3. What are the 'Terms of Payment' in international 6+6

trade ? Enumerate all of them and explain which
one is most risky from the exporters' view point.

AED 1- 1 P.T.O.
4. Explain different kinds of losses in transit from 4+8
seller's to the buyer's place. Bring out the
differences between Actual Total Loss (ATL) and
Particular Loss. Give suitable illustration in
support of your answer.

5. Distinguish between spot rate and forward rate. 6+6

Discuss the methods of dealing with foreign
exchange risks.

6. Discuss the broad legal framework involved in 4+8

customs clearance of export cargo. Mention the
stages involved as also the documentation and
procedure required.

7. Write short notes on any two of the following : 7+7

(a) International Arbitration
(b) Export - Import Bank of India
(c) Duty Entitlement Pass Book
(d) Export Promotion Councils

AED-1 2

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07-, 2011

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AED-1 3 P.T.O.

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(a) al-74170:1 faa Iuti

(b) -F9767-31-77 ch


(d) f97:67 31-449. tftsg

AED-1 4

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