Control System Engineering Lab: Avanish Niranjan 17104088 EEN 210

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EEN 210

Control System Engineering Lab

Avanish Niranjan
EEN 210
Experiment 1: To Obtain Time Response of a First Order System for Various Inputs ............................ 2
Experiment 2: To Obtain Time Response of a Second Order System for Various Inputs ....................... 5
Experiment 3: To Simulate the Variation of Time Response of a Second Order System for Various
Values of Damping Ratio and Natural Frequency ................................................................................... 7
Experiment 4: To Simulate P, PI, PD Controller for Second Order Underdamped System................... 10
Experiment 5: To Simulate PID Controller for Second Order Underdamped System .......................... 12
Experiment 6: To Draw Root Locus of a Given System using MATLAB ................................................. 13
Experiment 7: To Draw Bode Plot of a Given System using MATLAB ................................................... 15

Experiment 1: To Obtain Time Response of a First Order System for
Various Inputs

Software Used
The system whose input-output equation is a first order differential equation is called first order
system. The order of the differential equation is the highest degree of derivative present in an
equation. First order system contains only one energy storing element. Usually a capacitor or
combination of two capacitors is used for this purpose. These cannot be connected to any
external energy storage element.
Most of the practical models are first order systems. If a system with higher order has a dominant
first order mode it can be considered as a first order system.

Response of a first order system

It is not much difficult to find the response of a first order system as the degree of differential
equation is one. There are two important points on which this analysis is actually based:
The time constant for a first order system is given by:
t=RC (for a system with resistors and capacitors)
t=L/R (for a circuit with inductors).

The response of a first order system is given by:

Provided that, input is constant and t>0, where v (0) is voltage or current at t=0. Now we will see
the unit responses with respect to first order systems and will see the transfer functions

1. Unit Impulse in First Order System

As we know the unit impulse input is: r(t) = δ(t), t ≥0

For Laplace transform the Transfer function of input: R(s) =1.

The output transform will be:

By taking inverse Laplace transform: Y(t)= e-t/T
The impulse input generates transfer function as the output.

2. Unit Step Response of First Order System

The Transfer function of input is: R(s)=1/s

Therefore the unit step response is:

Expanding in Partial fraction:

Take the inverse Laplace transform: y (t) = 1 – e-t/T

3. Unit Ramp Response of First Order System

The input, r (t) = t for t ³ 0.

In Laplace transform, The transfer function of input: R(s)=1/s²

The output transform is:

Expanding in Partial fraction:

Taking the inverse Laplace transform: y (t) = t – T + Te-t/T

Simulink Model

Results and Conclusion

This time response satisfies the theoretical concepts.

The theoratical responses are given below:

Experiment 2: To Obtain Time Response of a Second Order System for
Various Inputs

Software Used
The order of a differential equation is the highest degree of derivative present in that equation. A
system whose input-output equation is a second order differential equation is called Second
Order System.
There are a number of factors that make second order systems important. They are simple and
exhibit oscillations and overshoot. Higher order systems are based on second order systems. In
case of mechanical second order systems, energy is stored in the form of inertia whereas in case
of electrical systems, energy can be stored in a capacitor or inductor.
Standard form of second order system is given by:

ωn Is the natural frequency
ζ is the damping ratio
If 0< ζ <1, system is named as Damped System
If < ζ =1, system is named as Critically Damped System
If < ζ >1, system is named as Over Damped System

We will use two standard inputs, Unit and Ramp

Simulink Model

Results and Conclusion

Experiment 3: To Simulate the Variation of Time Response of a
Second Order System for Various Values of Damping Ratio and
Natural Frequency
Software Used

The damping ratio is a dimensionless measure describing how oscillations in a system decay after a
disturbance. Many systems exhibit oscillatory behavior when they are disturbed from their position
of static equilibrium. A mass suspended from a spring, for example, might, if pulled and released,
bounce up and down. On each bounce, the system tends to return to its equilibrium position, but
overshoots it. Sometimes losses (e.g. frictional) damp the system and can cause the oscillations to
gradually decay in amplitude towards zero or attenuate. The damping ratio is a measure describing
how rapidly the oscillations decay from one bounce to the next.

Natural frequency, also known as eigenfrequency, is the frequency at which a system tends to
oscillate in the absence of any driving or damping force.
The motion pattern of a system oscillating at its natural frequency is called the normal mode (if all
parts of the system move sinusoidally with that same frequency).
If the oscillating system is driven by an external force at the frequency at which the amplitude of its
motion is greatest (close to a natural frequency of the system), this frequency is called resonant

Simulink Model

Results and Conclusion

Constant w=100

As zeta is changed, the damping of the system is changed.

Constant zeta=0.25

As natural frequency is change, the system oscillates at different frequencies.

Experiment 4: To Simulate P, PI Controller for Second Order
Underdamped System
Software Used
In this tutorial we will introduce a simple, yet versatile, feedback compensator structure: the
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller. The PID controller is widely employed because it
is very understandable and because it is quite effective. One attraction of the PID controller is that
all engineers understand conceptually differentiation and integration, so they can implement the
control system even without a deep understanding of control theory. Further, even though the
compensator is simple, it is quite sophisticated in that it captures the history of the system (through
integration) and anticipates the future behavior of the system (through differentiation). We will
discuss the effect of each of the PID parameters on the dynamics of a closed-loop system and will
demonstrate how to use a PID controller to improve a system's performance.

Increasing the proportional gain ( ) has the effect of proportionally increasing the control signal
for the same level of error. The fact that the controller will "push" harder for a given level of error
tends to cause the closed-loop system to react more quickly, but also to overshoot more. Another
effect of increasing is that it tends to reduce, but not eliminate, the steady-state error.

The addition of a derivative term to the controller ( ) adds the ability of the controller to
"anticipate" error. With simple proportional control, if is fixed, the only way that the control will
increase is if the error increases. With derivative control, the control signal can become large if the
error begins sloping upward, even while the magnitude of the error is still relatively small. This
anticipation tends to add damping to the system, thereby decreasing overshoot. The addition of a
derivative term, however, has no effect on the steady-state error.

The addition of an integral term to the controller ( ) tends to help reduce steady-state error. If
there is a persistent, steady error, the integrator builds and builds, thereby increasing the control
signal and driving the error down. A drawback of the integral term, however, is that it can make the
system more sluggish (and oscillatory) since when the error signal changes sign, it may take a while
for the integrator to "unwind."

Simulink Model


Experiment 5: To Simulate PID Controller for Second Order
Underdamped System
Software Used

The above effects are observed by adding Kp Ki and Kd, hence to mitigate effect they’re used
together as PID controller.
Simulink Model


Experiment 6: To Draw Root Locus of a Given System using MATLAB
Software Used

MATLAB Program
num= input('please enter the value of num');
den= input('please enter the value of den');
please enter the value of num [1 3]
please enter the value of den conv([1 1 0], [1 4 16])

Transfer_Function =

s + 3
s^4 + 5 s^3 + 20 s^2 + 16 s

Continuous-time transfer function.

Experiment 7: To Draw Bode Plot of a Given System using MATLAB
Software Used

MATLAB Program
num= input('please enter the value of num');
den= input('please enter the value of den');
_Crossover_Frequency] = margin(Transfer_Function)

please enter the value of num 20*[1 1]
please enter the value of den conv([1 5 0],[1 2 10])

Transfer_Function =

20 s + 20
s^4 + 7 s^3 + 20 s^2 + 50 s

Continuous-time transfer function.

Gain_Margin =


Phase_Margin =


Gain_Crossover_Frequency =


Phase_Crossover_Frequency =



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