Assignment Control 615.

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Control engineering & instrumentation

Assignment 01

Submitted by Ahsan Raza

Reg 615

Sec b

Submitted to engnr asar Ahmad

Date 19 02 2019
Control System Definition

A control system consists of subsystems and processes assembled for the purpose
of obtaining a desired output with desired performance.

This can be understand by figure given below control system in its simplest form


Consider an elevator. When the fourth-floor button is pressed on the first floor, the
elevator rises to the fourth floor with a speed and floor-leveling accuracy designed
for passenger comfort the push of the fourth-floor button is an input that
represents our desired output

Elevator response curve

Two major measures of performance are apparent: (1) the transient response and (2) the steady-state
error. In our example, passenger comfort and passenger patience are dependent upon the transient
response. If this response is too fast, passenger comfort is sacrificed; if too slow, passenger patience is
sacrificed. The steady-state error is another important performance specification since passenger safety
and convenience would be sacrificed if the elevator did not properly level.
Advantages of Control Systems

With control systems we can move large equipment with precision that would
otherwise be impossible. We can point huge antennas toward the farthest reaches
of the universe to pick up faint radio signals; controlling these antennas by hand
would be impossible
We build control systems for four primary reasons
1.Power amplification
2. Remote control
3. Convenience of input form

4. Compensation for disturbances

Examples in daily life

(1) Heaters in home

A home heating system is a simple control system consisting of a thermostat containing a bimetallic
material that expands or contracts with changing temperature. This expansion or contraction moves a
vial of mercury that acts as a switch, turning the heater on or off. The amount of expansion or
contraction required to move the mercury switch is determined by the temperature setting.

Recording system
In an optical disk recording system microscopic pits representing the information are burned into the
disc by a laser during the recording process. During playback, a reflected laser beam focused on the pits
changes intensity (shown above). The light intensity changes are converted to an electrical signal and
processed as sound or picture. A control system keeps the laser beam positioned on the pits, which are
cut as concentric circles.

Types of system

(1)Open loop system

(2)Close loop system

Open loop system

It starts with a subsystem called an input transducer, which converts the form of the input to that used
by the controller. The controller drives a process or a plant. The input is sometimes called the reference,
while the output can be called the controlled variable. Other signals, such as disturbances, added to the
controller and process outputs via summing junctions which yield the algebraic sum of their input signals
using associated signs.


If the controller is an electronic amplifier and Disturbance 1 is noise, then any additive amplifier noise at
the first summing junction will also drive the process, corrupting the output with the effect of the noise.
The output of an open-loop system is corrupted not only by signals that add to the controller’s
commands but also by disturbances at the output. The system cannot correct for these disturbances,
Another example in mechanical system

Other examples of open-loop systems are mechanical systems consisting of a

mass, spring, and damper with a constant force positioning the mass. The greater
the force, the greater the displacement. Again, the system position will change
with a disturbance, such as an additional force, and the system will not detect or
correct for the disturbance.
Example of course (syllabus)

You calculate the amount of time you need to study for an examination that covers
three chapters in order to get an A. If the professor adds a fourth chapter—a
disturbance—you are an open-loop system if you do not
detectthedisturbanceandaddstudytimetothatpreviouslycalculated.The result of this
oversight would be a lower grade than you expected.
Disadvantage of open loop system

The disadvantages of open-loop systems, namely sensitivity to disturbances and

inability to correct for these disturbances, may be overcome in closed-loop

Closed-Loop (Feedback Control) Systems

A closed loop control system is a set of mechanical or electronic devices that

automatically regulates a process variable to a desired state or set point without
human interaction. Closed loop control systems contrast with open loop control
systems, which require manual input.

A control loop is the system of hardware components and software control

functions involved in measuring and adjusting a variable that controls an individual
process. Closed loop control systems are widely used in industry applications
including agriculture, chemical plants, quality control, nuclear power plants, water
treatment plants and environmental control
Input and output of close loop system

The input transducer converts the form of the input to the form used by the
controller. An output transducer, or sensor, measures the output response and
converts it into the form used by the controller. For example, if the controller uses
electrical signals to operate the valves of a temperature control system, the input
position and the output temperature are converted to electrical signals. The input
position can be converted to a voltage by a potentiometer, a variable resistor, and
the output temperature can be converted to a voltage by a thermistor, a device
whose electrical resistance changes with temperature

Disturbances in close loop

The closed-loop system compensates for disturbances by measuring the output

response, feeding that measurement back through a feedback path, and comparing
that response to the input at the summing junction. If there is any difference
between the two responses, the system drives the plant, via the actuating signal,
to make a correction. If there is no difference, the system does not drive the plant,
since the plant’s response is already the desired response.

Advantage of close loop

Closed-loop systems, then, have the obvious advantage of greater accuracy than
open-loop systems. They are less sensitive to noise, disturbances, and changes in
the environment. Transient response and steady-state error can be controlled more
conveniently and with greater flexibility in closed-loop systems, often by a simple
adjustment of gain (amplification) in the loop and sometimes by redesigning the
Design and analysis objective

Analysis is the process by which a system’s performance is determined. For

example, we evaluate its transient response and steady-state error to determine if
they meet the desired specifications. Design is the process by which a system’s
performance is created or changed. For example, if a system’s transient response
and steady-state error are analyzed and found not to meet the specifications, then
we change parameters or add additional components to meet the specifications

Transient Response

Transient response is important. In the case of an elevator, a slow transient

response makes passengers impatient, whereas an excessively rapid response
makes them uncomfortable. If the elevator oscillates about the arrival floor for
more than a second, a disconcerting feeling can result. Transient response is also
important for structural reasons too fast a transient response could cause
permanent physical damage
Steady-State Response

As we have seen, this response resembles the input and is usually what remains
after the transients have decayed to zero. For example, this response may be an
elevator stopped near the fourth floor or the head of a disk drive finally stopped at
the correct track. We are concerned about the accuracy of the steady-state
response. An elevator must be level enough with the floor for the passengers to exit

Total response = Natural response + Forced response

Natural response describes the way the system dissipates or acquires energy. The
form or nature of this response is dependent only on the system, not the input. On
the other hand, the form or nature of the forced response is dependent on the

For a control system to be useful, the natural response must (1) eventually
approach zero, thus leaving only the forced response, or (2) oscillate

Eventually, the natural response is so much greater than the forced response that
the system is no longer controlled. This condition, called instability, could lead to
self-destruction of the physical device

Control systems must be designed to be stable. That is, their natural response
must decay to zero as time approaches infinity, or oscillate. In many systems the
transient response you see on a time response plot can be directly related to the
natural response. Thus, if the natural response decays to zero as time approaches
infinity, the transient response will also die out, leaving only the forced response. If
the system is stable, the proper transient response and steady-state error
characteristics can be designed. Stability is our third analysis and design objective

Antenna Azimuth: An Introduction to Position Control Systems

An antenna azimuth position control system is shown below schematic and detail

The purpose of this system is to have the azimuth angle output of the antenna,
theta not t, follow the input angle of the potentiometer. Let us look at Figure 1.9(d)
and describe how this system works. The input command is an angular
displacement. The potentiometer converts the angular displacement into a
Similarly, the output angular displacement is converted to a voltage by the
potentiometer in the feed backpath.The signal and power amplifiers boost the
difference between the input and output voltages. This amplified actuating signal
drives the plant. The system normally operates to drive the error to zero. When the
input and output match, the error will be zero, and the motor will not turn. Thus, the
motor is driven only when the output and the input do not match. The greater the
difference between the input and the output, the larger the motor input voltage,
and the faster the motor will turn. If we increase the gain of the signal amplifier, will
there be an increase in the steady-state value of the output? If the gain is
increased, then for a given actuating signal, the motor will be driven harder.
However, the motor will still stop when the actuating signal reaches zero, that is,
when the output matches the input. The difference in the response, however, will be
in the transients. Since the motor is driven harder, it turns faster toward its final
position. Also, because of the increased speed, increased momentum could cause
the motor to overshoot the final value and be forced by the system to return to the
commanded position
The Design Process

Step 1: Transform Requirements into a Physical System

Step 2: Draw a Functional Block Diagram

Step 3: Create a Schematic

Step 4: Develop a Mathematical Model (Block Diagram

Once the schematic is drawn, the designer uses physical laws, such as
Kirchhoff’s laws for electrical networks and Newton’s law for mechanical
systems, along with simplifying assumptions, to model the system
mathematically. These laws are

Kirchhoff’s voltage law The sum of voltages around a closed path equals zero.
Kirchhoff’s current law The sum of electric currents flowing from a node equals
zero. Newton’s laws The sum of forces on a body equals zero;3 the sum of
moments on a body equals zero.
Step 5: Reduce the Block Diagram
Analyze and design

And in last we use software for our calculations mat lab

The end

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