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« Introduction to Biomedical Engineering»: Сourse

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« Introduction to Biomedical

Dr. Kirill Aristovich

Section 2: Control theory

Lecture 2.1: Introduction to the control
First and second order systems
In this section we are going to talk about the control theory, which is crucial part of
any engineering, especially electronics, and robotics, which both are part of biomedical
We will start the lecture from reminding ourselves about transfer functions which
we touched in the first section. Remember the transfer function of an RC filter? Also,
remember the second order RC filter where we cascaded 2 of them through a buffer?
Here we are going to learn how to analyze those transfer functions, and how to design
effective controllers in order to improve their performance.

Figure 1 - transfer function

First, let’s remind ourselves how the first order transfer functions look like. If we
apply the inverse laplace transform, which we can simply find in the standard table, we
can see that the solution to the ODE, or system response in time, is always structurally
the same for any first order system, and equals to some exponent multiplied by a
coefficient. If the tau is positive, which is always the case for an RC filter, it is basically
decaying exponent, with the gain defining the starting point, and time constant defining
the rate of decay.

Figure 2 - First Order Systems

As an example of second order transfer function, let’s consider a mechanical

system of a mass supported by spring and damper – essentially a shock absorber on a
car. This system gives very good intuitive understanding of any second order system as
all of the constants have real physical meaning. First, we as usual write the equation of
motion, which includes inertial force, hooks law for a spring, and viscous damping – the
one proportional to the velocity, or first derivative of a deflection. Here external force is
the input, and mass deflection is the output.
The laplace transform replaces all derivatives to the s-multiplication, and some
rearranging brings us to a transfer function for this system. Now, let’s re-define some
constants and now we have this written in standard form: Gain, Natural Frequency, and
Demping ratio. You can instantly see the amount of useful intuitive information you can
get about the system just by knowing those constants.

Figure 3 - The standard form for second order systems

This function is known as a damped oscillator, in that it produces harmonic

sinusoidal oscillations which decay over time. This type of system appears everywhere
in physics, as well as in engineering. Even to the extent that some higher order systems
are simplified to become second order, just because it is so well understood.
Another useful example for us is a servo motor: as you can imagine, those are
used everywhere in robotics, and for us it is important as it is a key component for active
prosthetics. Here we have the angle of rotation as the output, a motor torque as input,
which we can control by voltage or current directly, and it has viscous friction in the
bearings, and inertia. The ODE can be derived through momentum balance equation,
and by taking Laplace we can see, that the transfer function has similar structure,
however there is no spring element.
Several systems can be obviously combined together, and it is easy to see that a
combined transfer function of a chain of several transfer functions can be found by a
simple multiplication.
The crucial component of the control theory is the feedback. As the name suggest,
to organize the feedback, you need to measure the output, transform it somehow, and
feed it back to the input. Remember the OpAmp, and a multitude of nice properties that
we have achieved by doing so? In control theory to describe this process we add a
summation element, where we put + or – near the signal path to indicate whether we add
it or subtract. In most cases we tend to use negative feedback loops, which means we
subtract the modified output signal from the input.
The mathematics of computing the feedback, or closed-loop, transfer function is
also straightforward: By careful tracing of all the inputs and outputs, we can do basic
algebra and arrive to the equation.
Similar, singe transfer function can represent any complicated system, which
involves electro-mechanical components, measurement of several parameters, and
decision making integrated into continuous process control. For example, part of tesla
autopilot, which measures GPS speed and acceleration in order to maintain constant
velocity, can be gradually unwrapped into a second order transfer function. The rule here
is to start working from the inner most loop progressing outwards. Handy!
Remembering the transfer function for servo motor, we can see how a simplest
feedback of just subtracting unmodified output from the input, changes radically its
transfer function. Now the system can oscillate (as if it had an artificial spring!), and we
can control the frequency and damping ratio by adjusting the parameters, for example
gain on the motor.
The last bit to consider about the second order transfer functions is the generalized
solution. If we look at the table of inverse Laplace transforms, we can construct the
solution in time, and see that it has a constant, multiplied by exponent, which in turn is
multiplied by a sinusoid. This lets us generalize the entire class of second order systems,

be it car shock absorber, second order RC filter, or servo motor: Their dynamic response
contains an oscillatory behavior bound by the exponential amplitude. If damping ratio is
less than 1, the solution is decaying sinusoid, where frequency and the rate of decay is
fully defined by the constants of the standard representation of the second order transfer
x t 
x 0
1  2

e nt sin n 1   2t 
Figure 4 - time domain response

You can see now this system step response – the usual measure of system
dynamic performance, which we can easily compute knowing the transfer function and
supplying step function to the input. The step input in Laplace domain is equal to A over
s, where A is the step size. After multiplying, you can find the appropriate equations in
the Laplace table, or use digital Laplace transform to evaluate the output. The damping
ratio here basically controls how fast the system is reacting the target VS how many
oscillations you will get after the kick-off.

Figure 5 - exponentially decaying sinusoidal oscillation

More generally, the roots of the denominator actually control this, with standard
classification of the system being under or over-damped (exponentially-bound
oscillations), critically damped (decaying exponent) or undamped (constant oscillations)
depending on damping ratios.

Some graphic material used in the course was taken from publicly available online
resources that do not contain references to the authors and any restrictions on material

This course was developed with the support of
the "Open Polytech" educational project

Online courses from the top instructors of SPbPU

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