Independent Verification of SAP2000 Results
Independent Verification of SAP2000 Results
Independent Verification of SAP2000 Results
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by ok
Test problem for "staged construction - various scenarios for 5-story building"
Created by ok
This spreadsheet enable to calculate creep coefficient and shrinkage strain according
to CEP-FIB model code 90.
User's input.
Cell whose content was copied to adjacent cells AS FORMULA.
Key input parameters
Important results.
Four VBA functions listed below are defined in this spreadsheet to calculate the creep
coefficient and shrinkage strain. See comments within the VBA code for additional
This spreadsheet was created in the hope that it will be useful, but is distributed
without any warranty from the author and it is intended solely for illustration purporses.
Revision History
Material properties and creep parameters These parameters are used for functions
Φ(t, t0) = Φ0 βc(t-t0) = 0.3930 [-] Calculated creep coefficient [Eq. 2.1-6
Φ0 = ΦRH β(fcm) β(t0) = 1.9201 [-] Notional creep coefficient
ΦRH = 1 + [1-RH/RH0] / [0.46 (h / h0)^(1/3)] = 1.4442 [-]
β(fcm) = 5.3 / (fcm/fcm0)^0.5 = 2.0950 [-]
β(t0) = 1 / [0.1 + (t0/t1)^0.2] 0.6346 [-]
βc(t-t0) = { (t-t0)/t1 / [βH + (t-t0)/t1] }^0.3 = 0.2047 [-]
creep coefficient via VBA function = #VALUE! creep coefficient calculated using VBA fu
Creep Coefficient
Creep Coefficient
Creep Coefficient
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 1000
Time (days)
meters are used for functions defined in the spreadsheet.
concrete member
elasticity of concrete at the age of 28 days
e of member, h = 2 Ac / u
is cross-section area and u is perimeter of member in contact with athmosphere
t0 = 7
t creep coeff
14 #VALUE!
28 #VALUE!
56 #VALUE!
100 #VALUE!
200 #VALUE!
500 #VALUE!
1000 #VALUE!
2000 #VALUE!
5000 #VALUE!
10000 #VALUE!
Material properties and shrinkage parameters These parameters are taken fro
βs(t-ts) = { [ (t-ts)/t1 ] / [ 350(h/h0)^2 + (t - ts)/t1 ] }^0.5 = 0.0188528 [-] coefficient to describe developm
shrinkage strain via VBA function = #VALUE! shrinkage strain calculated via V
Shrinkage Strain
rinkage Strain
Shrinkage Strain Shrinkage Strain
0 2000 4000 6000
Time (days) 8000 10000 12
These parameters are taken from the "Creep" tab and are used for functions in this spreadsheet
mean compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days (taken from creep calculations)
code constant (taken from creep calculations)
age of concrete
age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage or swelling
ts = 7
t shrinkage strain
28 #VALUE!
56 #VALUE!
100 #VALUE!
200 #VALUE!
500 #VALUE!
1000 #VALUE!
2000 #VALUE!
5000 #VALUE!
10000 #VALUE!
10000 12000
Verify SAP2000 results for "LOAD" load case:
- creep not considered
- newly added joints are placed to undeformed position
Stage Story Story Joint 1 (add all Joint 2 (add all Joint 3 (add all
Deformation deformations of deformations of deformations of
story 1) stories 1 and 2 stories 1-3 after
after story 1 is story 2 is erected)
1 1 0.0206070732 0.020607
2 1 0.0206070732 0.020607 0.020607
2 2 0.0206070732 0.000000 0.020607
3 1 0.0206070732 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607
3 2 0.0206070732 0.000000 0.020607 0.020607
3 3 0.0206070732 0.000000 0.000000 0.020607
4 1 0.0206070732 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607
4 2 0.0206070732 0.000000 0.020607 0.020607
4 3 0.0206070732 0.000000 0.000000 0.020607
4 4 0.0206070732 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
5 1 0.0206070732 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607
5 2 0.0206070732 0.000000 0.020607 0.020607
5 3 0.0206070732 0.000000 0.000000 0.020607
5 4 0.0206070732 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
5 5 0.0206070732 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.020607 0.020607
0.020607 0.020607
0.020607 0.020607
0.020607 0.020607
0.000000 0.020607
0.164857 0.103035
Verify SAP2000 results for "(DEF) LOAD" load case:
- creep not considered
- newly added joints are placed to deformed position, using ghost structure
Deformation of each story (column segment) in each stage Joint displacements for "(DEF) LOAD" load
(to obtain joint displacement, sum deformat
5 0.020607 5 0.020607
4 0.020607 0.020607 4 0.020607
3 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 3 0.020607
2 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 2 0.020607
1 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 1 0.020607
acements for "(DEF) LOAD" load case
joint displacement, sum deformation of all stories up to the current story, for all stages up to the current stage)
Stage Name (start Stage Number Joint/story at Load causes Creep only? t0 (age at tbeg (age
day - end day) (corresponds to which load is deformation time when at start of
story added for applied: of story: the load is stage)
stages 1-5) applied)
[days] [days]
Stage 1 (7-14) 1 1 1 7 7
Stage 2 (14-21) 2 1 1 creep only 7 14
2 2 1 14 14
2 2 2 7 7
Stage 3 (21-28) 3 1 1 creep only 7 21
3 2 1 creep only 14 21
3 2 2 creep only 7 14
3 3 1 21 21
3 3 2 14 14
3 3 3 7 7
Stage 4 (28-35) 4 1 1 creep only 7 28
4 2 1 creep only 14 28
4 2 2 creep only 7 21
4 3 1 creep only 21 28
4 3 2 creep only 14 21
4 3 3 creep only 7 14
4 4 1 28 28
4 4 2 21 21
4 4 3 14 14
4 4 4 7 7
Stage 5 (35-42) 5 1 1 creep only 7 35
5 2 1 creep only 14 35
5 2 2 creep only 7 28
5 3 1 creep only 21 35
5 3 2 creep only 14 28
5 3 3 creep only 7 21
5 4 1 creep only 28 35
5 4 2 creep only 21 28
5 4 3 creep only 14 21
5 4 4 creep only 7 14
5 5 1 35 35
5 5 2 28 28
5 5 3 21 21
5 5 4 14 14
5 5 5 7 7
Stage 6 (42-~1970) 6 1 1 creep only 7 42
6 2 1 creep only 14 42
6 2 2 creep only 7 35
6 3 1 creep only 21 42
6 3 2 creep only 14 35
6 3 3 creep only 7 28
6 4 1 creep only 28 42
6 4 2 creep only 21 35
6 4 3 creep only 14 28
6 4 4 creep only 7 21
6 5 1 creep only 35 42
6 5 2 creep only 28 35
6 5 3 creep only 21 28
6 5 4 creep only 14 21
6 5 5 creep only 7 14
ep related data story deformation calculate displacements for joints 1-5 (for joints added to undeform
tend (age delta rho elastic creep total Joint 1 (add all Joint 2 (add all
at end of (creep deformations of deformations of
stage) coefficient) story 1) stories 1 and 2
after story 1 is
[days] [mm] [mm] [mm]
(joint 1 final UZ) (joint 2 final UZ)
r joints 1-5 (for joints added to undeformed position) (in progress)
0.000000 #VALUE!
0.000000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.000000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.000000 0.000000 #VALUE!
0.000000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.000000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.000000 0.000000 #VALUE!
Area = 2250000
Eci = 39.9
fck = 0.056
fcm = 0.064
h= 750
RH = 60
L= 3700
Force P = 500
Stress sc = 0.0002222
Stage 2
Elastic 0.0206071 0.0206071
Total step 3 0.0493133 0.0412141
Creep, Stage 1 load 0.001857
Creep, Stage 2 load 0.0071091 0.0080991
Total step 4 0.0582793 0.0582793
Stage 3
Elastic 0.0206071 0.0206071 0.0206071
Total step 5 0.0788864 0.0994935 0.0618212
Creep, Stage 1 load 0.0012709
Creep, Stage 2 load 0.00163 0.001857
Creep, Stage 3 load 0.0065839 0.0071091 0.0080991
Total step 6 0.0883712 0.1179444 0.0883712
Stage 4
Elastic 0.0206071 0.0206071 0.0206071 0.0206071
Total step 7 0.1089783 0.1591585 0.1501924 0.0824283
Creep, Stage 1 load 0.0009937
Creep, Stage 2 load 0.0011155 0.0012709
Creep, Stage 3 load 0.0015096 0.00163 0.001857
Creep, Stage 4 load 0.0062338 0.0065839 0.0071091 0.0080991
Total step 8 0.1188309 0.1784959 0.1784959 0.1188309
Stage 5
Elastic 0.0206071 0.0206071 0.0206071 0.0206071 0.0206071
Total step 9 0.1394379 0.21971 0.2403171 0.2012592 0.1030354
Creep, Stage 1 load 0.0008266
Creep, Stage 2 load 0.0008722 0.0009937
Creep, Stage 3 load 0.0010331 0.0011155 0.0012709
Creep, Stage 4 load 0.0014293 0.0015096 0.00163 0.001857
Creep, Stage 5 load 0.0059744 0.0062338 0.0065839 0.0071091 0.0080991
Total step 10 0.1495736 0.2396983 0.2697902 0.2396983 0.1495736
Stage 6
Elastic 0 0 0 0 0
Total step 11 0.1495736 0.2396983 0.2697902 0.2396983 0.1495736
Creep, Stage 1 load 0.020686
Creep, Stage 2 load 0.0188698 0.0215126
Creep, Stage 3 load 0.0182714 0.019742 0.0225063
Creep, Stage 4 load 0.0182663 0.0193046 0.0208576 0.0237772
Creep, Stage 5 load 0.018865 0.0196956 0.0208141 0.0224876 0.0256342
Total step 12 0.2445322 0.4149117 0.5091816 0.5253544 0.4608639
ad case by rs
Δtotal(t, t0) = Δci(t0) + Δcc(t, t0) = #VALUE! mm Total elastic and creep displacement at time t
Δci(t0) = εci(t0) * L = 0.021 mm Initial elastic displacement
εci (t0) = σc,new (t0) / Eci = 5.57E-06 [-] Initial elastic strain at time t0
σc,new(t0) = Pnew / Ac = 0.222222 MPa Elastic stress at time t0 due to newly applied loads
7 14 21 28 35 14 21 28 35
ection is calculated 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607 0.020607
5.57E-06 5.57E-06 5.57E-06 5.57E-06 5.57E-06 5.57E-06 5.57E-06 5.57E-06 5.57E-06
ewly applied loads 0.222222 0.222222 0.222222 0.222222 0.222222 0.222222 0.222222 0.222222 0.222222
(joint 1 final (joint 2 final
Story 3 Story 4 Story 5
Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5&6 Stage 4 Stage 5&6 Stage 5&6
Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads
21 28 35 28 35 35
1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
Δtotal(t, t0) = Δci(t0) + Δcc(t, t0) = #VALUE! mm Total elastic and creep displacement at time t
Δci(t0) = εci(t0) * L = 0.021 mm Initial elastic displacement
εci (t0) = σc,new (t0) / Eci = 5.569E-06 [-] Initial elastic strain at time t0
σc,new(t0) = Pnew / Ac = 0.2222222 MPa Elastic stress at time t0 due to newly applied loads
Story 1 Story 2
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5&6 Stage 2 Stage 3
Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads
oad is applied 7 14 21 28 35 7 14
reep deflection is calculated 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1970 1970
(joint 1 final
Story 2 Story 3 Story 4 Story 5
Stage 4 Stage 5&6 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5&6 Stage 4 Stage 5&6 Stage 5&6
Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads
21 28 7 14 21 7 14 7
1970 1970 1963 1963 1963 1956 1956 1949