Chapter 8: Vibration Impact Criteria 8-1

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Chapter 8: Vibration Impact Criteria 8-1


Because of the relatively rare occurrence of annoyance due to ground-borne vibration and noise, there has
been only limited sponsored research of human response to building vibration and structure-borne noise.
However, with the construction of new rail rapid transit systems in the past 20 years, considerable experience
has been gained as to how communities will react to various levels of building vibration. This experience,
combined with the available national and international standards, (1)(2) represents a good foundation for
predicting annoyance from ground-borne noise and vibration in residential areas.

The criteria for environmental impact from ground-borne vibration and noise are based on the maximum levels
for a single event. The criteria presented in Table 8-1 account for variation in project types as well as the
frequency of events, which differ widely among transit projects. Most experience is with the community
response to ground-borne vibration from rail rapid transit systems with typical headways in the range of 3 to
10 minutes and each vibration event lasting less than 10 seconds. It is intuitive that when there will be many
fewer events each day, as is typical for commuter rail projects, it should take higher vibration levels to evoke
the same community response. This is accounted for in the criteria by distinguishing between projects with
frequent and infrequent events where Frequent Events is defined as more than 70 events per day. Most
commuter rail projects will fall into the infrequent event category, although some commuter rail lines serving
major cities are in the frequent event category.

The criteria are primarily based on experience with passenger train operations with only limited experience
from freight train operations. The difference is that passenger train operations whether rapid transit, commuter
rail, or intra-city create vibration events that last less than about 10 seconds. A typical line haul freight train
is about 5000 feet long. At a speed of 30 mph, it will take a 5000-foot freight train approximately two minutes
to pass. Even though the criteria are primarily based on experience with shorter vibration events and this
manual is oriented to transit projects, there will be situations where potential impacts from freight train
ground-borne vibration will need to be evaluated. The prime example is when freight train tracks must be
relocated to provide space for a transit project within a railroad right-of-way. Some guidelines for applying
these criteria to freight train operations are given later in this chapter.
8-2 Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment

The criteria for acceptable ground-borne vibration are expressed in terms of rms velocity levels in decibels
and the criteria for acceptable ground-borne noise are expressed in terms of A-weighted sound level. The
limits are specified for the three land use categories defined below:

Vibration Category 1: High Sensitivity – Included in Category 1 are buildings where low ambient vibration
is essential for the operations within the building, which may be well below levels associated with
human annoyance. Concert halls and other special use facilities are covered separately in Table 8-2.
Typical land uses covered by Category 1 are: vibration-sensitive research and manufacturing, hospitals
with vibration-sensitive equipment, and university research operations. The degree of sensitivity to
vibration will depend on the specific equipment that will be affected by the vibration. Equipment such
as electron microscopes and high resolution lithographic equipment can be very sensitive to vibration,
and even normal optical microscopes will sometimes be difficult to use when vibration is well below
the human annoyance level. Manufacturing of computer chips is an example of a vibration-sensitive

The vibration limits for Vibration Category 1 are based on acceptable vibration for moderately
vibration-sensitive equipment such as optical microscopes and electron microscopes with vibration
isolation systems. Defining limits for equipment that is even more sensitive requires a detailed review
of the specific equipment involved. This type of review is usually performed during the final design
phase and not as part of the environmental impact assessment. Mitigation of transit vibration that
affects sensitive equipment typically involves modification of the equipment mounting system or
relocation of the equipment rather than applying vibration control measures to the transit project.

Note that this category does not include most computer installations or telephone switching equipment.
Although the owners of this type of equipment often are very concerned about the potential of ground-
borne vibration interrupting smooth operation of their equipment, it is rare for computer or other
electronic equipment to be particularly sensitive to vibration. Most such equipment is designed to
operate in typical building environments where the equipment may experience occasional shock from
bumping and continuous background vibration caused by other equipment.

Vibration Category 2: Residential – This category covers all residential land uses and any buildings where
people sleep, such as hotels and hospitals. No differentiation is made between different types of
residential areas. This is primarily because ground-borne vibration and noise are experienced indoors
and building occupants have practically no means to reduce their exposure. Even in a noisy urban area,
the bedrooms often will be quiet in buildings that have effective noise insulation and tightly closed
windows. Hence, an occupant of a bedroom in a noisy urban area is likely to be just as sensitive to
ground-borne noise and vibration as someone in a quiet suburban area.

Vibration Category 3: Institutional – Vibration Category 3 includes schools, churches, other institutions,
and quiet offices that do not have vibration-sensitive equipment, but still have the potential for activity-
interference. Although it is generally appropriate to include office buildings in this category, it is not
appropriate to include all buildings that have any office space. For example, most industrial buildings
Chapter 8: Vibration Impact Criteria 8-3

have office space, but it is not intended that buildings primarily for industrial use be included in this

Table 8-1 Ground-Borne Vibration and Noise Impact Criteria

Land Use Category Ground-Borne Vibration Impact Levels Ground-Borne Noise Impact Levels
(VdB re 1 micro inch/sec) (dB re 20 micro Pascals)
Frequent1 Infrequent2 Frequent1 Infrequent2
Events Events Events Events
-4 -4
Category 1: Buildings where low 65 VdB3 65 VdB3
ambient vibration is essential for
interior operations.
Category 2: Residences and buildings 72 VdB 80 VdB 35 dBA 43 dBA
where people normally sleep.
Category 3: Institutional land uses 75 VdB 83 VdB 40 dBA 48 dBA
with primarily daytime use.
1. "Frequent Events" is defined as more than 70 vibration events per day. Most rapid transit projects fall into this category.
2. "Infrequent Events" is defined as fewer than 70 vibration events per day. This category includes most commuter rail
3. This criterion limit is based on levels that are acceptable for most moderately sensitive equipment such as optical
microscopes. Vibration sensitive manufacturing or research will require detailed evaluation to define the acceptable
vibration levels. Ensuring lower vibration levels in a building often requires special design of the HVAC systems and
stiffened floors.
4. Vibration-sensitive equipment is not sensitive to ground-borne noise.

There are some buildings, such as concert halls, TV and recording studios, and theaters, that can be very
sensitive to vibration and noise but do not fit into any of the three categories. Because of the sensitivity of
these buildings, they usually warrant special attention during the environmental assessment of a transit project.
Table 8-2 gives criteria for acceptable levels of ground-borne vibration and noise for various types of special

The criteria in Tables 8-1 and 8-2 are related to ground-borne vibration causing human annoyance or
interfering with use of vibration-sensitive equipment. It is extremely rare for vibration from train operations
to cause any sort of building damage, even minor cosmetic damage. However, there is sometimes concern
about damage to fragile historic buildings located near the right-of-way. Even in these cases, damage is
unlikely except when the track will be very close to the structure. Damage thresholds that apply to these
structures are discussed in Section 12.2.2.
8-4 Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment

Table 8-2 Ground-Borne Vibration and Noise Impact Criteria for Special Buildings
Ground-Borne Vibration Impact Levels Ground-Borne Noise Impact Levels
(VdB re 1 micro-inch/sec) (dB re 20 micro-Pascals)
Type of Building or Room
Frequent1 Infrequent2 Frequent1 Infrequent2
Events Events Events Events
Concert Halls 65 VdB 65 VdB 25 dBA 25 dBA
TV Studios 65 VdB 65 VdB 25 dBA 25 dBA
Recording Studios 65 VdB 65 VdB 25 dBA 25 dBA
Auditoriums 72 VdB 80 VdB 30 dBA 38 dBA
Theaters 72 VdB 80 VdB 35 dBA 43 dBA
1. "Frequent Events" is defined as more than 70 vibration events per day. Most transit projects fall into this category.
2. "Infrequent Events" is defined as fewer than 70 vibration events per day. This category includes most commuter rail
3. If the building will rarely be occupied when the trains are operating, there is no need to consider impact. As an example
consider locating a commuter rail line next to a concert hall. If no commuter trains will operate after 7 pm, it should be
rare that the trains interfere with the use of the hall.

One factor not incorporated in the criteria is how to account for existing vibration. In most cases, the existing
environment does not include a significant number of perceptible ground-borne vibration or noise events. The
most common example of needing to account for the pre-existing vibration is when the project will be located
in an existing rail corridor. Following are methods of handling representative scenarios:

1. Infrequently-used rail corridor: Use the standard vibration criteria when the existing rail traffic consists
of at most one or two trains per day.

2. Moderately-used rail corridor: If the existing traffic consists of more than about 10 trains per day and
the train vibration substantially exceeds the impact criteria, there is no impact as long as the project
vibration levels estimated using the procedures outlined in either Chapter 10 or 11 are at least 5 to 10
decibels less than the existing vibration. The existing train vibration can be either measured or
estimated using the General Assessment procedures in Chapter 10. It is usually preferable to measure
vibration from existing train traffic.

3. Heavily-used rail corridor: If the project will not significantly increase the number of vibration events,
there will not be additional impact unless the project vibration, estimated using the procedures of
Chapters 10 or 11, will be higher than the existing vibration. Approximately doubling the number of
events is required for a significant increase. An example of this case would be a new commuter rail line
sharing part of a corridor with an existing rapid transit system with both systems carrying similar
volumes of traffic. When the project will cause vibration higher than the existing, the existing source
can be ignored and the standard vibration criteria applied to the project.

4. Moving existing tracks: Another scenario where existing vibration can be significant is when a new
project will use an existing rail right-of-way and result in shifting the location of existing tracks. The
track relocation and reconstruction can result in lower vibration levels, in which case this aspect of the
project represents a benefit not an adverse impact. If the track relocation will cause higher vibration
Chapter 8: Vibration Impact Criteria 8-5

levels at sensitive receptors, then the projected vibration levels must be compared to the appropriate
impact criterion to determine if there will be impact. Most freight lines have two to six trains per day,
but each train may take several minutes to pass by. For typical freight trains, the locomotive vibration
is 5 to 10 decibels higher than vibration from the rail cars.

Although the impact thresholds given in Tables 8-1 and 8-2 are based on experience with vibration
from rail transit systems, they can be applied to freight train vibrations as well. A dual approach is
recommended with separate consideration of the locomotive and rail car vibration. Because the
locomotive vibration only lasts for a few seconds, the infrequent event limit is appropriate. However,
for a typical line-haul freight train where the rail car vibration lasts for several minutes, the frequent
event limits should be applied to the rail car vibration. Some judgment must be exercised to make sure
that the approach is reasonable. For example, some spur rail lines carry very little rail traffic
(sometimes only one train per week) or have short trains, in which case the infrequent limits are


1. Acoustical Society of America, "American National Standard: Guide to Evaluation of Human

Exposure to Vibration in Buildings," ANSI S3.29-1983 (ASA 48-1983).

2. International Standards Organization, "Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration, Part

2: Continuous and Shock-Induced Vibrations in Buildings (1-80Hz)," ISO-2361-2, 1989.
8-6 Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment

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