Log Inactivation Brochure 2009

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Disinfection: CT and Microbial Log

Inactivation Calculations
Drinking Water Reference Guide: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Water Quality Control Division - Engineering Section http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/wq/ 303-692-3500 May 2009
This reference guide takes you step by step through the CT and log inactivation calculation
What do I need to procedure, through an example calculation, and presents the disinfection segment concept.
know before I start
calculating? What is Log Inactivation?
“Log inactivation” is a convenient way to express the number or percent of microorganisms
• Peak Hourly Flow, Q inactivated (killed or unable to replicate) through the disinfection process. For example, a 3 log
(gpm) inactivation value means that 99.9% of microorganisms of interest have been inactivated. (See box at
left.) Log inactivation measures the effectiveness of the disinfection process, which is influenced by
• Residual Disinfectant variables including disinfectant concentration, temperature, pH and disinfectant type (e.g., lower
Concentration, C (mg/L) temperature results in less inactivation since the reactions slow down as temperature decreases).
• Temperature (ºC)
What is CT?
• pH (standard units, s.u.) “CT” (minutes•mg/L) in the context of water treatment is defined as the product of: C, for “residual
disinfectant concentration” in mg/L (determined before or at the first customer) and T, for the
• Basin Geometry corresponding “disinfectant contact time” in minutes. CT is a measure of the disinfection process
reaction time, but CT is only one of several variables that control the effectiveness of the disinfection
• Baffle Configuration
• Disinfectant type
CT and Log Inactivation Calculation Overview
Basically, log inactivation is a measurement of how effective a disinfection process is at killing
Log Inactivation microorganisms in a specific environment. Operationally, directly measuring log inactivation is not
practical, but determining the microbial inactivation for an individual water treatment plant (WTP) can
• 1 log: 90% inactivation be achieved using the log inactivation calculations. The log inactivation calculation adjusts the WTP’s
CT value to account for the disinfection chemical reaction process variables that influence the
• 2 log: 99% inactivation disinfection process efficiency. The log inactivation calculations (Equations 1 and 2 in the left-hand
bottom box) use the WTP’s CT (CTCALC) and the EPA-developed CT log inactivation tables (CT99.9 for
• 3 log: 99.9% inactivation Giardia lamblia and CT99.99 for viruses). (See box on Page 3 for the basis of CT log inactivation tables.)
The flowchart below illustrates the log inactivation calculation process.
• 4 log: 99.99% inactivation
WTP Measured Data WTP Information
Contact Basin Disinfectant
pH (s.u.) Temperature (ºC)
Volume, V (gal) type
Equation Summary
Peak Hourly Residual Disinfectant Basin Baffle Factor, BF (from
1. Giardia Log Inactivation = Flow, Q (gpm) Concentration, C (mg/L) EPA table or Tracer Study)
3 log × (CTCALC / CT99.9)

2. Virus Log Inactivation =

4 log × (CTCALC / CT99.99) (minutes)
Giardia CT99.9
T Virus CT99.99
3. CTCALC = C × T (minutes) CTCALC Tables
4. T = TDT × BF

WTP Giardia Log Inactivation

5. TDT = V / Q WTP Virus Log Inactivation
Where: TDT = Theoretical Detention Time
Source and for more information: T = Detention Time
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2003. LT1ESWTR Disinfection CTCALC = Concentration Time Calculated Value for WTP
Profiling and Benchmarking Technical Guidance Manual. EPA 816-R-03-004 CT99.9 = Concentration Time to inactivate 3 log of Giardia (from table)
http://www.epa.gov/safewater/mdbp/pdf/profile/lt1profiling.pdf CT99.99 = Concentration Time to inactivate 4 log of virus (from table)
CT and Log Inactivation Calculation Steps
Volume Equations:
Step 1: Calculate Detention Time
Cylindrical: π x r2 x d Pipeline: π x r2 x l
Step 1-A: Calculate Theoretical Detention Time (TDT)
Flowing full
TDT = V/Q TDT = Theoretical Detention Time (minutes) l
V = Volume, based on low water level (gallons)
Q = Peak hourly flow (gpm)
Rectangular: l x w x d
Step 1-B: Calculate Actual Detention Time (T)
T = TDT × BF T = Actual Detention Time (minutes)* d
TDT = Theoretical Detention Time (minutes) l
BF = Baffling Factor (measure of short circuiting) d = minimum water depth
π = 3.1416

* The Actual Detention Time also may be available from site-specific tracer tests conducted at all possible flowrates.
Baffling Condition Baffling Description
Unbaffled (mixed flow) 0.1 None, agitated basin, very low length-to-width ratio, high inlet and outlet flow velocities
Poor 0.3 Single or multiple unbaffled inlets and outlets, no intra basin baffles
Average 0.5 Baffled inlet or outlet with some intra basin baffles
Perforated inlet baffle, serpentine or perforated intra basin baffles, outlet weir or
Superior 0.7
perforated launders
Very high length-to-width ratio (pipeline flow), perforated inlet, outlet, and intrabasin
Perfect (plug flow) 1.0 baffles

Conversion Factors:
Step 2: Calculate CTCALC
1 cu-ft = 7.48 gallons
CTCALC = C × T CTCALC = Concentration Time, Calculated Value (minutes•mg/L)
1 MGD = 694 gpm
C = Residual disinfectant concentration measured during peak flow (mg/L)
1 gal water = 8.34 lbs
T = Actual Detention Time (minutes)
ºC = 5/9 x (ºF – 32)
Step 3: Calculate Giardia lamblia log inactivation
Step 3-A: Determine CT required for Giardia lamblia 3 log reduction (CT99.9) using EPA
tables and WTP information
The CT required for 3 log inactivation of Giardia lamblia (designated as CT99.9) is available in tables for different disinfectants. (See
Page 6, Table A for the free chlorine tables.) The CT99.9 for Giardia lamblia depends on the residual disinfectant concentration
(C), temperature, and pH. A section of “Table A: Giardia lamblia 3 log reduction (CT99.9) for free chlorine” can be seen below.

Temperature <= 0.5°C

Conc. Log reduction tables
(mg/L) for other disinfectants
<=6.0 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 (e.g., UV, chloramine,
<=0.4 137 163 195 237 277 329 390 chlorine dioxide,
ozone) are available in
0.6 141 168 200 239 286 342 407
the 2003 EPA
0.8 145 172 205 246 295 354 422 LT1ESWTR Guidance
1.0 148 176 210 253 304 365 437 Manual.
Page 2
Step 3-B: Calculate Giardia lamblia Log Inactivation
What is Giardia?
Giardia Log Inactivation = 3 log × (CTCALC / CT99.9)
Giardia lamblia is a flagellated
protozoan, which is shed during
CTCALC = Concentration Time, Calculated Value (minutes•mg/L)
its cyst-stage within the feces of
CT99.9 = Concentration Time to inactivate 3 log of Giardia (minutes•mg/L) from table humans and animals. When water
containing these cysts is ingested,

Step 4: Calculate virus log inactivation the protozoan causes a severe

gastrointestinal disease called
Step 4-A: Determine CT required for Virus 4 log reduction (CT99.99)
The CT required for 4 log inactivation of viruses (designated as CT99.99) for free chlorine is
presented in the table below. The virus CT99.99 is dependent on temperature and pH.
Temperature pH
°C 6-9 10
0.5 12 90 Fluorescence image of Giardia lamblia cysts
Photo Credit: H.D.A Lindquist, U.S. EPA
5 8 60
10 6 45 Where did the CT
15 4 30
tables come from?
The CT99.9 and CT99.99 tables were
20 3 22
developed by the EPA, based on
25 2 15 experimental data, to account for
the impact of major variables (e.g.,
Step 4-B: Calculate Virus Log Inactivation temp, pH, concentration) on
disinfection reaction efficiency. For
Virus Log Inactivation = 4 log × (CTCALC / CT99.99) example, the CT99.9 value in the
EPA table is the CT required to
CTCALC = Concentration Time, Calculated Value (minutes•mg/L) achieve a 3 log reduction of Giardia
CT99.99 = Concentration Time to inactivate 4 log of virus (minutes•mg/L) from table lamblia for a given disinfectant type
and concentrations under various

Example Log Inactivation Calculation

temperature and pH conditions.

r =20 ft
Measured at Peak Flow: Cylindrical basin Information:
Peak Flow, Q = 347 gpm Inner tank diameter, D = 40 ft
Free chlorine residual, C = 0.8 mg/L Inner tank radius, r = 20 ft
pH = 6 s.u. Minimum tank water level, d = 30 ft 37,680 ft3 30 ft
Temperature = 0.5°C No baffling, BF = 0.1 282,000 gallons

Background - Calculate Basin Volume, V In Out

V= π × d × r , Cylindrical Basin Volume Equation
V= 3.1416 × 30 ft × (20 ft)2 = 37,680 ft3
V= 37,680 ft3 × 7.48 gallons/ft3
V= 282,000 gallons

Step 1: Calculate Detention Time

Step 1-A: Calculate Theoretical Detention Time Step 1-B: Calculate Actual Detention Time
TDT = V / Q TDT = V / Q T = TDT × BF T = TDT × BF
TDT = 282,000 gals / 347 gpm T = 813 minutes × 0.1
TDT = 813 minutes T = 81.3 minutes

Page 3
Example Log Inactivation Calculation (continued)
Step 2: Calculate CTCALC
CTCALC = 0.8 mg/L × 81.3 minutes
CTCALC = 65 minutes•mg/L

Step 3: Calculate Giardia lamblia log inactivation

Step 3-A: Determine CT required for Giardia lamblia 3 log reduction
Determine Giardia CT99.9 from CT Table given Temperature = 0.5°C, pH = 6 s.u., Free chlorine residual = 0.8 mg/L

Temperature <= 0.5°C

Conc. pH
<=6.0 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 CT99.9 = 145 minutes•mg/L
<=0.4 137 163 195 237 277 329 390
0.6 141 168 200 239 286 342 407
0.8 145 172 205 246 295 354 422
1.0 148 176 210 253 304 365 437
Step 3-B: Calculate Giardia lamblia Log Inactivation
Giardia Log Inactivation = 3 log × (CTCALC / CT99.9) Giardia Log Inactivation = 3 log × (CTCALC / CT99.9)
Giardia Log Inactivation = 3 log × (65 minutes•mg/L / 145 minutes•mg/L )
Giardia Log Inactivation = 1.34 log

Step 4: Calculate virus inactivation

Step 4-A: Determine CT required for Virus 4 log reduction
Determine virus CT99.99 from CT Table given Temperature = 0.5°C and pH = 6 s.u. General relationships:
Temperature ° pH As C log inactivation
C 6-9 10 As pH log inactivation
0.5 12 90
As BF log inactivation
5 8 60 CT99.99 = 12 minutes•mg/L
As Peak Q log inactivation
10 6 45
As Temp log inactivation
15 4 30
20 3 22 As Contact Volume log inactivation

25 2 15

Step 4-B: Calculate Virus Log Inactivation

Virus Log Inactivation = 4 log × (CTCALC / CT99.99) Virus Log Inactivation = 4 log× (CTCALC / CT99.99)
Virus Log Inactivation = 4 log × (65 minutes•mg/L / 12 minutes•mg/L)
Virus Log Inactivation = 21.67 log
Alternatively: What is the CT, Giardia and virus inactivation if the free chlorine residual concentration is 0.4 mg/L vs. 0.8 mg/L?
Answer: CTCALC = C × T = 0.4 mg/L × 81.3 minutes = 32.5 minutes•mg/L
Giardia Log Inactivation = 3 log × (CTCALC / CT99.9) = 3 × (32.5 minutes•mg/L / 137 minutes•mg/L) = 0.72 log
Virus Log Inactivation = 4 log× (CTCALC / CT99.99) = 4 × (32.5 minutes•mg/L / 12 minutes•mg/L) = 10.83 log
Page 4
Disinfection Segments
What is a Disinfection One Disinfection
Segment? Segment Example

• A disinfection segment is a
section of a treatment
system beginning at one
disinfection injection or
monitoring point.

• Every disinfectant injection

point is the start of a new Note: Removal credits for treatment processes
are independent of disinfection inactivation.
disinfection segment.

• Every injection point has an

associated monitoring point.

Total inactivation is the sum

of log inactivation for each
disinfection segment (if the
system has multiple
disinfection segments).
Therefore, calculate log
inactivation for each segment
and add together to Two Disinfection
determine total system
Segments Example
Total inactivation = ∑ log inactivation from each disinfection segment

Disinfection Profile
What is a Disinfection Profile and

• A disinfection profile is a graphical representation

of a system’s level of Giardia lamblia or virus
inactivation measured, at least weekly, during the
course of a year.

• A benchmark is the lowest monthly average

microbial inactivation during the disinfection
profile time period.

Almost all community and non transient, non community public

EPA Disinfection Profile Spreadsheet Calculator
water systems that use Surface Water or Ground Water Under
the Direct Influence of Surface Water sources are required to The EPA has developed a disinfection profile spreadsheet
develop a disinfection profile. Systems are required to retain the calculator that calculates and graphs the disinfection profile for
disinfection profile in graphic form and it must be available for Giardia and viruses. The spreadsheet can be downloaded from:
review by the state as part of a sanitary survey. http://www.epa.gov/safewater/mdbp/lt1eswtr.html.
Page 5
All values in tables are in minutes•mg/L

Table A: 3 Log CT (CT99.9) Values for Giardia Cysts by free chlorine

Chlorine Temperature <= 0.5°C Temperature = 5°C Temperature = 10°C
pH pH pH
<=6.0 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 <=6.0 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 <=6.0 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
<=0.4 137 163 195 237 277 329 390 97 117 139 166 198 236 279 73 88 104 125 149 177 209
0.6 141 168 200 239 286 342 407 100 120 143 171 204 244 291 75 90 107 128 153 183 218
0.8 145 172 205 246 295 354 422 103 122 146 175 210 252 301 78 92 110 131 158 189 226
1.0 148 176 210 253 304 365 437 105 125 149 179 216 260 312 79 94 112 134 162 195 234
1.2 152 180 215 259 313 376 451 107 127 152 183 221 267 320 80 95 114 137 166 200 240
1.4 155 184 221 266 321 387 464 109 130 155 187 227 274 329 82 98 116 140 170 206 247
1.6 157 189 226 273 329 397 477 111 132 158 192 232 281 337 83 99 119 144 174 211 253
1.8 162 193 231 279 338 407 489 114 135 162 196 238 287 345 86 101 122 147 179 215 259
2.0 165 197 236 286 346 417 500 116 138 165 200 243 294 353 87 104 124 150 182 221 265
2.2 169 201 242 297 353 426 511 118 140 169 204 248 300 361 89 105 127 153 186 225 271
2.4 172 205 247 298 361 435 522 120 143 172 209 253 306 368 90 107 129 157 190 230 276
2.6 175 209 252 304 368 444 533 122 146 175 213 258 312 375 92 110 131 160 194 234 281
2.8 178 213 257 310 375 452 543 124 148 178 217 263 318 382 93 111 134 163 197 239 287
3.0 181 217 261 316 382 460 552 126 151 182 221 268 324 389 95 113 137 166 201 243 292

Chlorine Temperature = 15°C Temperature = 20°C Temperature = 25°C

Conc. pH pH pH
<=6.0 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 <=6.0 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 <=6.0 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
<=0.4 49 59 70 83 99 118 140 36 44 52 62 74 89 105 24 29 35 42 50 59 70
0.6 50 60 72 86 102 122 146 38 45 54 64 77 92 109 25 30 36 43 51 61 73
0.8 52 61 73 88 105 126 151 39 46 55 66 79 95 113 26 31 37 44 53 63 75
1.0 53 63 75 90 108 130 156 39 47 56 67 81 98 117 26 31 37 45 54 65 78
1.2 54 64 76 92 111 134 160 40 48 57 69 83 100 120 27 32 38 46 55 67 80
1.4 55 65 78 94 114 137 165 41 49 58 70 85 103 123 27 33 39 47 57 69 82
1.6 56 66 79 96 116 141 169 42 50 59 72 87 105 126 28 33 40 48 58 70 84
1.8 57 68 81 98 119 144 173 43 51 61 74 89 108 129 29 34 41 49 60 72 86
2.0 58 69 83 100 122 147 177 44 52 62 75 91 110 132 29 35 41 50 61 74 88
2.2 59 70 85 102 124 150 181 44 53 63 77 93 113 135 30 35 42 51 62 75 90
2.4 60 72 86 105 127 153 184 45 54 65 78 95 115 138 30 36 43 52 63 77 92
2.6 61 73 88 107 129 156 188 46 55 66 80 97 117 141 31 37 44 53 65 78 94
2.8 62 74 89 109 132 159 191 47 56 67 81 99 119 143 31 37 45 54 66 80 96
3.0 63 76 91 111 134 162 195 47 57 68 83 101 122 146 32 38 46 55 67 81 97

Table B: 4 Log CT (CT99.99) Values for viruses by free chlorine

Temperature pH
°C 6-9 10
Tables reproduced from
0.5 12 90
U.S. EPA. 2003. LT1ESWTR Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Technical Guidance Manual.
5 8 60 EPA 816-R-03-004, http://www.epa.gov/safewater/mdbp/pdf/profile/lt1profiling.pdf
10 6 45
15 4 30 For more information
EPA’s LT1ESWTR web site: http://www.epa.gov/safewater/mdbp/lt1eswtr.html
20 3 22
25 2 15 CDPHE WQCD web site: http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/wq/
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