2872-Circular Clips #2
2872-Circular Clips #2
2872-Circular Clips #2
1. Unit Cost
2. Input cost for feeds and fodders, veterinary aid, breeding of animals, insurance, labour and
other overheads.
3. Output costs i.e. sale price of milk, manure, gunny bags, male/female calves, other
miscellaneous items etc.
4. Income-expenditure statement and annual gross surplus.
5. Cash flow analysis.
6. Repayment schedule (i.e. repayment of principal loan amount and interest).
Other documents such as loan application forms, security aspects, margin money requirements etc. are
also examined. A field visit to the scheme area is undertaken for conducting a techno-economic feasibility
study for appraisal of the scheme.
The animals may be insured annually or on long term master policy, where ever it is applicable. The
present rate of insurance premium for scheme and non scheme animals are 2.25% and 4.0% respectively.
Selection of Animal :
1. Immediately after release of the loan purchase the stock from a reliable breeder or from
nearest livestock market.
2. Select healthy, high yielding animals with the help of bank's technical officer,
veterinary/animal husbandry officer of State government/ Zilla Parishad, etc.
3. Purchase freshly calved animals in their second/third lactation.
4. Before purchasing, ascertain actual milk yield by milking the animal three times
5. Identify the newly purchased animal by giving suitable identification mark (ear tagging or
6. Vaccinate the newly purchased animal against disease.
7. Keep the newly purchased animal under observation for a period of about two weeks and then
mix with the general herd.
8. Purchase a minimum economical unit of two milch animals.
9. Purchase the second animal/second batch after 5-6 months from the purchase of first animal.
10. As buffaloes are seasonal calvers purchase them during July to February.
11. As far as possible purchase the second animal when the first animal is in its late stage of
lactation and is about to become dry, thereby maintaining continuity in milk production vis-a-
vis income. This will ensure availability of adequate funds for maintaining the dry animals.
12. Follow judicious culling and replacement of animals in a herd.
13. Cull the old animals after 6-7 lactations.
Milking of Animals
1. Milk the animals two to three times a day.
2. Milk at fixed times.
3. Milk in one sitting within eight minutes.
4. As far as possible, milking should be done by the same person regularly.
5. Milk the animal in a clean place.
6. Wash the udder and teat with antiseptic lotions/luke-warm water and dry before milking.
7. Milker should be free from any contagious diseases and should wash his hands with antiseptic
lotion before each milking.
8. Milking should be done with full hands, quickly and completely followed by stripping.
9. Sick cows/buffaloes should be milked at the end to prevent spread of infection.
Breeding Care
1. Observe the animal closely and keep specific record of its coming in heat, duration of heat,
insemination, conception and calving.
2. Breed the animals in time.
3. The onset of oestrus will be within 60 to 80 days after calving.
4. Timely breeding will help achieving conception within 2 to 3 months of calving.
5. Breed the animals when it is in peak heat period (i.e. 12 to 24 hours of heat).
6. Use high quality semen preferably frozen semen of proven sires/bulls.
Marketing of Milk
1. Marketing milk immediately after it is drawn keeping the time between production and marketing
of the milk to the minimum.
2. Use clean utensils and handle milk in hygienic way.
3. Wash milk pails/cans/utensils thoroughly with detergent and finally rinse with chloride solution.
4. Avoid too much agitation of milk during transit.
5. Transport the milk during cool hours of the day.
Care of Calves
1. Take care of new born calf.
2. Treat/disinfect the navel cord with tincutre of iodine as soon as it is cut with a sharp knife.
3. Feed colostrum to calf.
4. Assist the calf to suckle if it is too weak to suckle on its own within 30 minutes of calving.
5. In case it is desired to wean the calf immediately after birth, then feed the colostrum in bucket.
6. Keep the calf separately from birth till two months of age in a dry clean and well ventilated
7. Protect the calves against extreme weather conditions, particularly during the first two months.
8. Group the calves according to their size.
9. Vaccinate calves.
10. Dehorn the calves around 4 to 5 days of age for easy management when they grow.
11. Dispose of extra calves not to be reared/maintained for any specific purpose as early as
possible, particularly the male calves.
12. The female calves should be properly reared.