Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person: Subject Syllabus

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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Subject Syllabus

Subject Description

This course for Senior High School students covers the initiation to the activity and process of philosophical reflection as a search for a
synoptic vision of life. Topics to be discussed include the human experiences of embodiment, being in the world with others and the environment,
freedom, intersubjectivity, sociality, being unto death. The preliminary lessons include the meaning and method of doing philosophy in relation to
the human person as an embodied being in the world and the environment. The following lessons examine of the human person as free,
intersubjective, immersed in society and oriented towards death. These lessons aim to provide the learners a more critical way of thinking about
the human person as free, intersubjective, immersed in the society, and oriented towards death so as to make them agents of social

Subject Objectives

At the end of the semester, the learners should be able to:

Course objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Reflect on their daily experiences from a holistic point of view
2. Acquire Critical and Analytical Thinking skills
3. Apply their critical and analytical thinking skills to the affairs of daily life
4. Become truthful, environment-friendly and service-oriented
5. Actively committed to the development of a more humane society
6. Articulate their own philosophy of life

Subject Outline

Session Topic References/Resources

Session 1 “Subject Orientation”
Session 2 “Meaning of Philosophy” Calano, Pasco, Ramoya, Philosophizing and Being Human, Quezon: Sibs Publishing House Inc.
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Session 3-4 “Philosophical Enterprise” Solis, Pineda, Maybanting, Inroduction to Philosophy: Selected Readings, Davao: CSL Printing
Press, 2009.
Session 5 & 6 “Primary and secondary Dy, Manuel Jr. PhD, Philosophy of Man: Selected Readings, Makati: Goodwill Trading Co. Inc.,
reflection” 2001.
“Allegory the cave” Dy, Manuel Jr. PhD, Philosophy of Man: Selected Readings, Makati: Goodwill Trading Co. Inc.,
Session 7 2001.
Session 8-9 “Logic” Ramos, Christine Carmela PhD, “Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person, Manila:
Rex Book Store Inc., 2016.
Session 10 Review
Session 11 Exam
Session 1-2 “Embodiment” My Body by Eduardo Jose E. Calasanz (article)
Session 3-4 “Man Search for Meaning Ateneo de Davao University, Introduction to Philosophy: Selected Readings.

Session 5-6 “Human Freedom” Dy, Manuel Jr. PhD, Philosophy of Man: Selected Readings, Makati: Goodwill Trading Co. Inc.,
Session 7 Review
Session 8 Exam
Session 1-2 “Infinite Responsibility” Maboloc, Fernandez, Tuvida, Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person,
Davao: SMKC Printshoppe, 2016.
Session 3-4 “Sociality” Dy, Manuel Jr. PhD, Philosophy of Man: Selected Readings, Makati: Goodwill Trading Co. Inc.,
Session 5 “Love Ateneo de Davao University, Introduction to Philosophy: Selected Readings.

Session 6 “Death” Dy, Manuel Jr. PhD, Philosophy of Man: Selected Readings, Makati: Goodwill Trading Co.
Inc., 2001.
Session 7 Review
Session 8 Exam
Session 9 Performance Task
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Subject Syllabus Matrix

1. Orientation I. Reiteration I. Recall the Senior
(1.5 and overview of Senior High School Policies Recitation
hrs.) of the subject High School and Standards. Class
standards a. Demonstrate discussion
(class rules, understanding of
levelling of classroom rules.
expectations) b. Verbalize subject
II. Presentation
of Subject II. Identify main themes
Syllabus of the course.
a. Recognize the
relevance of the
main themes in
the whole
of the course.
b. State their
and questions in
relation to the
2. “Meaning of I. The student should be Read Chapter 1 -Class -Recitation Calano, Pasco,
(1.5 Philosophy” able to explain what it of Philosophizing discussion Ramoya,
and Being -Quiz
hrs.) means to think Human (Calano, Philosophizing
philosophically, and be Pasco, Ramoya) and Being
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

able to differentiate it Human,

from other disciplines. Quezon: Sibs
II. The student should be -Group skit House Inc.
able to enumerate and 2016
explain the six major
branches of philosophy.

3-4. “Philosophical I. Understand the Class Recitation Ateneo de

(3 Enterprise” nature of discussion Davao
hrs.) philosophical Formative University,
question by way of Assessment Introduction
formulating to
questions. Philosophy:
II. Appreciate the Selected
validity of rules as Readings.
contributory to
personal growth.
III. Demonstrate a
understanding of self.
5-6. “Primary and I. Differentiate Primary Class Reflection paper Dy, Manuel Jr.
(3 Secondary and Secondary Reflection Discussion Recitation PhD,
hrs.) Reflection” II. Demonstrate Philosophy of
familiarity of the act of Man: Selected
reflection Readings,
III. Appreciate the Essay Makati:
significance of reflection Goodwill
to human life. Trading Co.
Inc., 2001.
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

7. “Allegory of 1. To understand the Kindly read in Discussion Their homework Essay Dy, Manuel Jr.
(1.5 the Cave” nature of reality in the advance our research PhD,
hrs.) perspective of the senses next topic regarding the Philosophy of
and of the reason; about logic as Recitation allegory of the Man: Selected
2. To provide critical Readings,
method of cave.
analysis of the allegory of Makati:
the cave; Goodwill
3.To validate and/justify Trading Co.
truth from mere opinion. Inc., 2001.

8-9. “Logic” I. Come away from Logic https://www. Discussion Quiz Ramos,
(3 and Critical Thinking with Christine
hrs.) an appreciation of the watch?v= Carmela PhD,
fact that logic is both an eXGcy AxRs8c “Introduction to
object of study and an aid (What is Logic?) the Philosophy
in thinking clearly. of the Human
Person, Manila:
II. Make distinctions Rex Book Store
among and identify the Recitation
Inc., 2016.
truth or falsity of beliefs
and the truth or falsity of Philosophy of
statements. Man: Seleceted
III. Identify the most
common fallacious forms
of reasoning in each form
of logic
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

1-2. “Embodiment” I. Recognize own Ask the learners Discussion Recitation My Body by
(3 limitations and to state at least Eduardo Jose E.
hrs.) possibilities for one’s one topic from Calasanz
transcendence. the prelim that (article)
struct them the
II. To evaluate own most and let Essay Writing
limitations and them share
possibilities for one’s their insights
transcendence. from their
chosen topic.
III. To recognize how the
human body imposes
limits and possibilities for

IV. To distinguish the

limitations and
possibilities for

3-4. “Man’s Search I. Explain freedom Discussion Recitation Ateneo de

(3 for Meaning” according to Viktor Davao
hrs.) Frankl. Video University,
II. Evaluate the different presentation Introduction to
ways of looking at human Philosophy:
life through one’s Selected
personal reflection. Readings.
III. Appreciate the act of
questioning towards the
path of meaningful life.
5-6. “Human I. Discuss the concepts of Discussion Reflection paper Formative Dy, Manuel Jr.
(3 Freedom” total determinism Assessment PhD,
hrs.) II. Recognize the Philosophy of
limitations of freedom Man: Selected
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

III. Realize transcendence Makati:

of freedom from Goodwill
necessitating causes. Trading Co.
Inc., 2001.
1-2. “Infinite I. The learner should Read the article Discussion Recitation Maboloc,
(3 Responsibility” realize that intersubjectivity "Ethics and the Fernandez,
requires accepting Face" (Calasanz)
hrs.) differences and not Tuvida,
imposing on others. Introduction to
the Philosophy
II. The learner should be of the Human
able to understand Levinas' Skit
notion of infinite
Person, Davao:
responsibility to the other Quiz SMKC
and relate this to the Jesuit Printshoppe,
ideal of "men and women 2016.
for others"

3-4. “Sociality” I. Recognize how Read the article Discussion Recitation Dy, Manuel Jr.
(3 individuals form societies "Socius and the PhD,
and how individuals are Neighbor"
hrs.) transformed by societies (Ricoeur) Philosophy of
Man: Selected
II. Explain how human Readings,
relations are transformed Makati:
by social systems
III. Evaluate the Trading Co.
transformation of human Inc., 2001.
relationships by social Group
systems and how societies Report
transform individual human
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

5. “Love” I. Comprehensive Discussion Quiz Ateneo de

(1.5 understanding of love Davao
hrs.) II. relating freedom and Song University,
intersubjectivity with love reflection Introduction to
III. Differentiate love from Philosophy:
falling in love and Selected
dependency. Readings.
6. “Death” I. Discuss death from a Discussion Essay Writing Recitation Dy, Manuel Jr.
(1.5 phenomenological lens. Major PT PhD,
hrs.) II. Distinguish authentic Philosophy of
from inauthentic living. Man: Selected
III. Appreciate the value Readings,
of life from the Makati:
perspective of death. Goodwill
Trading Co.
Inc., 2001.


Philosophy Teacher

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