304044204-Philosophy-of-Man-Syllabus - Obe Format
304044204-Philosophy-of-Man-Syllabus - Obe Format
304044204-Philosophy-of-Man-Syllabus - Obe Format
1. To develop competent psychometricians equipped with guidance and counseling, teaching and psychological inquiry skills.
2. To provide students with holistic knowledge for greater understanding of human behavior; and
3. To equip students with necessary skills in conducting behavioral research and extension.
This course examines Man’s search for meaning within the totality of his Phenomenological experiences. Looking at various theories of different
philosophers regarding man, the course will attempt to provide an introduction to philosophy, the science of the ultimate whys and wherefores of all
things, with man as the key point, the starting, the central and the predominant theme of discussion.
Time Productive Aids/ Assessment
Learning Content/Tasks Expected Outcome/Values Formation
Allotment Pedagogies Educational Techniques
A. Orientation
1. To understand the VMGO of the
1. Mission, Vision, Goals and college in connection with the course.
1 hour Lecture Quiz
Objectives of the College 2. To understand the ground rules,
2. Introduction to the course content guidelines, course requirements and
B. The Philosophical Act
Lecture –
1. Define philosophy
Discussion, Handouts,
1. An Introduction to Philosophy 2. Related philosophy to other social Quizzes,
Reflective Powerpoint
2. The Nature of Philosophical 3 hours sciences. Reflection Paper,
Writing presentations,
Inquiry 3. Discuss the relevance of philosophy. Recitation
Activities, Textbooks
3. Importance of Philosophy 4. Value the importance of philosophy
in one’s life
C. The Human Person
Reflection Papers,
1. To deeply understand the concept of Lecture,
1. The Human Person in 1.5 hours Human Person and its relationship to Collaborative Handouts
Quizzes, Simple
Relation to the SELF. the Self Learning
Research Work
D. Greek Wisdom on the Human 9 hours 1. To know and understand some of the Lecture, Handouts Quiz
Person Greek’s philosophies regarding the Collaborative
nature of man learning,
1. Socrates: Man and Virtue 2. To reflect and acquire valuable Reporting,
2. Plato: The Ideal Man, The lessons and positive values from the Film Showing
Perfect Man ideas of philosophers.
3. Aristotle’s Philosophy of Man
Dy, Manuel Jr. B. Philosophy of Man: Selected Readings. 3rd Edition. Katha Publishing Co. Inc. 2012
Montemayor, Felix M. (2005). Introduction to Philosophy through the Philosophy of man. Revised edition. National Bookstore.
Cruz, Corazon L. Philosophy of Man. Revised edition, National Bookstore