Description of Class Teaching Unit Type of Lesson

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Description of Meša Selimović primary school Subject: English language; VII/ 9 28 students 13 years old 2010/2011.

class year Class time: 45’ Teacher: Amila Islamović,prof.
Teaching unit Unit 1b
4. Sweet Sue and Smart Alec
Type of lesson Presentation

Sources Student’s Book, Workbook,

Aims and To make students interested in the topic
objectives To present new text To present new characters from the story
To develop their skills: To improve students reading and understanding new text
To improve student’s writing: To improve student’s vocabulary
To motivate and encourage student’s speaking and thinking

Methods Illustration
Work on text
Task-based method
Ask and answer
Class Individual work Group work
management Whole class
Pair work SSS. TQ- SA , SS
Teaching aids, Board, Magnets, SB, Photos, Cards with names, Tape recorder, CD, Notebook, Pen, Chalk
materials and

Procedure Introductory part, main part & final part.

Additional plan

Aims and objectives Class organization procedure and Teaching Possible Possible Timing
partIntroductory activities aids problems solutions
To make students interested Teacher says hello to students and asks Photos Some Teacher
in topic them to show her their homework. She TV students explains
clarifies they understand all tasks. Then she Notebook didn’t do them they
To improve student’s starts talking with them about private WB homework have to
vocabulary detective expression. She asks them to because work their
explain her that expression. She also helps they forgot. homework,
To motivate and encourage them to say what they want. Students say but if they 5'
student’s speaking and the names of some very famous private don’t know
thinking detectives in the world like Sherlock some
Holmes, Paoirot and other. (if you have got exercises
TV in your classroom you can show them a she is
part of famous British series, or some going to
photos.) help them.
Main part

To present new characters Teacher puts some photos and names on Board Some Teacher
from the story the board. She sticks it with magnets. There Magnets students says that
are photos of the main characters from the SB haven’t those
To motivate student’s story on page number 6.Then she asks Photos been the exercises
playing students to take their SB open them on page Cards with fastest and will be 5’
6 and look at the text, then the fastest six names they are more in
To enjoy doing exercise come to the board and match the names angry a little future and
with photos. bit. they should
When they finish teacher presents each do the best
character and asks students to repeat their of
names after her. themselves.
To develop student’s skill Then teacher write the title on the board and Tape None None
(listening & reading) calls up students to listen to the CD. She recorder
To present new text plays the CD and they listen. CD
Then she checks their vocabulary (WB page SB
To improve student’s 80) After that students read the text. Teacher Notebook
vocabulary gives them different roles. Pen 10’
When they finish they have to say why
Sweet Sue is angry. They write this question
and answer into their notebook
Check the answer with whole class.
To improve student’s writing Teacher asks students to look at page SB Some Teacher
and understanding of new number 7 exercise 2. There are 8 questions Notebook students calls up
text and they are going to rewrite them into their Pen don’t want some
notebook and answer on them. They can to write and volunteers
work with a partner. When they have read the and when
finished they check the answers with the answers. they say
To motivate student's partner and then with whole class. the answer 10‘
participation in exercises she insists
To improve student’s students
behaviour repeat after
them. If is
it necessary
they repeat
2 or three
develop emphatic atti Teacher divides students in groups of 5 and SB None None
To act the story they try to act the story in exercise.
Which group finishes first they act first.
To develop emphatic attitude Repeat it couple time if you have enough
towards others time.

To motivate student's
participation in exercises

To improve student’s
behaviour 9’

To establish student’s will

Final part
Ask students to say the story by their own SB Most of Teacher
To improve student’s words. them don’t encourages
vocabulary like this them to say
because some
To motivate student’s speak they think sentences
they aren’t with her
To practise new text ready. help. 6’

Copy new words from WB on page 80 in
notebook vocabulary and practise them.

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