1501-102 - Circuit Pack Description
1501-102 - Circuit Pack Description
1501-102 - Circuit Pack Description
Nortel Networks
OPTera Connect DX Connection
Circuit Pack Descriptions
What’s inside...
Circuit pack descriptions
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Contents 0
About this document iii
This document is for the following members of the operating company:
• planners
• provisioners
• network administrators
• transmission standards engineers
• maintenance engineers
OC-3/OC-12 NE
TBM NTP Library
NE User Interface
Description References for NTP 102
Ordering Information 323-1521/-1541-151 (OPTera Connect DX) / (OC-192)
OPC User Interface
Note: The PEC consists of the letters NTCA, followed by two digits and
two letters. The two digits of the PEC represent the circuit pack type. The
last two letters represent the variant of the circuit pack. Only some variants
are covered in Table 1-1. For full details of all the variants of each circuit
pack, refer to Ordering Information, 323-1521-151 for OPTera Connect
DX bays, or 323-1541-151, for OPTera Connect DX (OC-192) bays.
The NTCA33 and NTCA36 interfaces have a vertically mounted handling tray
that provides access to the optical fiber connections for connector cleaning.
The Quad T/R interface circuit packs perform the following functions:
• provide OC-12 or OC-3 transmit and receive facility terminations
• process overhead
• perform performance monitoring
• synchronize data to shelf timing
Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 show functional block diagrams for the Quad optical
interface circuit packs. Figure 1-3 shows a view of a Quad optical interface
circuit pack. Except for the identification label, both types of Quad optical
interface circuit pack have the same external appearance.
Transmit direction
The bidirectional backplane interface (BIBI) receives data inputs from Switch
Module A or Switch Module B, depending on which is active. Each input
consists of four 622 Mbit/s data streams. Switch Modules A and B form a
working and protection pair.
The BIBI divides the 311 MHz backplane clock down to 19 MHz and uses this
as reference for the phase-locked loop (PLL). The PLL contains a 155 MHz
voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) that provides 19 MHz and
39 MHz timing for the circuit pack. The BIBI demultiplexes the 622 Mbit/s
serial data streams down to byte wide 78 Mbit/s data streams for four STS-3
or STS-12 channels.
The BIBI passes the byte wide 78 Mbit/s data to each of the four overhead
processor and synchronizer (OOPS) circuits, together with a 78 MHz clock.
The OOPS inserts the line and section overhead.
Following overhead processing, the OOPS scrambles and outputs the data as:
• eight 78 Mbit/s data streams (STS-12 interface circuit packs)
• eight 19 Mbit/s data streams (STS-3 interface circuit packs).
Each OOPS passes the tributary data to an associated tributary interface
Each OOPS receives the signal from the EOI. The main functions of the OOPS
are to:
• synchronize the incoming optical fiber data to system (shelf) timing,
• terminate and process the transport overhead,
• monitor the path overhead.
• pass the output as 78 Mbit/s byte wide data to the BIBI.
Note: This output is 78 Mbit/s byte wide for all versions of the circuit
pack. The Quad OC-3 interfaces use only 25% of the data.
The BIBI multiplexes the incoming byte wide data from the four OOPS
circuits to four 622 Mbit/s serial data streams. The BIBI produces two groups
of four 622 Mbit/s outputs. One group goes to Switch Module A and the other
to Switch Module B. The OOPS then sends the data to the Switch Modules by
way of the shelf backplane.
Support circuits
Four circuits support the Quad OC-12 and Quad OC-3 T/R interfaces:
• the EOI controller
• the transport control subsystem, second generation (TCS+)
• the phase-locked loop (PLL)
• the point-of-use power supply (PUPS)
The EOI controller subsystem monitors control signals from the Rx and Tx
channels. The EOI controller also provides status and alarm information to the
TCS+ processor through a synchronous serial peripheral interface (SPI).
The PLL uses the backplane clock to the BIBI to produce the 19 MHz clock.
The PLL provides system timing to the circuit pack. The PUPS uses the –48 V
battery voltage from the shelf to produce the supplies required by the Quad
OC-12 T/R interface.
Figure 1-1
Quad OC-3 T/R optical interface block diagram
TCS+ SPI EOI controller
Analog MUX
155 Mbit/s
622Mbit/s data from the Switch Modules
78 Mbit/s 19 Mbit/s Laser diode
Tx data 1 Tx data STX driver
Data 1 8 8 module
A Data 3 OOPS 1 EOI 1
Data 2 OC-3
Data 4 78 Mbit/s 19 Mbit/s Post 155 Mbit/s LP Photo
Rx data 1 Rx data SRX diode
311 MHz 8 8 amp filter
CLK1 module
155 Mbit/s
78 Mbit/s 19 Mbit/s Laser diode
Tx data 2 Tx data STX driver
Data 1 8 8 module
B Data 3 OOPS 2 EOI 2
Data 2 OC-3
Data 4 19 Mbit/s Photo
78 Mbit/s Post LP
Rx data 2 Rx data 8 SRX amp diode
8 filter module
311 MHz
155 Mbit/s
Laser OC-3
19 Mbit/s Laser
Tx data 3 78 Mbit/s STX diode
622Mbit/s data to the Switch Modules
Tx data driver
Data 1 8 8 module
A Data 3 OOPS 3
Data 2 EOI 3 OC-3
Data 4 19 Mbit/s Photo
Rx data 3
78 Mbit/s
Rx data SRX Post 155 Mbit/s LP diode
8 amp
311 MHz 8 filter module
PLL Clamp
Figure 1-2
Quad OC-12 T/R optical interface block diagram
TCS+ EOI controller
Analog MUX
622 Mbit/s
622Mbit/s data from the Switch Modules
78 Mbit/s 78 Mbit/s Laser diode
Tx data 1 Tx data STX driver
Data 1 8 8 module
A Data 3 OOPS 1 EOI 1
Data 2 OC-12
Data 4 78 Mbit/s 78 Mbit/s Post 622 Mbit/s LP Photo
Rx data 1 Rx data SRX diode
311 MHz 8 8 amp filter
CLK1 module
622 Mbit/s
78 Mbit/s 78 Mbit/s Laser diode
Tx data 2 Tx data STX driver
8 module
Data 1 8
B Data 3 OOPS 2 EOI 2
Data 2 OC-12
Data 4 78 Mbit/s Photo
78 Mbit/s Post 622 Mbit/s LP
Rx data 2 Rx data 8 SRX amp diode
8 filter module
311 MHz
Tx data driver
Data 1 8 8 module
A Data 3 OOPS 3
Data 2 EOI 3 OC-12
Data 4 78 Mbit/s Photo
Rx data 3
78 Mbit/s
Rx data SRX Post 622 Mbit/s LP diode
8 amp
311 MHz 8 filter module
PLL Clamp
Figure 1-3
Quad T/R optical interface circuit pack
Fiber carrier
Latch Carrier
OC- 4
T M -
1 2
2 3
3 4
Transmit direction
In the transmit direction, the backplane receive (BPR) interface receives
622 Mbit/s data from the Switch Module and demultiplexes it to byte wide
78 Mbit/s. The overhead processor and synchronizer (OOPS) receives the
data, and processes line and section overhead.
The BPR divides the 311 MHz backplane clock to 19 MHz and uses this as a
reference for the phase-locked loop (PLL) in the backplane driver (BPD).
The electro-optical interface (EOI) receives the signal from the overhead
processor and synchronizer (OOPS). The EOI contains the following circuits:
• SONET transmit (STX) multiplexes the 78 Mbit/s byte wide data from the
OOPS into a 622 Mbit/s, STS-12 data stream.
• A laser driver in the laser module accepts the data stream and generates a
modulation current to drive a laser diode. The laser driver provides a bias
current to maintain the laser diode at the correct threshold.
• The LDM converts the electrical data stream into an amplitude modulated
OC-3 optical output for transmission.
Receive direction
In the receive direction, the photodiode module in the EOI converts the
incoming OC-12 optical signal into an STS-12 electrical signal at 622 Mbit/s.
The SONET receive (SRX) demultiplexes the signal into byte wide 78 Mbit/s
parallel output with a recovered clock and parity.
The OOPS receives the byte wide data from the EOI, processes transport
overhead, and passes the signal to the backplane driver (BPD). The BPD
multiplexes the data to 622 Mbit/s and sends it to the Switch Module by way
of the shelf backplane.
Figure 1-4
OC-12 T/R interface block diagram
From switch
modules A and B
622 Mbit/s
311 MHz Clk 78 Mbit/s 78 Mbit/s 622 Mbit/s Laser OC-12
STX module
BPR 8 8
622 Mbit/s
311 MHz Clk OOPS EOC
shelf controller
Legend: +3.3 V
-48 V PUPS
BPD = Backplane Driver +5 V
BPR = Backplane Receive
EOC = Electro-Optical Controller
EOI = Electro-Optical Interface
OOPS = Overhead Processor and Synchronizer
PUPS = Point-of-Use Power Supply
SRX = SONET Receive
STX = SONET Transmit
TCS = Transport Control Subsystem
Support circuits
Three circuits support the OC-12 T/R interface:
• the electro-optical controller (EOC)
• the transport control subsystem (TCS)
• the point-of-use power supply (PUPS)
The EOC monitors control signals from the Rx and Tx channels. The EOC
also interfaces with the TCS processor through a serial interface.
The TCS provides communication between the shelf controller and the OC-12
T/R interface. The TCS also generates alarms and activates the light-emitting
diodes (LEDs) on the circuit pack faceplate.
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the OC-12 T/R interface.
Figure 1-5
OC-12 T/R interface circuit pack
Optical signal
fail (Yellow)
Fail (Red)
Transmit direction
In the transmit direction, the backplane receive (BPR) interface receives
OC-48 data in the form of four 622 Mbit/s data streams from each Switch
Module and demultiplexes it. The transmit overhead processor (TOHP)
receives the data and then multiplexes it.
The parallel to serial (P/S) module multiplexes the signal again to provide an
STS-48 serial signal for the laser module. The laser module converts the
OC-48 electrical signal into an OC-48 optical signal and launches it through
optical fiber.
Receive direction
In the receive direction, the avalanche photodiode (APD) converts the
incoming OC-48 optical signal into an electrical signal. The automatic gain
control (AGC) module receives the STS-48 signal and maintains a constant
output level.
The data regenerator module receives the STS-48 serial signal and
demultiplexes it into a parallel STS-48 signal. The receive overhead processor
(ROHP) receives the STS-48 signal. The ROHP finds the SONET frame and
extracts overhead and demultiplexes the data. The synchronizer (SYNC)
module receives and aligns the data with the shelf clock and then passes it to
the backplane driver (BPD). The BPD multiplexes the incoming data then
sends it to the Switch module by way of the shelf backplane.
Support circuits
Three circuits support the OC-48 T/R interface:
• the receive (Rx) controller
• the transport control subsystem (TCS)
• the point-of-use power supply (PUPS)
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the OC-48 T/R interface.
The Rx controller samples the quality of the data streams and controls the
phase adjustment of the data and the APD bias. The Rx controller also
provides the TCS with status information.
The TCS controls the operation of the OC-48 T/R interface. The TCS provides
communication between the shelf controller and the OC-48 T/R interface. The
TCS also generates alarms and activates the LEDs on the circuit pack
Figure 1-6
OC-48 T/R interface block diagram
TCS+ Optical signal fail
shelf controller
Data To Switch
OC-48 regenerator ROHP module
module module module A and B
module B
APD = Avalanche Photo-Detector +12V
AGC = Automatic Gain Control -12V
BPD = Backplane Driver -48 V PUPS +3.3V
BPR = Backplane Receive +5V
PUPS = Point-of-Use Power Supply -5.2V
ROHP = Receive OverHead Processor
TCS = Transport Control Subsystem
TOHP = Transmit Overhead Processor
SYNC = Synchronizer
Figure 1-7
OC-48 T/R interface circuit pack
Fail (red)
Active (green)
Optical connector
Optical connector
Transmit direction
In the transmit direction, the backplane receive (BPR) interface receives data
from the DX65 Switch module and demultiplexes it. The transmit overhead
processor (TOHP) receives multiplexes and the data. The P/S module
multiplexes the signal again to provide an STS-48 serial signal which it sends
through a coaxial link.
Receive direction
The automatic gain control module (AGC) receives the STS-48 signal and
maintains a constant output level. The data regenerator module receives this
serial signal and demultiplexes it to a parallel signal. The ROHP receives the
STS-48 signal and finds the SONET frame. The ROHP also extracts overhead
and demultiplexes the data. The SYNC module receives and aligns the data
with the shelf clock, then passes the data to the BPD. The BPD multiplexes
the incoming data before sending it to the DX65 Switch module by way of the
shelf backplane.
Support circuits
Three circuits support the STS-48 T/R interface:
• the Rx controller
• the TCS
• the PUPS
The Rx controller samples the quality of the data streams and controls the
phase adjustment of the data. The Rx controller also provides the TCS with
status information.
The TCS controls the operation of the STS-48 T/R interface and TCS provides
communication with the shelf controller. The TCS also generates alarms and
activates the LEDs on the circuit pack faceplate.
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the STS-48 T/R interface.
Figure 1-8
STS-48 T/R interface block diagram
4 x 622 Mbit/s
from Switch BPR P/S STS-48
TOHP module
modules A and B
shelf controller
STS-48 Data 4 x 622 Mbit/s
module regenerator module module
module modules A and B
AGC = Automatic Gain Control
BPD = Backplane Driver
BPR = Backplane Receive
FEC = Forward Error Correction +12V
P/S = Parallel to Serial -12V
PUPS = Point-of-Use Power Supply -48 V PUPS +3.3V
ROHP = Receive Overhead Processor +5V
TCS = Transport Control Subsystem -5.2V
TOHP = Transmit Overhead Processor
SYNC = Synchronizer
The TRDA contains the following functional blocks:
• Synchronization driver receiver (SYDR)
• Transmit receive overhead processor (TROHP)
• 622 MHz voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO)
• System clock generator (SCG)
• Transmit control subsystem (TCS)
• modulator
Four SYDR circuits provide a total of 16 STS-12 (622 Mbit/s) T/R interfaces,
each SYDR containing four interfaces.
• format the data into 32 311 Mbit/s data streams and pass the data to the
SYDR circuits
• generate a 39 MHz clock which drives a phase detector.
The VCXO provides the master clock signal for the system clock generator.
System clock generator (SCG)
The SCG functions as a transmit clock generator. The SCG receives a 39 MHz
clock signal from each of the Switch modules and a 622 MHz clock from the
VCXO. The circuit provides a differential phase output to lock the VCXO.
The SCG also provides clock signals of 39 MHz and 622 MHz for the SYDRs.
Clock selection circuit
In this application, the clock selection circuit defaults to selection of the
39 MHz clock signal from the SCG. The output from the circuit drives a phase
detector, which provides a control output for the 10 GHz PLL on the OTR.
The OTR contains the following functional blocks:
• T/R optical assembly
• 1:8 demultiplexer
• Electro-optical controller (EOC)
• 8:1 multiplexer
• phase-locked loop (PLL)
• Continuous wave (CW) laser
T/R optical assembly
The T/R optical assembly receives an optical OC-192 signal from the line and
converts it to an electrical signal using a photodiode. A low noise preamplifier
then amplifies the signal to provide the STS-192 output to the demultiplexer
Demultiplexer module
The demultiplexer module receives STS-192 traffic data from the T/R optical
assembly and recovers a clock signal from the incoming data. The recovered
clock signal clocks the 1:8 demultiplexer, producing 8-bit wide data at
1.2 Gbit/s. The module passes the eight data streams to the TROHP on the
TRDA motherboard. The module also performs automatic gain control (AGC)
on the incoming data.
Multiplexer driver
The multiplexer driver module contains a multiplexer and a driver. The
multiplexer part multiplexes the 8-bit wide data from the TROHP into a single
10 Gbit/s (STS-192) data stream. The driver part of the module then amplifies
the signal and passes it to the modulator.
The modulator receives the output signal from the multiplexer driver module
and modulates this signal onto the light source from a CW laser. The optical
wavelength of the laser depends on the variant of OC-192 T/R circuit pack
fitted. The modulator transmits the signal with enough power to launch the
signal through 80 km of optical fiber.
The PLL circuit provides the 10 GHz line timing for the multiplexer driver
module. The control input for the PLL is from the phase detector circuit on the
The analog maintenance (AM) dither signal is a low frequency signal which is
modulated into the laser output. The signal consists of a transmitted pattern
representing the optical power level. The AM dither signal is recovered at the
receiving end, where it is used to set the optical power of the outgoing signal
to the correct level.
Support circuits
Three circuits support the OC-192 T/R circuit pack:
• electro-optical controller (EOC)
• the TCS
• the PUPS
The EOC circuit monitors the optical and electrical performance of the
receiver modules and generates alarms. The EOC communicates its status and
the condition of the input signal with the transport control subsystem (TCS)
through a serial link. The TCS monitors this information and reports to the
shelf controller (SC) if necessary. The EOC also stores calibration data.
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the OC-192 T/R interface.
The TCS controls the operation of the OC-192 T/R circuit pack and allows it
to communicate with the shelf controller. The TCS also generates alarms and
activates the LEDs on the circuit pack faceplate.
For information on the variants of this circuit pack and their associated
wavelengths, refer to Ordering Information, 323-1521-151 (OPTera Connect
DX) or 323-1541-151 (OC-192)
Figure 1-9
OC-192 T/R - block diagram
EOC Laser
OC-192 diode, STS-192 1:8 STS-192 OC-192
8:1 Driver Modulator
preamp, demux mux
10 GHz
Clock clock (rec)
recovery PLL
d.c. 8 8 EOC
1.2 Gbit/s data
1.2 GHz clock
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
311 Mbit/s 311 Mbit/s 311 Mbit/s 311 Mbit/s
data data data data
48V d.c. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
39 MHz
16 x 622 Mbit/s data + 311MHz clocks
to/from Switch Modules A and B
CW = Continuous wave
EOC = Electro-optical controller
OTR = Optical Transmit Receive
PLL = Phase-locked loop
PUPS = Point of use power supply
SC = Shelf Controller
SCG = System clock generator
SYDR = Sync driver/receiver
TCS = Transport control subsystem
TRDA = Transmitter receiver digital assembly
TROHP = Transmit/receive overhead processor
VCXO = Voltage controlled crystal oscillator
Figure 1-10
OC-192 T/R interface circuit pack
OC-192 XR (NTCA04)
Note: The XR circuit pack can only be used in OC-192 regenerator bays.
Support circuits
The following circuits support the OC-192 XR:
• separate electro-optical controllers (EOCs) for electro-optical and
high-speed module control
• the second generation transport control subsystem (TCS+)
• point-of-use power supply (PUPS)
The EOC controls the operation of both the electro-optical module and the
multiplexer driver.
The TCS+ controls the operation of the OC-192 XR. The TCS+ provides
communication between the shelf controller and the XR. The TCS+ also
generates alarms and activates the LEDs on the circuit pack faceplate.
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the OC-192 XR. The TCS+
monitors the supply voltage levels for lower than normal conditions.
Figure 1-11
OC-192 XR block diagram
10 GHz VCO
Legend: Shelf controller
EOC = Electro-Optic Controller +12 V
PUPS = Point-of-Use Power Supply -12V
TCS = Transport Control Subsystem +3.3V
TROHP = Transmit Receive OverHead Processor -48 V PUPS
ROA = Receive Optical Amplifier
VCO = Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Figure 1-12
OC-192 XR circuit pack
LOS (yellow)
Fail (red)
Active (green)
Optical connector
Optical connector
The OC-192 DWDM transmit interface aligns with a 100 GHz optical
frequency grid, which is a subset of the complete ITU-T grid. The DWDM
transmit interface receives traffic as sixteen STS-12 serial links from both
Switch modules and transmit these as an OC-192 signal.
Each backplane receiver (BPR) interface receives four groups of four data
streams of 622 Mbit/s STS-12 data from Switch module A or B. The forward
error correction (FEC) circuit receives the sixteen data signals and encodes the
overhead for FEC.
This circuit pack also features a bottom latch release sensor, which alerts the
system of circuit pack removal.
Support circuits
Three circuits also support the OC-192 DWDM transmit interface:
• the electro-optical controller (EOC)
• the transport control subsystem (TCS)
• the point-of-use power supply (PUPS)
The EOC controls the operation of both the electro-optical module and
multiplexer driver.
The TCS controls the operation of the OC-192 DWDM transmit interface. The
TCS provides communication between the shelf controller and the OC-192
DWDM transmit interface. The TCS also generates alarms and activates the
LEDs on the circuit pack faceplate.
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the OC-192DWDM transmit
Figure 1-13
OC-192 DWDM transmit interface block diagram
A 10 GHz VCO
16 x 622 Mbit/s from Switch module A
16 x 622 Mbit/s from Switch module B
4 OC-192
MUXDriver STS-192 optic
TCS+ Fail
BPR = BackPlane Receiver
EOC = Electro-Optical Controller
FEC = Forward Error Correction
PUPS = Point-of-Use Power Supply To/from
TCS = Transport Control Subsystem Shelf controller +12 V
TOHP = Transmit OverHead Processor -12V
TIM = Transmit Intermediate Multiplexer +3.3V
VCO = Voltage Controlled Oscillator -48 V PUPS
Figure 1-14
OC-192 DWDM Tx circuit pack
Fail (red)
Active (green)
Optical connector
• editable circuit pack wavelength using the Equipment menu of the NE UI.
Note: Only Release 3.0 and above of the OC-192 software load provide
this feature.
See Figure 1-15 for a functional block diagram of the OC-192 DWDM RgTx
interface. Except for the external label, the OC-192 DWDM RgTx circuit pack
looks identical to the OC-192 DWDM transmit interface circuit pack shown in
Figure 1-14.
The OC-192 DWDM RgTx interface receives a 32-bit wide 311 Mbit/s
electrical signal from the OC-192 receiver through the shelf backplane. The
circuit outputs the data as sixteen STS-12 data streams.
• descrambles the incoming data
• generates and inserts section framing bytes,
• inserts overhead information,
• scrambles the data again
• passes the data to the TIM, which outputs eight data lines.
The multiplexer driver module converts the eight data lines to one STS-192
serial signal. The electro-optical module converts the STS-192 electrical
signal to an optical signal, and launches the optical signal through optical fiber.
This circuit pack also has a bottom latch release sensor, which alerts the system
of circuit pack removal.
Support circuits
Three support circuits are also part of the OC-192 DWDM RgTx interface:
• the electro-optical controller (EOC)
• the transport control subsystem (TCS)
• the point-of-use power supply (PUPS)
The EOC controls the operation of the electro-optical module and multiplexer
The TCS controls the operation of the OC-192 DWDM RgTx interface. The
TCS provides communication between the shelf controller and the OC-192
DWDM RgTx interface. The TCS also generates alarms and activates the
LEDs on the circuit pack faceplate.
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the OC-192 DWDM RgTx
For information on the variants of this circuit pack refer to Ordering
Information, 323-1541-151 (OC-192)
Figure 1-15
OC-192 DWDM regenerator/transmit interface block diagram
10 GHz VCO
311 Mbit/s Electro-
ROHP TOHP MUXDriver STS-192 optic
TIM module
32 module
TCS+ Fail
To/from +12 V
Shelf controller -12V
-48 V PUPS
Legend: +5V
EOC = Electro-Optic Controller
PUPS = Point-of-Use Power Supply -12V
TCS = Transport Control Subsystem
ROHP = Receive OverHead Processor
TIM = Transmit Intermediate Multiplexer
TOHP = Transmit OverHead Processor
VCO = Voltage Controlled Oscillator
The OC-192 short reach (SR) receive units act as the interface between the
incoming optical signal and the OC-192 demultiplexer.
The incoming OC-192 optical signal first goes to the PIN preamplifier module
where the signal converts to an STS-192 electrical signal. The equalizer and
demultiplexer convert the STS-192 signal into eight data streams and transmit
them to the receiver intermediate demultiplexer (RID). The RID accepts these
signals and demultiplexes them to a 32-bit wide STS-192 output. This signal
then goes to the OC-192 demultiplexer through the shelf backplane.
The OC-192 SR also has a bottom latch release sensor, which alerts the system
of circuit pack removal. If the circuit pack is active and protection is available,
the circuit pack switches the traffic.
Support circuits
The following circuits support the OC-192 SR receive interfaces:
• the EOC
• the TCS
• the PUPS
The main functions of the EOC are to:
• generate the alarms, optimize the parameters of the received STS-192
signal (overall gain, clock and data timing, and threshold level),
• monitor the optical and electrical performances of the receiver modules.
The TCS is the on board computer for the supervision of the OC-192 SR
receive interfaces. The TCS provides communication between the shelf
controller and the EOC.
The TCS receives information about the module status, the condition of the
input signal from the EOC and other information. The TCS sends this
information to the shelf controller. The TCS also generates alarms and
activates the LEDs on the circuit pack faceplate.
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the OC-192 SR receive
Figure 1-16
OC-192 SR receive interface block diagram
to OC-192 Demux
SR Rx Super 32
OC-192 PIN/ STS-192
preamp Equalizer demux RID
Shelf controller
EOC = Electro-Optic Controller +12 V
LR Rx = Long Reach Receiver
PUPS = Point-of-Use Power Supply
RID = Receive Interface Demultiplexer -48 V PUPS +5V
SR Rx = Short Reach Receiver -5V
TCS = Transport Controlled Subsystem -6.5V
Figure 1-17
OC-192 SR receive interface circuit pack
LOS (yellow)
Fail (red)
Active (green)
Optical connector
The OC-192 demultiplexer processes the STS-192 data sent by the receive
interface and sends it to the Switch modules.
Incoming STS-192 data from the OC-192 receive interface goes through the
receive overhead processor (ROHP) which reads and processes the overhead.
The STS-192 signal then splits into STS-48 data streams and goes to the FEC
which performs forward error correction. The synchronization (SYNC)
module receives the data streams and synchronizes them to the shelf clock
before passing them to the BPD. Two identical signals (each equivalent to an
STS-48) from each of the four BPDs, go to the Switch modules through the
shelf backplane.
This circuit pack also features a bottom latch release sensor. The sensor alerts
the system of circuit pack removal, and switches the traffic if the circuit pack
is active and protection is available.
Support circuits
The following circuits support the OC-192 demultiplexer:
• the TCS
• the PUPS
The TCS controls the operation of the OC-192 demultiplexer. The TCS
provides communication between the shelf controller and the different
modules on the OC-192 demultiplexer. The TCS also generates alarms and
activates the LEDs on the circuit pack faceplate.
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the OC-192 demultiplexer.
Figure 1-18
OC-192 demultiplexer block diagram
FEC SYNC BPD 16 x 622 Mbit/s to
Parallel B
4 Switch module A
STS-192 from
Rx Interface ROHP 16 x 622 Mbit/s to
32 4
A Switch module B
TCS+ Fail
To/from to OC-192
Shelf controller
BPD = Backplane Driver
FEC = Forward Error Correction
LDCC = Line Data Communications Channel
+3.3 V
PUPS = Point-of-Use Power Supply
ROHP = Receive OverHead Processor -48 V +5V
SCG = System Clock Generation -5V
SDCC = Section Data Communications Channel -2V
SYNC = Synchronization Module
TCS = Transport Controlled Subsystem
Figure 1-19
OC-192 demultiplexer circuit pack
Fail (Red)
Active (Green)
The DX65 Switch module NTCA26 is used with the following circuit pack:
• OC-192 T/R interface (NTCA06)
The DOS Switch module NTCA24 is used in the OC-192 NEs with the
following circuit pack:
• OC-192 DWDM transmit interface (NTCA01)
• OC-192 short reach receive interface (NTCA02)
• OC-192 demultiplexer (NTCA05)
• MOR (NTCA11)
• MOR Plus (NTCA11)
The Switch modules perform the following functions:
• synchronization
• traffic handling
• protection switching
• overhead switching
• other control functions
This circuit pack features a bottom latch release sensor. The sensor alerts the
system of circuit pack removal, and switches the traffic if the circuit pack is
active and protection is available.
A block diagram for the DX65 Switch module and the standard DOS Switch
module is shown in Figure 1-20. Figure 1-21 shows a view of the circuit pack.
The Switch module receives three different reference clock signals: two come
from the external synchronization interface (ESI), and one from the other
Switch module. From these three clock signals, the Switch module selects a
reference and locks its local voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) to
that clock signal.
The Switch module provides clock and frame signals for the OC-192
demultiplexers and OC-192 transmit interfaces of the main shelf. The Switch
module also performs clock and frame handoff at each input port to align the
data before time slot interchange (TSI). The Switch module also performs
reference switches while maintaining the least possible phase error between
the VCXOs of the two Switch modules.
Traffic handling
The Switch module handles the traffic data passing between the OC-192 T/R
circuit pack and the tributaries. The DX65 Switch has a maximum bandwidth
capacity of 65 Gbit/s of traffic:
• four OC-192 (total 40 Gbit/s) line traffic
• ten OC-48 tributaries (total 25 Gbit/s).
Only a maximum of eight OC-48tributaries are used in this application, so
that the maximum usage is 60 Gbit/s total.
All circuit packs in the main transport shelf operate as working and protection
pairs. There are no unprotected tributaries.
The following rules state the maximum number of working and protection
tributaries for which the Switch module handles traffic:
• a maximum of four working and four protection Quad OC-3 T/R optical
interfaces with no other tributary interfaces present (OPTera Connect DX
bays only)
• a maximum of four working and four protection Quad OC-12 T/R optical
interfaces with no other tributary interfaces present
Protection switching
The Switch module calculates and stores appropriate connection map contents
for each possible line or tributary protection switch scenario, according to the
network element configuration. If a line or tributary equipment protection
switch is necessary, the system writes the appropriate DOS connection
memory locations to perform the required protection switch.
Overhead switching
The Switch module also performs overhead switching. To perform overhead
switching, the DOS array uses an overhead connection map instead of a data
connection map. During the overhead time slots, the circuit routes some
internal overhead bytes in the STS-12 data streams along separate paths
through the DOS. Some overhead bytes then arrive at a different destination
to that of the data with which they arrived.
The overhead connection map forms a pair of internal Rx buffers and a pair of
internal Tx buffers. Each frame transmits the content of the Rx buffers over a
pair of receive overhead (RXOH) links. The frame also receives the content of
the Tx buffers over a pair of transmit overhead (TXOH) links. The Switch
module sets up the overhead connection map to switch each set of overhead
bytes of any STS-1 output exiting the DOS.
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the OC-192 Switch module.
Figure 1-20
DX65 and DOS Switch modules functional block diagram
622 MHz
622 MHz, frame
622 MHz,
ESI A 622 MHz, frame
Primary 622 MHz,
From 39 MHz SCG
partner 622 MHz Secondary frame
Switch Timing
interlock SCG 39 MHz To main shelf,
extension shelf
shelf (if used)
Active (green)
monitors TCS
Figure 1-21
Switch module circuit pack
The multiwavelength optical repeater (MOR) operates in bidirectional
DWDM line amplified systems. Figure 1-24 shows a view of the MOR circuit
λ1B Ch λ1B Ch
• •
• •
• λ4B Ch • λ4B Ch
λ1510 λ1625
λ OSC 1510
The MOR contains the following components.
MOR with 1510 nm OSC - NTCA11AK
The MOR with 1510 nm OSC optically amplifies counter-propagating optical
signals which are symmetrically allocated into two wavelength bands: the Red
band and the Blue band. The MOR can amplify a total of sixteen wavelengths
(16 λ), with eight wavelengths (8 λ) assigned to co-propagate in each
wavelength band.
The MOR unit also supports a unidirectional out-of-band 1510 nm OSC for
supervisory purposes. The 1510 nm supervisory channel co-propagates with
the Red band channel.
The block diagram is identical to that of the MOR with 1510 nm OSC
amplifier as shown in Figure 1-23, with the exception that it does not include
the OSC module assembly.
1625 nm OSC - NTCA11CK
The 1625 nm OSC supports a unidirectional out-of-band optical service
channel at 1625 nm for supervisory purposes. You must configure the
1625 nm service channel to co-propagate with the Blue Band channels. The
1625 nm OSC module uses the same platform as the MOR unit, but does not
support the optical amplifier gain blocks provided on the MOR. This unit
version does not support optical amplification or power monitoring
functionality as provided with the MOR circuit pack.
Use the 1625 nm OSC module in conjunction with the MOR with 1510 nm
OSC on limited fiber, route diverse or ring applications where all channels
need to propagate through a single line amplified path. You require external
1550/1625 nm WDM couplers for optical access to OSC at 1625 nm.
The block diagram is identical to that of the MOR with OSC amplifier
(Figure 1-23), except there is no erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) gain
block module.
MOR EDFA gain block module
The MOR unit is based on a two pump, bidirectional optical amplifier
Connectors located on the MOR circuit pack faceplate provide optical signal
access. The connector assignments are Blue In/Red Out and Red In/Blue Out.
The counter-propagating Red and Blue band channels route between the
EDFA module and optical connectors located on the circuit pack faceplate.
The 1510 nm OSC signal designment is to co-propagate with Red Band
channels. Access to the 1510 nm OSC is internal to the MOR.
The EDFA module is the core of the MOR amplifier. The main functions of
the EDFA module are to:
• amplify bidirectional optical signals,
• extract received optical supervisory traffic,
• insert transmitted optical supervisory traffic
• monitor bidirectional input and output signal power.
Each direction of a transmission routes through separate amplifier gain
regions. The input optical signals get energy from a dedicated 980 nm pump
source, producing amplification in both directions. Each optical path includes
WDM splitters and combiners for the pump laser and signal, optical isolator,
and optical gain flattening filters. The Red band gain path also includes a
WDM splitter and combiner for OSC access.
Four PIN photodiodes at the input/output ports of the EDFA gain block module
monitor the power.
MOR motherboard
The motherboard includes a transport control subsystem (TCS), point of use
power supplies (PUPS), and different digital processing components. The
motherboard monitors and controls all MOR functions and acts as the
communication bridge with the OC-192 shelf controller installed in the same
OSC module
The optional OSC module includes a 1510 nm or 1625 nm transmitter,
receiver, and a service channel overhead processor. This module performs
electro-optical conversion of optical supervisory traffic and routes optical
overhead based data.
Support circuits
The following circuits also support MOR circuit packs and the 1625 nm OSC
circuit pack:
The TCS controls the operation of the MOR circuit packs and the 1625 nm
OSC circuit pack. The TCS provides communication between the shelf
processor and other circuits on the MOR circuit packs and the 1625 nm OSC
circuit pack. The TCS also generates alarms and activates the LEDs on the
circuit pack faceplate.
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the MOR circuit packs and
the 1625 nm OSC circuit pack.
Figure 1-23
MOR block diagram
EDFA Module
Optical Optical
Service Service PUPS
Channel Tx Channel Rx
LOS (yellow)
Figure 1-24
Typical MOR circuit pack
Fail (red)
Active (green)
Optical connector
Optical connector
The MOR Plus, in comparison to the original MOR, has the following
• improved performance in preamplifier and post amplifier applications
• increase in wavelength capacity and reach
• per band dispersion compensation
• improvement in compatibility with future optical networking devices that
includes wavelength add/drop multiplexers (ADM) at line amplifier sites
• optical components can insert into the link without reducing the maximum
supported system reach
MOR Plus circuit pack options
There are four versions of the MOR Plus amplifier circuit pack supported:
• MOR Plus with Blue-Pre/Red-Post amplifier and unidirectional 1510 nm
• MOR Plus with Red-Pre/Blue-Post amplifier and unidirectional 1510 nm
• MOR Plus with Blue-Pre/Red-Post amplifier without unidirectional OSC,
• MOR Plus with Red-Pre/Blue-Post amplifier without unidirectional OSC,
The MOR Plus amplifier includes the following components:
MOR Plus with Blue-Pre/Red-Post amplifier with 1510 nm OSC - NTCA11NK
The MOR Plus circuit pack provides:
• one bidirectional port (the common port for Blue Input and Red Output
• two unidirectional ports (Blue Output and Red Input).
The MOR Plus circuit pack also supports a unidirectional out-of-band
1510 nm OSC for supervisory purposes. The 1510 nm supervisory channel
co-propagates with the Red band channel. Add/drop WDM couplers
embedded into the MOR Red band amplifier path provide optical access to the
1510 nm OSC.
As the OSC integrates into the MOR amplifier gain block, you do not require
external add/drop WDM couplers and associated optical fiber patches.
Support of the integrated 1510 nm OSC option on MOR does not erode the
inter-site loss budget. Figure 1-25 shows the block diagram of the MOR Plus.
MOR Plus with Red-Pre/Blue-Post amplifier with 1510 nm OSC - NTCA11PK
This MOR Plus circuit pack provides:
• one bidirectional port (common port for Red Input, Blue Output signals)
• two unidirectional ports (Red Output and Blue Input).
This version of the MOR Plus circuit pack also supports a unidirectional
out-of-band 1510 nm OSC for supervisory purposes. The 1510 nm
supervisory channel co-propagates with the Red band channel. Add/drop
WDM couplers embedded into the MOR Red band amplifier path provide
optical access to the 1510 nm OSC. As the OSC integrates into the MOR
amplifier gain block, you do not require external add/drop WDM couplers and
associated optical fiber patches. Support of the integrated 1510 nm OSC
option on MOR does not erode the inter-site loss budget. Figure 1-26 shows a
block diagram for this type of MOR Plus.
MOR Plus with Blue-Pre/Red-Post amplifier without OSC - NTCA11JK
This MOR Plus circuit pack provides:
• one bidirectional port (common port for Blue Input, Red Output signals)
• two unidirectional ports (Blue Output and Red Input).
This version of the MOR Plus does not include the OSC option. The block
diagram is identical to that of the MOR Plus with Blue-Pre/Red-Post and OSC,
except that there is no OSC module assembly. Figure 1-27 shows a block
diagram for this type of MOR Plus.
MOR Plus with Red-Pre/Blue-Post amplifier without OSC - NTCA11KK
This MOR Plus circuit pack provides:
• one bidirectional port (common port used for Red Input and Blue Output
• two unidirectional ports (Red Output and Blue Input).
This version of the MOR Plus does not include the OSC option. The block
diagram is identical to that of the MOR Plus with Red-Pre/Blue-Post and OSC,
except that there is no OSC module assembly. Figure 1-28 shows a block
diagram for this type of MOR Plus.
EDFA gain block module, OSC module, motherboard, and support circuits
MOR Plus internal circuits such as the motherboard, OSC module, and support
circuit packs are like that of the normal MOR circuit pack. The main
difference is that MOR Plus has one less WDM coupler than the normal MOR.
Figure 1-25
MOR Plus with Blue-Pre/Red-Post amplifier and 1510 nm OSC
1510 nm Tx
Red band
Red band post amplifier
= MOR Plus faceplate connector.
Figure 1-26
MOR Plus with Red-Pre/Blue-Post amplifier and 1510 nm OSC
1510 nm Rx
Red band
pre amplifier
Red band
Red band and output
1510 nm OSC Red
Blue band
output Blue band
Blue band
post amplifier
= MOR Plus faceplate connector.
Figure 1-27
MOR Plus with Blue-Pre/Red-Post amplifier and no OSC
Red band
Red band post amplifier
Red band
Blue band
Blue band Blue band
output pre amplifier
= MOR Plus faceplate connector.
Figure 1-28
MOR Plus with Red-Pre/Blue-Post amplifier and no OSC
Red band
pre amplifier Red band
Red band
Blue band
Blue band
Blue band input
post amplifier
= MOR Plus faceplate connector.
Figure 1-29
Typical MOR Plus circuit pack
Fail (red)
Active (green)
Figure 1-30
Partitioned operations controller (OPC) block diagram
SCSI bus
OPC To/from
LED driver storage OPC removable
circuit media
OPC storage pack
card presence
To/from Ethernet
back-plane OPC
controller Maintenance
circuit I/F
pack card presence
I/F = Interface
LED = Light emitting
MX = Maintenance
card presence SC exchange
A and B circuit pack
NM = Network
OPC = Operations
SC = Shelf controller
GraceLan circuit pack
OPC controller MX A SCSI = Small Computer
card presence and System Interface
External communications
The OPC controller circuit pack has one 10BaseT Ethernet connection (using
the backplane) for external communications through the OPC interface circuit
Internal communications
The OPC controller circuit pack has one 10BaseT Ethernet connection (using
the backplane) for internal shelf controller communications through the
maintenance interface circuit pack. The OPC controller circuit pack also has
buses to communicate with the OPC storage circuit pack and the OPC interface
circuit pack.
LED control
The OPC controller circuit pack drives the LEDs for all three OPC circuit
packs: the OPC controller, the OPC interface, and the OPC storage circuit
pack. The OPC storage circuit pack controls the hard drive activity LED on
the OPC storage circuit pack only.
Figure 1-31
OPC controller circuit pack block diagram
Port A & B
CPU = Central Processor Unit
DRAM = Dynamic Random Access Memory
NM = Network Manager
PUPS = Point of Use Power Supply
SC = Shelf Controller
Figure 1-32
OPC controller circuit pack
Fail (Red)
External communications
The OPC interface circuit pack has three ports on its faceplate:
• one 9-pin RS-232 interface for X.25 communication
• one 25-pin RS-232 interface for printer, terminal, and modem support
• one 10BaseT Ethernet port
Internal communications
The OPC controller has an Ethernet bus and a serial processor extension bus to
communicate through the backplane with the OPC controller circuit pack.
LED control
The OPC controller circuit pack controls the faceplate LEDs of the OPC
interface circuit pack.
Figure 1-33
OPC interface block diagram
Tx/Rx 25-pin
backplane Transformer RS-232
10BaseT Ethernet
Green To/from
From (active) OPC controller
input Red To/from
(fail) MI
FPGA = Field Programmable Gate Array
LED = Light Emitting Diode
MI = Maintenance Interface
OPC = Operations Controller
PUPS = Point of Use Power Supply
Rx = Receive
Tx = Transmit
Figure 1-34
OPC interface circuit pack
25-Pin RS-232
9-Pin 10 Base T
Ethernet connector
Fail (Red)
Active (Green)
Internal communications
The OPC storage circuit pack has a processor bus and a SCSI bus to
communicate through the backplane with the OPC controller circuit pack.
The EEPROM contains information about the OPC storage circuit pack, such
as flash memory size, circuit pack serial number, hardware or software
interface vintage. The EEPROM also contains the product engineering code
(PEC) and Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code bytes.
LED control
The OPC controller circuit pack controls the faceplate LEDs of the OPC
storage circuit pack. The OPC storage circuit pack controls the hard drive
activity LED on the OPC storage circuit pack only.
Figure 1-35
OPC storage block diagram
Removable To/from
media removable
I/F media
-48V PUPS +12V
I/F = InterFace
LED = Light Emitting Diode
NVS = Non Volatile Storage
OPC = OPerations Controller
PUPS = Point of Use Power Supply
Figure 1-36
OPC storage circuit pack
PA R CT ac
IM CTO DU it p
cu d
TE PRO this chirandle
DE IVE IT d, is
pe m
NS trip ise
SE en erw ced.
be oth
as or epla
t o r h ped be r
tec op st
de en dr d mu
he n
If t as be a
Removable media
sh ovin
u UT
th t-d g
Do e o ownOPC IO
no per wil pr N
Ha t re atin l coior to
Sh rd Dmov g sy rrup
utd isk e O ste t
ow Ac PC m.
LE In tivitywhe
D is Pro o n
lit. gres
n In
Ha Pro
rd gre
kA ss
Card shutdown in
progress (Yellow)
Card fail (Red)
Active (Green)
You insert the OPC removable media in the slot on the faceplate of the OPC
storage circuit pack.
Orderwire (NTCA47)
The orderwire facility is only supported in OC-192 NEs. For information on
the orderwire facility, please refer to the Orderwire User Guide, NTCA66CA.
Internal communications
The shelf controller communicates with all the circuit packs in the OPTera
Connect DX bay and OC-192 bay. The shelf controller controls alarm
reporting, fault detection, protection, performance monitoring data collection,
and software management.
The shelf controller communicates with the following transport control
subsystem (TCS) based circuit packs supported on the OPTera Connect DX
and OC-192 bays through the message exchange circuit pack:
• OC-12 half-height T/R interface (NTCA31) (OC-192 only)
• Quad T/R interfaces (NTCA33, NTCA36)
• OC-48 T/R interface (NTCA30)
• STS-48 T/R electrical interface (NTCA34)
• OC-192 T/R interface (NTCA06) (OPTera Connect DX bay only)
Flash memory
The shelf controller flash memory contains one copy of its software, one copy
of the system provisioning data, and a software library.
You use the software library when you replace a circuit pack. The software
library makes sure that the circuit pack you are inserting runs the appropriate
software version, according to the system’s provisioning data.
Support circuits
The PUPS generates all the voltages required by the shelf controller.
Figure 1-38
Shelf controller block diagram
RS-232 (MI)
Buffer RS-232 (LCAP)
RS-530 (MI)
CPU (future)
MI LEDs control
Buffer output bit ports
Flash input bit ports
GraceLan to/from MX A
and MX B
CPU = Central Processing Unit
DRAM = Dynamic Random Access Memory
LCAP = Local Craft Access Panel
MI = Maintenance Interface
MX = Message eXchange
LED = Light Emitting Diode
Figure 1-39
Shelf controller circuit pack
Fail (Red)
Status signals
Status signals go to the maintenance interface (MI) by the fan modules and the
breaker/filter modules. The MI reports these signals to the shelf controller.
Processor sanity
The maintenance interface monitors the status of the shelf controller that uses
a sanity timer. The shelf controller refreshes the timer every 30 seconds. The
maintenance interface activates major visual and audible alarms if the shelf
processor does not refresh the timer.
LCAP interface
The maintenance interface acts as an interface between the shelf controller and
the LCAP. The maintenance interface detects the alarm cutoff (ACO) and
lamp test signals originated by the LCAP and notifies the shelf controller. The
maintenance interface controls and monitors the state of the relays (located on
the LCAP) that control the ACO circuit.
Flash memory
The flash memory located on the maintenance interface stores a second copy
of the network element shelf controller software and provisioning data. The
flash memory also stores the software library. The first copy in the shelf
controller flash memory is only for shelf controller software and provisioning
Data backup and software storage between the shelf controller and MI allows
replacement of both circuit packs while the system is in service. Do not
replace both circuit packs at the same time.
Use the software library when you replace a circuit pack that contains transport
control subsystems (TCS). The software library makes sure that the circuit
packs you are inserting run the appropriate software version, according to the
system software. The software library also updates with a software upgrade.
Bay alarms
The shelf controller controls the critical, major, and minor alarm relays. Both
critical and minor alarm relays appear on the maintenance interface. The
major alarm relay is on the SATT. The relay raises a major alarm if the
maintenance interface (MI) fails or if you remove the MI.
The maintenance interface also comes with a PUPS that generates all the
voltages required for the correct operation of the unit.
Figure 1-40
Maintenance interface block diagram
Ethernet to SC
Ethernet to 3 DB9 connectors on faceplate
OPC controller
circuit pack
To/from SC
From SC LEDs
+5 V
-48 V PUPS
To/from SC Inventory -5 V
ACO = Alarm Cut Off
I/F = Interface
LCAP = Local Craft Access Panel
LED = Light Emitting Diode
MI = Maintenance Interface
PUPS = Point of Use Power Supply
SATT = Synchronization, Alarms and Telemetry Terminations
SC = Shelf Controller
Figure 1-41
Maintenance interface circuit pack
Port 1
Ethernet ports Port 2
Port 3
In the event of a source failure, the internal oscillator of the ESI becomes the
reference for timing distribution. The selection does not depend on the source
for the mate ESI.
When the ESI operates in freerun or holdover mode, the internal oscillator of
the ESI generates the timing. If the ESI does not generate the timing it selects
the same reference and both ESIs follow in parallel. The selection of the
timing generation reference does not depend on the selection of the timing
distribution reference.
In freerun or holdover mode, the ESI provides a slave equipment clock (SEC)
output of accuracy 4.6 ppm. The shelf clock located on the Switch module
derives its timing output from the ESI. In the event of failure or removal of
both ESIs, the shelf clock will run in freerun mode with an accuracy of
20 ppm.
The shelf controller controls the LEDs on the ESI through the transport control
subsystem (TCS).
The ESI comes with a PUPS that generates all the voltages required for the
correct operation of the unit.
Figure 1-42
ESI block diagram
Timing output to
Input from Backplane Timing Timing switch modules A & B
OC-192 I/F I/F generation filter
Timing output to
mate ESI
To/from TCS+
mate ESI Fail
+12 V
+5 V
-5 V
shelf controller
BITS = Building-Integrated Timing Supply
ESI = External Synchronization Interface
I/F = Interface
PUPS = Point of Use Power Supply
SATT = Synchronization, Alarms and Telemetry Terminations
TCS = Transport Controlled Subsystem
Note: You must install at least one MX circuit pack in the control shelf. If
you install two MX circuit packs, one can act as the working circuit pack,
and one can act as the protection circuit pack.
The main functions of the message exchange circuit pack are to:
• support circuit pack presence detection with the shelf controller
• support DCC messaging
• support operations, administration, and maintenance (OAM) messages
between circuit packs supplied with a processor
See Figure 1-44 for a functional block diagram of the MX circuit pack. The
MX circuit pack looks identical to the circuit pack shown in Figure 1-39.
The shelf controller controls the LEDs on the message exchange circuit pack.
The message exchange circuit pack also comes with a PUPS that generates all
the voltages required for the correct operation of the unit.
GraceLan is the protocol used by the system for both DCC routing and
internal system control messages. System control functions include:
• fault reporting
• performance monitoring
• data collection
• software upgrade
• circuit pack configuration
The GraceLan messaging system connects the SC and the GraceLan nodes
together at the two MX CPs.
Figure 1-43
Communications between the MX circuit pack and other circuit packs in the system
MI = Maintenance Interface module
MX = Message eXchange module
OPC-C = Operations Controller Control module
OPC-I = Operations Controller Input/Output module
OPC-S = Operations Controller Storage module
SC = Shelf Controller module
Figure 1-44
Message exchange block diagram
Card 1
interface Selector
Card x
System card
presence to SC
MMSB Control/
To/from SC interface Timing
To SC distribution
+5 V
-48 V PUPS
MI = Maintenance Interface -5 V
MMSB = Multi-Master Serial Bus
S_PEZ = Serial Processor Extension bus
PUPS = Point of Use Power Supply
SC = Shelf Controller
The main functions of the parallel telemetry circuit pack are to:
• provide 32 dry contact compatible inputs
• provide eight “Form C” (break before make) relay outputs
Figure 1-45 shows a functional block diagram of the parallel telemetry circuit
pack. Figure 1-46 shows a view of the parallel telemetry circuit pack.
The parallel telemetry circuit pack maps the state of all 32 parallel telemetry
inputs into the shelf controller addressing space.
The field programmable gate array (FPGA) controls the circuit pack LEDs.
The parallel telemetry circuit pack also comes with a PUPS that generates all
the voltages required for the correct operation of the unit.
Figure 1-45
Parallel telemetry circuit pack block diagram
input NO
Input Output
1 1
ground NC
input NO
Input Output
32 8
ground NC
COM = COMmon
FPGA = Field Programmable Gate Array
I/F = InterFace -48 V PUPS +5 V
NC = Normally Closed
NO = Normally Opened
PUPS = Point-of-Use Power Supply
S_PEZ = Serial Processor Extension bus
Note: The parallel telemetry cable has only eight ground pins.
Each input can be grounded to any of the ground pins.
Figure 1-46
Parallel telemetry circuit pack
25-Pin telemetry
output connector
44-Pin telemetry
input connector
Fail (Red)
Each of the three input feeds has a dedicated filter to prevent battery
oscillation. A low voltage monitor generates an alarm if the voltage of a feed
drops below −41.5 V ± 1.5 V. The three input feeds are current limited by
circuit breakers.
The breaker/filter module can generate filter failures, power losses, trip alarms,
and low voltage warnings. The power on and alarm detection circuits control
the circuit pack LEDs, and communicate with the shelf controller.
Figure 1-47
Breaker module functional block diagram
−48 V to
cooling unit
Breaker 2 −48 V to
Low transport shelf
Feed from Filter voltage
power plant monitor
Breaker 3 −48 V to
transport shelf
Breaker 4 −48 V to
Low transport shelf
Feed from Filter voltage
power plant monitor
Breaker 5 −48 V to
transport shelf
Breaker 1 −48 V to
control shelf
voltage Circuit 48 V to
Feed from Filter Breaker 6
power plant monitor tributary, or dense
regenerator, or line
extension shelf
Breaker 7 48 V to
tributary, or dense
regenerator, or line
extension shelf
and Fail
Pwr On (red)
To shelf controller
Figure 1-48
Breaker/filter module
Input feeds
Circuit breaker
switches (7)
Fail (Red)
Active (Green)
The fan controller monitors all operations of the fan including: speed, state of
the remote temperature sensors, and the reporting of alarms to the shelf
controller. In the event of a failure, the fan controller sends an alarm signal to
the shelf controller and to the other fans.
During normal operation of the unit, a green LED illuminates on the front
panel of the fan. In the event of a failure a Red LED on the front panel of the
fan illuminates.
At low temperatures (below 0ºC), the fan is off. At high temperatures (above
55ºC) the fan operates at a higher speed and signals other fans to increase their
speed. When the sensor temperature exceeds 70ºC, the fan controller sends a
high shelf temperature alarm to the shelf controller.
Figure 1-49 shows a functional block diagram of the fan module. Figure 1-50
shows a view of the fan module.
Figure 1-49
Fan module functional block diagram
Sensor Temperature
interface +50oC
All fans OK
Fan position L
Fan position R
Fan present
Supply (-35V -75Vl)
Figure 1-50
Fan module
Fail (Red)
Active (Green)
All not used, or empty slots in the control shelf, transport shelf, tributary
extension shelf, and line extension shelf must contain the appropriate filler
card. The filler cards have two distinct purposes. The main transport shelf and
the tributary extension shelf require filler cards for correct cooling. The
control shelf requires filler cards to protect against electromagnetic
interference (EMI) emissions.
Filler cards have no LEDs on their faceplate, nor do they contain any internal
circuits. Figure 1-51 shows the four available filler cards.
Figure 1-51
Filler cards
Transport and
Control shelf tributary extension
filler card, shelf half-height filler
single slot card, single slot
OPTera Connect DX
Connection Manager
Circuit Pack Descriptions
Standard Rel 1
August 2000
Printed in Canada and in the United Kingdom