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Optical Multiservice Edge 6110

Local Craft Access User Guide

Standard Rel 2.2 Issue 1 May 2007

What’s inside...
Browser based network element user interface
NE information
Node slot view
System Time
Copyright © 2006-2007 Nortel Networks, All Rights Reserved
This document is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. All information, copyrights and any other intellectual property
rights contained in this document are the property of Nortel Networks. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Nortel Networks,
the holder is granted no rights to use the information contained herein and this document shall not be published, copied, produced
or reproduced, modified, translated, compiled, distributed, displayed or transmitted, in whole or part, in any form or media.

The information is provided “as is” and Nortel Networks does not make or provide any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied,
including any implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third party intellectual property rights, and fitness for a
particular purpose.

Nortel, the Nortel logo and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Netscape is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.

Printed in Canada

Contents 0

About this document vii

Browser based network element user interface 1-1

Logging in 1-1
User Access Classes 1-3
Web user interface layout 1-5
Top panel 1-6
Alarm banner 1-6
Navigation menu 1-6
Input/Output area 1-6
Status/Alarm area 1-6
Working with the network element web user interface 1-7
Scroll Bars 1-7
Hyperlinks 1-7
Help topics 1-7
Using help 1-8
List of procedures
1-1 Installing the online WUI help package 9

NE information 1-1

Node slot view 1-1

Display of module and circuit pack presence in the network element 1-3
Display module and circuit pack details 1-4
PSU 1-6
16XE1DS1 1-6
2X155M 1-6
3XE3DS3 1-7
28XE1DS1 1-7
8XETH 1-8
FAN 1-9

System Time 1-1

Set network element date and time 1-2
Set network element time zone 1-3
Set network time server 1-5

Inventory 1-1

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
iv Contents

Node inventory 1-1

Display Node inventory 1-3
Delete cards 1-4
SFP 1-4
SHELF-1 1-6
PSU 1-10
16XE1DS1 1-10
2X155M 1-11
3XE3DS3 1-11
28XE1DS1 1-12
8XETH 1-13
FAN 1-13

Protection 1-1
MSP/APS groups 1-2
Connections 1-3
Timing manager 1-5

Configuration 1-1
MSP/APS groups 1-2
Cross-connect 1-5
Topology Adjacency 1-12
Overhead Tunnel 1-14
Environmental alarm input 1-16
SNMP traps 1-16
Facilities 1-17
STMn/OCn 1-18
Display STM/OCn Ports 1-18
E1/DS1/E3/DS3 ports 1-28
Ethernet 1-29
WAN Group 1-30
Display VC/VT Group 1-32
DCN 1-33
Network interface 1-34
OSPF 1-39
iISIS 1-39
Static route 1-41
Proxy ARP Neighbour 1-43
Serial port 1-44
Synchronization state 1-45
Synchronization status 1-46
View nominated timing references 1-49
Nominate timing reference 1-50

Faults 1-1
Active alarms 1-3
Suppressed alarms 1-5
Alarm Filters 1-5
Event history 1-6
Alarm severity 1-7

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Contents v

Profiles 1-1
STM/OC Port Profiles 1-2
Path Alarm Profiles 1-3

Performance 1-1
STM/OCn performance statistics 1-3
View performance statistics of the Regenerator section/Line and Multiplex
section/Line 1-4
View performance statistics of the path 1-7
View performance statistics of the Tributary unit/Virtual tributary 1-10
View performance statistics of Transceiver 1-12
E1/DS1 performance statistics 1-13
View the performance statistics of E1/DS1 interface (Line) 1-13
View the performance statistics of E1/DS1 interface (Path) 1-14
E3/DS3 performance statistics 1-15
View the performance statistics of E3/DS3 interface (Line) 1-15
View the performance statistics of E3/DS3 interface (Path) 1-16
Ethernet performance statistics 1-17
View the performance statistics of Ethernet interface 1-17
WAN interface 1-19
View the performance statistics of the WAN interface 1-19
Input voltage monitor 1-20

Security 1-1
Radius server 1-3
Manage users 1-4
Display user details 1-4
View TL1 sessions 1-5

Maintenance 1-1
System settings 1-3
Restart operations 1-3
Warm restart 1-3
Cold restart (service disruptive) 1-3
Loop-Backs 1-3
STM/OCn ports Loopback 1-4
PDH ports Loopback 1-4
Ethernet ports Loopback 1-4
Diagnostics 1-5
OSPF Monitor 1-5
Interfaces 1-7
Neighbors 1-7
Routing table 1-8
Areas 1-8
Database 1-9
Statistics 1-9
LSA expansion 1-10
AS externals 1-10
Opaque-LSAs 1-11

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
vi Contents

ilSIS monitor 1-11

Configuration management 1-12
Backup configuration 1-12
Restore configuration 1-13
Restore factory defaults 1-14
Upgrade operations 1-14
Unified Upgrade 1-15
Documentation 1-17
Firmware 1-17

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

About this document 0

This document supports Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 release 2.2 software.
The topics covered are:
• Accessing the web user interface (WUI)
• Screen layout of the WUI
• WUI menus

Supported Software
This document supports the Nortel Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 Release

The following members of your company are the intended audience of this
• planners
• provisioners
• network administrators

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
viii About this document

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 NTP Library

Planning a Installing, Managing and Maintenance and Supporting

Network Commissioning and Provisioning Troubleshooting for the OME6110
Testing a Network a Network a Network Library

Interworking Guide

About the Installation, Provisioning and Trouble Clearing and

OME6110 Commissioning and Protection Switching Module Replacement
NTP Library Testing Procedures Procedures Procedures
(323-1853-090) (323-1853-201) (323-1853-310) (323-1853-543)

Planning Guide

TL1 Refrence

Local Craft Access

User Guide

This document refers to the following NTPs:
• About the OME6110 NTP Library, 323-1853-090
• Installation, Commissioning, and Testing Procedures, 323-1853-201
• Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures, 323-1853-310
• Trouble Clearing and Module Replacement Procedures, 323-1853-543
• Planning Guide, NT6Q92AD

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Browser based network element user

interface 1-

This chapter describes the procedures for logging in and logging out of the
network element. It also provides the structure and functionality of the web
based user interface of the OME6110.

The menu driven web user interface (WUI) of the OME6110 allows you to
configure the network element as desired with the help of sub menus and

Logging in
To access the WUI, connect an Ethernet interface of the craft PC to the LCT
port on the OAM circuit pack.

Note 1: An Ethernet cross cable is used for direct connectivity between the
Ethernet interface of the PC and the LCT port on the 2X155M
crossconnect card of the network element.
Note 2: An Ethernet straight cable is used to connect the network element
and the PC terminal which is through the Ethernet hub/switch.
Refer to the Planning Guide, NT6Q92AD for pinout information.

To login to the network element, open a web browser session and enter the
following universal resource locator (URL):

Note: The URL mentioned above is the default factory setting. After the
system is commissioned the network element is assigned the element
specific URL.

If the URL is not accessible, it could be because of:

– improper Ethernet connectivity to the network element
– mismatch in the type of cable used (straight/cross)
– unprovisioned Ethernet interface
– incorrect URL entered to access the network element

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
1-2 Browser based network element user interface

– malfunction of the network element software

– initialization of the NE indicated by the LED flashing on the
2X155M crossconnect card. It takes 5 to 7 minutes for the web user
interface of the network element to start functioning after powering
Log into the OME6110 WUI with following user name and password:
• User Name: ADMIN
• Password: ADMIN
Table 1-1 lists the user account user ID and password details.
Table 1-1
User ID and password details

User ID • is unique
• can be alphabetic/numeric/alphanumeric
• supports special characters except space
• supports up to 32 characters
• is case sensitive

Password • is unique
• must be exactly eight characters long
• can be alphabetic/numeric/alphanumeric
• supports special characters except space
• is case sensitive
• and the user ID cannot be identical

Note: Change the initial password of the default user account on the
network element. The default user accounts and passwords are widely

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Browser based network element user interface 1-3

Figure 1-1 shows the OME6110 user authentication page.

Figure 1-1
OME6110 Login Dialog Box

Note 1: OME6110 supports up to 10 simultaneous login sessions.

Note 2: The login and password page looks different in different browsers.

Multiple administrative and diagnostic login
During multiple administrative and diagnostic login, ensure
that any action performed do not affect the work of other users.
The command implementations are on first-come-first-serve

User Access Classes

The OME6110 has three user access classes:
Each access class supports a set of operations along with the operations of
previous level access class. For more details on how to setup user accounts on
the network element, refer to Provisioning and Protection Switching
Procedures, 323-1853-310. Privileges are allotted to users by assigning them
to the appropriate access class.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
1-4 Browser based network element user interface

Refer to the Chapter 11, Security for more information.

Table 1-2 lists the access classes in increasing privilege level and the
operations supported.
Table 1-2
Mapping of access classes and supported operations

User access classes Privileges

USER The user has read-only access to all the management information
including configuration, faults and performance.

OPERATOR The operator can:

• configure interfaces and cross connections
• acknowledge fault
• reset performance statistics

OPERATOR2 The operator2 can

• configure node name
• configure Router IP and Ethernet ID
• perform operations such as software/configuration backup/restore, loop
• perform all other activities as operator

ADMINISTRATOR The administrator can:

• create and delete login access for the network element
• access network element configurable parameters like mode, location,
contact as well as management parameters like Ethernet/router IP
address/masks, OSPF parameters

Note: Only the administrator can add, modify or delete users.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Browser based network element user interface 1-5

Web user interface layout

The default view of the OME6110 web browser interface is shown in Figure
1-2. The web user interface screen layout displays various navigation panels.

The default view of the web user interface is divided into four separate areas:
• Alarm banner
• Top panel
• Navigation menu
• Input/Output area
Figure 1-2 shows the default Web User Interface page.
Figure 1-2
Web User Interface default page

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
1-6 Browser based network element user interface

Top panel
Top panel occupies the top frame in the WUI screen. It displays:
• IP address of the LCT port of the network element
• an icon of question mark which links to Help topics page
• Nortel logo
• Name of the network element
Alarm banner
Alarm banner displays the active alarms on the network element along with
their severity levels.
• C gives the number of active critical alarms
• M gives the number of active major alarms
• m gives the number of active minor alarms
• w gives the number of active warnings
Alarm banner area displays a check box which provides the option to
enable/disable auto refresh. The auto-refresh is enabled by default. It also
displays the last refresh time and uptime of the network element.

Note: While accessing the WUI of the OME6110 network element with
FireFox 1.0, alarm banner may not display the exact number of active
alarms. Activate the refresh icon of the browser to get the exact number of
active alarms.

Navigation menu
The Navigation menu displays the hyperlinks providing access to various
network element WUI applications.

Input/Output area
The Input/Output area displays the output of the selected link from the main
menu or sub menu and allows you to configure the network element as desired.

Status/Alarm area
The Status/Alarm area displays the status of the selected link from the main
menu or the sub menu. This area is not displayed in all cases. The data in the
Status/Alarm area is auto-refreshed.

Note: The Status/Alarm area is not displayed in the default view page.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Browser based network element user interface 1-7

Working with the network element web user interface

The main menu in the navigation tree can be expanded to different sub-menus
and that allows the user to click on a link to launch a specific application. Each
application provides access to different operations depending on the access
level of the user.

Before you delete, modify or add any parameter, the web user interface will
prompt for a confirmation and only after an acknowledgement, the changes
will be applied.

Scroll Bars
Vertical and horizontal scroll bars appear when a window cannot fully display
its contents. These scroll bars allow the user to scroll from side to side, or scroll
to the bottom of a page and scroll back to the top again.

Note: If your current browser window is too small to support the scroll
bars, a warning message may appear. The warning message may state that
the scroll bar minimum value is greater than or equal to the scroll bar
maximum value. The warning may also indicate that the slider size is
greater than the scroll bar maximum value minus the scroll bar minimum
value. If such a warning occurs, resize the browser window to a larger size
and click on the reload button on the web browser toolbar.

Menu items, banner line items, and alarms that are underlined indicate that
they are hyperlinked.

Hyperlinks are text which you can click with your mouse. When clicked on,
these hyperlinks move you to a different area on the same web page or another
web page. For example, Add a new Static Route in the Static routes
configuration page will connect you to the Creating Static Route page.

Hyperlinks allow you to quickly move from one menu to another without
having to go through all the menus.

Help topics
The OME6110 WUI help package contains hyperlinks to the following
• Local Craft Access User Guide, 323-1853-195
• Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures, 323-1853-310
• Trouble Clearing and Module Replacement Procedures, 323-1853-543

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
1-8 Browser based network element user interface

The OME6110 WUI help package guides the user through the navigation,
provisioning and troubleshooting of a network element. The OME6110
technical documents contain detailed information about the features and

Using help
When you click the question mark icon on top of any page, the Help topics
page is displayed. This page displays the list of documents embedded in the
network element software.

To view the required document, click the relevant link listed in the Help topic
page. The selected document is displayed in PDF format.

Note: Acrobat Reader is required to view the technical documents

included in the software or the browser used should support the file type.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Browser based network element user interface 1-9

Procedure 1-1
Installing the online WUI help package

Use this procedure to install the online WUI help package on the OME6110
network element.

Note: In order to download the online help documentation to the network

element, you must have an FTP server running on the PC.

Before you start

• Log into the network element user interface at the default view level with appropriate user access privileges.
• Be familiar with the OME6110 network element user interface as described in Local Craft Access User
Guide, 323-1853-195.
• Ensure you have the OME6110 Release 2.2 software CD-ROM (PEC NT6Q81DA). For more information
on how to order the software CD-ROM, refer to the Planning Guide, NT6Q92AD.

Procedure tasks
• Verify that the documentation bundle file is installed on the PC or workstation (step 1).
• Open the Documentation download page (step 2).
• Enter the documentation download attributes (step 5).
• Click on the submit button (step 6).

Expected results
• You install the online WUI help package on the network element.
• If the expected results do not occur, contact your next level of support.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
1-10 Browser based network element user interface

Procedure 1-1 (continued)

Installing the online WUI help package

Step Action

1 On the PC or workstation from where the online WUI help package download
will be performed, verify that the documentation bundle file,
doc-bundle_pdf_XX_Y.img (where XX is the NE software release stream and
Y is the version number of the documentation bundle), has been installed.
Note: The documentation bundle file is available on the OME6110 Release
2.2 software CD-ROM, NT6Q81DA.
2 Click Maintenance Navigation menu.
3 Click Upgrade operations.
4 Click Documentation.
The Documentation download page is displayed.
5 Enter the documentation bundle download attributes based on the following
Attribute possible value(s)
Username Enter a valid username to access the FTP server
Password Enter the appropriate password to access the
FTP server
IP address Enter the IP address of the FTP server from
which the documentation bundle will be
downloaded (see Note)
Directory Enter the full directory path where the
documentation bundle is stored on the FTP
File name Enter the documentation bundle filename,
doc-bundle_pdf_XX_Y.img (where XX is the
NE software release stream and Y is the version
number of the documentation bundle)
Note: The FTP server must be installed and running on the PC or
workstation from which the documentation bundle download is being

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Browser based network element user interface 1-11

Procedure 1-1 (continued)

Installing the online WUI help package

Step Action

6 Click on the Submit button.

The documentation bundle download completes within 2 minutes and the
Documentation Download Succeeded message appears. You have
downloaded the online WUI help package to the network element.
Note 1: In order to obtain the download status view, keep the web browser
on the Documentation download page.
Note 2: Before Launching the new online help package, clear the cookies,
cache and history from your web browser.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
1-12 Browser based network element user interface

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

NE information 2-

This chapter describes the NE information page in the web user interface. The
NE information page is the default page displayed after logging into the
OME6110 and presents system level information.

Figure 2-1 shows the NE information page.

Figure 2-1
NE information page

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
2-2 NE information

Figure 2-2 shows the level structure of the NE information menu.

Figure 2-2
Level structure of NE information menu

NE informatiom

Node slot view

System time



System Configuration






Once the network element is installed and powered up, log into the network
element. The default page is displayed. For more details regarding installation
of OME6110 refer to Installation, Commissioning and Testing Procedures,

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
NE information 2-3

Table 2-1 lists the parameters on the NE information page.

Table 2-1
Parameters on the NE information page

Parameters Description

Name Displays the identification label provisioned for the network


Node Configuration Displays what the network element is configured as. In this release,
OME6110 supports only ADM.

Node Product Code Displays the product type of the Network Element that is “Optical
Multiservice Edge 6110".

Router ID Allows you to enter the IP address of the network element for
in-band communication.

Ethernet IP Allows you to enter the IP address of the network element for
communication via Ethernet (LCT interface).

Contact Allows you to enter the contact details and contact number of the
person maintaining the network element.

Location Allows you to enter the location or site identification where the
network element is physically installed.

Software Version Displays the description of the network element. Software Release
is also displayed in the format aabbccdd, where
• aa is the major release
• bb is the minor release
• ccdd describes the build version

SDH/SONET Mode Displays the mode of network element (see Note).

Note: Release 1 chassis NT6Q50AA only supports SDH mode. All other base chassis can be
provisioned to SONET or SDH mode.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
2-4 NE information

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Node slot view 3-

This chapter describes the Node slot view menu in the web user interface.
Node slot view provides the information regarding the circuit packs populated
in the system. It also shows the alarms present on the circuit pack. Figure 3-1
shows the Node slot view page.
Figure 3-1
Node slot view page

Note: Auto Refresh is supported for the Node slot view page.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
3-2 Node slot view

Figure 3-2 shows the level structure of the Node Slot View menu.
Figure 3-2
Level structure of Node slot view menu

NE informatiom

Node slot view PSU

System time 16XE1DS1

Inventory 2X155M

Protection Optional slot 28XE1DS1/
System Configuration FAN






Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Node slot view 3-3

Display of module and circuit pack presence in the network element

The Node slot view menu displays graphical representation of the modules
and circuit packs present in allotted slots of the chassis. Three visual indicators
are present on the module or circuit pack representing the status, active and
alarm conditions respectively. The color of the LED indicates the status of the
module or circuit pack.

Table 3-1 lists the visual indicators on the Node slot view page.
Table 3-1
Visual indicators

Status of the LED Indication


Red Circuit pack failure

Green Normal working

Amber • During a power cycle

• During a circuit pack

Black When the module or circuit pack is placed out of service


Red Major / Critical alarms present on the network element

Green Normal working

Amber Minor alarms present on the network element

Black When the module or circuit pack is placed out of service


Red Circuit pack failure

Green Normal working

Amber • During a power cycle

• During a circuit pack

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
3-4 Node slot view

Display module and circuit pack details

The Node slot view page displays the details of the module and the circuit
packs in the network element.

In the web user interface of OME6110 the following circuit packs are
displayed on the Node slot view page:
• 16XE1DS1
• 2X155M
• 2X155M/8XETH/3XE3DS3/28XE1DS1

Note: The fourth slot is displayed in the Node slot view page only when a
circuit pack is present in this slot.

Table 3-2 lists the parameters for the modules and circuit packs in the Node
slot view page.
Table 3-2
Parameters for the modules and circuit packs in the Node slot view page

Field Description Applicable to

Shelf Displays the shelf number in which the network • Chassis

element is present. This value is always 1 in this • PSU
• 16XE1DS1
• 2X155M
• 3XE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1

Slot Displays the slot number in which the module or • Chassis

circuit pack is present. • PSU
• 16XE1DS1
• 2X155M
• 3XE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1

Equipment Displays if the Equipment is present or not.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Node slot view 3-5

Table 3-2 (continued)

Parameters for the modules and circuit packs in the Node slot view page

Field Description Applicable to

Product Code Displays the PEC code of the product. • Chassis

• 3xE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1
• 2X155M

Serial Number Displays the unique serial number of a specific • Chassis

module. • PSU
• 3xE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1
• 2X155M

Temperature Temperature of the network element. • 2X155M (Base card,

or logical slot 3 only)

Redundancy Status Primary Specifies that the primary module • 16XE1DS1

is currently working. • 2X155M
• 3XE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1

MAC Address Displays the MAC address of the network • 2X155M (Base card,
element. or logical slot 3 only)

Note: The table gives general information about the parameters of all the modules and circuit packs
displayed in the slot view.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
3-6 Node slot view

The PSU is the Power Supply Unit (PSU) of the OME6110.

Figure 3-3 shows the level structure of the PSU menu.

Figure 3-3
Level structure of PSU menu

System Node slot view PSU

For the parameters displayed on the Power Supply Unit page refer to Table

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this module.
The 16XE1DS1 is the E1/DS1 interface of OME6110 base chassis which
provides E1/DS1 interfaces.

Figure 3-4 shows the level structure of the 16XE1DS1 link.

Figure 3-4
Level structure of the 16XE1DS1 link

System Node slot view 16XE1DS1

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this interface.

For the parameters displayed on E1/T1 Tributary Card page refer to Table

In the E1/T1 Tributary Card page you can:

• access and provision the E1/T1 interfaces
• select alarm and Performance Monitoring mode for ports
For more details refer to Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures,

The 2X155M is the 2X155M interface of the OME6110 base chassis or an
optional circuit pack. It provides two optical STM-1/OC-3 interfaces.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Node slot view 3-7

Figure 3-5 shows the level structure of 2X155M link.

Figure 3-5
Level structure of 2X155M link

System Node slot view 2X155M

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this circuit pack.

For the parameters displayed on Traffic and cross-connect page refer to Table

The 3XE3DS3 is an optional circuit pack of OME6110. The 3XE3DS3 circuit
pack provides line interface to three E3/DS3 interfaces.

Figure 3-6 shows the level structure of the 3XE3DS3 link.

Figure 3-6
Level structure of the 3XE3DS3

System Node slot view 3XE3DS3

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this circuit pack.

For the parameters displayed on E3/DS3 Tributary Card page refer to Table

In the E3/DS3 Tributary Card page you can:

• configure E3 or DS3 ports
• access and provision the E3/DS3 interfaces
For more details refer to Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures,

The 28XE1DS1 is an optional circuit pack of OME6110. The 28XE1DS1
circuit pack provides line interface to 28 E1/DS1 interfaces. For the parameters
displayed on 28XE1DS1 page refer Table 3-2.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
3-8 Node slot view

Figure 3-7 shows the level structure of the 28XE1DS1 link.

Figure 3-7
Level structure of the 28XE1DS1

System Node slot view 28XEIDS1

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this circuit pack.

For the parameters displayed on E1/DS1 Tributary Card page refer to Table

In the E1/DS1 Tributary Card page you can:

• configure E1 or DS1 ports
• access and provision the E1/DS1 interfaces
• select Alarm and Performance Monitoring mode for ports
For more details refer to Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures,

The 8XETH is an10/100BaseT Ethernet Private Line circuit pack of
OME6110. The 8XETH circuit pack provides line interface to eight
10/100Mbps Ethernet interfaces.

Figure 3-8 shows the level structure of the 8XETH link.

Figure 3-8
Level structure of the 8xETH link

System Node slot view 8XETH

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this circuit pack.

For the parameters displayed on Ethernet Tributary Card page refer to Table

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Node slot view 3-9

In the Ethernet Tributary Card page you can access and provision the
Ethernet interfaces and the WAN interfaces. For more details refer to
Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures, 323-1853-310.
FAN is the fan module in OME6110 shelf.

Figure 3-9 shows the level structure of the FAN link.

Figure 3-9
Level structure of the FAN link

System Node slot view FAN

For the parameters displayed on FAN Tray page refer to Table 3-2.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
3-10 Node slot view

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

System Time 4-

This chapter describes the System Time menu in the web user interface.
System Time provides the information to:
• set the date and time of the network element
• set the required time zone
• set the server time of the network element
Figure 4-1 shows the level structure of the System Time link.
Figure 4-1
Level structure of System Time link

NE informatiom

Node slot view

System time Set time

Inventory Set time zone

Protection Set time server

System Configuration






Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
4-2 System Time

Set network element date and time

The Set time link enables you to set the date, month, year, hour, minutes and
seconds of the network element. The time is displayed in the Input/Output area
of the web user interface.

Figure 4-2 shows the level structure of the Set time link.
Figure 4-2
Level structure of System time link

System System time Set time

Table 4-1 lists the parameters on the Set Time page.

Table 4-1
Parameters on the Set Node Time page

Field Description


Month Allows you to select a month.

Day Allows you to select a day.

Year Allows you to select a year.


Hour Allows you to select the hour.

Minute Allows you to select the minute.

Second Allows you to select the second.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
System Time 4-3

Set network element time zone

The Set time zone link enables you to set the appropriate time zone relevant
to the location of the network element.

Figure 4-3 shows the level structure of the Set time zone link.
Figure 4-3
Level structure of Set zone link

System System time Set time zone

Table 4-2 lists the time zones on Set Time Zone page.
Table 4-2
Time zones listed on the Set Time Zone page

Time Zone Description

America, Adak Hawaiian Standard Time or Hawaiian Daylight Time with DST.

America, Anchorage Atlantic Standard Time or Atlantic Daylight Time with DST.

America, Chicago Central standard Time or Central Daylight Time with DST.

America, Denver Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight time with DST.

America, Honolulu Hawaiian Standard Time without DST.

America, Indianapolis Eastern Standard Time without DST.

America, Los Angeles Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight time with DST.

America, NewYork Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Time with Daylight Savings
Time (DST).

America, Pheonix Mountain Standard Time without DST.

Australia, Northern Territory Central Standard Time without DST.

Australia, Queensland Australian Eastern Standard Time without DST.

Australia, South Australia Central Standard Time or Central Daylight Time with DST.

Australia, Tasmania Australian Eastern Standard Time with DST.

Australia, Victoria Australian Eastern Standard Time or Australian Eastern Daylight Time
with DST.

Australia, Western Australia Western standard Time without DST.

Chile, Santiago Chile Time or Chile Summer Time with DST.

Chile, Easter Island Easter Island time or Easter Island summer time with DST.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
4-4 System Time

Table 4-2 (continued)

Time zones listed on the Set Time Zone page

Time Zone Description

GMT Greenwitch Mean Time.

India Indian Standard Time (IST).

Korea Korea Standard Time.

Other time zones Allows you to enter Other Time zones.

Set Other Time Zone

To reach the Other time zone page, choose Other Time Zone option for the
Zone field in the Set Time Zone page. The Other Time Zones link enables you
to enter a time zone which is not available in the above list in the Set Time
Zone page.

Figure 4-4 shows the level structure of the Other Time Zone link.
Figure 4-4
Level structure of Other Time Zone link

System System time Set time zone Other time zone

Table 4-3 lists the parameters on the Other time zone page.
Table 4-3
Parameters on the Other time zone page

Field Description

Zone Allows you to enter the time zone that is not available in the predefined

Offset Hours Allows you to set the hour difference in time with respect to the GMT.

Offset Minutes Allows you to set the minute difference in time with respect to the GMT.

Daylight Saving Allows you to Enable or Disable the DST.

DST String Allows you to provide the timezone string for timezone identification for
the user during the DST period (see Note).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
System Time 4-5

Table 4-3 (continued)

Parameters on the Other time zone page

Field Description

DST Start Allows you to select the Month, week,weekday, hour and minute for the
(Month: Week: Day: Hour: DST start (see Note).

DST Stop Allows you to select the Month, week,weekday, hour and minute for the
(Month: Week: Day: Hour: DST stop (see Note).

Note: DST String, DST Start and DST Stop are only applicable if the DST Enable is set to enable.

Set network time server

The Set time server link enables you to enter the IP address of the server or
network element in order to have a uniform clock. All network elements
connected to the same server in a network function synchronously. The
network element periodically synchronizes itself with the server to avoid an
asynchronous state.

Note 1: Up to 5 time servers can be provisioned on a network element to

synchronize to.
Note 2: Timing server nominated must be of stratum level of 14 or less
than 14. The network element will not synchronize to the server if the
stratum level is not within the range.
Figure 4-5 shows the level structure of the Set time server link.
Figure 4-5
Level structure of Set time server link

System System time Set time server

Table 4-4 lists the parameters on the Set Time Server page.
Table 4-4
Parameter on the Set Time Server page

Field Description

NTP Client Enable Allows you to enable or disable the NTP client.

NTP Server-0 Allows you to enter the IP Address of the first time server (see Note).

NTP Server-1 Allows you to enter the IP Address of the second time server (see

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
4-6 System Time

Table 4-4 (continued)

Parameter on the Set Time Server page

Field Description

NTP Server-2 Allows you to enter the IP Address of the third time server.

NTP Server-3 Allows you to enter the IP Address of the fourth time server.

NTP Server-4 Allows you to enter the IP Address of the fifth time server.

Synchronization interval Allows you to select the synchronization interval. Once the node
synchronizes with the time server, the synchronization interval
specifies how often the network element should poll the time server.

Current NTP Server Displays the sever with which the node is synchronized.

Current Time Offset Displays the network element offset with the current NTP server.

Last Update Time Displays the time of Last update of the current time server or offset.

Note: If OMEA is used to manage the OME6110 network element, the first NTP servers (NTP
Server-0) will automatically be provisioned. Provision all other time servers against remaining NTP

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Inventory 5-

This chapter describes the Inventory menu in the web user interface. It
provides you with an inventory of the modules, circuit packs and the SFPs in
the network element and its details like the physical presence, operation status,
product code and serial number.

Inventory menu provides links to Node inventory and SHELF-1 pages.

Node inventory
Figure 5-1 shows the Node Inventory page.
Figure 5-1
Node inventory page

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
5-2 Inventory

Figure 5-2 shows the level structure of the Node Inventory menu.
Figure 5-2
Level structure of the Node Inventory menu

NE informatiom

Node slot view

System time

Circuitpacks or
Inventory Node inventory module number

Protection SHELF-1
Delete cards

System Configuration






Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Inventory 5-3

Display Node inventory

The Node inventory page displays details of the circuit packs present in the
network. It also gives the details regarding the Product code, Serial Number,
CLEI code and Operational status of the circuit packs, modules and SFPs
present in the system and displays whether the circuit pack is currently ejected
from the system.

Figure 5-3 shows the level structure of the Node inventory link.
Figure 5-3
Level structure of the Node inventory link

Circuitpacks or
System Inventory Node inventory module number

Refer to Table 3-2 for details on the parameters presented for the selected
module or circuit pack.

Note: The slot number link leads to the respective circuit pack page.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
5-4 Inventory

Delete cards
The network element retains the configuration of a circuit pack even after
removal of a circuit pack from the chassis. In such cases, Node inventory page
shows operational status of that circuit pack as DOWN and is present or not.

The View/Delete Cards page lists all the cards that are ready to be deleted, as
they have been removed from the slot.

Figure 5-4 shows the level structure of the Delete Cards link.
Figure 5-4
Level structure of the Delete Cards link

System Inventory Node inventory Delete cards

Note 1: You need to delete the circuit packs that are not present in the
network element before inserting a new circuit pack for the network
element to recognize it.
Note 2: The circuit pack can be deleted from the system only if it is
physically out of the system and there are no cross connects provisioned
on the ports present on the circuit pack. If the crossconnects or IBCs are
provisioned on the ports of the circuit pack, you need to delete all the
provisioned crossconnects and IBCs, only then you will be able to delete
the circuit pack.
Table 5-1 lists the parameters on the View/Delete Cards page.
Table 5-1
Parameters on the View/Delete Cards page

Field Description

Slot Displays the slot in which the circuit pack was present.

Card Type Displays the name of the circuit pack.

Delete Displays the check box to delete the circuit pack.

Note: The Delete cards command is only applicable to circuit packs provisioned in optional slot (Slot 4).

The SFP link provides details of the pluggable circuit packs. These are the
SFPs associated with the STM ports on the 2X155M circuit pack.

The Delete command in this page can be operated on the SFPs without having
to physically remove the SFP.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Inventory 5-5

Note: The Node inventory page displays circuit pack pluggable status
along with the chassis information.

Figure 5-5 shows the level structure of the SFP link.

Figure 5-5
Level structure of the SFP link

System Inventory Node inventory SFP

Table 5-2 lists the parameters for SFP.

Table 5-2
Parameters for SFP

Field Description

Name Displays the name of the SFP. This field also has a delete hyperlink
associated with it (see Note 1).

Port Displays the Port to which the SFP is associated.

Operational Status Displays the operative state of the SFP.

Is Present Present Displays the SFP is inserted.

Not present Displays the SFP is not inserted.

Laser Type Displays the laser type. Laser type specifies the capacity and range
of the laser used in the particular interface (see Note 2).

Serial Number Displays the serial number of the SFP that is pluggable.

PEC Code Unique product equipment code.

CLEI Code Unique common language equipment identifier.

Note 1: The Delete hyperlink allows you to delete the SFP, you do not require to physically remove the
SFP before doing the delete. The SFP will autoprovision with the slotted SFP values.
Note 2: Lasers are specific to the interfaces. Therefore only an SFP supporting STM1/OC3 lasers can
be inserted into an STM1/OC3 interface port.
Lasers have ranges like
• Long Reach
• Short Reach
• Intermediate Reach

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
5-6 Inventory

The SHELF-1 link displays the links to the circuit packs on the network
• 16XE1DS1
• 2X155M (Base card)
• 3XE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1
• 2X155M (circuit pack)
Each link within the SHELF-1 menu, the status/alarm area is available and
presents the active alarms against the entity (module or circuit pack).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Inventory 5-7

Figure 5-6 shows the level structure of the SHELF-1 menu.

Figure 5-6
Level structure of SHELF-1 menu

NE informatiom

Node slot view

System time

Inventory Node inventory

Protection SHELF-1 Chassis

System Configuration PSU

Faults 16XE1DS1

Profiles 2X155M

Performance Optional slot 28XE1DS1/
Security FAN


Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
5-8 Inventory

Table 5-3 lists the relevant parameters when you click on any circuit pack link
under SHELF-1. The table below gives general information about the
parameters of all the modules and circuit packs displayed in the SHELF-1
Table 5-3
Parameters for the modules and circuit packs

Field Description Applicable to

Shelf Displays the shelf number in which the network • Chassis

element is present. This value is always 1 in this • 16XE1DS1
• 2X155M
• 3XE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1

Slot Displays the slot number in which the module or • Chassis

circuit pack is present. • 16XE1DS1
• 2X155M
• 3XE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1

Equipment Displays if the Equipment is present or not.

Product Code Displays the PEC code of the product. • Chassis

• 2X155M
• 3XE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Inventory 5-9

Table 5-3 (continued)

Parameters for the modules and circuit packs

Field Description Applicable to

Serial Number Displays the unique serial number of a specific • Chassis

module. • 2X155M
• 3XE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1

Temperature Temperature of the network element. 2X155M (Base card, or

logical slot 3 only)

Redundancy Status Primary Specifies that the • 2X155M

primary module is • 8XETH
currently working.
• 3XE3DS3
• 28XE1DS1

MAC Address Displays the MAC address of the network • 2X155M (Base card,
element. or logical slot 3 only)

Note: The table gives general information about the parameters of all the modules and circuit packs
displayed in the SHELF-1 view.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
5-10 Inventory

The PSU is the Power Supply Unit (PSU) of the OME6110.

Figure 5-7 shows the level structure of the PSU menu.

Figure 5-7
Level structure of PSU menu

System Inventory SHELF-1 PSU

For the parameters displayed on the Power Supply Unit page refer to Table

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this module.
The 16XE1DS1 is the E1/DS1 interface of OME6110 base chassis which
provides E1/DS1 interfaces.

Figure 5-8 shows the level structure of the 16XE1DS1 link.

Figure 5-8
Level structure of the 16XE1DS1 link

System Inventory SHELF-1 16XE1DS1

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this interface.

For the parameters displayed on E1/T1 Tributary Card page refer to Table

In the E1/T1 Tributary Card page you can

• access and provision the E1/DS1 interfaces
• select Alarm and Performance monitoring mode for ports
For more details refer to Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures,

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Inventory 5-11

The 2X155M is the 2X155M interface of the OME6110 base chassis or an
optional circuit pack. It provides two optical STM-1/OC-3 interfaces.
Figure 5-9 shows the level structure of 2X155M link.

Figure 5-9
Level structure of 2X155M link

System Inventory SHELF-1 2X155M

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this circuit pack.

For the parameters displayed on Traffic and Cross-connect Card page refer
to Table 5-3.

In the Traffic and Cross-connect Card page you can access and provision the
STM-1/OC3 interfaces.

For more details refer to Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures,


The 3XE3DS3 is the optional circuit pack of OME6110. The 3XE3DS3 circuit
pack provides line interface to three E3/DS3 interfaces.

Figure 5-10 shows the level structure of the 3XE3DS3 link.

Figure 5-10
Level structure of the 3XE3DS3

System Inventory SHELF-1 3XE3DS3

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this circuit pack.

For the parameters displayed on E3/DS3 Tributary Card page refer to Table

In the E3/DS3 Tributary Card page you can:

• configure E3 or DS3 ports
• access and provision the E3/DS3 interfaces

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
5-12 Inventory

For more details refer to Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures,


The 28XE1DS1 is the optional circuit pack of OME6110. The 28XE1DS1
circuit pack provides line interface to 28 E1/DS1 interfaces.

Figure 5-11 shows the level structure of the 28XE1DS1 link.

Figure 5-11
Level structure of the 28XE1DS1

System Inventory SHELF-1 28XE1DS1

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this circuit pack.

For the parameters displayed on E1/DS1 Tributary Card page refer to Table

In the E1/DS1 Tributary Card page you can:

• configure E1 or DS1 ports
• access and provision the E1/DS1 interfaces
• select Alarm and Performance monitoring mode for ports
For more details refer to Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures,

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Inventory 5-13

The 8XETH is the 10/100BaseT Ethernet Private Line circuit pack of
OME6110. The 8XETH circuit pack provides line interface to eight
10/100Mbps Ethernet interfaces.

Figure 5-12 shows the level structure of the 8XETH link.

Figure 5-12
Level structure of the 8XETH link

System Inventory SHELF-1 8XETH

Note: In the Status/Alarm area of the web user interface the recently
generated alarms are displayed for this circuit pack.

For the parameters displayed on Ethernet Tributary Card page refer to Table

By clicking on Ports in the Ethernet Tributary Card page, you can access
and provision the Ethernet interfaces and the WAN interfaces.

For more details refer to Provisioning and Protection Switching Procedures,


Figure 5-13 shows the level structure of the FAN link.
Figure 5-13
Level structure of the FAN link

System Inventory SHELF-1 FAN

For the parameters displayed on FAN Tray page refer to Table 5-3.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
5-14 Inventory

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Protection 6-

This chapter describes the Protection menu in the web user interface. From
Protection menu, you can access:

• MSP/APS groups
• Connections
• Timing manager
Figure 6-1 shows the level structure of the Protection menu.
Figure 6-1
Level structure of the Protection menu

NE informatiom

Node slot view

System time


Protection MSP/APS Groups

System Configuration Connections

Faults Timing manager





Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
6-2 Protection

MSP/APS groups
Automatic Protection Switching (APS)/Multiplex Section Protection (MSP)
traffic protection configuration is coordinated by the K1 and K2 bytes in the
multiplex section overhead. Automatic Protection switching occurs when the
following conditions are detected on the STM-1/OC3 ports:
• signal failure
• signal degradation

External commands available in the MSP/APS groups menu are:

• Release
• Lockout Protection
• Forced Switch to Protect
• Forced Switch to Working
• Manual Switch to Protect
• Manual Switch to Working

Figure 6-2 shows the level structure of the MSP/APS groups link.
Figure 6-2
Level structure of the MSP/APS groups link

System Protection MSP/APS Groups Release

Lockout protection

Forced switch to

Forced switch to

Manual switch to

Manual switch to

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Protection 6-3

Figure 6-3 shows the level structure of the Connections link.
Figure 6-3
Level structure of the Connections link

System Protection Connections

Figure 6-4 shows the level structure of the External Command for WAN
association link.
Figure 6-4
Level structure of the External Command

Connections External
System Protection Connections
protection request commands

By accessing the External Commands you can

• Release
• Lockout Protection
• Forced Switch to Protection
• Forced Switch to Working
• Manual Switch to Protect
• Manual Switch to Working

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
6-4 Protection

Table 6-1 lists the parameters on the Connections protection requests page.
Table 6-1
Parameters on the Connections protection requests page

Field Description

Working port Filters provisioned protected connections based on selected

working port.

Connection Displays the cross-connect elements with source in the beginning

and then the destination.

End Displays whether protection is provisioned for source or destination.

Working Path Displays the channel configured to carry the traffic under normal
working conditions.

Protection path Displays the protection channel to which the source switches upon
failure (see Note 2).

Protection status Displays the status of the destination channel either as work or

Provisioned protection request Displays the external command provisioned for the destination

Switch status Displays the status of the protection switch in a destination channel.

Release Allows the user to unprovision the external requests provisioned.

Lockout Protection Prevents traffic from switching to protect path.

Forced Switch to Protect Force traffic to switch to the protect path regardless of signal
fail/degrade condition existing on protect path.

Forced Switch to Working Force traffic to switch to the work path regardless of signal
fail/degrade condition existing.

Manual Switch to Protect Switch traffic to protect path only when it does not have signal fail/
degrade condition existing.

Manual Switch to Working Switch traffic to protect path when it does not have signal fail/
degrade condition existing.

Note 1: There is no link for the source port in a WAN.

Note 2: Source Protection is not applicable for the WAN port.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Protection 6-5

Table 6-2 lists the parameters on Protection request page.

Table 6-2
Parameters on Protection request page

Field Description


Source Displays the link of the source channel.

Destination Displays the link of the destination channel.


Source Protection Displays the protection interface to which the source switches upon

Destination Protection Displays the protection interface to which the destination switches upon

Destination Revertive Displays if the protection on the destination channel is revertive or


Destination WTR Time Displays the wait to restore time in minutes.

Destination Protection Status Displays the status of the protection on the destination channel.

Provisioned Destination Displays the external command provisioned for the destination
Protection request channel.

Destination Switch Status Displays the status of the protection switch in a destination channel.

Timing manager
Figure 6-5 shows the level structure for Timing manager link.
Figure 6-5
Level structure for the External request link

System Protection Timing manager

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
6-6 Protection

Table 6-3 lists the parameters on the Timing manager protection request
Table 6-3
Parameters on the Timing manager protection request page

Field Description

Clock Source Displays the name of the clock source. The clock source tagged with an
asterisk is the currently active source.

Priority Displays the priority assigned to the clock source.

Note: 1 has the highest priority and 8 has the least. Priority 0 means it is
not used for selection.

Clock status Displays the availability status of the clock source as one of the following
• Normal
• Signal Fail
• Oper down
• Admin down

Lockout Request Displays the lockout request status of the source as on or off.

Protection request Displays if there is a protection request.

Release Releases previously set commands.

Forced Switch The network element switches to the selected clock source on forced switch
external request and cannot be switched to other clock sources unless the
external request is cleared. Forced switch has a higher priority over manual

Manual Switch The network element switches to the selected clock source on Manual
Switch external request.

Lockout Source Lock out selected clock source.

Clear Lockout Removes lockout request on selected clock source.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Configuration 7-

This chapter describes the Configuration menu in the web user interface. It
provides you with the function of each menu and operations that can be

Figure 7-1 shows the level structure of the Configuration menu.

Figure 7-1
Level structure of the Configuration menu

NE informatiom

Node slot view

MSP/APS groups
System time


Protection adjacency

System Configuration Overhead tunnel

Faults Environmental
alarm input

SNMP traps




Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-2 Configuration

MSP/APS groups
The Multiplex Section Protection (MSP)/Automatic Protection Switching
(APS) traffic protection configuration is coordinated by the K1 and K2 bytes
in the multiplex section overhead. Automatic Protection switching occurs
when the following conditions are detected on the STM1/OC3 ports:
• signal failure
• signal degradation

In the MSP/APS groups menu you can:

• view the MSP/APS group
• create MSP/APS group
• edit the MSP/APS group
• delete the protection group
Figure 7-2 shows the level structure of the MSP/APS groups.
Figure 7-2
Level structure of MSP/APS groups

View MSP/APS Protection

System Configuration
groups provisioning

Create MSP/APS Provisioning port

groups protection

Table 7-1 lists the parameters on the View MSP/APS groups page.
Table 7-1
Parameters on the View MSP/APS groups page

Field Description

Name Displays the name of the MSP/APS group.

Working Port Displays the channel configured to carry the traffic under normal
working conditions.

Protection Port Displays the channel configured to carry the traffic under switched
(failure of work channel) conditions.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-3

Table 7-1 (continued)

Parameters on the View MSP/APS groups page

Field Description

Reversion mode Revertive This mode enables switching back to work

channel from protect channel once the fault on
work channel is fixed.

Non-Revertive In this mode, switching from protect to work

channel does not occur automatically. Until traffic
is manually switched back to work channel, traffic
is carried on protect channel.

WTRTime (Wait to restore time) Allows you to select a time interval (in minutes) after which the traffic
must switch back to work channel upon rectification of work channel,
when admin reversion mode is set as revertive.

Current status The active channel where traffic is being currently carried.

Protection switching mode 1WAY Only the Head end network element’s Receiver
switches to the alternate receiver on receiving an

2WAY Both the head end and the network element’s

Receiver and the Tail end network element’s
Receiver switches to the alternate receiver on
receiving an alarm.

Route Diversity Enable Allows the user to have two DCC links. The user
can also provision both on the work and protect
ports.The ports act independently.

Disable Allows the user to have one DCC link

provisioned, which will follow the active
MSP/APS port.

Note: The default value for Route Diversity is set to disabled by

default in both SONET and SDH modes.

delete It is used to delete the selected MSP/APS port pair association (see

Note: The MSP/APS group can be deleted if there are no cross connects provisioned on the ports
which make up the MSP/APS group, and if the traffic is on working port when Route Diversity is set to
Disable mode.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-4 Configuration

Table 7-2 lists the parameters on the Provision port protection page.
Table 7-2
Parameters on the Provision port protection page

Field Description

Working port Displays the channel configured to carry the traffic under normal
working conditions.

Protection port Displays the channel configured to carry the traffic under switched
(failure of work channel) conditions.

Protection mode Displays type of Protection.

Admin Reversion Mode Revertive This mode enables switching back to work
channel from protect channel once the fault on
work channel is fixed.

Non-Revertive In this mode, switching from protect to work

channel does not occur automatically. Until traffic
is manually switched back to work channel, traffic
is carried on protect channel.

WTR Time Allows you to select a time interval (in minutes) after which the traffic
must switch back to work channel upon rectification of work channel,
when admin reversion mode is set as revertive.

Protection switching mode 1WAY Only the Head end network element’s Receiver
switches to the alternate receiver on receiving an

2WAY Both the head end and the network element’s

Receiver and the Tail end network element’s
Receiver switches to the alternate receiver on
receiving an alarm.

Route Diversity Enable Allows the user to have two DCC links. The user
can also provision both on the work and protect
ports.The ports act independently.

Disable Allows the user to have one DCC link provisioned,

which will follow the active MSP/APS port.

Note: The default value for Route Diversity is set to disabled by default in both SONET and SDH

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-5

Table 7-3 lists the parameters on the Protection provisioning page.

Table 7-3
Parameters on the Protection provisioning page

Field Description

Admin Protection Switching Displays the provisioned protection switching mode as 1WAYl or
Mode 2WAY.

Admin Reversion Mode Allows selection as revertive or non revertive mode.

Route Diversity Allows you to enable or disable the route diversity.

WTR Time Allows you to select the time the network element takes to switches
(Wait to restore time) minutes traffic from protect channel to work channel after the fault on working
channel clears (see Note).

Operational Protection Displays MSP/APS architecture as 1+1 protection.


Operational Protection Displays the operational protection switching mode as 1WAY or 2WAY
Switching Mode depending on the protection switching mode of the Far end network

Operational Reversion Mode Displays the current operative reversion mode.

Current Standing Request Displays status of MSP/APS request on current MSP/APS group.

External Command External commands are used to configure a protection request.

Note: WTR Time can be set if the revertive mode is selected.

The Cross-connect menu is used for creating cross connects in a network
element. The numbering scheme used is
VC capacity Chassis-Slot-Port-STM# - TUG3 (K)-TUG2 (L)-VC12 (M).

VT capacity Chassis-Slot-Port-STS # - VT-Group- VT #.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-6 Configuration

Figure 7-3 shows the level structure of the Cross-connect link.

Figure 7-3
Level structure of the Cross-connect link


System Configuration Cross-connect


In the Cross-connect menu you can:

• view crossconnects
• add crossconnects
• edit a crossconnect
• delete a crossconnect
• filter crossconnects

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-7

Table 7-4 lists the parameters on the Configure Cross-connects page.

Table 7-4
Parameters on the Configure Cross-connects page

Field Name Description

Filter Cross Connects

Capacity Allows you to select the capacity of the cross connect from the following
• VC12/VT2
• VC3/STS-1
• VC4/STS-3C
• VC11/VT1.5
• All
Note: VC4/STS3c is not supported in this release.

Card Allows you to select the card for filtering cross connects from the
• 2X155
• 28XE1DS1
• 3XE3DS3
• 2X155M

Note: The three modules 8XETH, 28XE1DS1 and 3XE3DS3 will not
be available simultaneously in the drop-down menu.It depends on the
circuit pack that is jacked in.

Port Number This field is disabled.

STM no Allows you to select the STM number for fine filtering of cross connects
from the 2x155M circuit pack - "1".

STS3 No/STM No Allows you to select STS3 number for fine filtering of cross connects
from the following
• All

STS No/K Allows you to select STS/K number for fine filtering of cross connects
from the following
• 1 to 3
• All
Note: STS is applicable in the SONET mode and K is applicable in the
SDH mode.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-8 Configuration

Table 7-4 (continued)

Parameters on the Configure Cross-connects page

Field Name Description

VT-Group/L Allows you to select VT group/L number from the following

• 1 to 7
• All

VT No/M Allows you to select VT/M number from the following

• 1 to 4
• All

(Filtered) Cross Connects

Delete all Displays the check box to delete all cross-connects.

Connection Id Displays the name of the crossconnect or of the corresponding WAN.

Traffic Status Displays the status of the traffic on crossconnect.

Capacity Displays the rate of the cross connect.

Source Displays the source channel.

Source Protection (see Note) Displays the protection interface to which the source switches upon

Active Source Displays the status of the source path either as work or protect.

Dir Displays the direction of data flow for the cross-connect.

Destination Displays the destination channel.

Destination Protection (see Displays the protection interface to which the destination switches upon
Note) failure.

Active Destination Displays the status of the destination path either as work or protect.

Note: Source Protection and Destination Protection can only be provisioned for STM1/OC3 ports in
SNCP/UPSR connections.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-9

Table 7-5 lists the parameters on the Add Cross-connects page.

Table 7-5
Parameters on the Add Cross-connects page

Field Description

Cross-connect Parameters

Capacity Allows you to select the capacity of the cross-connect from the
• VC12/VT2
• VC3/STS-1
• VC4/STS-3C
• VC11/VT1.5
• VC4_4c
Note: VC4/STS3c is not supported in this release.

Circuit Identifier Allows you to enter the name of the cross-connect.

Directionality Allows you to select the direction of data flow in cross-connect as

• 2WAY
• 1WAY

Working Source and Destination and Protection Source and Destination

Port Allows you to select the interface number.

STM No./STS Allows you to select STM/STS number (see Note 1).

K (TUG3)/STS # Allows you to select the STMn/OCn time slot for the crossconnect.

L (TUG2)/VT-Group • K specifies TUG3/STS (Supported values range from 1 to 3)

• L specifies TUG2/VTG (Supported values range from 1 to 7)
M (VC number)/VT #
• M specifies VC/VT number of the crossconnect (Supported values
range from 1 to 4)
Note: The maximum value of M is 3 when an E1 connection is
provisioned, and a maximum of 4 for DS1 connections.

Source Protection Allows you to enable or disable the protection path for source.
(see Note 2).

Destination Protection Allows you to enable or disable the protection path for destination.
(see Note 2).

Reversion Mode Parameters

Source Port Revertive Allows you to select protection mode for the source as
• Revertive
• Non-Revertive

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-10 Configuration

Table 7-5 (continued)

Parameters on the Add Cross-connects page

Field Description

Source WTR Time For revertive mode, displays the wait to restore time in minutes, after
which the traffic reverts to the work path after failure clears.
WTR values are from 1 to 12 minutes.

Destination Port Revertive Allows you to select protection mode for the destination as
• Revertive
• Non-Revertive

Destination WTR Time For revertive mode, displays the wait to restore time in minutes, after
which the traffic must revert to the work path after the failure clears.
WTR values are from 1 to 12 minutes.

Note 1: Value of STMn number for 2x155M circuit pack is 1.

Note 2: Source Protection and Destination Protection can only be provisioned for STM1/OC3 ports in
SNCP/UPSR connections.

Table 7-6 lists the parameters on the Edit Cross-connects page.

Table 7-6
Parameters on the Edit Cross-connects page

Field Description

Cross connect

Capacity Displays the rate of the cross-connect.

Circuit Identifier Allows you to change the name of the cross-connect.

Source Displays the source channel. Clicking on this hyperlink will launch
the corresponding port provisioning page.

Destination Displays the destination channel. Clicking on this hyperlink will

launch the corresponding port provisioning page.

Directionality Displays the direction of data flow in the crossconnect.

Protection Source and Destination

Source Protection Allows you to enable or disable the protection path for the source.

Destination Protection Allows you to Enable or Disable the protection path for the

Port Allows you to select the interface number.

STM No./STS Allows you to select STM/STS number (see Note).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-11

Table 7-6 (continued)

Parameters on the Edit Cross-connects page

Field Description

K (TUG3)/STS # Allows you to select the STM/STS time slot for the crossconnect.

L (TUG2)/VT-Group • K specifies TUG3/STS (Supported values range from 1 to 3)

• L specifies TUG2/VTG (Supported values range from 1 to 7)
M (VC number)/VT #
• M specifies VC/VT number of the crossconnect (Supported values
range from 1 to 4)
Note: The maximum value of M is 3 when an E1 connection is
provisioned, and a maximum of 4 for DS1 connections.

Reversion Mode Parameters

Source Reversion Mode Allows you to select protection mode for the source as
• Revertive
• Non-Revertive

Source Wait-To-Restore Time For revertive mode, displays the wait to restore time in minutes,
after which the traffic reverts to the work path after failure clears.
WTR values are from 1 to 12 minutes.

Destination Reversion Mode Allows you to select protection mode for the destination as
• Revertive
• Non-Revertive

Destination Wait-To-Restore For revertive mode, displays the wait to restore time in minutes,
Time after which the traffic must revert to the work path after failure
WTR values are from 1 to 12 minutes.

Note: Value of STMn number for 2x155M circuit pack is 1.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-12 Configuration

Table 7-7 lists the parameters on the Edit VCG association page.
Table 7-7
Parameters on the Edit VCG association Page
Field Description

Circuit Identifier Displays the name of the VC/VT group.


Port Allows you to select the interface number.

STM No./STS Allows you to select STM/STS number (see Note).

K (TUG3)/STS # Allows you to select the STM/STS time slot for the crossconnect.

L (TUG2)/VT-Group • K specifies TUG3/STS (Supported values range from 1 to 3)

• L specifies TUG2/VTG (Supported values range from 1 to 7)
M (VC number)/VT #
• M specifies VC/VT number of the crossconnect (Supported values
range from 1 to 4)
Note: The maximum value of M is 3 when an E1 connection is
provisioned, and a maximum of 4 for DS1 connections.

Reversion Mode Allows you to select protection mode as

• Revertive
• Non-Revertive

WTR Time For revertive mode, displays the wait to restore time in minutes,
after which the traffic reverts to the work path after failure clears.
WTR values are from 1 to 12 minutes.

Note: The Value of STM port number is 1 when the equipment capacity is STM-1.

Topology Adjacency
This link provides the capability to manually provision Network topology

It allows you to:

• view the details of existing topology adjacency
• create new topology adjacency
• edit the parameters of existing topology adjacency
• delete existing topology adjacency

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-13

Table 7-8 lists the parameters on the View Topology Adjacency page.
Table 7-8
Parameters on the View Topology Adjacency page

Parameter Default value

Port • STM1-1-3-1/OC3-1-3-1
• STM1-1-3-2/OC3-1-3-2

TYPE It indicates whether the network element Topology object has been
automatically generated or manually provisioned. (see Note).

Tx Signature The Tx Topology Adjacency signature is the signature provisioned by the


Rx Actual The Rx Actual Topology Adjacency signature is unique across the network.

Rx Expected The Rx Expected Topology Adjacency signatures is unique across the


Edit A hyperlink, which allows you to edit the details of chosen Topology

Delete This allows you to delete the details of chosen Topology adjacency.

Note: In this release, only manually provisioned Topology Adjacency type is supported.

Table 7-9 lists the parameters on the Provision New Topology Adjacency
Table 7-9
Parameters on the Provision New Topology Adjacency page

Parameter Default value

Port • STM1-1-3-1/OC3-1-3-1
• STM1-1-3-2/OC3-1-3-2

TYPE It indicates whether the network element Topology object has been
automatically generated or manually provisioned. (see Note).

Layer It indicates the Layer at which the adjacency information has been reported.

Mechanism Enabled It indicates whether the Topology Adjacency mechanism has been enabled

Mechanism It indicates the method used to populate the Topology Adjacency object
(IS-IS, etc).

Tx Version It specifies the appropriate format for the Tx Topology Adjacency signature.

Tx Signature It indicates the user provisioned Tx signature that will be generated by the
network element.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-14 Configuration

Table 7-9 (continued)

Parameters on the Provision New Topology Adjacency page

Parameter Default value

Rx Version It specifies the appropriate format for the Rx Topology Adjacency signature.

Rx Actual The Rx Actual Topology Adjacency signature is unique across the Network.

Rx Expected The Rx Expected Topology Adjacency signatures is unique across the


Rx Reliability The Rx signal reliability attribute is used to infer the validity of an automatic
Topology Adjacency mechanism.

Rx Terminated the Rx Terminated is used to indicate whether the Topology layer is

observed or Terminated at particular port.

Rx Accepted The Rx accepted attribute is used to infer that the user has confirmed the
reported Topology.

Note: In this release, only manually provisioned Topology Adjacency type is supported.

Overhead Tunnel
Overhead Tunnel is a feature to pass through overhead bytes transparently
between east and west fibers.

Figure 7-4 shows the level structure of the Overhead tunnel link.
Figure 7-4
Level structure of the Overhead tunnel link

Overhead tunnels

System Configuration Overhead tunnel
Overhead tunnels

Overhead tunnels

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-15

Table 7-10 lists the parameters on the Configure overhead tunnels page.
Table 7-10
Parameters on the Configure Overhead tunnels page

Field Description

Tunnel Name The string made from source and destination ports, and the
overhead byte used for tunneling.

Source Port Displays the Source STMn/Ocn port.

Destination port Displays the Destination STMn/Ocn port.

Overhead Byte Displays the overhead byte which is crossconnected.

delete Check box to delete the existing overhead tunnel.

Table 7-11 lists the parameters on the Add Overhead Tunnel page.
Table 7-11
Parameters on the Add Overhead Tunnel page

Field Description

Source Port Name Allows you to select the Source STMn/OCn port from the following
• STM1-1-3-1/OC3-1-3-1
• STM1-1-3-2/OC31-3-2

Destination Port Name Allows you to select the Destination STMn/OCn port from the
• STM1-1-3-1/OC3-1-3-1
• STM1-1-3-2/OC3-1-3-2

Overhead Byte Allows you to select the Overhead byte from the following
• E1
• E2
• F1

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-16 Configuration

Environmental alarm input

The OME6110 network element supports provisioning of seven environmental
alarms. The network element can be configured for customized environmental
alarms like:
• power failure
• air conditioning failure
• equipment room door open

The strings defined in the fields report the respective alarms. The user must
enter a string which will be displayed as an alarm if the environmental alarm
condition is raised.

Figure 7-5 shows the level structure of the Environmental alarm input link.
Figure 7-5
Level structure for the Environmental alarm input link

System Configuration
alarm input

SNMP traps
The SNMP traps menu enables you to configure the network element to send
SNMP traps to workstations in the network.

Figure 7-6 shows the level structure for the SNMP traps link.
Figure 7-6
Level structure for the SNMP traps link

System Configuration SMNP traps

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-17

Table 7-12 lists the parameters on the SNMP trap destination IP addresses
Table 7-12
Parameters on the SNMP trap destination IP addresses page

Field Description

# Displays the number for the SNMP trap destination.

IP Address Displays the IP address for the SNMP manager.

Port Displays the UDP port to be used. Port supported is 162.

SNMP Version Allows you to select the SNMP version from


delete Check box to delete SNMP trap destination IP address.

Note: This button is enabled when there is a valid SNMP trap destination IP

By clicking on the Facilities link, you can see the links for:
• E1/DS1
• E3/DS3
• Ethernet
Figure 7-7 shows the level structure of the Facilities menu.

Figure 7-7
Level structure of Facilities menu



System Configuration Facilities E3/DS3



Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-18 Configuration

The STM/OCn menu is used to modify the attributes of the STM/OCn
interfaces. In the STM/OCn menu you can:
• view the STMn/OCn Ports, AUGs/STS3, AU4s/STS1s
• provision
– STMn/OCn ports
– AU4s/STS1s
Figure 7-8 shows the level structure of the STMn/OCn, AUGs/STS3s,
AUs/VTs Ports link.
Figure 7-8
Level structure of the STM/OCn Ports link


System Configuration STM/OCn AUG/STS3


Display STM/OCn Ports

Figure 7-9 shows the level structure of the STMn/OCn link.
Figure 7-9
Level structure of the STMn/OCn link

System Configuration STM/OCn STM1/OC3

Note: ALS manual command is available only if ALS is set to Manual

Mode and LOS is received on the port. Refer to Manual laser test for more

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-19

Table 7-13 lists the parameters on the Provision interface STMn/OCn page.
Table 7-13
Parameters on the Provision interface STMn/OCn page

Field Description

Admin Status Up Set the interfaces in service.

Down Set the interfaces out of service.

Alarm Reporting Status Report Alarms on STMn/OCn port are enabled.

No-Report Alarms on STMn/OCn port are disabled.

STM/OC Port Profile • Internal-NNI Allows you to select the default STM/OC port
• External-NNI profile.

Line Coding Displays the NRZ Coding.

Laser Hyperlink to STMn/OCn laser status and to edit ALS mode settings.

ECC Byte Selection Displays the Embedded Communication Channel.

ECC Path Allows you to select a value only if ECC is carried over F2, F3, F2F3
bytes, the path is the AU-n/STS-n over which ECC is carried.
Note: This option is displayed only when the ECC Byte Selection is
F2, F3 or F2F3.

Transmit J0 Allows you to enter the regenerator section trace message to be

transmitted (see Note 1, Note 2).

Transmit J0 Length Allows you to select the length of regenerator section trace to be
transmitted (see Note 3).

Expected J0 Allows you to enter the expected received regenerator section trace

Expected J0 Length Allows you to select the length of expected received regenerator
section trace (see Note 3).

Received J0 Displays the received regenerator section trace message.

TIM Action tim_report Report alarm traffic affecting, on trace identifier


tim_ignore No action on trace identifier mismatch.

tim_downstream_ Send alarm indication signal (AIS) downstream

ais (traffic affecting), on trace identifier mismatch
(see Note 4).

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-20 Configuration

Table 7-13 (continued)

Parameters on the Provision interface STMn/OCn page

Field Description

Signal Fail BER Threshold (B2) • 10e-3 Allows you to select the threshold, exceeding
• 10e-4 which signal fail alarm is raised for errors.

• 10e-5

Disable Signal Fail BER Thresholds are disabled.

Signal Degrade BER Threshold • 10e-5 Allows you to select the threshold, exceeding
(B2) • 10e-6 which signal degrade alarm is raised for errors.

• 10e-7
• 10e-8
• 10e-9

Disable Signal Degrade BER Thresholds are disabled.

Threshold (for TCA-15 min) Enable Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCA) can be user
configured for 15 minutes interval. If this field is
enabled, TCA alarm is raised on performance
monitoring counts crossing the threshold value.
The thresholds can be changed from the TCA
Settings link on the same page.

Disable Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCA) are disabled.

Default Default values for the thresholds are used.

Threshold (for TCA-1Day) Enable Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCA) can be user
configured for 1-day interval. If this field is
enabled, TCA alarm is raised on performance
monitoring counts crossing the threshold value.
The thresholds can be changed from the TCA
Settings link on the same page.

Disable Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCA) are disabled.

Default Default values for the thresholds are used.

Identifier Allows you to enter the name (Identity) of the STMn/OCn port.

Note 1: Maximum length is as specified by transmit J0 length.

Note 2: Padded with spaces for strings less than specified length.
Note 3: The length can be 1 or 16.
Note 4: TIM Action settings control handling for mismatches between received and expected trace

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-21

Manual laser test

Manual laser test link is available only when the ALS is configured in Manual
Mode. When ALS is configured in manual mode and LOS is detected on port
then in the next refresh ALS manual command link will appear in the WUI.

You can reach to this link by clicking on Laser hyper link on the Provision
interface STMn/OCn page. Clicking on this link will take you to a new page
where you can issue a Manual Restart or a Manual Restart Test command.
With Manual Restart command the Transmitter becomes on for 2 seconds.
Transmitter remains on only if there is no LOS on it.

Table 7-14 lists the parameters on the TCA Settings for 15 minutes and TCA
Settings for 1 day duration when OME6110 network element is in SDH
Table 7-14
Parameters on the TCA settings page in SDH mode (15-minute and 1-day)

Field Description

Threshold ES-S Displays the threshold value of the ES-section. If the errored
seconds-section (ES) count crosses the set value, then TCA is

Threshold SES-S Displays the threshold value of the SES-section. If the severely
errored seconds-section (SES) count crosses the set value, then
TCA is raised.

Threshold BBE-S/CV-S Displays the threshold value of the BBE-section. If the background
blocked errors-section (BBE) count crosses the set value, then TCA
is raised.

Threshold ES-L Displays the threshold value of the ES-Line. If the errored
seconds-line (ES) count crosses the set value, then TCA is raised.

Threshold SES-L Displays the threshold value of the SES-Line. If the severely errored
seconds-line (SES) count crosses the set value, then TCA is raised.

Threshold BBE-L/CV-L Displays the threshold value of the BBE-Line. If the background
blocked errors-line (BBE) count crosses the set value, then TCA is

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-22 Configuration

Table 7-15 lists the parameters on the TCA Settings for 15 minutes and TCA
Settings for 1 day duration when OME6110 network element is in SONET
Table 7-15
Parameters on the TCA settings page in SONET mode (15-minute and 1-day)

Field Description

Threshold ES-S Displays the threshold value of the ES-section. If the errored
seconds-section (ES) count crosses the set value, then TCA is

Threshold SES-S Displays the threshold value of the SES-section. If the severely
errored seconds-section (SES) count crosses the set value, then
TCA is raised.

Threshold BBE-S/CV-S Displays the threshold value of the CV-S. If the background coding
violation (CV) count crosses the set value, then TCA is raised.

Threshold SEFS-S Displays the threshold value of the SEFS-S Line. If the errored
severely errored framing seconds (SEFS-S) count crosses the set
value, then TCA is raised.

Threshold ES-L Displays the threshold value of the ES-Line. If the errored
seconds-line (ES-L) count crosses the set value, then TCA is

Threshold SES-L Displays the threshold value of the SES-Line. If the severely errored
seconds-line (SES) count crosses the set value, then TCA is raised.

Threshold BBE-L/CV-L Displays the threshold value of the CV-L. If the background coding
violation (CV) count crosses the set value, then TCA is raised.

Table 7-16 lists the parameter on the Provision AUG/STS3 page.

Table 7-16
Parameter on the Provision AUG/STS3 page

Field Description

Mapping Structure Allows you to select the mode of mapping the AUG from the
• AU4/STS-1
• Disable

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-23

Figure 7-10 shows the level structure of the AU4/STS-1 link.

Figure 7-10
Level Structure of the AU4/STS-1 link

System Configuration Facilities STM/OCn AUG/STS3


TCA settings for

15 min duration

TCA settings for 1

day duration

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-24 Configuration

Table 7-17 lists the parameters on the Provision AU4/STS-1 page.

Table 7-17
Parameters on the Provision AU4/STS-1 page

Field Description

Signal Label Allows you to select the payload Allows you to select the payload
signal label or type among the signal label or type among the
following: following:
• unequipped • Unequipped
• equipped_non_specific • Equipped_Nonspecific
• tug_structure • VT-Structured STS-1 SPE
• locked_tu_n • Locked VT Mode
• asynchronous_container3 • Asynchronous Mapping DS3
• asynchronous_container4 • ATM Mapping
• atm_mapping • FDDI Mapping
• dqdb_mapping • HDLC-PPP
• fddi_mapping • SDL_SSS
• hdlc_ppp • Etherent-10G
• sdl_sss • GFP
• hdlc_laps • Test_0181
• sdl_srs • VC_AIS
• eth_10g Note: These values are
• gfp applicable for the network element
• test_0181 working in SONET mode.
• vc_ais

Note: These values are

applicable for the network
element working in SDH mode.

Received Signal Label Displays the payload type or the Signal label received on the
AU/STS path.
For example, tug structured, asynchronous_container3, unequipped
and so on.

Transmit Trace Allows you to enter the path transmitted in the AU/STS on J1 byte.

Transmit Trace Length Allows you to select the length of the section path trace to be sent
(see Note).

Expected Trace Allows you to enter the path trace that is expected to be received on
AU/STS path.

Expected Trace Length Allows you to select the length of the section path trace that is
expected to be received (see Note).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-25

Table 7-17 (continued)

Parameters on the Provision AU4/STS-1 page

Received Trace Displays the AU/STS path trace that is received.

Signal Fail BER Threshold • 1e-3 Allows you to select the threshold, exceeding which
• 1e-4 signal fail alarm is raised for errors.

• 1e-5

Disable Signal Fail BER Thresholds are disabled.

Signal Degrade BER Threshold • 1e-3

• 1e-4
• 1e-5
• 1e-6
• 1e-7
• 1e-8
• 1e-9
Allows you to select the threshold, exceeding which signal degrade
alarm is raised for errors.

Disable Signal Degrade BER Thresholds are disabled.

Alarm Reporting Status Allows you to choose Alarm/No-Alarm reporting for the particular

Connection Type Allows you to choose Lower order connections/higher order

connection/both Lower order connection/higher order connections.

Path Alarm Profile Allows you to choose alarm path profile for the particular port.

Note: The value can be 16 or 64.

Figure 7-11 shows the level structure of the TU/VT link.

Figure 7-11
Level structure of the TU/VT link

System Configuration Facilities STM/OCn AUG/STS3

TU11/VT1.5 AU4/STS1

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-26 Configuration

Table 7-18 lists the parameters on the Provision TU12/VT2 page.

Table 7-18
Parameters on the Provision TU12/VT2 page

Field Description

Signal Label Allows you to select the payload contents among the following
• unequipped
• equipped_non_specific
• asynchronous
• bit_synchronous
• byte_synchronous
• extended
• test_O181
• vc_ais

Extended Signal Label Allows you to select the signal label for type of Ethernet traffic from
the following

Received Signal Label Displays the payload type or signal label received on the TU/VT
For example, tug structured, asynchronous E1/DS1.

Transmit Trace Allows you to enter the path trace transmitted in the TU/VT on the J1

Transmit Trace Length Allows you to select the length of the transmitted section path trace
(see Note).

Expected Trace Allows you to enter the path trace that is expected be received on the
TU/VT path.

Expected Trace Length Allows you to select the length of the expected section path trace
(see Note).

Received Trace Displays the TU/VT path trace that is received.

Signal Fail BER Threshold • 1e-3 Allows you to select the threshold, exceeding
• 1e-4 which signal fail alarm is raised for errors.

• 1e-5

Disable Signal Fail BER Thresholds are disabled.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-27

Table 7-18 (continued)

Parameters on the Provision TU12/VT2 page

Field Description

Signal Degrade BER Threshold • 1e-3 Allows you to select the threshold, exceeding
• 1e-4 which signal degrade alarm is raised for errors.

• 1e-5
• 1e-6
• 1e-7
• 1e-8
• 1e-9

Disable Signal Degrade BER Threshold is disabled.

Alarm Reporting Status Allows you to choose Alarm/No-Alarm reporting for the particular

Path Alarm Profile Allows you to choose alarm path profile for the particular channel.

Note: The value can be 16 or 64.

Figure 7-12 shows the level structure of the TU/VT level TCA Settings link.
Figure 7-12
Level structure of theTU/VT level TCA Settings link

System Configuration Facilities STM/OCn AUG/STS3 link


TCA settings for

15 min duration

TCA settings for 1

day duration

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-28 Configuration

Table 7-19 lists the parameters to set the TCA for higher order path.
Table 7-19
Parameters for higher order path TCA settings

Field Description

Threshold ES Displays the threshold value of the ES. If the errored seconds (ES)
count crosses the set value, then TCA is raised.

Threshold SES Displays the threshold value of the SES. If the severely errored
seconds (SES) count crosses the set value, then TCA is raised.

Threshold BBE/CV Displays the threshold value of the BBE/CV. If the background
blocked errors (BBE)/ coding violations (CV) count crosses the set
value, then TCA is raised.

E1/DS1/E3/DS3 ports
The E1/DS1/E3/DS3 ports menu is used to configure E1/DS1/E3/DS3 ports.

Figure 7-13 shows the level structure of the E1/DS1/E3/DS3 ports link.
Figure 7-13
Level structure of the E1/DS1/E3/DS3 link

E1/E3/DS1/DS3 E1/E3/DS1/DS3
System Configuration Facilities
ports port links

Table 7-20 lists the parameters on the Provisioning interfaces-E1/DS1/E3/DS3

Table 7-20
Parameters for Provisioning interfaces-E1/DS1/E3/DS3 page

Field Description

Admin Status Up Sets the port in service.

Down Sets the port out of service.

Alarm Reporting Allows you to choose Report/No-Report of Alarm for the particular port.

Threshold Allows you to select Disable/GR.820.

(for 15-min/24-hours)

Identifier Allows you to enter the name (Identity) of the E1/DS1/E3/DS3 port.

Framing Application CRC4

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-29

Table 7-20 (continued)

Parameters for Provisioning interfaces-E1/DS1/E3/DS3 page

Field Description

Framing Type Framed (see Note).


Line Build Out Type Allows you to set the Line Build Out for DS1 or DS3 facilities. This is not
applicable to E1 or E3 facilities in SDH mode.

Note: Framing type is not applicable to 16xE1/DS1 interfaces on base chassis with PEC NT6Q00AA.

The Ethernet menu is used to configure an ethernet interface.

Figure 7-14 shows the level structure of the Ethernet link.

Figure 7-14
Level structure of the Ethernet ports link

System Configuration Facilities Ethernet ports Ethernet port links

Table 7-21 lists the parameters on the Provisioning Ethernet Interface page.
Table 7-21
Parameters on the Provisioning Ethernet Interface page

Field Description

Admin Status Up Sets the interface in service.

Down Sets the interface out of service.

Alarm Reporting status Allows you to choose Report/No-Report of Alarm for the particular

Link Status Displays the link status of the Ethernet interface.

Link Integrity Allows you to enable or disable the link integrity.

MTU Displays the maximum transmission unit size for ethernet frame in
bytes (see Note 2).

AutoNegotiation Allows you to enable or disable the AutoNegotiation.

Flow Control Allows you to enable or disable the flow control. The flow control
frames are sent back to the transmitting network element by the
receiving network element in case the buffer of the latter is full.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-30 Configuration

Table 7-21 (continued)

Parameters on the Provisioning Ethernet Interface page

Field Description

Speed and Duplex Displays the speed and the type of duplex. Type indicates
10/100mbps duplex half or full mode.

AutoNegotiation Status Displays the Autonegotiation status of the ethernet port.

(see Note 1).

Link Partner Capabilities Displays the speed and duplex mode of the Link partner.
(see Note 1).

Link Partner FlowControl Displays the flow control capability of the link partner.
(see Note 1).

Link Integrity Status Displays the state of the link whether it is forced down due to alarms
on the optical interfaces on near end network element or an
ethernet port on the far end network element. If the local ethernet is
forced down then Link Integrity status will be displayed as on else it
will be off.

Medium Type Displays type of ethernet circuit pack.

Identifier Allows you to enter the name (Identity) of the Ethernet port.

Note 1: Autonegotiation Status, Link Partner Capabilities and Link Partner Flow Control parameters
are available only if AutoNegotiation is set to enable.
Note 2: Default value is 1600.

WAN Group
The WAN menu is used to provision WAN interface.

Figure 7-15 shows the level structure of the WAN link.

Figure 7-15
Level structure of the WAN link

Provisioning WAN

WAN interface View VC/VT

System Configuration Facilities WAN
link group

Add new VC/VT

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-31

In the WAN Group menu you can

• view the WAN
• add WAN groups
• edit a VC/VT group
• delete a VC/VT group
Table 7-22 lists the parameters on the Provisioning WAN Interface page.
Table 7-22
Parameters on the Provisioning WAN Interface page

Field Description

Admin Status Displays the admin status of the WAN interface as up or down. This
value will be same as the corresponding Ethernet port.

Alarm Reporting Status Allows you to choose Report/No-Report of Alarm for the particular

LCAS Support Allows you to enable or disable the LCAS Support.

Framing Type Displays the framing standards for ethernet as GFP.

CRC Type CRC-32 Configures WAN for CRC-32


VCAT Allows you to provision the VC/VT Group to enable or disable VCAT.

Operating Granularity • VC12/VT2 Allows you to select the

• VC3/STS-1 granularity of the signals while
configuring the 8XETH circuit
• VC4/STS-3C pack.
• VC11/VT1.5
Note: VC4/STS3c is not
supported in this release.

Payload FCS Allows you to enable or disable the addition of the payload FCS as
specified in GFP.

Remove Channels with SD • Disable Enable option allows you to

• Enable remove any channel with error in
a VGC/WAN group.
Disable option will not allow any
removing of channels.
Note: This field is displayed only
when the LCAS Support is

Circuit Identifier Allows you to enter the name (Identity) of the WAN port.

No of Channels Displays the number of channels configured for the group.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-32 Configuration

Display VC/VT Group

Table 7-23 lists the parameters on the View VC/VT Group page.
Table 7-23
Parameters on the View VC/VT Group page

Field Description

Circuit Identifier Displays the name of the WAN.

Source Displays the WAN port selected as the source.

Destination Displays the STM channel (i.e, K,L,M values selected for the STM
port) selected as the destination.

Capacity Displays the rate of the WAN association.

Directionality Displays the direction of data flow in the WAN association.

Operational Status Displays the operating status (working or down) of the channel.

Destination Protection Status Displays the status of the destination port either as work or protect.

Destination Protection Displays the STM channel (i.e, K,L,M values selected for the STM
port) to which the destination switches upon failure.

Revertive Displays the reversion mode for the channel.

WTR Displays the WTR value for the channel. Only provisionable in
revertive mode.

Tx Control Transmitted LCAS control value on the associated TX channel.

Rx Control Received LCAS control value on the associated RX channel.

Edit LCAS Launches new application to edit LCAS related parameters (see
Table 7-24).

Edit Protection Launches new application to add, edit or remove protection for a
channel (see Table 7-7).

Delete Check Box for deleting WAN association.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-33

Table 7-24 lists the parameters on the VCG Association page.

Table 7-24
Parameters on the Provisioning VCG Association page

Field Description

VCG Displays the name of the VC Group to which the channel is associated.

Status Displays the status of the channel as either up or down.

Direction Displays the direction of VC.

Transmit LCAS Add Allows you to start sending the data on

Provision a particular channel which is already
part of the VCG.

Remove Allows you to stop sending the data on a

particular channel which is already part
of the VCG.

Tx CTRL (Tx Transmitted LCAS control value on the associated TX channel.


RX CTRL (Rx Received LCAS control value on the associated RX channel.


This links allows you to access:
• Network interface
• Static route
• Proxy ARP Neighbor
• Serial port

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-34 Configuration

Figure 7-16 shows the level structure of the DCN link.

Figure 7-16
Level structure of DCN

Network interface


System Configuration DCN ilSIS

Static route

Proxy ARP

Serial port

Network interface
Figure 7-17 shows the level structure of the Network interface link.
Figure 7-17
Level structure of the Network interface link


Provision ECC

Provision management
System Configuration DCN Network interface
channel -1

Provision management
channel -2

Provision static GRE


Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-35

Table 7-25 lists the parameters on the Network interface configuration page.
Table 7-25
Parameters on the Network interface configuration page

Field Description

Edit Allows you to edit the Network Interface information.

Network interface short name Displays the network interface name.

Association Displays the corresponding interface on the network element.

Admin status Displays the admin status of the network interface.

Layer 3 Protocol Displays the type of interface protocol used.

Layer 2 protocol Displays the type of interface distinguished according to the physical
link protocol immediately below the network layer in the protocol

Routing Protocol Displays the type of routing protocol.

IPAddress Displays the IP address of the network interface.

MTU(Maximum transmission Displays the maximum size of the packet that can be sent through
unit) this interface.

Delete Allows you to delete the Network Interface.

Note: The eth0 (LAN) interface cannot be deleted.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-36 Configuration

When you click on Edit, Network interface provisioning page is displayed.

Table 7-26 lists the parameters on the Network interface provisioning page.
Table 7-26
Parameters on the Network interface provisioning page

Field Description

Network interface short Displays the name of the network interface used by the operating system.

Association Displays the label of interface.

Admin status Allows you to select the status of the interface as up or down.

Layer3 Protocol Allows you to select the interface protocol as

• Open System Interface (OSI)
• Internet Protocol (IP)

It determines if the network interface is normal IP interface or GRE

This interface is used to tunnel IP packets over OSI.

IP Address Displays the network address of the interface.

MTU Displays the maximum size of the packet that can be sent through this
interface. (see Note 1)

Proxy ARP (see Note 2) Disable Allows you to disable the Proxy ARP option.

Enable Allows you to enable the Proxy ARP option.

Layer2 Protocol Allows you to select the type of interface distinguished according to the
physical link protocol immediately below the network layer in the protocol
suite from the following:
• PPP, HDLC Framing
• Standard PPP, RFC 1661 (see Note 6)

Magic Number Disable Disables detection of loopback condition at the PPP

protocol level (see Note 4).

Enable Enables detection of condition at the PPP protocol level

(see Note 4).

OSPF Allows to enable or disable the routing based on OSPF as Routing


Hello Interval Displays the value as to how often the hello packets are sent.

Router Dead Interval Displays the inactive time after which a router is declared dead.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-37

Table 7-26 (continued)

Parameters on the Network interface provisioning page

Field Description

OSPF Authentication Mode Disable Disables the password based OSPF authentication. (see
Authentication Note 7)

Simple Selection of this option will allow you to the enter the
Password desired password in the field below.

OSPF Authentication On selection of Simple Password option in the above field, the password
Password/Key has to be entered in this field. (see Note 8)

iISIS Allows to enable or disable the routing based on iISIS as Routing


L1 Default Metric Displays the default metric as 4.

L2 Default Metric Displays the default metric as 4.

(see Note 5)

L2 Routing Only (see Note 5) Displays if the L2 routing is enabled or disabled.

Remote Manual Area Allows you to enter any valid area address of the remote network
Address (see Note 3) element.

Remote System ID Allows you to enter any valid MAC address of the remote network
(see Note 3) element.

NSAP Selector Byte Allows you to enter the selector byte of the Network Service Access Point
(see Note 3) (NSAP) address.

Note 1: The MTU size mentioned includes the payload and PPP header.
Note 2: Proxy ARP option is only available for the LAN-1-5 (Eth0) interface.
Note 3: This field is only applicable to the Static GRE network interface (SGRE-1)
Note 4: Magic number is applicable only when the layer 3 protocol is set to IP.
Note 5: In this release, only L1 routing is supported.
Note 6: The Layer 2 options are available based on the selection of Layer 3 Protocol. If Layer 3 Protocol
is selected as OSI, then the only option available under Layer 2 Protocol is LAPD.
Note 7: Same password has to be configured at both the interfaces connected to each other failing
which OSPF based adjacency will not get established.
Note 8: The password entered by the user will be visible.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-38 Configuration

Table 7-27 lists the parameters on the Management channel configuration

Table 7-27
Parameters on the Management channel configuration page

Field Description

Management Channel Type Allows you to select how to manage the remote network element
from the following
• E1
• VC12
• Unprovisioned

E1 Port Allows you to select an E1 interface to access and manage the

remote network element in case of E1 management.

SDH path/Channel Allows you to select an optical interface (specify K, L, M values)

through which remote network element is accessed in case of VC12

Table 7-28 lists the parameters on the Provision ECC page.

Table 7-28
Parameters on Provision ECC Page

Field Description

Port Allows you to select the STMn/OCn port.

ECC Byte Selection Allows you to establish the embedded communication channel through
any of the following
• ecc_disable
• ecc_F1
• ecc_F2
• ecc_F3
• ecc_F2F3
• ecc_DCC_R/ecc_SDCC
• ecc_DCC_M/ecc_LDCC

ECC Path Allows you to select a value only if ECC is carried over F2, F3, F2F3
bytes, the path is the AU-n over which ECC is carried.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-39

Table 7-29 lists the parameters on the Static GRE tunnel configuration page.
Table 7-29
Parameters on Static GRE tunnel configuration page

Field Description

Remote Manual Area Allows you to enter any valid area address of the network element.

Remote System ID Allows you to enter any valid MAC address of the remote network

NSAP Selector Byte Allows you to enter the selector byte of the Network Service Access Point
(NSAP) address.

The OSPF feature enables a network element to discover its neighbor network
elements reachable through the different management interfaces present in the
system. The OSPF parameters can be configured for all the embedded control
channel interfaces and for the LCT interface to enable routing between these

Figure 7-18 shows the level structure of the OSPF link.

Figure 7-18
Level structure of the OSPF link

System Configuration DCN OSPF

In the OSPF link you can configure the OSPF area.

iISIS stands for integrated iISIS where iISIS is Routing Protocol for OSI
Protocol Suite. iISIS is iISIS Routing protocol enhanced with IP specific
features. With iISIS as the Routing protocol, OME6110 can forward OSI
packets and can send IP packets through OSI Network Elements cloud. This
helps the network element to seamlessly integrate into an IP or OSI Network
Environment. The connectivity of the network element to the Element
Manager can be established either directly over IP or IP over OSI tunnel if the
network element is in midst of OSI network cloud.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-40 Configuration

Figure 7-19 shows the level structure of the iISIS link.

Figure 7-19
Level structure of the iISIS link

System Configuration DCN iISIS

Table 7-30 lists the parameters on the View iISIS page.

Table 7-30
Parameters on View iISIS page

Field Description

View Allows the user to only view the parameters provisioned.

iISIS Enable Displays if the iISIS routing protocol is enabled or disabled at the nodal
level.By default it is in disable state.

Intermediate System Type Displays L1 Routing by default.

Manual Area Address1 Displays the area address of the network element.

Manual Area Address2 Displays the area address of the Network Element.

Manual Area Address3 Displays the area address of the Network Element.

Partition Repair The options available are Disable and Enable. By default, it displays

Edit This option is used to edit parameters.

Note: A network element can be a part of three areas. The routing based on manual area address will
work only when iISIS is selected as a routing protocol.

Table 7-31 lists the parameters on the Edit iISIS page.

Table 7-31
Parameters on Edit iISIS page

Field Description

iISIS Enable Allows the user to either enable or disable this option.

Intermediate System Type Displays L1 Routing.

Manual Area Address1 Allows you to enter the Manual Area Address1.

Manual Area Address2 Allows you to enter the Manual Area Address2.

Manual Area Address3 Allows you to enter the Manual Area Address3.

Partition Repair Displays if Partition Repair is enable or disable.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-41

Static route
Static route is an entry in network element routing table that specifies how to
reach an IP address through a particular gateway (network element or

Figure 7-20 shows the level structure of the Static route link.
Figure 7-20
Level structure of the Static route link

Add a new static

System Configuration DCN Static route

Delete a new static


In the Static routes menu you can:

• add a static route
• view static routes

Table 7-32 lists the parameters on the Static route configuration page.
Table 7-32
Parameters on the Static route configuration page

Field Description

Destination network IP Displays the IP address of the destination.


Destination network address Displays IP address of the subnetwork between 0 and 32.

Next Hop Displays IP address of the next hop element.

Advertise route Displays the advertise route as enable or disable.

NetInterfaceRef Displays the type of interface

• STM1-1-N-1(ecc_N_1)/OC31-1-N-1(ecc_N_1)
• STM1-1-N-2(ecc_N_2)/OC31-1-N-2(ecc_N_2)
• SGRE-1(sgre1)

delete Displays the check box to delete static route.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-42 Configuration

Table 7-33 lists the parameters on the Creating Static Route page.
Table 7-33
Parameters on the Creating Static Route page

Field Description

Destination Network IP Allows you to enter the IP address of the destination.


Destination Network Address Allows you to enter the IP address of the subnetwork between 0 and 32.

Next Hop IP Address Allows you to enter the IP address of the next hop element.

Advertise Route Enable Allows you to advertise the static route over a
standard routing protocol, such as OSPF, iISIS or

Disable Disables the advertise route.

Network interface Allows you to select the type of interface

• STM1-1-N-1(ecc_N_1)/OC31-1-N-1(ecc_N_1)
• STM1-1-N-2(ecc_N_2)/OC31-1-N-2(ecc_N_2)
• SGRE-1(sgre1)

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-43

Proxy ARP Neighbour

The Proxy ARP feature removes the need for customers to provision static
routes on their routers and routing protocol (OSPF) between the gateway
network elements and the customer DCN.

With the Proxy ARP Neighbour feature, the OME6110 allows the user to
specify explicitly for which neighbouring network elements it will respond to
ARP requests.
Figure 7-21
Level structure of the Proxy ARP Neighbor

Proxy ARP
System Configuration DCN

In Proxy ARP Neighbor menu, you can

• View all the proxy ARP neighbors

• Add proxy ARP neighbor
Table 7-34 list the parameters of the Proxy ARP Neighbors configuration page.
Table 7-34
Parameters on Proxy ARP Neighbors configuration page

Field Description

Neighbor network IP address Displays the neighbor IP address in the network.

NetInterfaceRef Displays the type of interface, LAN-1-5(eth0).

delete This allows you to delete the details of chosen neighbor IP address.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-44 Configuration

Table 7-35 lists the parameters on the Creating Proxy ARP Neighbor page.
Table 7-35
Parameters on Creating Proxy ARP Neighbor page

Field Description

Destination Network IP This allows you to enter neighbor IP address in the network.

Network interface This allows you to enter the network interface. Currently it supports only

Serial port
Serial communication between network elements is carried out using the serial

Figure 7-22 shows the level structure of the Serial port link.
Figure 7-22
Level structure of the Serial port link

System Configuration DCN Serial port Edit

In the Serial port menu you can:

• view a serial port
• edit a serial port
Table 7-36 lists the parameters on the Serial port configuration page.
Table 7-36
Parameters on the Serial port configuration page

Field Description

Port Displays the Serial port name.

Application Displays the type of application that runs on the serial interface.

Baud Rate Displays the operating rate of serial interface.

Admin Status Displays the status of the serial interface as up or down.

edit Allows you to edit the serial port information (see Table 7-37).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-45

Table 7-37 lists the parameters on the Serial port configuration SerialPort
Table 7-37
Parameters on the Serial port configuration SerialPort page

Field Description

Application Allows you to select the type of application that runs on the serial
interface from the following
• ppp
• udc

Baud Rate Allows you to select the operating rate of the serial interface from the
• B9600
• B19200
• B38400
• B57600

Note: Baud rate parameter is only valid for PPP application.

Admin Status Allows you to select the status of the interface as

• if_admin_up
• if_admin_down

UDC (user data channel) parameters

Overhead Byte Displays the byte used for user data channel.

STM port Displays the STM port on which UDC is provisioned.

PPP parameters

IP address IP address of the network element over which user communicates to

network element over PPP application.

Max Receive Unit Maximum size of the packet received over PPP application.

Max Transmit Unit Maximum size of the packet transmitted over PPP application.

Synchronization state
The Synchronization link allows you to access:
• Synchronization status
• View Nominated timing references
• Nominate timing reference

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-46 Configuration

Synchronization status
Figure 7-23 shows the Synchronization state page.
Figure 7-23
Synchronization state page

Note: Auto Refresh is supported for the Status/Alarm area of the

Synchronization state page.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-47

Figure 7-24 shows the level structure of the Synchronization menu.

Figure 7-24
Level structure of the Synchronization menu


View nominated
System Configuration Synchronization
timing reference

Nominated timing

Table 7-38 lists the parameters on the Synchronization state page.

Table 7-38
Parameters on the Synchronization state page

Field Description

QL Mode Disabled The clock is selected based on the priority assigned.

Enabled The clock is selected based on its quality and priority.

Output QL Mode Auto The output Quality label of the NE will be set
automatically equal to the quality label of the clock
source to which the network element is currently locked

Manual Quality of output clock can be set manually.

WTR Time (Wait To Allows you to select a time interval (in minutes), when admin reversion mode
Restore Time) is set as revertive.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-48 Configuration

Table 7-38 (continued)

Parameters on the Synchronization state page

Field Description

Node output quality SDH mode SONET mode

Allows you to Allows you to select the override value for the Quality of
select the override clock output from the following
value for the • INVALID
Quality of clock
output from the • PRS
following • STU
• PRC • ST2
• SSU_B • ST3E
• SEC • ST3
(see Note) (see Note)

Node Minimum quality Allows you to Allows you to select the override value for the Quality of
level select the override clock output from the following
value for the • INVALID
Quality of clock
output from the • PRS
following • STU
• PRC • ST2
• SSU_B • ST3E
• SEC • ST3

Output quality level Displays the actual value for the Quality of clock output.

SETG Status Displays the current status of the synchronization equipment timing

Selected Clock Source Displays the clock source being used.

External Request on Displays the external requests (forced switch, manual switch) if any.
the selected source

Note: This feature will be available only if Output QL Mode is set to manual.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-49

View nominated timing references

Figure 7-25 shows the level structure for the View nominated timing
references link.
Figure 7-25
Level structure for the View nominated timing references link

View nominated
System Configuration Synchronization
timing references

Clock source link

Table 7-39 lists the parameters on the View nominated timing references page.
Table 7-39
Parameters on the View nominated timing references page

Field Description

Current source Indicates whether the clock source is the current source. The clock source
tagged with an asterisk is the currently active source.

Clock source Displays the name of the object which is the clock source. Clicking on the
clock source link will launch the Edit Clock Sel page.

Priority Displays the priority assigned to the clock source (see Note 1).

Quality Level Displays the quality level of the clock source (see Note 2).

Clock status Displays the availability status of the clock source as one of the following
• Normal
• Signal Fail
• Oper down
• Admin down

LockOut Request Displays the Lockout request status of the clock source as on or off.

delete Delete button.

Note 1: 1 has the highest priority and 8 the least. Priority 0 means it is not used for selection.
Note 2: Quality level is only displayed when the QL mode is enabled.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-50 Configuration

Table 7-40 lists the parameters on Edit ClockSel page.

Table 7-40
Parameters on the Edit ClockSel page

Field Description

Priority Allows you to select an appropriate number to prioritize the clock source (see Note 1).

LockOut Allows you to select the Lockout request (see Note 2, Note 3).

Quality Level Allows you to select the quality of the clock Allows you to select the quality of the clock
(see Note 4) source (in SDH mode) from the following: source (in SONET mode) from the
• PRC following:




• DNU • ST2

• ST3E
• ST3

Note 1: 1 has the highest priority and 8 the least. Priority 0 means it is not used for selection.
Note 2: If the Lockout request is On then it specifies that the clock source is excluded from the
Note 3: By default LockOut Request is off.
Note 4: By default Quality Level is set to INVALID. This option is available only for BITS or E1/DS1
nominated clock sources.

Nominate timing reference

Figure 7-26 shows the level structure for the Nominate timing reference link.
Figure 7-26
Level structure for the Nominate timing reference link

Nominated timing
System Configuration Synchronization

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Configuration 7-51

Table 7-41 lists the parameters on the Nominate timing references page.
Table 7-41
Parameters on the Nominate timing references page

Field Description

Clock Reference Allows you to nominate a clock source from the following
• bits
• port
• internal

Clock Reference Port Allows you to select the desired interface (see Note 1).

Priority Allows you to select an appropriate number to prioritize the clock

source (see Note 2).

Note 1: The Clock Reference port is only valid for BITS and Ports timing references.
Note 2: 1 has the highest priority and 8 the least. Priority 0 means it is not used for selection.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
7-52 Configuration

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Faults 8-

This chapter describes the Faults menu in the web user interface. Fault
management deals with detection and reporting of faults by the network
element. It provides you with:
• Active alarms
• Suppressed alarms
• Alarm filters
• Event history
• Alarms severity

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
8-2 Faults

Figure 8-1 shows the level structure of the Fault menu.

Figure 8-1
Level structure of the Faults menu

NE informatiom

Node slot view

System time



System Configuration

Faults Active alarms

Profiles Suppressed alarms

Performance Alarm filters

Security Event history

Maintenance Alarm severity

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Faults 8-3

Active alarms
Alarms are raised to make users aware of the fault conditions on the network
element. These alarms based on severity are classified as critical, major, minor
and warning.

Figure 8-2 shows the level structure of the Active Alarms link.
Figure 8-2
Level structure for the Active alarms link

System Faults Active alarms

Table 8-1 lists the parameters on the Active alarms page.

Table 8-1
Parameters on Active alarms page

Field Description

# Displays the alarm number.

Time Displays the date and time at which the alarm was raised.

Information Displays the alarm type.

Severity Displays the severity of the alarm as minor, major or critical.

Object Displays the Object or the Circuit pack on which the alarm is existing. The
object which is being alarmed can directly be accessed by clicking the object

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
8-4 Faults

Figure 8-3
Active alarms page

Note: Auto Refresh is supported for the Active alarms page.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Faults 8-5

Suppressed alarms
The Suppressed alarms menu enables you to see the details of suppressed
alarms page.

Figure 8-4 shows the level structure of the Suppressed alarms link.
Figure 8-4
Level structure for Suppressed alarms

System Faults Suppressed alarms

Table 8-2 lists the parameters on the Suppressed alarms page.

Table 8-2
Parameters on the Suppressed alarms page

Field Description

# Displays the alarm number.

Time Displays time at which an alarm string is suppressed.

Alarm information Displays the suppressed alarm string.

Severity Displays the Severity of alarm -minor,major or critical.

Object Displays the object on which the alarm is suppressed.

Alarm Suppressor Displays the technique used to suppress the alarm.

Alarm Filters
The Alarm Filters menu enables you to provision alarm filters which can
suppress the alarms on the required object.

Figure 8-2 shows the level structure of the Alarms Filters link.
Figure 8-5
Level structure for Alarm Filters link

System Faults Alarm filters

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
8-6 Faults

Table 8-3 lists the parameters on the View Alarm Filter page.
Table 8-3
Parameters on the View Alarm Filter page

Field Description

Alarm filter Displays the name given to alarm filter.

Managed Object Displays the object on which alarm filter is applied.

Alarm Displays the suppressed alarm string.

Delete A check box to select the alarm filter to be deleted.

Table 8-4 lists the parameters on the Provision New Alarm Filter page.
Table 8-4
Parameters on the Provision New Alarm Filter page

Field Description

Alarm Class Allows you to select the alarm class for which alarm is suppressed.

Type Allows you to select circuit pack or service module on which the alarm filter is

Alarm Allows you to select the suppressed alarm string.

Name Allows you to enter the name for the alarm filter.

Event history
The Event history menu enables you to view the event logs.

Figure 8-6 shows the level structure for the Event history link.
Figure 8-6
Level structure for the Event history link

System Faults Event history

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Faults 8-7

The Table 8-5 lists the parameters on the Event history page.
Table 8-5
Parameters on the Event history page

Field Description

# Displays the serial number of an event.

Time Displays time at which the recorded event occurred.

Information Displays which event occurred at that instant.

Object Displays the Object related to the event.

Additional information Displays the additional information of events.

Latest Displays a list of latest 20 events.

Next Displays a list of next 20 events.

Previous Displays a list of previous 20 events.

Note: Show all events hyperlink can be used to view all the events, which opens a separate window
containing information about all the events.

Alarm severity
The Alarm severity menu enables you to set the severity levels for different
alarms as minor, major or critical.

Figure 8-7 shows the level structure of the Alarm severity link.
Figure 8-7
Level structure of the Alarm severity link

System Faults Alarm severity

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
8-8 Faults

Table 8-6 lists the parameters on the Alarm severity page.

Table 8-6
Parameters on the Alarm severity page

Field Description

Trap ID Displays the Unique number for an alarm.

Alarm Displays the alarm string in the TL1 format (see Note 1).

Object Displays the object on which the alarm is raised.

Severity Displays the severity of the alarm – minor, major or critical, which can be
provisioned (see Note 1).

Note 1: The warning alarms are also displayed but their severity cannot be modified.
Note 2: Restore Defaults button can be used to bring back the alarm severity levels to default values.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Profiles 9-

This chapter describes the Profiles menu in the web user interface. The
Profiles option provides you with:
• STM/OC Port Profiles
• Path Alarm Profiles
Figure 9-1 shows the level structure of the Profiles menu.
Figure 9-1
Level structure for Profiles menu

NE informatiom

Node slot view

System time



System Configuration


STM/OC port

Path alarm profiles



Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
9-2 Profiles

STM/OC Port Profiles

This link enables you to view and edit the STM port profiles.

When you click on STM/OC Port Profiles, View STM/OC Port Profiles page
is displayed.

The OME6110 network element offers two default STM/OC port profiles:
• Internal-NNI
• External-NNI
Note: The OME6110 does not allow creation and deletion of the STM/OC
port profiles. You can only edit the STM/OC port profiles.
Table 9-1
Parameters on View STM/OC Port Profile page

Field Description

View Displays hyper links to view STM/OC port profiles.

Profile Name Displays the STM/OC port profile names.

Edit Displays the hyperlink to edit the desired STM/OC port profile.

By clicking on the edit link of the required port profile, you can reach Edit
Internal/External-NNI page. Refer to Table 9-2 for parameters on
Internal/External-NNI page.
Table 9-2
Parameters on Internal/External-NNI page

Field Description

Profile Name Displays the STM/OC port profile name.

Terminating and UnProtected TU/VT Displays the Provisioned Path alarm profiles for the ports.
Alarm Profile

Terminating and Protected TU/VT Displays the Provisioned Path alarm profiles for the ports.
Alarm Profile

Passthrough and UnProtected TU/VT Displays the Provisioned Path alarm profiles for the ports.
Alarm Profile

Passthrough and Protected TU/VT Displays the Provisioned Path alarm profiles for the ports.
Alarm Profile

Terminating and UnProtected Displays the Provisioned Path alarm profiles for the ports.
AU/STS Alarm Profile

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Profiles 9-3

Table 9-2 (continued)

Parameters on Internal/External-NNI page

Field Description

Terminating and Protected AU/STS Displays the Provisioned Path alarm profiles for the ports.
Alarm Profile

Passthrough and UnProtected Displays the Provisioned Path alarm profiles for the ports.
AU/STS Alarm Profile

Passthrough and Protected AU/STS Displays the Provisioned Path alarm profiles for the ports.
Alarm Profile

Path Alarm Profiles

The Path alarm profiles feature allows you to create unique alarm profiles for
individual OME6110 network elements.

This link enables you to provision a path alarm profile which can enable the
alarm reporting control on secondary alarms reporting at every AU/STS and
TU/VT objects.

Table 9-3 describes the parameters on the View Path Alarm Profile page.
Table 9-3
Parameters on View Path Alarm Profile page

Field Description

Profile Name Displays the profile name.

TIM Action Displays the provisioned TIM Action settings for the profile.(see Note).

Signal Label Displays the provisioned SLM Action settings for the profile (see Note).
Mismatch Action

UNEQ Signal Label Displays the provisioned UNEQ Signal Label Action settings for the profile (see
Action Note).

Masked Alarms Displays this list of masked alarms


Delete Check box to delete the desired Path profile.

Note: Refer to Table 9-4 for supported TIM, SLM and UNEQ signal label action settings for alarm

Clicking Provision a new Path Alarm Profile displays Provision New Path
Alarm Profile page.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
9-4 Profiles

Table 9-4 describes the parameters on the Provision New Path Alarm Profile
Table 9-4
Parameters on Provision New Path Alarm Profile page

Field Description

Profile Name Allows you to select a name for new path alarm profile.

TIM Action Report TIM, no It reports TIM on trace identifier mismatch, does not send
downstream AIS downstream AIS.

Ignore TIM No action on trace identifier mismatch.

Suppress TIM It will suppress TIM action.

Downstream AIS It sends Downstream alarm indication signal (AIS) on trace

on TIM identifier mismatch.

Signal Label Ignore SLM No action on Signal Label Mismatch (SLM).

Mismatch Action
Report SLM, no On Signal Label Mismatch (SLM), HP_PLM alarm is reported but
downstream AIS no downstream Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) is sent.

Downstream AIS Report HP_PLM alarm and send, Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
on SLM downstream (traffic affecting), on Signal Label Mismatch(SLM).

Suppress SLM It will suppress SLM action.

UNEQ Signal Ignore UNEQ It ignores UNEQ alarm.

Label Action
Report UNEQ, no It reports UNEQ alarm, does not send downstream AIS.
downstream AIS

Downstream AIS It sends downstream alarm indication signal (AIS) on UNEQ

on UNEQ signal label mismatch.

Suppress UNEQ It will suppress UNEQ signal label action.

Select alarms for Displays this list of alarms that can be masked.
• Alarm indication signal
• Remote defect indication
• Loss of Pointer
• Signal degrade
• Signal fail

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Performance 10-

This chapter describes the Performance menu in the web user interface for the
OME6110 network element. Performance monitoring (PM) refers to the
in-service, non-intrusive monitoring of transmission quality. Various
performance oriented parameters can be accessed and manipulated from this
page. The Performance menu enables you to view and reset the performance
statistics of STM/OCn ports, E1/DS1,E3/DS3 ports, Ethernet Ports and WAN.

Figure 10-1 shows the Performance page.

Figure 10-1
Performance page

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-2 Performance

Figure 10-2 shows the level structure of the Performance menu.

Figure 10-2
Level structure of the Performance menu

NE informatiom

Node slot view

System time

Inventory Current interval


System Configuration
15 minutes interval


Performance Previous day


Input voltage

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Performance 10-3

STM/OCn performance statistics

The STM/OCn performance statistics menu enables you to view the
performance statistics of Regenerator section (RS)/Section, Multiplex section
(MS)/Line, Path,Tributary unit (TU)/Virtual Tributary (VT), and Optical
Transceiver. Figure 10-3 shows the level structure for the current STM/OCn
performance statistics link.
Figure 10-3
Level structure of the STM/OCn performance statistics link

System Performance Current interval STM/OCn Regenerator section/section-line


Tributary unit/virtual trinutary


Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-4 Performance

View performance statistics of the Regenerator section/Line and

Multiplex section/Line
Figure 10-4 shows the level structure for the Regenerator Section/Line and
Multiplex Section/Line link.
Figure 10-4
Level structure for the Regenerator Section/Section-Line and Multiplex Section/Line link

Reset Regenerator
Regenerator section/
System Performance Current interval STM/OCn section current 15 min
Multiplex section

Reset Regenerator
section current day

Reset Multiplex
section current 15 min

Reset Multiplex
section current day

Reset Multiplex
section current 15 min
statistics (far end)

Reset Multiplex
section current day
statistics (far end)

Table 10-1 lists the parameters (Regenerator Section) on the Performance

page when OME6110 network element is in SDH mode.
Table 10-1
Regenerator section parameters on the Performance page

Field Description

ES Displays the errored second in the regenerator section.

SES Displays the severely errored second in the regenerator section.

UAS Displays the unavailable second in the regenerator section.

SEP Displays the severely errored period in the regenerator section.

EB Displays the errored blocks in the regenerator section.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Performance 10-5

Table 10-1 (continued)

Regenerator section parameters on the Performance page

Field Description

BBE Displays the background block errors in the regenerator section.

ESR Displays the errored seconds ratio in the regenerator section.

SESR Displays the severely errored seconds ratio in the regenerator


BBER Displays the background block error ratio in the regenerator section.

SEPI Displays the severely errored period intensity in the regenerator


Interval Valid Interval Valid is the validity of the interval and the validity of data
during that interval in the regenerator section.

Table 10-2 lists the parameters (Section) on the Performance page when
OME6110 network element is in SONET mode.
Table 10-2
Section parameters on the Performance page

Field Description

CV Displays the code violations in the section.

ES Displays the errored second in the section.

SES Displays the severely errored second in the section.

SEFS Displays the severely errored framing seconds in the section.

Interval Valid Interval Valid is the validity of the interval and the validity of data
during that interval in the section.

Table 10-3 lists the parameters (Multiplex Section) on the Performance page
when OME6110 network element is in SDH mode.
Table 10-3
Multiplex section parameters on the Performance page

Field Description

ES Displays the errored second in the multiplex section.

SES Displays the severely errored second in the multiplex section.

UAS Displays the unavailable second in the multiplex section.

SEP Displays the severely errored period in the multiplex section.

EB Displays the errored blocks in the multiplex section.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-6 Performance

Table 10-3 (continued)

Multiplex section parameters on the Performance page

Field Description

BBE Displays the background block errors in the multiplex section.

ESR Displays the errored seconds ratio in the multiplex section.

SESR Displays the severely errored seconds ratio in the multiplex section.

BBER Displays the background block error ratio in the multiplex section.

SEPI Displays the severely errored period intensity in the multiplex


Interval Valid Interval Valid is the validity of the interval and the validity of data
during that interval in the multiplex section.

ES-FE Displays the errored seconds at far end in the multiplex section.

SES-FE Displays the severely errored seconds at far end in the multiplex

BBE-FE Displays the background blocked errors at far end in the multiplex

UAS-FE Displays the unavailable seconds at far end in the multiplex section.

SEP-FE Displays the severely errored period at far end in the multiplex

Far end Interval Valid Displays the validity of data during that interval at far end in the
multiplex section.

Table 10-4 lists the parameters (Line) on the Performance page when
OME6110 network element is in SONET mode.
Table 10-4
Line parameters on the Performance page

Field Description

CV Displays the code violations in the section.

ES Displays the errored second in the line section.

SES Displays the severely errored second in the line section.

UAS Displays the unavailable second in the line section.

FC Displays the failure count in the line section.

Interval Valid Interval Valid is the validity of the interval and the validity of data
during that interval in the line section.

ES-FE Displays the errored seconds at far end in the line section.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Performance 10-7

Table 10-4 (continued)

Line parameters on the Performance page

Field Description

SES-FE Displays the severely errored seconds at far end in the line section.

CV-FE Displays the code violation errors at far end in the line section.

UAS-FE Displays the unavailable seconds at far end in the line section.

Far end Interval Valid Displays the validity of data during that interval at far end in the line

View performance statistics of the path

Figure 10-5 shows the level structure for the Path link.
Figure 10-5
Level structure for the Path link

AU4/STS1 links

Reset all current 15

min statistics

Reset all current day


Reset all current 15

min statistics (far end)

Reset all current day

System Performance Current interval STM/OCn Path
statistics (far end)

Reset current
AU4/STS3 15 min

Reset current
AU4/STS3 day

Reset current
AU4/STS3 15 min
statistics (far end)

Reset current
AU4/STS3 day
statistics (far end)

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-8 Performance

Table 10-5 lists the parameters on the path performance page when OME6110
network element is in SDH mode.
Table 10-5
Parameters on the path performance page

Field Description

ES Displays the errored second.

SES Displays the severely errored second.

UAS Displays the unavailable second.

EB Displays the errored blocks.

BBE Displays the background block errors.

PPJE Displays the positive pointer justification events.

NPJE Displays the negative pointer justification events.

ESR Displays the errored seconds ratio.

SESR Displays the severely errored seconds ratio.

BBER Displays the background block error ratio.

Interval Valid Interval Valid is the validity of the interval and the validity of data
during that interval.

ES-FE Displays the errored seconds at far end.

SES-FE Displays the severely errored seconds at far end.

BBE-FE Displays the background blocked errors at far end.

UAS-FE Displays the unavailable seconds at far end.

Far End Interval Valid Displays the validity of data during that interval at far end.

SEP Displays the severely errored period in the multiplex section.

SEPI Displays the severely errored period intensity in the multiplex


SEP-FE Displays the severely errored period at far end in the multiplex

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Performance 10-9

Table 10-6 lists the parameters on the path performance page when OME6110
network element is in SONET mode.

Table 10-6
Parameters on the path performance page

Field Description

CV Displays the code violations in the path.

ES Displays the errored second.

SES Displays the severely errored second.

UAS Displays the unavailable second.

FC Displays the failure count in the path.

PPJE Displays the positive pointer justification events.

NPJE Displays the negative pointer justification events.

Interval Valid Interval Valid is the validity of the interval and the validity of data
during that interval.

ES-FE Displays the errored seconds at far end.

SES-FE Displays the severely errored seconds at far end.

CV-FE Displays the code violation errors at far end in the line section.

UAS-FE Displays the unavailable seconds at far end.

Far End Interval Valid Displays the validity of data during that interval at far end.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-10 Performance

View performance statistics of the Tributary unit/Virtual tributary

Figure 10-6 shows the level structure of the Tributary Unit/Virtual tributary

Figure 10-6
Level structure of the Tributary Unit/Virtual tributary link

Reset all current 15

min statistics

Reset all current day


Reset all current 15

min statistics (far end)

Reset all current day

statistics (far end)

All TU/VTs

Tributary unit/
System Performance Current interval STM/OCn
virtual tributary
Tributary unit/ virtual
tributary link

Reset current
TU/VT 15 min

Reset current
TU/VT day statistics

Reset current
TU/VT 15 min
statistics (far end)

Reset current
TU/VT day statistics
(far end)

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Performance 10-11

Table 10-7 lists the parameters on the Tributary Unit/Virtual Tributary

Performance page.
Table 10-7
Parameters on the Tributary Unit/Virtual Tributary Performance page

Field Description

ES Displays the errored second.

SES Displays the severely errored second.

UAS Displays the unavailable second.

SEP Displays the severely errored period.

EB Displays the errored blocks.

BBE Displays the background blocked error.

ESR Displays the error seconds ratio.

SESR Displays the severely error seconds ratio.

BBER Displays the blocked background error ratio.

SEPI Displays the severely errored period intensity

Interval Valid Displays the section interval valid.

ES-FE Displays the error seconds at far end.

SES-FE Displays the severely error seconds at far end.

BBE-FE Displays the background blocked errors at far end.

UAS-FE Displays the unavailable seconds at far end.

SEP-FE Displays the severely errored period at far end.

Far End Interval Valid Displays the validity of data during that interval at far end.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-12 Performance

View performance statistics of Transceiver

Figure 10-7 shows the level structure of the Transceiver link.

Figure 10-7
Level structure of the Transceiver link

System Performance Current interval STM/OCn Tranceivers

Table 10-8 lists the parameters on the Transceiver page.

Table 10-8
Parameters on the Transceiver page

Field Description

Received Power (dBm) Displays the value of the received power.

Transmit Power (dBm) Displays the value of the transmitted power.

Laser Bias (mA) Displays the Laser Bias value as received from the device.

Laser Voltage (Volts) Displays the Laser Voltage as received from the device.

Laser Temperature (degrees C) Displays the Laser Temperature as received from the device.

Interval Valid Displays the validity of the interval.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Performance 10-13

E1/DS1 performance statistics

Figure 10-8 shows the level structure of the E1/DS1 Performance Statistics
Figure 10-8
Level structure of the E1/DS1 Performance Statistics link

Reset current 15 min

statistics at line level

E1/DS1 port Reset current day

System Performance Current interval E1/DS1
link statistics at line level

Reset all current

Reset current 15 min
E1/DS1 15 min
statistics at path level

Reset all current Reset current day

E1/DS1 day statistics statistics at path level

View the performance statistics of E1/DS1 interface (Line)

Table 10-9 lists the parameters (line) on the E1/DS1 Performance page.
Table 10-9
Parameters on the E1/DS1 Performance page

Field Description

CV-L Displays the coding violations occurring on the line.

ES-L Errored Seconds Line (ES-L) is a count of the seconds containing

one or more anomalies and/or defects on the line.

SES-L Displays the unavailable seconds.

Line Interval Valid Displays the valid interval on the line.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-14 Performance

View the performance statistics of E1/DS1 interface (Path)

Table 10-10 lists the parameters (path) on the E1/DS1 Performance page,
when OME6110 network element is in SDH mode.

Table 10-10
Parameters on the E1/DS1 Performance page in SDH mode

Field Description

EB-P Displays the errored blocks on the path.

BBE-P Displays the background blocked error on the path.

ES-P Errored Seconds Path (ES-P) is a count of the seconds containing

one or more anomalies and /or defects on the path.

SES-P Displays the unavailable seconds on the path.

UAS-P Displays the unavailable seconds on the path.

Path Interval Valid Displays the valid interval on the line.

Table 10-11 lists the parameters (path) on the E1/DS1 Performance page,
when OME6110 network element is in SONET mode.
Table 10-11
Parameters on the E1/DS1 Performance page in SONET mode

Field Description

CV-P Displays the coding violations occurring on the path.

ES-P Errored Seconds Path (ES-P) is a count of the seconds containing

one or more anomalies and /or defects on the path.

SES-P Displays the unavailable seconds on the path.

UAS-P Displays the unavailable seconds on the path.

SAS-P Displays a count of one-second intervals containing one or more

SEFs or one or more AIS defects on the path.

AISS-P Displays count of one-second intervals containing one or more AIS


Path Interval Valid Displays the valid interval on the path.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Performance 10-15

E3/DS3 performance statistics

Figure 10-9 shows the level structure of the E3/DS3 Performance Statistics
Figure 10-9
Level structure of the E3/DS3 Performance Statistics link

Reset current 15 min

statistics at line level

E3/DS3 port Reset current day

System Performance Current interval E3/DS3
link statistics at line level

Reset all current

Reset current 15 min
E3/DS3 15 min
statistics at path level

Reset all current Reset current day

E3/DS3 day statistics statistics at path level

View the performance statistics of E3/DS3 interface (Line)

Table 10-12 lists the parameters (line) on the E3/DS3 Performance page.
Table 10-12
Parameters on the E3/DS3 Performance page

Field Description

CV-L Displays the coding violations occurring on the line.

ES-L Errored Seconds Line (ES-L) is a count of the seconds containing

one or more anomalies and/or defects on the line.

SES-L Displays the unavailable seconds.

Line Interval Valid Displays the valid interval on the line.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-16 Performance

View the performance statistics of E3/DS3 interface (Path)

Table 10-13 lists the parameters (path) on the E3/DS3 Performance page,
when OME6110 network element is in SDH mode.

Table 10-13
Parameters on the E3/DS3 Performance page

Field Description

ES-P Errored Seconds Path (ES-P) is a count of the seconds containing

one or more anomalies and/or defects on the path.

SES-P Displays the severely Errored second on the path.

UAS-P Displays the unavailable second on the path.

Path Interval Valid Displays the valid interval on the line.

Table 10-14 lists the parameters (path) on the E3/DS3 Performance page,
when OME6110 network element is in SONET mode.
Table 10-14
Parameters on the E3/DS3 Performance page

Field Description

CVP-P Displays the count of P-bit parity errors occurring in the

accumulation period.

ESP-P Displays the count of seconds containing one or more P-bit parity
errorless or more SEF defects,or one or more AIS defects.

SESP-P Displays count of seconds containing more than 44 P-bit parity

violations,one or more SEF defects,or one or more AIS defects.

UASP-P Displays the count of one-second intervals when the DS-3 path is

SAS-P Displays a count of one-second intervals containing one or more

SEFs or one or more AIS defects on the path.

AISS-P Displays count of seconds containing more than 44 P-bit parity

violations,one or more SEF defects,or one or more AIS defects.

Path Interval Valid Displays the valid interval on the path.where 1=invalid.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Performance 10-17

Ethernet performance statistics

Figure 10-10 shows the level structure of performance statistics for Ethernet
Figure 10-10
Level structure of the Ethernet Statistics link

System Performance Current interval Ethernet

View the performance statistics of Ethernet interface

Table 10-15 lists the parameters on the Ethernet Performance page.
Table 10-15
Parameters on the Ethernet Performance page

Field Description

Idle seconds Idle second in Ethernet client traffic. An Idle second is a second in
which (Frames received + Errored Frames received)=0. This
counter will be incremented in a non-ES/non_SES/non_UAS

ES Displays the Errored second in an Ethernet Client traffic.

SES Displays the severely Errored seconds in an Ethernet Client traffic.

UAS Displays the Unavailable seconds in an Ethernet Client traffic.

Frames Transmitted Displays a count for the frames that are successfully transmitted.

Single Collision Frames Displays a count for the frames that are involved in a single collision.

Multiple Collision Frames Displays a count for the frames that are involved in more than one
collision and are subsequently transmitted successfully.

Frames Received Displays a count for the frames that are successfully received.

FCS Errors Displays a count of frames that are an integral number of octets in
length but do not pass the FCS check.

Alignment Errors A count of frames that are not an integral number of octets in length
and do not pass the FCS check.

Octets Transmitted Displays a count for the octets including padding octets that are
successfully transmitted.

Frames with Deferred Displays a count for the frames whose transmission was delayed on
Transmissions its first attempt because the medium was busy.

Late collisions Displays a count for the number of times collision has been detected
later than one slot time from the start of the packet transmission. A
late collision is counted twice, both as collision and late collision.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-18 Performance

Table 10-15 (continued)

Parameters on the Ethernet Performance page

Field Description

Frames Aborted Due to Excessive Displays a count for the frames that are not transmitted successfully
collisions due to excessive collision.

Octets Received Displays a count of the octets including padding octets that are
successfully received.

Frames Too short Errors Displays a count of frames that are received with a frame size below
the maximum permitted frame size.

Frames Too Long Errors Displays a count of frames that are received with a frame size above
the maximum permitted frame size.

Multicast Frames Transmitted Displays a count of the multicast frames that have been transmitted

Broadcast Frames Transmitted Displays a count of the broadcast frames that have been
transmitted successfully.

Multicast Frames Received Displays a count of the multicast frames that have been received

Broadcast Frames Received Displays a count of the broadcast frames that have been received

Collisions Displays the total number of regular collision events occurring

during transmission.

Pause Frames Transmitted Displays a count for the PAUSE frames passed to the MAC

Pause Frames Received Displays a count for the PAUSE frames passed by the MAC
sublayer to the upper layers.

Ethernet Interval Valid Displays the valid period where 1=invalid.

Error Control Characters Count of Errors in Control characters Received.


Error Control Characters Count of Errors in Control characters Transmitted.


Control Characters Received Count of Control characters Received.

Control Characters Transmitted Count of Control characters Transmitted.

Data Characters Received Count of Data characters Received.

Data Characters Transmitted Count of Data characters Transmitted.

Note: The parameters Error Control Characters Received, Error Control Characters Transmitted,
Control Characters Received, Control Characters Transmitted, Data Characters Received, Data
Characters Transmitted are not supported.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Performance 10-19

WAN interface
Figure 10-11 shows the level structure of the WAN interface link.
Figure 10-11
Level structure of performance statistics of WAN interface

System Performance Current interval WAN WAN interface

View the performance statistics of the WAN interface

Table 10-16 lists the parameters on the View Performance statistics of the
WAN interface page.
Table 10-16
Parameters on the Performance Statistics of the WAN interface page

Field Description

Idle Seconds Idle second in Ethernet Client traffic. An Idle second is a second in
which (Frames received+ Errored Frames received)=0. This
counter will be incremented in a non-ES/non-SES/non-UAS

ES Displays the Errored seconds in a WAN.

SES Displays the severely Errored seconds in a WAN.

UAS Displays the unavailable seconds in a WAN.

Valid Frames Transmitted Displays the valid frames transmitted count.

Valid Frames Received Displays the valid frames received count.

Frames Dropped Displays a count of frames that were dropped.

Valid Bytes Transmitted Displays the valid bytes transmitted count.

Valid Bytes Received Displays the valid bytes received count.

Core Header single Error Displays the GFP core header single errors correction count.

Type Header single Error Displays the GFP type header single error correction count.

Core Header CRC Errors Displays the GFP (Generic Framing Procedure as in G.7041) core
header CRC error count.

Type Header CRC Errors Displays the GFP type header CRC error count.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-20 Performance

Table 10-16 (continued)

Parameters on the Performance Statistics of the WAN interface page

Field Description

Payload FCS Errors Displays the payload FCS incorrect count.

VCG Interval Valid Displays whether this period is suspected or not (see Note).

Note: 1 indicates a suspect.

Input voltage monitor

Input voltage monitor menu monitors the input voltage sources on the PSU
circuit pack. The threshold to raise the alarms can be set in this page.

Figure 10-12 shows the level structure of the Input voltage monitor link.
Figure 10-12
Level structure of the Input voltage monitor link

System Performance Input voltage monitor

Table 10-17 lists the parameters on the Input voltage statistics page.
Table 10-17
Parameters on the Input voltage statistics page

Field Description

Link Link to change the threshold.

Card Name Displays the card name to which the voltage monitor belongs to.

Voltage Source Displays the input of the source being monitored.

Index Displays the index of the monitor with respect to the source in the card.

Voltage Value Displays the default expected value of the source.

Current Voltage Value Displays the actual value read from the source.

Voltage high threshold Displays the voltage limit, above which an overload voltage alarm is
raised on the input power supply.

Voltage low threshold Displays the voltage limit, below which an voltage underload alarm is

Admin Status Displays whether the power feed status is up or down. It indicates the
status of the input power feed. If the status is forced to down, all alarms
raised on this feed is suppressed and makes it non optional.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Performance 10-21

Table 10-18 lists the parameters on the Edit Voltage Thresholds page
Table 10-18
Parameters on the Edit Voltage Thresholds page

Field Description

Current Voltage Value Displays the actual value read from the source.

Voltage Value Displays the default expected value of the source.

Voltage high threshold Allows you to edit the voltage high threshold.

Voltage low threshold Allows you to edit the voltage low threshold.

Admin Status Allows you to set the power feed status as

• up
• down

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
10-22 Performance

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Security 11-

This chapter describes the security menu in the web user interface. This
chapter provides you with the user administration operations like editing
parameters such as user privilege levels and passwords. Figure 11-1 shows the
Security page.
Figure 11-1
Security page

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
11-2 Security

Figure 11-2 shows the level structure of the Security menu.

Figure 11-2
Level structure of the Security menu

NE informatiom

Node slot view

System time



System Configuration



Performance Radius Settings

Security Manage users

Maintenance View TL1 sessions

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Security 11-3

Radius server
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) enables
communication between RADIUS clients on remote network elements and a
RADIUS server providing centralized authentication, authorization and
accounting (AAA) services.

This menu allows to create and view Radius servers.

In the View Radius page, you can

• View Radius server details.
• Provision a new Radius server
Table 11-1 lists the parameters on the View Radius page.
Table 11-1
Parameters on the View Radius page

Field Description

View Link to only view Radius server details.

Radius Server Timeout Displays the time in which communication should be established
with the Radius Server.

Radius Server Port Displays the Radius Server port.

Priority Displays the priority of the Radius server

Edit Link to edit the Radius server parameters

Delete Link to delete the Radius server.

Table 11-2 lists the parameters on the Provision New Radius Server page.
Table 11-2
Parameters on the Provision New Radius Server page

Field Description

Radius Server Allows you to enter the IP address of the Radius server

Radius Secret Allows you to enter a code for encrypting data sent to the Radius

Radius Server Timeout Allows you to enter the time duration (in seconds) within which
communication should be established with the Radius server.

Radius Server Port Allows you to enter the communication port of the Radius server.

Priority Allows you to enter the priority of the Radius server.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
11-4 Security

Manage users
This menu allows to create and manage user accounts for the OME6110
network element.

Display user details

Table 11-3 lists the types of mapping access groups and supported operations.
Table 11-3
Mapping access groups and supported operations

Access Group Supported Operations

USER Read-only access to all the management information including

configuration, faults and performance.

OPERATOR All configuration operations such as interface and cross-connect

configurations, acknowledgement of faults, resetting of
performance statistics.

OPERATOR2 Can change the node name, Router ID and Ethernet IP apart from
having Operator access privileges. Perform all maintenance
operations such as software/configuration backup/restore,

ADMINISTRATOR Creation and deletion of logins on the network element.

Configuration of network element parameters like network element
mode, location, Contact as well as management parameters such
as Ethernet/router IP address/masks and OSPF parameters.

Note 1: Only an Administrator can add, delete or modify the users and modify the access field. All the
other users can change their passwords.
Note 2: An asterisk beside the username indicates the current user (i.e ADMIN or operator) logged into
the network element.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Security 11-5

New user is opened from clicking on Add User. Table 11-4 lists the parameters
on the New User page.
Table 11-4
Parameters on the New User page

Field Description

User Name Displays the label identifying user.

Access Allows you to select a privilege from the following

• User
• Operator
• Operator2
• Admin

Password Allows you to enter the password required for accessing the network
element (see Note 1).

Confirm Password Allows you to re-enter the password for confirmation.

Note 1: Password must be exactly 8 characters long. It supports all the alphanumeric characters and
all special characters except space.
Note 2: See Table 1-1 for user name and password provisioning rules.

View TL1 sessions

This link allows to you see the details of active TL1 sessions.

Table 11-5 lists the parameters on Active TL1 sessions page.

Table 11-5
Parameters on Active TL1 sessions page

Field Description

# Displays Serial number.

User Displays User name.

Remote IP Displays the remote IP from which TL1 session is active.

Remote Port Displays the remote port of the PC from where the TL1 session is

Connection Time Displays date and time of the TL1 session access.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
11-6 Security

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Maintenance 12-

This chapter describes the operations available under Maintenance in the

Navigation menu.

This link allows you to access:

• System settings
• Restart options
• Loop-Backs
• Diagnostics
• Configuration management
• Upgrade operations

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
12-2 Maintenance

Figure 12-1 shows the level structure of the Maintenance link.

Figure 12-1
Level structure of the Maintenance link

NE informatiom

Node slot view

System time



System Configuration

System settings

Restart options





Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Maintenance 12-3

System settings
This link allows you to set Performance day bin rollover timezone.

Table 12-1 lists the parameters on the System Settings page.

Table 12-1
Parameters on the Other System Settings page

Field Description

Performance Day Bin GMT Enables Performance Day Bin Rollover as

Rollover Timezone per GMTTime zone.

Local Enables Performance Day Bin Rollover as

per LocalTime zone.

Note: For example if Local =IST (ahead of GMT by 5.30 hrs) where IST is the time zone selected in
the Set time zone page by the user.
If local, Performance Day bin Rollover happens at 00:00:00 IST.
If GMT, Performance Day bin Rollover happens at 05:30:00 IST.

Restart operations
This link allows you reset the OME6110 network element. Through this link,
you can perform:
• Warm restart
• Cold restart

Warm restart
By clicking Warm restart in Reset and load management page, you can
restart the network element without affecting the traffic.

Cold restart (service disruptive)

By clicking Cold restart in Reset and load management page, you can restart
the network element. Cold restart is traffic affecting.

The Loop-Backs link allows you to perform continuity tests on STM/OCn,
PDH or Ethernet Ports. These ports can be configured for facility loopback and
terminal loopback.

It provides you with:

• loopbacks on STM/OCn ports
• loopbacks on PDH ports
• loopbacks on Ethernet ports

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
12-4 Maintenance

Table 12-2 describes the various loopback modes.

Table 12-2
Loopback modes

Field Description

Normal Operation Normal connection configured.

Facility Loopback Loop back at the ingress.

Terminal Loopback Loop back at the egress.

STM/OCn ports Loopback

Figure 12-2 shows the level structure for the Loopbacks on SDH/OCn ports
Figure 12-2
Level structure for the Loopbacks on SDH/OCn ports link

STM/OCn port STM/OCn port

System Maintenance Loopbacks STM/OCn
loopback links

Refer to Table 12-2 for parameters on this page.

PDH ports Loopback

Figure 12-3 shows the level structure for the Loopbacks on PDH ports link.
Figure 12-3
Level structure for the Loopbacks on PDH ports link

PDH ports
System Maintenance Loopbacks PDH port

Refer to Table 12-2 for parameters on this page.

Ethernet ports Loopback

Figure 12-4 shows the level structure for the Loopbacks on Ethernet ports

Note: Facility Loopback is not supported for Ethernet Ports

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Maintenance 12-5

Figure 12-4
Level structure for the Loopbacks on Ethernet Ports link

Ethernet ports
System Maintenance Loopbacks Ethernet port link

Refer to Table 12-2 for parameters on this page.

This page gives information about the different OSPF parameters. This link
allows you to monitor the OSPF or iISIS settings for the network element.
Through this link, you can:
• access the OSPF monitor page
• access the iISIS monitor page
Figure 12-5 shows the level structure for the Diagnostics link.
Figure 12-5
Level structure for the Diagnostics link

System Maintenance Diagnostics OSPF Monitor


OSPF Monitor
OSPF monitoring lets you monitor neighbors of a particular network element,
debug routing information for the IBC (In Band Communication).
OSPF Monitor Page has many links that come with OSPF protocol suite.
OME6110 uses only interfaces, neighbors and routing table for diagnosing.
For details regarding remaining links, refer to OSPF MIB and OSPF
specification links.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
12-6 Maintenance

Figure 12-6 shows the level structure for the OSPF monitor link.
Figure 12-6
Level structure for the OSPF monitor link





OSPF Monitor
System Maintenance Diagnostics Statistics

LSA expansion

AS externals

Routing table


Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Maintenance 12-7

Table 12-3 lists the interface parameters on the Interfaces page.

Table 12-3
Parameters on the Interfaces page

Field Description

Phy Displays the name of physical network interface (see Note 1).

Addr Displays the address of the interface available.

Area Displays the area of the OSPF network to which interface belongs.

Type Displays the type of the link (see Note 2).

State Displays the OSPF router state of the network element.

#Nbr Displays the number of neighbors discovered on the interface.

#Adj Number of Adjacencies with other routers in the network on the interface.

Cost Cost associated to a particular interface.

Note 1: Different interfaces are eth, hdlcppp, ecc.

Note 2: Types of links can be BCast (Broadcast), P-P (Point to Point).

Table 12-4 lists the neighbors parameters on the Neighbors page.
Table 12-4
Parameters on the Neighbors page

Field Description

PHY Displays the physical interface, Ecc_m_n Embedded channel on Slot m

interface n.

Addr Displays the address of the interface available.

ID Displays the Router ID of the network elements discovered as neighbors.

State Displays the state of the Data Link as

• Full-Full duplex
• Half-Half duplex
• Exchange-Negotiation

#DD Unused

#Req Unused

#Rxmt Unused

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
12-8 Maintenance

Routing table
Table 12-5 lists the routing table parameters on the Routing Table page.
Table 12-5
Parameters on the Routing Table page

Field Description

Prefix Displays the IP of the Network interface connected.

Type Displays the protocol used, with which the IP is discovered as

Shortest Path First (SPF).

Cost Displays the Cost associated to reach the neighbor through a particular

Ifc Displays the interface, ecc_m_n Embedded control channel on Slot m interface

Next-hop Displays the IP address of the next node through the link.

#Paths Displays the number of paths available to the network interface from the
network element.

Table 12-6 lists the parameters on the Areas page.
Table 12-6
Parameters on the Areas page

Field Description

Area Displays the set of networks grouped together by the OSPF.

#Ifcs Displays the number of ECC interfaces which are part of the area.

#Routers Displays the number of reachable routers in the area.

#LSAs Displays the total LSAs in the network pertaining to this area.

XSum Displays the checksum on the area database maintained by the node.
Internal parameter.

Comments Displays the description of the Area Capability.


Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Maintenance 12-9

Table 12-7 lists the parameters on the Database page.
Table 12-7
Parameters on the Database page

Field Description

LSA Type Displays the format and function of the LSA.

LS ID Displays the piece of routing domain that is being described by the LSA.

Adv.Rtr Displays the OSPF Router ID of the Router originating the LSA.

LS Seqno Displays the signed 32-bit integer used to detect old and duplicate LSAs.

XSum Displays the checksum of the complete contents of the LSA, excepted the LS
age field.

Length Displays the size in bytes of the LSA.

Age Displays the age of the LSA in seconds.

Table 12-8 lists the parameters on the Statistics page.
Table 12-8
Parameters on the Statistics page

Field Description

Router ID Displays the 32-bit number assigned to each router running the OSPF

#AS-external_LSAs Displays the number of external LSAs received by the network element.

ASE Checksum Displays the checksum of the AS externals.

#ASEs Originated Displays the number of external LSAs originated by the network element.

ASEs allowed Displays the maximum no of AS-external-LSAs in database.

#Dijkstras Displays the number of times the dijkstra algorithm run on the LSA

#Areas Displays the number of areas this network element is a part of.

#Nbrs in Exchange Displays the number of #Nbrs undergoing a database exchange.

MOSPF enabled Unused

Inter-area multicast Unused

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
12-10 Maintenance

Table 12-8 (continued)

Parameters on the Statistics page

Field Description

Inter-AS multicast Unused

In overflow state Displays if the number of external LSAs has exceed the limit above.

ospfd version Displays the version of the OSPF software running in the network element.

LSA expansion
Table 12-9 lists the parameters on the LSA expansion page.
Table 12-9
Parameters on the LSA expansion page

Field Description

Area ID Allows you to select the identity of set of networks grouped together by the

LS Type Allows you to select the format and function of the LSA.

LS ID Allows you to enter the piece of routing domain that is being described by the

Adv.Rtr Allows you to select the OSPF Router ID of the Router originating the LSA.

AS externals
Table 12-10 lists the parameters on the AS externals page.
Table 12-10
Parameters on the AS externals page

Field Description

LSA Type Displays the format and function of the LSA.

LS ID Displays the piece of routing domain that is being described by the LSA.

Adv.Rtr Displays the OSPF Router ID of the Router originating the LSA.

LS Seqno Displays the signed 32-bit integer used to detect old and duplicate LSAs.

XSum Displays the checksum of the complete contents of the LSA, excepting the LS
age field.

Length Displays the size in bytes of the LSA.

Age Displays the age of the LSA in seconds.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Maintenance 12-11

Table 12-11 lists the parameters on the Opaque-LSAs page.

Table 12-11
Parameters on the Opaque-LSAs page

Field Description

Phyint Displays the name of physical network interface.

If address Displays the set of networks grouped together by the OSPF.

Area Displays the set of networks grouped together by the OSPF.

LS Type Displays the piece of routing domain that is being described by the LSA.

LS ID Displays the OSPF Router ID of the Router originating the LSA.

Adv.Rtr Displays the signed 32-bit integer used to detect old and duplicate LSAs.

LS Seqno Displays the e checksum of the complete contents of the LSA, excepting the
LS age field.

XSum Displays the size in bytes of the LSA.

Length Displays the age of the LSA in seconds.

Age Displays the age of the LSA in seconds.

Note: Different interfaces are eth, hdlcppp, ecc.

ilSIS monitor
Figure 12-7 shows the level structure for the ilSIS monitor link.
Figure 12-7
Level structure for the ilSIS monitor link

System Maintenance Diagnostics ilSIS

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
12-12 Maintenance

Configuration management
This link allows you to do:
• Backup configuration
• Restore configuration
• Restore factory defaults
Backup configuration
The Backup configuration link allows you to backup the network element
provisioning data onto a remote server.

Figure 12-8 shows the level structure of the Backup configuration link.

Note: The remote server should have an FTP server installed on it to carry
out the Backup configuration command.
Figure 12-8
Level structure of Backup configuration link

Configuration Backup
System Maintenance
management configuration

Table 12-12 lists the parameters on the Backup configuration page.

Table 12-12
Parameters on the Backup configuration page

Field Description

User Name Allows you to enter the username of the system which will have the

Password Allows you to enter the password of the system.

IP Address Allows you to enter the IP address of the system where the Backup
should be created.

FTP port (Optional) Allows you to enter FTP port number.

Directory Allows you to enter the directory into which the data has to be

Network element configuration state information of the last executed

configuration operation is displayed in the status/alarm area of the Backup
configuration page.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Maintenance 12-13

Restore configuration
The Restore configuration link allows you to perform a network element
restore from a previously saved backup.

Note: The remote server should have an FTP server installed on it to carry
out the Restore configuration data command when restoring from a remote

Figure 12-9 shows the level structure of the Restore configuration link.

Note: The remote server should have an FTP server installed on it to carry
out the Restore configuration data command.
Figure 12-9
Level structure of Restore configuration link

Configuration Restore
System Maintenance
management configuration

Table 12-13 lists the parameters on the Restore configuration page.

Table 12-13
Parameters on the Restore configuration page

Field Description

Configuration Operation Restore Configuration from Allows you to restore configuration

remote machine from remote machine.

Restore Configuration from Allows you to restore configuration

local machine from local machine itself via HTTP
server on OME6110 network element.

Commit configuration Allows you to save the restored


Forcefully commit Allows you to restore configuration

from different Network element.
Note: After a forced restore, the node
takes on the DCN of the node the
backup originally came from. If you
wish to change it, you must log on to
the node to do so after the forced
restore is complete.

Username Allows you to enter the username of the system which will have the

Password Allows you to enter the password of the system.

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
12-14 Maintenance

Table 12-13
Parameters on the Restore configuration page

Field Description

IP Address Allows you to enter the IP address of the system where the backup
should be retrieved.

FTP port(Optional) Allows you to enter FTP port number.

Directory Allows you to enter the directory from which the data has to be

Note: Username, Password, IP address, FTP port, Directory are only applicable if “Restore
configuration from remote machine” is selected. Not applicable to “restore from local machine”.

Note: Node configuration state information is displayed in the

status/alarm area of the Restore configuration page.

Restore factory defaults

The Restore factory defaults link allows you to restore the factory default
values for the network element.

Note 1: All configuration information, event history and performance data

will be deleted.
Note 2: This action will bring down existing traffic. Attempt the action
only if the network element needs to be re initialized.
A power cycle is necessary after this action is performed.

Upgrade operations
The Upgrade operations link allows you to upgrade software, documentation,
and firmware on OME6110 network element. For more information on the
orderable Upgrade CAPs, refer to the Planning Guide, NT6Q92AD.

Figure 12-10 shows the level structure of Upgrade Operations menu.

Figure 12-10
Level structure of Upgrade operation

Unified upgrade

System Maintenance Documentation


Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Maintenance 12-15

Unified Upgrade
Options for the Software download operation field in the Software download
page are:
• retrieve release
• check release
• cancel release
• delete release
• deliver load from remote machine
• retrieve space
• check upgrade
• load upgrade
• invoke upgrade
• commit upgrade
• deliver load from local machine
Note: The options check upgrade, load upgrade, invoke upgrade and
commit upgrade will be available only when the Deliver Release is not

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
12-16 Maintenance

Table 12-14 displays the parameters on Unified Upgrade page.

Table 12-14
Parameters on Unified Upgrade page

Field Description

Software download operation Displays the various software download options:

• Retrieve release
• Retrieve state
• Retrieve space
• Deliver release from local machine
• Deliver release from remote machine
• Check release

Username Allows you to enter the user name.

Password Allows you to enter the password.

IP address Allows you to enter the IP address of the system from where you are
downloading the unified upgrade bundle.

FTP port (Optional) Allows you to enter the TCP port for FTP application.

Directory Allows you to enter the directory where the software can be

File name Allows you to enter the name of the file to be downloaded.

Figure 12-11 shows the level structure of the Unified Upgrade link.

Figure 12-11
Level structure of Unified Upgrade page

System Maintenance Unified upgrade

Software download state information is displayed in the status/alarm area of

the Unified Upgrade page.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
Maintenance 12-17

The Documentation link allows you to download documentation from a
remote machine.
Figure 12-12
Level structure of Documentation download page

System Maintenance Documentation

Table 12-15 displays the parameters on Documentation download page.

Table 12-15
Parameters on Documentation download page

Field Description

Username Allows you to enter the username of the system from where you are
downloading the documentation.

Password Allows you to enter the password of the system.

IP Address Allows you to enter the IP address of the system from where you are
downloading the documentation.

Directory Allows you to enter the directory from which you need to download
the documentation.

File Name Allows you to enter name of the file downloaded.

The Firmware link allows you to download the firmware from a remote

Figure 12-13 shows the level structure of the Firmware link.

Figure 12-13
Level structure of Firmware

System Maintenance Firmware

Local Craft Access User Guide 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007
12-18 Maintenance

Table 12-16 displays the parameters on Firmware download page.

Table 12-16
Parameters on Firmware download page

Field Description

Username Allows you to enter the username of the system from where you are
downloading the firmware.

Password Allows you to enter the password of the system.

IP Address Allows you to enter the IP address of the system from where you are
downloading the firmware.

Directory Allows you to enter the directory from which you need to download
the firmware.

File name Allows you to enter the name of the file to be downloaded.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110 323-1853-195 Standard Rel 2.2 Iss 1 May 2007

Optical Multiservice Edge 6110

Local Craft Access User Guide

Copyright © 2006-2007 Nortel Networks, All Rights Reserved

This document is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. All

information, copyrights and any other intellectual property rights contained in this
document are the property of Nortel Networks. Except as expressly authorized in
writing by Nortel Networks, the holder is granted no rights to use the information
contained herein and this document shall not be published, copied, produced or
reproduced, modified, translated, compiled, distributed, displayed or transmitted, in
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The information is provided “as is” and Nortel Networks does not make or provide
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Nortel, the Nortel logo and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Netscape is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.
Standard Rel 2.2 Issue 1
May 2007
Printed in Canada

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