Nortel Optera Metro 4150 Multiservice Platform: Documentation Overview and Safety
Nortel Optera Metro 4150 Multiservice Platform: Documentation Overview and Safety
Nortel Optera Metro 4150 Multiservice Platform: Documentation Overview and Safety
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*NORTEL NETWORKS, the Nortel Networks logo, the Globemark and Unified Networks are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Publication history
July 2002
Release 5.0 Standard Revision 1 introduces product integrity compliance with
North America (USA and Canada).
June 2002
Release 5.0 Standard introduces the following OPTera Metro 4150 features:
• STM-4o tributary card, short haul 1310 nm
• Multiplexer Section Protection for STM-4o tributary cards
• Quad STM-1o tributary card, short haul 1310 nm
• In-service reconfiguration of STM-1o tributary card to Quad STM-1o
tributary card
• Quad STM-1e tributary card NTEU16QA
• Quad STM-1e Protection I/O card NTEU81QA
• 1+1 Multiplex Section Protection for Quad STM-1o
• 1+1 Multiplex Section Protection for Quad STM-1e
• 1+1 Card Protection for Quad STM-1e
• In-service reconfiguration of STM-1e/140 Mbit/s tributary card to Quad
STM-1e tributary card
• VC-4-Nc concatenated payloads
• Intermediate System to Intermediate System Level 2 routing
• TCP/IP from EC-1 to Head-end multiplexer
March 2001
Release 4 Preliminary introduces the following OPTera Metro 4100 features:
• Aggregate and Trib to Trib connections
February 2000
Release 3 Standard introduces the following OPTera Metro 4100 features:
• Three channel, 34/45Mbit/s PDH electrical tributary card
• 1+1 protection for 34/45Mbit/s and STM-1e/140Mbit/s tributaries
July 1999
Release 2.2 Standard introduces the following OPTera Metro 4100 features:
• SETS (synchronisation function) and SEMF (Shelf Controller function)
• STM-1e/140Mbit/s, single channel, tributary card
• Performance monitoring to G.826
• New connection types (unprotected PDH tributary to tributary, time slot
interchange on aggregate to aggregate)
February 1999
Release 2.1 Standard introduces the following OPTera Metro 4100 features:
• Engineering Order Wire card
• STM-4o optical aggregate long haul 1550 nm
• Rack fan tray
December 1998
Release 2.0 Standard introduces the following OPTera Metro 4100 features:
• Up to eight 2Mbit/s PDH electrical tributary cards (75 ohm and 120 ohm)
each with 32 ports
• New connection types (tributary to tributary, ring to ring, dual tributary to
• Installation in 19 inch equipment rack
June 1998
Release 1 Standard introduces the following OPTera Metro 4100 features:
• SDH add drop multiplexer architecture
• STM-4o optical aggregate short haul 1310 nm
• Up to eight STM-1 optical tributaries short haul 1310 nm with two ports
• VC-12, VC-3 and VC-4 connectivity
• Sub-network connection protection and path protection
• Management from the EC-1 or CAT with HTML browser interface
About this document vii
Technical support and information viii
Electromagnetic emissions (North America) viii
Laser safety (North America) ix
Nortel Networks provides a full technical support service for its customers.
The Nortel Networks Service Desk can be called at any time on the following
As an option, you can contact technical support through the Nortel Networks
web site:
EMC/Safety conformance
This product/product family complies with the essential protection re-
quirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC as amended by 92/31/
EEC, when it is properly installed and maintained and when it is used
for the purposes for which it is intended.
Declaration of Conformity
Suppliers Name & Address: Nortel Networks, of Doagh Road, Newtownabbey,
County Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT36 6XA
We hereby declare that the products identified in Section 1 comply with the standards listed in
Section 2 and fulfil our obligations under the EU Directives listed in Section 3.
Section 1 - Products Covered
The instructions for installation, use and maintenance form part of the product compliance and
must be observed.
This declaration has been made in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 22, General criteria for suppliers' declaration of conformity
Documentation overview 1-
This chapter provides an introduction to the documentation suite for the
OPTera Metro 4150 multiplexer.
The documents are divided into functionally related groups as follows:
• Common — provides information common to all OPTera Metro 4150
documents, for example: safety, master index, terms and abbreviations
• Descriptive — provides descriptions of the equipment, alarms, surveillance
features, system applications and performance specifications
• Installation — provides installation procedures
• Commissioning and testing — provides commissioning and software
provisioning information to enable the system to be initialized before
services are enabled
• Operations, administration and provisioning — provides information
needed for OA&P purposes
• Maintenance — contains information for maintenance purposes, including
procedures for troubleshooting, clearing alarms and replacing units
NTP numbering
The above documentation groups provide the basis for the division of the
documentation suite. Each individual document is identified by a unique
10-digit Nortel Networks technical publication number in the form
XXX-YYYY-ZZZ, where:
• XXX represents a division number identifying the system name.
• YYYY represents the layer number identifying the product line.
• ZZZ represents the key number identifying the type of information.
The XXX and YYYY numbers are the same throughout the documentation
suite. The ZZZ number identifies the individual module.
List of documents.
The OPTera Metro 4150 documentation suite is presented in modular form;
each module describes a particular part of the system or explains how to use
it. The following paragraphs give a brief description of the contents of each
See Table 1-1 for ordering codes for OPTera Metro 4150 documentation.
Maintenance procedures
Network Surveillance Procedures, 323-1133-510
This document provides the network surveillance information. It gives
procedures to monitor the status of the network and view the network logs,
alarms and alerts and to provision traffic loopbacks.
Associated documents
The following documents are referred to in the documentation suite:
• OPTera Metro 4000 Aggregate Reconfiguration NTPs:
— B5 Wir-O bound: NTEU66ZA
• EC-1 Network Upgrade Procedures, 323-1091-230
• EC-1 User Procedures, 323-1091-402
• Network Resources Manager, 323-4011-102
• For information about installing ETSI racks refer to ETSI Rack Product
Installation Manual, 323-0900-PIM.
Description Code
Caution notices are provided to alert the reader to situations where damage to
equipment or interruption of service may occur if the proper precautions are
To avoid risk of injury or damage to equipment, follow all of the warning and
caution notices provided in this document and on the OPTera Metro 4150
equipment, as well as the general safety procedures established by your
Note: The lasers normally operate in the Class 1 classification band and
only enter Class 3A under worse case fault conditions.
The Acceptable Emission Limits (AEL) is based upon wavelength, for a Class
3A laser product the following AEL limits apply:
• 1300nm laser wavelength, the AEL is 24mW (+13.8dBm)
• 1500nm laser wavelength, the AEL is 50mW (+17.0dBm)
FDA 21 CFR 1040.10
The Class IIIb laser product classification has been assigned to this
equipment, under normal operating.
The Acceptable Emission Limits (AEL) is based upon wavelength, for a Class
IIIb laser product the following AEL limits apply:
• 1300nm laser wavelength, the AEL is 500mW (+27.0dBm)
• 1500nm laser wavelength, the AEL is 500mW (+27.0dBm)
Damage to optical fibres
When dressing fibres, take care not to exceed the minimum bend
radius (typically 35 mm) and do not overtighten tyraps used for
dressing as damage may result.
Danger from glass chips
If there is any suspicion of a glass chip in the eye, seek medical
attention at once.
Handle optical fibres carefully and always position them in a safe and secure
location during installation.
• Do not handle pieces of cut fibre with bare fingers. Use tweezers, or the
sticky side of a piece of vinyl tape, to pick up and discard any loose fibre
• All fibre cuttings should be placed in a plastic bottle provided for that
Optical safety - automatic laser shutdown (ALS) mechanism
The optical units contain link options for disabling the automatic
laser shutdown mechanism for test purposes. In normal
operation, ensure that the laser shutdown mechanism is enabled
(see Maintenance Procedures, 323-1133-547 for details).
As the type of optical connectors used on all the systems do not involve the
use of lenses, both the above conditions can be considered to be equivalent,
i.e. the safety consideration is equivalent to that for an exposed fibre end.
Invisible laser radiation
Do not stare into beam or view directly with optical instruments.
Class 3A laser product. IEC 60825-1, 1998
The optical units are not intended for servicing by the operator. In the event of
a fault, the optical units must be returned to Nortel Networks for repair or
The optical output power level above is the mean power value which is the
most onerous from the safety point of view.
Yellow laser output warning labels (see below) are fixed to the optical cards
on laser based systems. The label is positioned close to the optical connector.
Yellow explanatory labels (see below) are fixed to the equipment which
define the laser classification.
IEC 60825-1
FDA 21 CFR 1040.10
Note: The ALS link on the optical card has no effect on this shut down
Optical safety - laser shutdown mechanism
The optical units contain link options for disabling the laser
shutdown mechanism for test purposes. In normal operation,
ensure that the laser shutdown mechanism is enabled.
Automatic laser shutdown (ALS) occurs if the RS-LOS alarm is present for
greater than 550+50 ms. If the alarm clears the laser is switched back on
immediately. If the alarm does not clear, the laser attempts to automatically
restart by pulsing the laser on for 2 seconds every 180 seconds.
Note: The operation of ALS can be disabled by removing the optical card
and inserting a link on the card. The OS-Disable_Laser_Shutdown alarm
is raised for the optical port instance.
The equipment design minimizes the access to optical radiation both
physically and procedurally during all phases of operation. The accessible
optical radiation available in these systems are within the IEC60825-1 Class
3A and FDA 21 CFR1040.10 Class IIIb limits.
Electrical safety
Electric Shock/Energy hazard
The -48/60 Vdc supply can cause electric shock and can deliver
high currents.
Avoid contact with live parts.
Remove all rings, watches and other metal jewellery before
commencing work. Do not bridge conductors with tools etc.
The cards contain static sensitive devices. These devices are
sensitive to static electricity and must be protected by special
handling and packaging.
The problem occurs when static is rapidly discharged either through the
equipment or via the equipment covers and adjacent metalwork.
conductive floor and bench mats connected to the equipment rack ESD
bonding point.
• All test equipment and trolleys should be connected to the ESD bonding
Mechanical handling considerations
Risk of personal injury
Due to the weight of the subrack, the mounting of the subrack in
the rack requires two installers for safe working.
Risk of damage to equipment
When inserting a card, ensure that the card is inserted in the
Hazardous materials
There are no potentially hazardous materials that require special handling
during normal operation, maintenance and repair. However, small amounts of
hazardous materials are used in the manufacture of some electrical
The terms and abbreviations listed in this section are neither intended to be
exhaustive, nor are they to be used as authoritative standards. To a large
extent the items included reflect common usage and are used in the text of
this handbook and/or in associated documentation.
List of abbreviations
HW Hardware
H4 VC-4 Multiframe Position Indicator
HCI Human Computer Interface 3
HDB3 High Density Bipolar level 3.
HDLC High-level Data Link Code
HO High Order
HP High-order Path
HPOM High-order Path Overhead Monitor
I/F Interface
I/P Input
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
INT Internal
I/O input / output
IS Intermediate System
ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network
ISO International Standards Organization
ITU-T International Telecommunications Union -
O/P Output
ODF Optical Distribution Frame
OAM Operations, Administration and Maintenance
OHA Overhead Access
OOF(A) Out of Of Frame (Alignment)
OOL Out-of-Limits
OOL Out of Lock
OS Operating System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
S Slot
SW Software
S1 Sync Status byte in STM-N SOH signals
SCI Serial Communications Interface
SD Signal Degraded
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SEC SDH Equipment Clock
SEMF Synchronous Equipment Management Function
SETG Synchronous Equipment Timing Generator
SETPI Synchronous Equipment Timing Physical Interface
SETS Synchronous Equipment Timing Source
SNC-P Sub-Network Connection Protection
SOH Section Overhead
SP Shelf Processor
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SSM Synchronization Status Messaging
List of terms
Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
A signal that replaces the normal traffic signal when a maintenance alarm has
been activated. Used to advise downstream equipment that the section has
become unacceptable and that it has been taken out of service.
The higher rate signal output from a multiplexer which is a combination of
the lower rate signals.
The process of entering parameters after initialization so that the equipment is
configured by the software to suit the requirements of the customer.
Container (C)
Basic element of the STM-1 signal consisting of a group of bytes allocated to
carry the transmission rates defined in ITU-U recommendation G702.
Detached mode
An operating mode of the NE in which routing of traffic cannot be altered
without operator intervention.
A set of consecutive bytes in which the position of the bytes can be identified
by reference to a frame alignment word.
Instance scheme
The reference system used in the user interface to uniquely identify the card
position, slot, port number, and payload.
The process of cyclically combining the data bits from several tributaries to
form a serial data stream.
Short term variations of the significant instants of a digital signal from their
ideal positions in time.
A process whereby an extra, non-data bit is inserted into some frames of the
tributary data but not others, in order to adjust the average tributary bit rate to
correspond to the multiplexer frame rate.
Holdover mode
An operating mode in which the NE maintains the timing of the last
synchronization source.
The process of combining a number of signals so that they can share a
common transmission facility.
The essential characteristic of time-scales or signals such that their
corresponding significant instants occur at nominally the same rate, any
variation in rate being constrained within specified limits.
The essential characteristic of a time-scales or signals such that their
corresponding significant instants usually occur at precisely the same average
The lower rate signal input to a multiplexer for combination (multiplexing)
with other low rate signals to form an aggregate higher rate signal.
Master Index 4-
1+1 1+1 Card Protection
1+1 protection 1+1 Card Protection
34/45 Mbit/s electrical tributary software 101-1-10
card 101-2-49 1+1 MSP 4
Quad STM-1e electrical 1+1 MSP protection
tributary 101-2-33 software 101-1-8
STM-1e/140Mbit/s electrical 1+1 Multiplexer Section Protection 101-1-8
tributary 101-2-22 1+1 protection frame
34/45 Mbit/s 1+1 protection I/O changin brackets for 19-inch
card 101-2-52 rack 201-5-32
card layout 101-2-54 installing in 19-inch rack 201-5-32
control logic 101-2-54 1+1 protection module
equipping 101-2-54 attaching to frame 201-4-32
power supply 101-2-54 1+1 protection module frame
splitter 101-2-54 installing in rack 201-4-33
switch 101-2-54 1+1CP
card protection 1+1 CP protection
cables 152-2-21 software 101-1-9
remove a forced switch 310-5-30 2 Mbit/s
remove a lockout command 310-5-30 2 Mbit/s ASIC
card protection (electrical trib) 2 Mbit/s electrical tributary
cables 152-2-20, 201-3-23 card 101-2-58
create an association 310-5-19 cable (120 ohm) 201-6-9
description 100-7-2 cable (75 ohm) 201-6-4
procedures 310-5-19 connecting
MSP see multiplex section protection BT43 connectors 201-6-4
Quad STM-1e 1+1 protection I/O card electrical tributary card 101-2-56
control logic 101-2-45 2 Mbit/s ASIC 101-2-58
equipping 101-2-45 alarm LEDs 101-2-58
power supply 101-2-45 card controller 101-2-57
splitter 101-2-45 card layout 101-2-59
switch 101-2-45 equipping 101-2-58
STM-1e/140 Mbit/s 1+1 protection I/O line interface circuit (LIU) 101-2-57
card 101-2-41 PUPS 101-2-58
control logic 101-2-42 specifications 100-14-11
equipping 101-2-42 transpro circuit 101-2-58
power supply 101-2-42 2 Mbit/s electrical tributary
splitter 101-2-42 replacing 547-3-21
switch 101-2-42 2Mbit/s
configure ESO mapping 310-4-21 rack
configure mapping 310-4-20 DC distribution panel, ordering 152-2-9
configure receive override 310-4-18 ETSI
configure transmit override 310-4-19 2 subrack positions 201-4-3, 201-4-6,
Quad STM-1 optical tributary 201-4-7, 201-4-9, 201-5-3, 201-5-6,
replacing 547-3-18 201-5-7, 201-5-9
Quad STM-1e 3 subrack positions 201-4-2, 201-4-4,
1+1 protection I/O card 201-4-5, 201-5-2, 201-5-4, 201-5-5
control logic 101-2-45 busbar with circuit breakers 201-4-16,
power supply 101-2-45 201-5-17
splitter 101-2-45 busbar with fuse holders 201-4-13,
switch 101-2-45 201-4-14, 201-5-14, 201-5-15
electrical tributary card 101-2-29 covers 201-4-49
1+1 protection 101-2-33 installation kit, ordering 152-2-8
alarm LEDS 101-2-33, 101-2-39 ordering 152-2-7
backplane interface 101-2-32, 101-2-38 Rack alarm unit (RAU)
cable driver 101-2-31 alarm category 543-1-5
cable equalizer 101-2-31 rack alarm unit (RAU) interface
card controller 101-2-30 alarm LEDS 101-2-70
CMI encoder/decoderd 101-2-31 rack alarm unit (RAU)
equiping 101-2-33, 101-2-39 alarm indications 543-1-3
OHP3 101-2-31 cable 201-6-23
PUPS 101-2-32 interface 100-9-5
traffic FPGA 101-2-32, 101-2-38 lamp check 220-3-3
tributary card replacing 547-3-35 RAU alarms
Quad STM-1e (electrical trib) change priority 310-7-26
cables view priority 310-7-25
terminated at one end 152-2-19, receiver specifications 100-14-23
201-6-16 regenerator
unterminated 152-2-18 network application 100-3-17
Quad STM1-e 1+1 protection I/O card regenerator subrack 201-1-1
replacing 547-3-38 configuration 100-2-3
quad STM-1e cable 201-6-15 layout 201-1-4
Quad STM-1e cables weight 201-1-2
installing 201-4-37 removal/replacement procedures
intalling 201-5-37 optical couplers 547-2-5
Quad STM-1e tributary remove a connection 310-3-28
replacing 547-3-35 remove all connections 310-3-29
Quad STM-1o Reports
optical tributary card 101-2-35 action report
card controller 101-2-36 desription 100-9-29
LVPECL encoder/decoder 101-2-37 restart
OHP3 101-2-37 action log
PUPS 101-2-38 card restart 510-3-17
quality level (QL) reversion mode
synchronization configure 310-4-14
QL change 510-3-15 Ring
add/drop (protected) 100-6-25
wait to restore time
configure 310-4-13
description 100-11-5
warm restart 302-4-34, 302-5-27
Warning (alarm severity) 100-9-2, 543-1-7
warning prompts
disable 510-5-4
enable 510-5-4
view 510-5-4, 510-5-6
fan tray 100-14-2
regenerator subrack 201-1-2
subrack 100-14-2, 201-1-2
working path
description 100-6-29
Wrong_Equip alarm 543-2-178
International Optical Networks
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London N11 1HB
So far as Nortel Networks is aware the contents of this document
are correct. However, such contents have been obtained from a
variety of sources and Nortel Networks can give no warranty or
undertaking and make no representation as to their accuracy. In
particular, Nortel Networks hereby expressly excludes liability for
any form of consequential, indirect or special loss, and loss of
data, loss of profits or loss of business opportunity, howsoever
arising and whether sustained by the user of the information
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