Tinanium Anodising Space PDF
Tinanium Anodising Space PDF
Tinanium Anodising Space PDF
XX ( 1992) 4X 54
A. K. Sharma
Thrrmul Systems Division, ISRO Srr~dlire Cwire. Vimuntrpurtr Po.vr. Bmgrrbwc~ 56001 7 (lnttiu)
The work reported in this paper concerns a study on the anodizing of titanium in dilute sulphuric acid electrolyte at constant
voltages. The effects of various parameters. 0.~. bath composition, temperature, voltage and anodizing time, on the anodic film
formation have been investigated to evaluate the optimum anodizing conditions. The anodic current density was found io
increase with increasing applied voltage and with electrolyte temperature. The optical properties. 1.~. solar absorptance 2, and IR
emlttance c,~ of the anodic coatings obtained under direrent operating conditions have been evaluated. The effects of relative
humidity, high temperature heating, thermovacuum performance and thermal cycling tests on the physical and optical properties
of anodic coatings have been examined.
TABLE 1. Electrolytic alkaline cleaning: bath formulation and oper- As formed the anodically grown oxide films are often
ating conditions not uniform. The outer layer may be contaminated with
anions of the electrolyte and/or contain a considerable
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 25 g I-t
Sodium metasilicate (NazSiO 3 . 5H20 ) 18 g 1-~ amount of hydrogen. This can influence the optical
Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) 16 g 1-~ properties of the oxide film and therefore the calculated
Disodium hydrogen otthophosphate 9g1 film thickness. To minimize the non-uniformity in the
(NazHPO4) oxide film both the electrolyte and the test coupons
Sodium dodecyl sulphate 0.5 g 1-
were agitated continuously throughout the anodizing
(CH3(CH2)I 1OSO3 Na)
Temperature 75 80°C process. The electrolyte agitation was carried out by the
Anode Stainless steel continous flow of clean compressed air (pressure, 40-
Voltage 6 7V 60 kPa; through 2 mm holes) from the bottom of the
Agitation Mild by job movement anodizing tank, while the test specimens were agitated
Time 5-7 min
mechanically by reciprocal movement of an anode bus
bar (6 cm s-l). The agitation prevents the temperature
layering at the specimen-electrolyte interface which is
TABLE 2. Anodizing bath formulation and operating conditions largely responsible for non-uniform film growth. It also
helps in dissipation of absorbed hydrogen at the outer
Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) 120 200g1-1 (165) layer of the film surface. To reduce further the possibil-
(specific gravity, 1.84)
ity of contamination of the outer layer of the oxide film
Temperature 15-38 °C (23)
Cathode Ti by anions of the electrolyte, the test specimens were
Voltage 10-90 V (15) immediately withdrawn from the anodizing bath after
Electrolyte agitation By air (pressure, the power was switched off and rinsed thoroughly in
40- 60 kPa) running water. The delay in withdrawal of an anodized
Job agitation By anode rod movement
article from an anodizing solution after switching the
(6 cm s - ' )
Time 4 - 5 min power off leads to the dissolution of the outer layer of
Appearance Coloured coatings the oxide film in the electrolyte. This results in increased
porosity and contamination of the outer film by the
Optimum conditions are shown in parentheses. electrolyte anions. The cathode may be any inert metal,
but titanium is most convenient. This type of elec-
hydrofluoric acid (40%) 1-1 for 1-2 min; (5) water rinse; trolytic process does not have much throwing power
(6) anodizing in a dilute sulphuric acid electrolyte as and it is necessary to have a cathode of approximately
indicated in Table 2; (7) water rinse; (8) dip in hot water double the size of the surface area of the anode.
(80-85 °C) for 30-40 s and dry in air. All the chemicals
used were analytical or reagent grade. Deionized or
distilled water was used for solution preparation and for 3. Results and discussion
rinsing. A schematic representation of the experimental
set-up used for titanium anodizing is shown in Fig. 1. 3.1. Colour
When titanium is immersed in an electrolytic solution
as an anode and the current is drawn, the oxygen
rl~ Foe
MCr.HANICAL A~TATN~N generated at the anodic surface combines with the
reactive titatnium to form titanium oxide. This trans-
parent oxide increases in thickness in relation to the
amount of voltage applied with time. As oxide thickens,
its resistance to the passage of current also increases. At
any given voltage this oxide film grows to a very
TEST SPECIMEN specific thickness and then stops when the resistance
has increased to a point where the current has decayed
to a value at which only a few OH- ions are available
..>'-.~ .-~. to support continued film growth. This phenomenon of
-."" .'S-" voltage-controlled oxide thickness indicates that colour
is also voltage controlled.
This thickness vs. resistance relationship dictates that
the area of oxide produced by any specified voltage will
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of experimental set-up for titanium not pass current at a lower voltage. In other words, an
anodizing. area that is anodized at 50 V need not be masked for
50 ,4. K. Slmrma / AtoMizing Ti./or ,Vutce (q~phcations
films on a reflective surface. In nature, these colours can ' \,;SORPT,ON
be seen in an oily, wet street and in the iridescent
colours of some insects.
l-Anodic oxide film thickness.
The oxide film has ability to reflect, refract and x-Wave Length in the medium.
absorb light. White light falling on the oxide film is B-Angle between any internally reflected ray and
the surface normat,
partly reflected and partly transmitted. The transmitted
Phase difference between two successive rays
fraction reaching the metal surface is again partly ab-
sorbed but largely reflected back to oxide film. A phase ~= @ d cos
shift occurs during this process together with multiple
reflections. The degree of absorption and multiple Path difference between two successive rlys
reflection depends on the thickness of the film. The nX = 2d Cos El
coloured light, i.e. light of restricted wavelength, results
Fig. 2. Reflection of light at anodic oxide lihn of titanium.
from the optical interference of light waves [4]. The
process is shown schematically in Fig. 2.
The various colours produced on anodized titanium, 3.2. Effect of temperature
depending on applied voltage, are given in Table 3. The The current density-time curves for titanium anodiz-
oxide films grown on reactive metals (titanium, nio- ing at constant voltage at temperatures of 15, 23, 30,
bium and tantalum) in general have a higher refractive and 38 C are shown in Fig. 3. As expected, at higher
index than diamond. This accounts for the brilliance of temperatures the anodizing current density tends to be
the colour. higher owing to the higher conductivity of electrolyte
~-~ 600
30O z
3eoC i..-
i 200 35V
i '100 , 30oC
i 200 )0V
• 23"C 15V
. 1SiC 10V
i I i I i !
i I i l I I I
I 3 5 7 I 3 5 7
the mixed electrolytic system sulphuric acid oxalic
acid than observed only for sulphuric acid electrolyte. (HT)
The optimum concentration of anodizing electrolyte is
shown in Table 2.
t0V i
3.5. Optical properties
The passive thermal control system utilizes the optical
properties of its components. The equilibrium tempera- ~5V
ture of a spacecraft and its subsystems is controlled by
the ratio of solar absorptance c%to IR emittance aiR- The
optical properties of all the specimens were measured
before and after humidity, thermovacuum performance,
thermal cycling and repetitive high temperature heating
tests. A solar reflectometer, version 50, model SSR-ER,
and emissometer, model RD-1, from Devices and Ser-
vices Co., U.S.A., were used for measurement of solar
absorptance and IR emittance respectively [7]. These
instruments provide an average value of solar absorp-
tance and IR emittance digitally in the entire solar or IR ~ Zv
3.6. Measurement of fihn thickness
The thickness of anodic oxide films was calculated 6o
using the following optical expression [8]: ,,--,
high temperature heating on the optical properties of
anodic oxide coatings of titanium. Titanium sheets are
often used as heat shields to protect the satellite-subsys-
tems from the enormous heat generated by jet engines
1600 - during firing. As the passive thermal control utilizes
optical properties of its components, for reliable thermal
control evaluation it is necessary to examine the effect of
repetitive high temperature heating on the optical prop-
1200 erties of anodic film. The specimens were heated to 850 °C
in vacuum (10-STorr) at a controlled heating rate of
10 °C min-1 for 3 h. The anodic oxide coating was found
to change or lose its colour above 550 °C. The stabilized
specimens were then subjected to repetitive heating under
a vacuum of 10 -5 Torr at 850 °C for 1 h and their optical
properties and physical appearance after subsequent
heatings were examined. No change in physical appear-
ance and no degradation in the optical properties after
tO0 repetitive heating were, however, observed.
I 1 t I i I I I I I 4. Conclusions
15 30 ~5 60 75
APPLIED VOLTA[iE IV) Titanium was anodized in dilute sulphuric acid elec-
trolyte under constant voltage conditions. The main
Fig. 8. Variation of anodic film thickness with applied voltages:
conclusions of this study are given below.
temperature, 23 °C; electrolyte, 165 g 1-1 H2SO 4.
(1) The colours that are produced on titanium after
anodizing are interference colours. The thickness-resis-
at 95% +__0.5% at 50 _+ 1 °C. Test specimens were then tance relationship allows multiple colour anodizing to
visually examined under a magnification of 16 × and be carried out with decreasing voltage without masking
their optical properties (~s and ~IR) were measured. No the areas already anodized at higher voltages.
change in optical properties and no sign of any kind of (2) The anodic current density was found to increase
degradation, e.g. corrosion spots, patches or discol- with increasing applied voltage for a constant value of
oration of coatings, was observed. the electrolyte temperature and to decrease with de-
creasing electrolytic temperature for a constant value of
3.8. Effect of thermal cycling and thermovacuum the applied voltage.
performance tests (3) Because of the higher conductivity of the concen-
A spacecraft experiences extreme temperatures in or- trated electrolytes, the anodic current density was found
bit. This test is designed to evaluate the effect of cycling to increase with increasing concentration of sulphuric
temperature on the coatings. Anodized specimens were acid for a constant value of the electrolyte temperature
subjected to a thermal cycling test in a Brabender Real and applied voltage. The addition of a little oxalic acid
Test Umweltsimulatoren hot and cold chamber (F.R.G.). of the sulphuric acid improved the appearance and
A total of 1000 cycles were applied. A cycle consisted of uniformity of the oxide film.
lowering the temperature to liquid nitrogen temperature (4) The oxide coatings obtained in sulphuric acid
(about - 196 °C), a dwell of 5 min, raising the tempera- electrolyte are highly stable. The humidity, repetitive
ture to 150 °C, and a dwell of 5 min. The first ten cycles heating, thermal cycling and thermovacuum perfor-
were carried out in a thermovacuum chamber under a mance tests have no effect on the physical and optical
vacuum of 10 -5 Torr (thermovacuum hot and cold soak properties of the coatings. These coatings are therefore
performance test). These cycles were of 1 h each instead extremely suitable as a thermal control surface for
of 5 min with the lower temperature limit of - 180 °C. space applications.
After thermal cycling all the specimens were inspected
visually under a magnification of 16 x and their optical
properties were measured. No degradation was observed. Acknowledgments
3.9. Effect of repetitive heating The author wishes to record his sincere thanks to A.
This test is designed to evaluate the effect of repetitive V. Patki, Group Director, H. Narayanamurthy, Division
54 A. K. Sharma / Anodizing Till{~r ,~paC{" applications
Head, and H. Bhojaraj, Section Head, Mechanical Sys- 2 L. Young, Anodic Oxide Films, Academic Press, London, 1961.
tems, for their constant encouragement during the 3 B. Seeley, Met. Finish., 84 (8) (1986) 11.
4 J. B. Cotton and P, C. S. Hayfield, Trans. Inst. Alet. Finish., 45(2)
study. Thanks are also due to J. Md. Mohideen for his
(1967) 48.
assistance and cooperation during this work. 5 V. Balasubramanian. S. John and B. A. Shenoi, SurL Teclmol., 19
(1983) 293.
6 S. John, V. Balasubramanian and B. A. Shenoi, Sm:ll Technol., 26
( 1985)207.
References 7 A. K. Sharma, Trans. Inst. Met. Finish., 67 (3) (1989) 87.
8 H. K. Pulker, Thin Fihn Science and Technology, Vol. 6, ()mtin,gs
1 Hel Badekas and Chr. Panagopoulos, Sutj~ Coating Technol., 31 on Glass, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984, 293 pp.
(1987) 381. 9 ,1. R. De Vote, .1. Opt. Soc. Ant., 41 (1951) 417.