2011 Wear Assement PN h11
2011 Wear Assement PN h11
2011 Wear Assement PN h11
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Plasma nitriding is one of the effective methods for improvement of the hardness, wear and corrosion
Received 9 August 2010 resistance of steels. In this research AISI H11 hot working tool steel was plasma nitrided in various gas
Accepted 15 January 2011 mixtures for different times and temperatures. The morphology, size and composition of nitride nanopar-
Available online 22 January 2011
ticles formed on the surface of the specimens were investigated using scanning electron microscopy
(SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD). The wear behavior of plasma nitrided
Keywords: samples was studied by means of unlubricated pin-on-disc method under constant load of 80 N, sliding
A. Ferrous metals and alloys
speed of 1 m/s, sliding distance of 2000 m at room temperature. The results showed plasma nitriding pro-
C. Coatings
E. Wear
cess improved the wear behavior of H11 steel. The increase in time and temperature of plasma nitriding
decreased the hardness and increased the wear weigh loss of the specimens.
2011 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
0261-3069/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
2636 H. Forati Rad et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 26352643
Table 1 Table 3
Nominal composition of AISI H11 steel (wt.%). Thickness of compound and diffusion layers of nitrided specimens.
C Si Mn Cr Mo Thickness (lm) S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
0.40.5 1.11.2 0.40.5 4.75 1.11.3 Compound layer 14 28 10 8 9 3
Ni V Cu P, S Fe Diffusion layer 71 75 90 95 70 80
ranged from 250 to 2000 m for the nitrided samples and 2000 m
for the untreated sample. All tests were conducted in air and with-
Table 2
Plasma nitriding conditions of the specimens.
out lubrication. Before and after wear test, the disk specimens were
weighed to a precision of 0.1 mg and the weight change, was con-
Sample number Nitriding time (h) Nitriding temperature (C)
sidered as wear weight-loss.
S1 5 500
S2 7 500
S3 5 540 3. Results and discussion
S4 7 540
S5 5 580
3.1. Microstructural investigations
S6 7 580
Fig. 1. SEM micrograph of the cross section of the sample nitrided for 5 h at 580 C.
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Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of the surface of the samples plasma nitrided in 75%N2 + 25%H2 atmosphere at: (a) 500 C for 5 h, (b) 500 C for 7 h, (c) 540 C for 5 h, (d) 540 C for
7 h, (e) 580 C for 5 h, (f) 580 C for 7 h.
nitrogen atoms have lower energy and tend to recombine to form phase decreases, while the amount of c0 phase increases. c0 phase
molecular N2 on the surface. The combination of these effects to- forms at higher times and/or temperatures of nitriding process
gether with the agglomeration of nitride precipitates leads to the due to, (i) the surface sputtering that leads to surface decarburizing
formation of micro-pores on the surface of the samples (dark and so, provides the appropriate conditions for the formation of
points) [11,15]. this phase, and (ii) the depletion of the surface from nitrogen ow-
Fig. 3 shows the AFM image as well as the distribution function ing to the diffusion of nitrogen ions to the depth of the specimen
of the size of nitride precipitates formed on the surface of the sam- and lack of complete substitution of these ions from plasma media.
ple nitrided for 5 h at 500 C in 75%N2 + 25%H2. It is clear that the In this situation, the conditions unlimber for e ? c0 phase transfor-
size of all the precipitates is less than 120 nm and the precipitates mation which leads to a decrease in the amount of e phase.
with 45.6 nm diameter have the greatest content.
Fig. 3. AFM image of the surface of the sample nitrided at 500 C for 5 h (a) and distribution function of the size of precipitates (b).
Overall wear weight loss for untreated and plasma nitrited sam-
ples after 2000 m sliding distance is shown in Fig. 6. As expected,
the untreated specimen exhibits poor wear resistance with respect
to plasma nitrided samples, that is, plasma nitriding process effec-
tively improves the wear resistance of steel. Fig. 6 also shows that
the wear resistance of the nitrided specimens increases with Fig. 4. XRD patterns of the samples nitrided at different temperatures and times in
increasing the surface hardness, which in agreement with Achards 75%N2 + 25%H2.
H. Forati Rad et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 26352643 2639
Fig. 6. Wear rate for untreated and plasma nitrited samples after 2000 m sliding distance.
Fig. 7. Wear weight loss versus sliding distance of plasma nitrided H11 steel.
2640 H. Forati Rad et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 26352643
Table 4
EDS analysis of compact layer formed on worn surface (point a in Fig. 8).
Element O Si Cr Fe
Weight% 20.3 0.9 4.4 74.5
Table 5
EDS analysis of point b in Fig. 8.
Element O Si Cr N W Fe
Weight% 5.4 0.9 4.4 4.8 1.6 83.2
Fig. 9. SEM micrographs of worn surfaces of S2 sample after (a) 250 m, (b) 750 m and (c) 2000 m sliding distance.
H. Forati Rad et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 26352643 2641
Fig. 10. SEM image of abrasive particles on the surface (a) and EDS analysis of these particles (b) in S2 specimen after 2000 m sliding distance.
Fig. 7 represents the wear weight loss versus sliding distance. analysis of point a in Fig. 8, listed in Table 4, shows the presence
With regards to good thickness compound layer in the S1 and S2 very amount of oxygen in this layer. Consequent to the pin and
samples (15 and 28 lm, respectively), these specimens have a stea- disk wear, abrasive particles are produced. These particles create
dy-state wear in overall sliding distance. By decreasing the thickness deep wear scratches on the surface. Free moving of theses oxide
of compound layer, it can be broken in small sliding distances and particles between pin and disk decreases the size of the particles.
produce abrasive particles that result in high wear rate. According The accumulated wear debris particles can be compacted and
to Fig. 7 because of low thickness of compound layer in S6 sample, subsequently sintered to form solid compact layers on the worn
this layer breaks down in the rst stage of wear test (250 m) and gen- surface known as glaze layer. EDS analysis of the center area
erates abrasive particles, which result in an increase in the slope of of wear line (point b in Fig. 8) listed in Table 5 shows a little
the curve. For S3, S4 and S5 samples at the primary stage of wear test, amount of oxygen in this area. In this area because of high con-
the slope of curve is low dealing with good wear resistance, but with tact between pin and disk and the presence of a low hardness
increasing the sliding distance, the compound layer of these samples sublayer, which does not support sufciently the surface layer,
breaks too, and results in suddenly increase in wear weight loss. the oxide layer is removed. All these results suggest that the wear
SEM micrograph of worn surface of untreated specimens after behavior of untreated steel is dominated by severe adhesion
2000 m sliding distance is shown in Fig. 8. As seen, a compact and accompanied with abrasive wear leading to large metallic wear
smooth tribological layer is formed on the surface. Shear grooves debris and higher wear rate [11].
are also found on the worn surfaces of the unnitrided disks, indi- Fig. 9 presents the SEM images of worn surfaces of S2 specimen
cating ductile fracture due to its low surface strength [11]. EDS after 250, 750 and 2000 m sliding distance. This specimen shows
Fig. 11. Friction coefcient of S2 (a), and S6 (b) specimens at different sliding distances.
2642 H. Forati Rad et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 26352643
4. Conclusions
Fig. 12. SEM micrograph of the cross section of S2 specimen after 2000 m sliding
Wear behavior of plasma nitrided AISI H11 tool steel was inves-
distance. tigated. The thickness of compound layer as well as the average
size of nitride nanoprecipitates varied as a function of nitriding
time or temperature. The composition of nanoprecipitates and
compound layer consisted of a mixture of e and c0 phases.
The surface hardness of nitrided steel increased by increasing
the amount of e phase. The lowest wear rate was related to the
sample which had the highest hardness and the most amount of
e phase. For this sample the compound layer was protected even
after 2000 m sliding distance, and so resulted in good wear
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