WEF GLF Brochure
WEF GLF Brochure
WEF GLF Brochure
Global Leadership
Fellows Programme
Global Leadership Fellows Programme 2
between short- and long-term goals. Leaders need to know who they are and
what they stand for; they need to be able to
recognize what strengths they can leverage
and the potential obstacles that will hinder
their impact.
Developing leaders who can understand and navigate complex,
dynamic systems is one of the best ways of addressing Building on this path of self-discovery, the
the future’s many challenges. Systems leadership is about journey focuses on understanding others:
cultivating a shared vision for change - working together with all individuals, teams and communities. It
emphasizes building bridges that will help
stakeholders of global society. It’s about empowering widespread Fellows understand their impact on, and
innovation and action based on mutual accountability and perspective of, others as well as what it
collaboration. The Global Leadership Fellows Programme means to lead and manage people and work
in teams. A particular focus is placed on the
(GLFP) of the World Economic Forum is a commitment to mindset and skills required to create a shared
making this happen, by developing System’s Leaders for vision and curate dialogue and engagement
Public-Private Cooperation. towards impact.
Programme at a Glance
Up to four-year 12
programme Academic modules
50% 50%
Public sector Private sector
Candidates selected
2005 6,000
Inaugural year of per year
the Programme
Partner Institutions
GLF Alumni
Global Leadership Fellows Programme 4
The Curriculum
To facilitate and personalise the development of Systems Leaders for Public-Private Cooperation,
the programme uses three learning spaces:
Academic 3
The Academic Modules are the Coaching &
foundation of the programme and Mentoring
serve as a platform to develop new On-the-job learning is an integral
insights and skills. Each module part of the programme. Each Fellow
balances traditional and experiential holds a full-time position in one of
approaches, and are strongly the Forum’s teams, where they are
integrated into the other two responsible for managing projects or
learning spaces. a community of stakeholders, which
includes leaders from business,
See more on pages 5 and 6 government, civil society and
Coaching is used to accelerate
academia. Each Fellow will rotate
leadership development. The
to a new role at least once during
coaching process is designed
the programme.
to be flexible and personalised
to each Fellow’s learning needs. See more on page 8
Alongside professional coaches,
Fellows benefit from formal and
informal peer-to-peer coaching
and learning opportunities.
1. Academic Modules
The programme consists of 12 modules over a three-year learning journey, focused on helping
Fellows discover, understand, and develop three dimensions of leadership: self, others and systems.
The modules have been designed to provide Fellows with the tools, frameworks and experiences
required to drive systems-level change through public-private cooperation.
Coaching and mentoring is a key pillar of the GLF programme, focused on helping Fellows achieve
greater awareness and impact, develop and sustain new perspectives, and facilitate deeper learning
and growth. The coaching process is personalised to meet the individual needs of each Fellow.
Build awareness via Learn from the group/support Integrate team and
assessment tools stakeholder input
Define development goals
Develop growth mindset Integrate learning
3. On-the-job Learning
Global Leadership Fellows are exposed to a wide variety of leadership challenges and development
opportunities in their role at the Forum, spanning knowledge creation, to project management, to
community curation. Throughout the three-year programme, Fellows rotate at least once to another
role in the Forum providing the opportunity to experience different parts of the organization.
Felipe Bezamat
Muzi Li
Project Lead, Shaping
Media Lead, China
the Future of production
I work closely with internal and external stakeholders My primary responsibility at the Forum is to develop multi-
to design, implement and measure the Forum’s public stakeholder dialogues to help countries and business leaders
engagement strategy in China. I also help manage build awareness of the changing nature of production, determine
and grow relationships with China’s major media how to best prepare to benefit from this transformation, and
organizations, which including both traditional media collaborate across the public and private sector to enhance
and new media. I also work to identify opportunities readiness. I also help design and produce relevant insight
to place content on Forum’s non-Chinese platforms. products and develop strategies to help advance on the
future of production and manufacturing.
My main responsibility is to manage the relationship with My role as the lead for Business Engagement is to deliver on our
representatives of governments from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan mission of creating a safer cyberspace. I see myself playing the role of
and Nepal. This includes enabling governments and countries to a connector – collaborating closely with the wider Forum in identifying
scale and advance mission relevant initiatives and projects utilizing suitable companies to engage, understanding the partners’ needs
the Forum’s platform for impact. I also conduct research on topics and pain points in better shaping the Centre’s value proposition to
and projects relevant to the region, and act as the Forum’s key business, and working with the Centre’s delivery functions to ensure
adviser on government and policy in my portfolio countries. I am we translate this into concrete initiatives that can deliver valuable,
also monitoring policy priorities of region’s governments to ensure tangible outputs to our constituents and society at large.
that the Forum’s work on the region is cutting-edge and up-to-date.
Global Leadership Fellows Programme 9
Why Join?
Daniel Dobrygowski
Head of Governance & Policy
Centre for Cybersecurity
The challenges of our time require globally
coordinated action and an alignment of
various stakeholders’ interests through
creative dialogue and attention to purpose.
I joined the World Economic Forum in 2015 I joined the Forum to lead and navigate the
to manage Strategic Partners from the process of understanding these interests,
technology sector. I was inspired by the synthesizing them, and creating solutions that
opportunity to work with companies leading lead to healthier populations. My background
change in the Fourth Industrial Revolution in health and education, in the US and
and support their engagement in the globally, convinced me of the necessity of a
Forum’s work. systemic, multistakeholder approach to the
world’s challenges; I take this approach now
Earlier this year as part of the GLF in leading the Forum’s portfolio on global
programme I had the opportunity to take this mental health. The GLF programme has
learning and rotate to the Forum’s Centre for aided me in this work, giving me a better
the Fourth Industrial Revolution. My role at the understanding of dynamics at play in systems,
Centre is to develop and manage our Partner within groups, and within myself. The
community in San Francisco, bringing on experience and skills of the program will prove
board new partners aligned with the Centre’s useful throughout my career and my life.”
mission and to ensuring current partners
derive the most value from its work.” Peter Varnum
Project Lead
Ruth Hickin Shaping the Future
Partner Engagement Lead of Health & Healthcare
Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Global Leadership Fellows Programme 10
How to Apply?
We seek individuals who are curious, collaborative and critical thinkers, often characterized by
a strong will to succeed and the service-oriented humility to contribute to the Forum’s mission.
‧‧ Ability to engage and interact with
high-level stakeholders and present Written Essay
information with confidence Complete a series of short essays
‧‧ Adaptable and resilient; able to thrive in
an ambiguous and dynamic environment
5 Skype interview
Engage in a 90min interview
6 Assessment Centre
Participate in a full day series
of assessments at the Forum Centre
7 Final interviews
Participate in a full day series of interviews with
hiring manager, peer group and cluster head
8 Offer
An offer is extended subject to clearing of reference checks
Global Leadership Fellows Programme 11
The academic modules of the GLF programme are developed in partnership with leading global
institutions. Working together with the Forum, the partners provide a dynamic platform that
helps every Fellow put an original mark on leadership, within and beyond the Forum.
CEIBS, linking East and West in Columbia University offers the INSEAD provides exceptional knowledge
teaching, research and practice, opportunity to collaborate with its many and expertise in coaching, and the
gives the Fellows a global edge schools, exploring a range of disciplines personal as well as systemic aspects
and unparalleled insights on China. from the arts to public health. of leadership.
London Business School offers THNK is a ‘C-School’ that provides Oxford Said Business school focuses on trends
unique perspectives on the future Fellows with design-thinking and that will define the future, the organisations
of management and equips fellows other collaborative tools for catalysing that will shape it, and their leaders, enables
with the skills needed to thrive in it. positive change at scale. the School to uphold the centuries-old
traditions of the University of Oxford.
For the past five years, Columbia
University School of the Arts has
partnered with the GLF programme on
a unique week called Taking the Stage.
Together we have invented an original
The GLF programme is as ambitious
and generous as the leaders it
develops. It is a comprehensive effort
to develop leaders whose impact
goes beyond improving the bottom
The GLF programme is a very
impressive programme that creates
opportunity for all of us: the Fellows,
the faculty, the Forum and way
beyond. It’s a chance to shape a new
curriculum that brings art, artists, line. And it deliberately sets out to kind of leadership that can inspire,
theatre, and voice training to the benefit organisations beyond the engage and lead the world to new
Fellows. We have invented the concept Forum. The GLF helps mobile, talented solutions. At THNK, we’re excited and
and the actualisation together – refining professionals forge a sense of purpose honoured to be part of the journey.”
it through practice each year.” and social commitments that will serve
them well, and help them serve well, Mark Vernooij
Carol Becker as leaders.” Partner, THNK School
Dean of Faculty and Professor of Creative Leadership
of the Arts Columbia University Gianpiero Petriglieri
School of the Arts Associate Professor of Organisational
Behaviour INSEAD
The World Economic Forum,
committed to improving the
state of the world, is the
International Organization for
Public-Private Cooperation.
The Forum engages the
foremost political, business
and other leaders of society
toshape global, regional and
industry agendas.