SBM Assessment Tool
SBM Assessment Tool
SBM Assessment Tool
SBM Assessor/s
(Signature over Printed Name)
Possible MOVs/Documents/
Indicators Systems
1 2 3 Rating Recommendation
7. Methods and Evidences that there is exchange of Practices, tools Practices, tools, There is continuous
resources are information and expertise among and materials for and materials for exchange of information,
learner and developing self- developing self- sharing of expertise and
community- the schools, home and community
directed learners directed learners materials among the
friendly, like inviting Resource
enjoyable, safe, Speaker/consultants from the are highly are beginning to schools, home and
inclusive, community in the teaching-learning observable in emerge in the community for the
accessible and school, but not in homes and inthe development of self-
aimed at on local history, local recipes, local
the home or in the community. directed learners.
developing self- culture community. The program is
directed learners. mainstreamed but
Learners are
The program is
Learning programs collaboratively continuously improved
equipped with are designed and implemented and to make relevant to
developed to monitored by emergent demands.
knowledge, skills,
produce learners
and values to teachers and
who are
parents to ensure
responsibility and responsible and
accountable for that it produces
accountability for desired learners.
their own their learning.
SBM Assessor/s
(Signature over Printed Name)
4. Accountability * Assessment Tools: The school, with Stakeholders are Stakeholders continuously
assessment criteria Clients’ Satisfaction the participation engaged in and collaboratively review
and tools, feedback Survey, Parent’s of stakeholders,
Opennionaire, Checklist development and and enhance accountability
mechanisms, and articulates an
information Form, Survey operation of an systems; processes,
collection and Questionnaire, Tracer appropriate mechanisms and tools.
Study Tool, School assessment
validation framework with
Report Cards
techniques and
* Feedback basic assessment
processes are system.
Mechanisms: Gen. components,
inclusive and Assembly Meeting, including
collaboratively Education Summit,
developed and implementation
Stakeholders Forum,
agreed upon. School Report Card, State
of the School Address
(SOSA), Parents’
Conference, School
Website, Home Visitation,
School Bulletin, Parenting
* Information
Collection: Sampling –
Convenient & Purposive,
Suggestion Box,
Conduct Survey
* Validation
Techniques and
Processes: FGD,
Brainstorming, Interview,
Observation – Direct&
- Attendance, Photos,
Minutes of the Meeting in
the development of
assessment criteria
5. Participatory Assessment Results School School initiates School- community
assessment of based on M&E periodic developed performance
Feedback: initiates
performance is Enhanced periodic performance assessment is practiced and
done regularly Implementation of performance assessments with is the basis for improving
with the School’s PPAs the participation monitoring and evaluation
community. Technical Assistance: of stakeholders. systems, providing technical
Assessment Remedial Instruction with the assistance, and recognizing
results and
Program, Training participation and refining plans.
Program, Proposed
lessons learned new Programs
serve as basis for Recognition: stakeholders.
feedback, Plan Adjustment:
technical Catch-up Plan of AIP
or PPAs
assistance, - Attendance, Photos,
recognition and Minutes of the Meeting
plan adjustment. in the conduct of
Performance (SMEPA)
SBM Assessor/s
(Signature over Printed Name)
Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness, and efficiency.
Indicators MOVs/Documents/ 1 2 3 Rating Recommendation
1. Regularly * Process – Regular Resource Resource inventories
resource inventory Resources Inventory of Stakeholders are inventory is are systematically
is collaboratively the following: aware that a characterized developed and
undertaken by Human Resources regular resource by regularity, stakeholders are
learning managers. Financial Resources increased engaged in a
Technological Resources inventory is
Learning mangers, available and is participation of collaborative process
Instructional Materials
learning facilitators, used as the basis stakeholders, to make decisions on
and community and resource allocation
Rooms for resource
stakeholders as Water and Sanitation communicated and mobilization.
basis for resource
allocation and to the
School Site Titling mobilization.
allocation and Instructional Tools & community as
mobilization. Equipment the basis for
Output: Resources resource
Allocation & allocation and
Mobilization Plan mobilization.
Post graduate studies of
of teachers/profile of
teachers and non-
Career Stages)
2. A regular Regular Resource Stakeholders Stakeholders
dialogue for Planning and Stakeholders are are regularly collaborate to
planning and Programming through invited to
Strategic Planning:
engaged in ensure timely and
resource participate in the the planning need-based
programming, that - Human Resource
Dev’t Plan (HRDP) development of and resource planning and
is accessible and an educational
- Financial Mgt. Dev’t programming, resource
Plan (FMDP) plan in resource and in the programming and
continuously engage - Technology programming, implementati support
stakeholders and Resource
and in the on of the continuous
Improvement Plan
implementation of (TRIP) implementation education implementation of
community - School Physical of the educational plan. the education plan.
education plans. Dev,t Plan (SPDP) plan.
- Annual
Procurement Plan
- IGP Sustainability
Minutes of meetings,
attendance and
3. Resources are * Mechanisms: Stakeholders Stakeholders sustain
collectively and - Updated Transparency Stakeholders are engaged the implementation
judiciously Board of all Finances support and improvement of a
and share
mobilized and judicious, collaboratively
Canteen Fund, expertise in developed,
managed with appropriate, and
Donations, etc) the periodically adjusted,
transparency, - Innovations for the effective use of collaborative and constituent-
effectiveness, and collective and judicious resources.
efficiency. resource focused resource
utilization and
transparent, effective and
management management system.
efficient resource system.
management system
SBM Assessor/s
(Signature over Printed Name)