Lesson 1: Leadership Development

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Lesson 1: Leadership Development  Authoritarian Leadership

 Leadership is not defined by the the inverse of democratic leadership. In this

exercise of power but by the capacity to leadership style, the leader makes decisions
increase the sense of power among without taking input from anyone who
those led. The most essential work of reports to them. Employees are neither
the leader is to create more leaders. considered nor consulted prior to a direction,
 Leadership development refers to and are expected to adhere to the decision at
activities that improve the skills, abilities a time and pace stipulated by the leader.
and confidence of leaders. Programs  Laissez-Faire Leadership
vary massively in complexity, cost and
style of teaching. Coaching and "laissez faire" literally translates to "let them
mentoring are two forms of do
development often used to guide and  Charismatic Leadership
develop leaders.
transform attitudes and beliefs in employees
Leadership development begins with and others. She has the power to influence
distinguishing leadership skills from and inspire people, and the goals of the
leadership traits. Leadership skills are organization generally reflect her vision.
essentially techniques or practices that
leaders apply in advancing a group toward  Transformational Leadership
common goals. inspire others. However, unlike the former
According to Baldwin and Ford (1988), the leadership style, this style does not require
success of leadership development is the leader to be present to effect change,
influenced heavily by the quality of the because the leader initiates transformation
program, level of support and acceptance through the organization and motivates
from superiors, and the employees to perform.
characteristics/learning style of the person  Transactional Leadership
being developed.
involves offering incentives for effective
Leadership development refers to any activity performance and penalties or disciplinary
that enhances the capability of an individual action for poor performance. A transactional
to assume leadership roles and management style can be a particularly
responsibilities. Examples include degree strategic leadership approach when you want
programs in management, executive to achieve specific performance-related
education, seminars and workshops, and even benchmarks.
internships. These types of learning
opportunities focus on developing  Environmental Leadership
knowledge, skills, self-awareness, and abilities possess not only an internal mindset that is
needed to lead effectively. concerned with issues of waste, pollution,
Types of Leadership resource management and efficiency. You
must also retain an external focus that
 Democratic Leadership respond to a wide range of holistic factors.
one of the most effective leadership styles  Bureaucratic Leadership
because it allows lower-level employees
to exercise authority they'll need to use a “by the books” leader. They adhere strictly
wisely in future positions they might hold. to company policy and tradition, and set
It also resembles how decisions can be clearly-defined expectations for their team
made in company board meetings. members to follow. This is a stable,
systematized approach to leadership that can Lesson 2: Community Organization
be an effective style in highly regulated
 Community organizing, method of
engaging and empowering people
 Servant Leadership with the purpose of increasing the
influence of groups historically
place the satisfaction of their employees
underrepresented in policies and
above all else. They believe that the
decision making that affect their lives.
professional and personal fulfillment of their
 Community organizing is a means of
team members will result in a higher quality
bringing people together to address
of work, and servant leaders place the needs
problematic social conditions. As a
of others above their own.
purposeful collective effort, organizing
Common Problems Faced in Leadership requires sound analytical, political,
and interactional skills. An important
Being a leader is in itself a challenge.
aspect of those skills for professional
The challenges of leadership are really of organizers involves a continuous
three kinds: external, coming from people pattern of systematic planning,
and situations; internal, stemming from "doing", reflecting again (theorizing)
within the leader himself; and those arising and acting strategically to build a
from the nature of the leadership role. group that can achieve its aims.
 Community organizing is often a place-
It's almost impossible to imagine a situation
based activity, used in low-income and
where a leader doesn't have to cope with
minority neighborhoods. It is also used
external challenges. In an organization, such
among common interest-based
issues as lack of funding and other resources,
"communities" of people, such as new
opposition from forces in the community, and
immigrant groups. Longer-term
interpersonal problems within the
objectives of community organizing
organization often rear their heads.
are to develop the internal capabilities
To some extent, the measure of any leader is and to increase the decision-making
how well he can deal with the constant power and influence of
succession of crises and minor annoyances underrepresented groups.
that threaten the mission of his group.
Importance of Community Organization
While leadership presents to each of us the
The process of community organizing is a
opportunity to demonstrate the best of what
dynamic one with few rigid guidelines,
we are, it also exposes our limitations. In
suggesting that the functions of a community
many cases, good leaders have to overcome
organizer require flexibility, creativity and
those limitations in order to transmit and
excellent leadership skills.
follow their vision. Fear, lack of confidence,
insecurity, impatience, intolerance (all can act Community organization aims to organize,
as barriers to leadership. mobilize and educate people to build a sense
of community. By doing so, the community
At the same time, acknowledging and
gains power or influence over issues
overcoming them can turn a mediocre leader
concerning their welfare. Strengthening
into a great one. It's often very difficult for
groups at the grassroots level empowers the
people, especially those who see themselves
community to direct their own path to some
as leaders, to admit that they might have
extent, holding government and private
personality traits or personal characteristics
organizations accountable for policies and
that interfere with their ability to reach their
programs that directly impact the community.
Community based organizations make  Evaluation is an ongoing process and
improvements at a family level according to determine if further intervention is
your environment. Attending community needed.
board meetings will help you create
relationships with others in your
neighborhood. A tight knit community can
benefit everyone in the neighborhood and
can keep small businesses going. It's your
community, and the change can start with
Basic Steps of Community Organizing
1. Integrate into the community
 Build relationships; participate in
community activities, meetings, and
one on one interactions with
individuals in the community
2. Identify issues impacting the community
 Identify the issues, needs, and
3. Set goals and objectives
 Identify overall outcome/change that
you are expecting
4. Identify individuals and create core groups
 Engage leaders who are passionate
about the issues. Create a core group
committed to working towards
5. Create an action plan to meet goals
 Identify ways to work towards
objectives. Determine positive and
negative outcomes and identify
needed resources.
6. Execute and monitor the action plan
 Train staff as needed and engage in
community meetings.

7. Evaluate the effect of the action plan on

the stated goals
Lesson 1: Climate Change
Climate change is the global phenomenon of Humans are increasingly influencing the
climate transformation characterized by the climate and the earth's temperature by
changes in the usual climate of the planet burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and
(regarding temperature, precipitation, and farming livestock.
wind) that are especially caused by human
This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse
activities. As a result of unbalancing the
gases to those naturally occurring in the
weather of Earth, the sustainability of the
atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect
planet’s ecosystems is under threat, as well as
and global warming.
the future of humankind and the stability of
the global economy.  What causes climate change?
Climate change refers to significant changes Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide
in global temperature, precipitation, wind (CO2) and other air pollutants collect in the
patterns and other measures of climate that atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar
occur over several decades or longer. radiation that have bounced off the earth’s
surface. Normally this radiation would escape
 The seas are rising. The foods we eat
into space, but these pollutants, which can
and take for granted are threatened.
last for years to centuries in the atmosphere,
Ocean acidification is increasing.
trap the heat and cause the planet to get
Ecosystems are changing, and for
hotter. These heat-trapping pollutants—
some, that could spell the end of
specifically carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous
certain regions the way we have
oxide, water vapor, and synthetic fluorinated
known them. And while some species
gases—are known as greenhouse gases, and
are adapting, for others, it’s not that
their impact is called the greenhouse effect.
 Evidence suggests many of these Curbing dangerous climate change requires
extreme climate changes are very deep cuts in emissions, as well as the use
connected to rising levels of carbon of alternatives to fossil fuels worldwide. The
dioxide and other greenhouse gases in good news is that countries around the globe
the Earth’s atmosphere — more often have formally committed—as part of the 2015
than not, the result of human Paris Climate Agreement—to lower their
activities. emissions by setting new standards and
crafting new policies to meet or even exceed
According to the IPCC, the extent of climate
those standards. The not-so-good news is that
change effects on individual regions will vary
we’re not working fast enough. To avoid the
over time and with the ability of different
worst impacts of climate change, scientists
societal and environmental systems to
tell us that we need to reduce global carbon
mitigate or adapt to change.
emissions by as much as 40 percent by 2030.
The IPCC predicts that increases in global
 What are the effects of climate
mean temperature of less than 1.8 to 5.4
degrees Fahrenheit (1 to 3 degrees Celsius)
above 1990 levels will produce beneficial Each year scientists learn more about the
impacts in some regions and harmful ones in consequences of global warming, and each
others. Net annual costs will increase over year we also gain new evidence of its
time as global temperatures increase. devastating impact on people and the planet.
As the heat waves, droughts, and floods
associated with climate change become more
frequent and more intense, communities
suffer and death tolls rise. If we’re unable to
Causes and Effects of Climate Change
reduce our emissions, scientists believe that Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation
climate change could lead to the deaths of and Disaster Risk Reduction Roadmap
more than 250,000 people around the globe for 2018 to 2022 to mainstream
every year and force 100 million people into climate change and disaster risk
poverty by 2030. reduction to identified climate
vulnerable provinces and major urban
Though everyone is affected by climate
centers like Metro Manila, Cebu, Iloilo
change, not everyone is affected equally.
and Davao.
Indigenous people, people of color, and the
economically marginalized are typically hit Steps in Making Solution Paper in Addressing
the hardest. Inequities built into our housing, Climate Change
health care, and labor systems make these
Ensure adequate processes, financing and
communities more vulnerable to the worst
other resources to take five main steps:
impacts of climate change—even though
emissions reduction, resilience planning,
these same communities have done the least
addressing loss and damage, knowledge-
to contribute to it.
sharing in alternative agricultural techniques,
Government Actions in addressing Climate promoting gender equality and human rights
Change across all activities.
No. 2583 Climate Change Act. This climate
change act of 2008 integrating the priorities
of the Hyogo Framework for Action – a ten-
year blueprint for reducing risks to disasters
worldwide - was passed into law by the
Philippine Government to address increasing
climatic risks.
In 2009, Congress passed the Climate Change
Act creating the CCC to develop policies and
coordinate government programs on climate
change. The CCC in turn developed the
National Climate Change Action Plan that
serves as a road map for all climate change
programs in the Philippines.
“The government is taking all necessary steps
to strengthen our capacities to mitigate and
address the effects of climate change,”
Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said in
a press statement. (January 2021)
 Roque issued the statement in
response to a study by a German
environmental policy think tank which
showed the Philippines is among the
nations that have been most affected
by extreme weather from 2000 to Lesson 1: AUTOBIOGRAPHY
a. A story of a person's life, or at least
 Roque said the Duterte government
some part of a person's life, written by
also formulated a Cabinet Cluster on
the person themselves.
What is the difference between an b. explains who the person is and highlight
Autobiography and Person Essay? their major achievements.
Personal essays have a specific structure Tips on Writing One:
while many autobiographies exist that do not
1. Remember Your Purpose.
conform to the introduction/short
2. Be Concise
body/conclusion structure.
3. Highlight Achievements and Influences
The middle of a story and be fleshed out
throughout flashbacks of prior times and
experiences from the writer's perspective. a. A writing that transports the readers
to new places- either be introduced to
Tips on Writing an autobiography:
a new culture, practice, or food
1. Make it chronological in order. Story
Tips on Writing:
telling begins with once upon a time
or in short, a beginning; and so, should  Think about what you want to get out
be in your self-writing. Your very goal of it.
is to tell things about you in a  Travel writing should be exciting to
chronological way. read. It should make the reader feel
2. Do not be a bore. You may employ the like they are next to you on the
styles and techniques you have powdery beach with a warm breeze
acquired in the previous writings you tickling their shoulders.
had to make your writing not just a  Know the rules;
plain slambook; you can either start o Be written in first-person
with a flashback, an anecdote, or any o Tell the story in the past tense
style available in the store for you. o Be conversational in tone
3. Make it easy to read. The more you (dialogue can be useful here)
express yourself in a friendly manner, o Contain sensory details
the more your readers will know o Give the reader value in some way,
about you. Deep words of colors are whether that’s providing useful
not that necessary, but expressing tips for navigating or insight into a
what needs to be expressed matters culture
most. o Make it relatable to the audience
 Edit your work.
 Everyone has their own experiences
and voice. Tell your story, and don’t
copy others.
 Your experiences are valuable. Write
from your heart.

a. paints an abbreviated picture of someone's Lesson 4: FOOD WRITING
a. encompasses more of restaurant
reviews and food tasting;
b. include memoir, cultural critique and relating how they cooked the family's favorite
scientific explication. meals. The Farm, a place for wellness in San
Benito in Lipa City in Batangas province, in
Types of Food Writing
2008 was Koh's first assignment. It was when
 Restaurant Reviews- writing of your he decided that he would write a Southeast
personal experience-either of the Asian cookbook by starting with the
service, the food, and the place. Philippines "by learning more, going into the
 Informative Pieces on the History of unexplored [cuisine] that few cookbooks
Food- A writing that narrates the pursued and understanding why Philippine
origin of a specific cuisine. food is misunderstood," he said in his book.
 Recipe- A creative writing that seeks "After eating their raw food, I was completely
the write to find a new angle and hook riveted," Koh said of his Filipino food
of a specific dish. experiences.  "This is the story of Koh's
 Memoir/Personal Essay- writing about Filipino food experience"   back to MailOnline
the food with your personal home. "The Farm" is a new cookbook written
experience about it. by Koh and published by CKS.

Tips on Writing one:

 Think of what type of food writing you
wish to furnish.
 Find a unique angle or niche that you
want to write about
 Avoid overusing generic terms like
“delicious” or “tasty”
 Learn to write descriptively using
sensual language.
 Make the act of act cooking an action
Lesson 5: Singaporean Writes book on
Filipino food By Tonette Odejas
Singaporean Bryan Koh launched his book,
"Milk Pigs and Violet Gold (Philippine
Cookery)," on Saturday night. Filipinos,
including heritage-food chef Lilian Borromeo,
were profuse with thanks. The book is
arranged according to the three main islands
of Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao. It was
copublished by Holy Angel University's Center
for Kapampangan Studies (CKS) The book's
title comes from what he calls two icons: the
lechon de leche (roasted suckling pig) and ube
(purple yam)
Koh's passion for Filipino food was ignited by Lesson 1: Customer Buying Process
his Filipino nannies, Lydia Baltazar of La Union
1. Recognizing a Need or Want
province and Evelyn Mendoza of Laguna
province. "This goes way back, from my yayas 2. Seeking Information
(nannies)," he said. He honored them by
3. Evaluating Choices  It functions as a legal property
4. Making a Purchase Elements of Branding:
5. Post Purchase Evaluation  Trade Name – The trademarked name
by which the product is to be known
Customer Equity – refers to the total lifetime
 Generic Category. The category in
value a company can generate from all of its
which the brand would fall
 Logo – The visual symbol or image that
a. Value Equity – is the customers’ objective will identify the product
assessment of the utility of a product or  Tagline – An optional catchphrase to
service based on his perception of what he is add unique selling proposition
giving up for what he is receiving. To improve  Visual Cues – Aside from the actual
value equity, the business must find ways to logo, brands can also be represented
address price, quality, and convenience. with distinct visual identifiers
 Shapes – The actual shape or form of
b. Brand Equity – is the customers’ subjective
the product or packaging
and intangible assessment of the brand,
 Colors – a Yellow Cab store is quickly
above and beyond its objectively perceived
distinguishable from afar due to its
value. To enhance brand equity, the company
bold yellow signs with black letterings
must find ways to increase brand awareness,
 Sounds – advertising jungles and intro
improve customer’s attitude toward the
brand, and project an ethical image to the
 Scents – signature fragrances such as
Rustan’s and the Shangri-La Hotel
c. Relationship Equity – is the customers’  Tastes – special recipes or secret
tendency to stick with the brand, above and ingredients
beyond his objective and subjective
Levels of Meaning:
assessments of the brand. To enhance
relationship equity, the business can  Attributes – characteristics of the
introduce loyalty programs, community- product itself
relations programs, knowledge-building  Benefits – What consumers stand to
programs, among others. gain from patronizing the brand, such
as shinier hair, peace of mind,
Lesson 2: Branding
comfort, innovation, and risk-taking
Brand – is a mark of distinction that can be  Values – The core values that the
sensed usually in the form of names or terms, brand is identified with
signs or symbols, design elements, or even a  Culture – the culture or sub-culture
combination of these, and is utilized for the that a brand is identified with
purpose of identifying and distinguishing the  Personality – of the brand was a
goods or services of one provider from person, it could have a personality
another. such as being adventurous, youthful,
 User – The specific target market or
aspirational group that the brand
becomes associated with
Functions of a Brand:
Developing a Brand
 It identifies the product or service
 It communicates messages to the 1. Develop the Brand Strategy
markets and the public
• Product Information – What are the • Make it easy to pronounce and remember
products or services that the brand shall be
• It should translate well in the target market
Brand names can be:
• Market Information – Who are the targeted
markets that the b rand will be catering to • Eponyms (using your name in logo Ex: Julie’s
Bakeshop & Mc Donald’s)
• Trademark Criteria – Should the name be
short or should it be expository? Should it • Descriptive (using the services that you
have a distinctively Filipino flair or should it offered in your logo Ex: Mang Inasal & Burger
be more global in nature? King)
• Brand Name Objectives – What should the • Abbreviations or Portmanteaus (Using
brand name accomplish in the minds of the acronyms Ex: Adidas, ABS CBN, & CNN)
customers? Should it excite the market? Symbolic or Image-Driven (Using symbols in
Focus of memorability? Should it connote logo Ex: iPhone, twitter, and Toblerone)
luxury, formality, and pampering?
• Symbolic or image-driven (Hidden Springs
2. Develop the Creative Theme brand of mineral water which connotes
images of nature, or Apple with its highly
• Brand Personality – If the brand was a
recognizable stylized bitten apple logo)
person, what would be its personality
• Synthetic (Inventions of words Ex: Chanel,
• Inferences and connotations – What
Lexus, & Speedo)
imagery, words, and meanings should the
brand connote or refer to? 4. Test the Name
• Color palette and style sheets – Select the • This step is all about testing your selected
proper color palettes that can best represent brand name and its impact and signifiers to
the brands’ personality, inferences, your target market
objectives, market, and product
5. Screen for Trademark Availability
• Font – Fonts are the letters to be used for
• You need to make sure that the brand name
your brand name
is available
• Visual Cues – symbols icons, shapes, and
Marketing Activities and Emerging Practices
other images that you want to associate with
(Customer Bonding Strategies)
the brand
• Experiential Marketing
• Acceptable uses and materials – each
medium and material has its own particular - Letting your customers experience if they
characteristics and can have an effect on the were to buy your products and services
overall response branding efforts
• Buzz Marketing
• Retail placement – if you are producing a
- Viral marketing where you do something
consumer good, where do you want to have it
that would make your product or service viral
• Social Media Marketing
- Exhausting and using the different social
media platforms
3. Create the Name
Lesson 4: The 4Ms of Operation
• Keep it Short
1. Methods - Is the process to be followed in - A step-by-step guide of the employees and
effectively manufacturing or delivering a the manufacturing equipment. The objective
product or service. It is the day-to-day of The Process flow is to ensure that the right
operations of a business. Internally, the inputs are properly used in production, that
process must abide by industry standards and the process is performed according to the set
policies (ex. ISO Certification). The standards, and that the acceptable outputs
entrepreneur must set SOP’s are produced.
a. Manufacturing of Goods ULTIMATE OBJECTIVE: To ensure that
maximum efficiency is met-from the
• Manufacturing-the process of translating
requisition of materials to processing them
raw materials into finished goods that are
into finished goods up to the distribution to
acceptable to the customer’s standards.
the customers.
3 Elements of Manufacturing
b. Distribution of Goods and Services
• Inputs - the materials or ingredients to be
Distribution - It is the process of bringing
used in creating the product.
products or services to customers. In selling
• Process - the transformation phase where physical goods, the entrepreneur should plan
inputs are processed by manpower and the location, the processes, and the
machines to come up with the final product. distribution of the products to the customers.
It is not a straightforward process from the
• Output - the final product of the process
entrepreneur to customers.
stage, which is intended to be sold to target
customers Supply Chain/ Distribution Channel - the
manufacturer will deliver the products to the
Manufacturing Site - Where the
distributors, to the wholesalers, to the
manufacturing process will take place.
retailers, and then finally to the customers.
• Home-based - this option is the cheapest
• Manufacturer - handles the invention,
and highly flexible. Most start-ups cannot
development, and production of the product
establish a manufacturing site.
or service.
• Commercial space for rent - this advisable if
• Distributors - are entrepreneurs who often
the business requires a commercial space for
buy products or services from the
the processing of goods and if the home
manufacturers and sell them at a markup
option is not viable anymore. It gives the
price to either wholesalers or retailers
entrepreneur a more specialized and suited
manufacturing site than manufacturing at • Agents - Negotiate with buyers as to how
home. much or how many are to be sold, so the
manufacturer will be able to deliver the goods
• Commercial space purchase - this option
directly to the buyer. They will get a
requires the biggest amount of capital
commission for every product sold.
expenditure, but it also provides the
entrepreneur substantial freedom and c. Payment Process
flexibility to design and run the commercial
- The entrepreneur must also establish a
seamless payment process. There are
instances when the customers do not want to
pay in cash and are usually attracted by
flexible and customer friendly payment terms
MANUFACTURING PROCESS FLOW such as credit cards, installment plans, or
simple accounts payable or pautang.
2. Manpower - The right human resources proficiency. Ex. Engineers, scientists,
who will handle certain business operations accountants, IT specialist.
as the business grows, the entrepreneurs
• Work Attitude - deals with the worker’s
should hire qualified employees that can
integrity and how he or she deals with his or
handle operational functions, so that he or
her coworkers, bosses, and customers. Ex. of
she will be free from daily activities and thus
good work attitude: punctual, leadership and
can focus on the strategic and management
communication skills, team player, making
functions of the business.
ethical decisions, obeying superiors,
a. Job description - enumerates the duties passionate and dedicated to the company.
and responsibilities of the potential
c. Preparatory Selection of Job Applicants
employee, including the scope, limitations,
and terms and conditions of employment. • After the job description and employee
qualifications are finalized by the
entrepreneur, he or she now preselects a set
• Job Title - the heading of the job description of candidates for the positions required.
is the summary of what the employee will do.
• When the business is already sizeable, the
It should be respectable and decent because
entrepreneur may establish a Human
it will boost the self-confidence of the
Resource Department (HRD) that will handle
the selection and recruitment of candidates.
• Compensation and Benefit Range - details
• Choices where to look for potential
the potential salary and benefits that the
candidates: o A personal list of trustworthy
employee will get.
people o Employment agencies or manpower
• Duties - usually high-level descriptions only. agencies
• Responsibilities and Accountabilities - must o Headhunters - help companies find a
be communicated well to the employee so set of people suited for their
that he or she knows what to expect with the requirements o Manpower Agencies
job. - recruit temporary employees
under a short contract (usually 6
• Work Schedules - including work hours. The
specific days and working hours must be
o Advertise job vacancies via print
written so that the employee will be able to
such as newspaper and other
align the work schedule with his or her
publication referrals and
recommendations from friends,
b. Employee Qualification relatives, or business partners.
o Business networks or the people
whom the entrepreneur has worked
• Educational Background - degree of with within the past.
candidate’s knowledge of basic things. o Digital media (website, social media,
emails, online affiliates, search
• Work Experience - will tell the entrepreneur
engines, podcasts, or blogs)
what to expect from the applicant and what
o Mobile (SMS, mobile apps)
he or she can potentially contribute to the
business based on his or her past positions
and experiences.
• Specific Skill or knowledge - important
especially in technical jobs that require high d. Selection of Job Applicants
• Screening and picking the most qualified • Can be described as the “best friend” of
and most suited candidate for the job. manpower in producing goods and offering
• Preliminary screening is through
qualifications. • Machines are not limited only to physical
equipment but can also pertain to new
• Conduct qualifying exams in Math, English,
and Logic
• Without machines, business operations will
• Qualitative Exams or Psychology tests (essay
be cumbersome, costly, and low quality.
form or multiple-choice)
a. Equipment and Other Facilities
• Conduct interview for the shortlisted
candidates ✓ Must be strategically placed in the
manufacturing site or the service delivery
e. Job Offer - Once the entrepreneur has
been convinced already of the job credentials
and the interview answers of the candidate, ✓ Must prepare facility plan that details the
the job contract is now prepared. most economical way to manufacture the
Job Contract - generally summarizes the product.
terms and conditions of the candidate's ✓ Place the facility where they can be
employment with the business. efficiently used.
• Rank or position of the candidate ✓ The site must adapt to how big or small the
• List of responsibilities or deliverables and pieces of equipment are
their scope and limitations
✓ The site must be conducive, well-ventilated
• The salary and benefits including vacation and well-lit
and sick leaves
✓ There should be fire exits and safety
• Work schedule reminders

• Probationary period if any and qualifications ✓ Employees/machine operators should

to become a regular employee undergo a rigorous training before they
operate the equipment.
• The duration of the contract
b. Telecommunications and Information
• Resignation procedure
f. Employee Development
✓ Landline Phones - for order-taking,
• Training people-one of the biggest telemarketing, and teleconferencing
investments of an entrepreneur or a
businessman ✓ Mobile phones - mobile apps for order
taking, for payments, marketing, marketing
• An entrepreneur should devise strategies on research, mobile banking, internet
how to keep employees satisfied working in promotions.
the company.
✓ Laptop and desktop computers - order
taking, internet marketing, reports, etc.

✓ POS Machines - charging debit/credit card,

3. Machines - The technology used in tracking sales, storing data, analyzing
efficiently operating the business purchases, etc.
✓ Accounting & Inventory Software - • No changes in the brand name and the
accounting business transactions, identity will be implemented because the
profitability, sales, inventory, etc. entrepreneur still holds the rights to such.

✓ Web site - order taking, 24/7 marketing, • Saves the entrepreneur from buying
online conversations, collecting customer expensive machinery
information, etc.
4. Materials - Materials to be used in creating
• Entrepreneurs can also venture to distribute
a product or performing a service, which
their products on their own without the aid of
includes supply chain management.
a distributor or agent.
• The supplier of the raw materials should
• The entrepreneur will be the one in charge
have a consistent and sufficient number of
of manufacturing, warehousing,
raw materials and supplies that can
transportation, inventory management,
accommodate the demand of the
marketing, and selling the product or service.
• Warehousing - Storing the finished goods
• The selection of suppliers depends on how
manufactured in a facility until they are
the suppliers will not cause interruptions in
distributed to end users. Cost is usually
the production of goods and serving the
substantial. The entrepreneur should choose
whether to buy a warehouse or rent an

a. Manufacturing own products or offer • Transportation - Process of efficiently

services transferring the products to retailers or
• Huge capital must be prepared because all
expenses in the manpower, machines, and o Purchase energy-efficient vehicles
materials will be borne by the entrepreneur. o Use the presence of distribution hubs-
where the
• Risk is larger
entrepreneur/manufacturer combines
• Set of competent employees must be the goods before delivery to retailers
employed to handle machines or service the or end-consumers
• Inventory - Should be tracked religiously.
• The entrepreneur can closely monitor the Each of the inventories in the warehouse,
quality of products or services distribution hubs, and manufacturing sites
should be monitored.
• The entrepreneur has the opportunity to
build his or her own brand identity o The law of supply and demand must
be taken into account
b. Outsourcing of manufacturing or service
o There shouldn’t be a surplus of
activities to a third party
inventory especially if the product is
• Process of appointing a third-party perishable
manufacturer to do the manufacturing o Make sure there is enough space to
operations of the business. store and stock inventory
o Get insurance for your products
• These third-party companies already have
expertise in handling and manufacturing o Manufacture just enough products for
these products or services tailored to the the demand. Do not produce too
entrepreneur’s needs at lower cost.
much product than what is demanded
by the customers.

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