Lesson 1: Leadership Development
Lesson 1: Leadership Development
Lesson 1: Leadership Development
a. paints an abbreviated picture of someone's Lesson 4: FOOD WRITING
a. encompasses more of restaurant
reviews and food tasting;
b. include memoir, cultural critique and relating how they cooked the family's favorite
scientific explication. meals. The Farm, a place for wellness in San
Benito in Lipa City in Batangas province, in
Types of Food Writing
2008 was Koh's first assignment. It was when
Restaurant Reviews- writing of your he decided that he would write a Southeast
personal experience-either of the Asian cookbook by starting with the
service, the food, and the place. Philippines "by learning more, going into the
Informative Pieces on the History of unexplored [cuisine] that few cookbooks
Food- A writing that narrates the pursued and understanding why Philippine
origin of a specific cuisine. food is misunderstood," he said in his book.
Recipe- A creative writing that seeks "After eating their raw food, I was completely
the write to find a new angle and hook riveted," Koh said of his Filipino food
of a specific dish. experiences. "This is the story of Koh's
Memoir/Personal Essay- writing about Filipino food experience" back to MailOnline
the food with your personal home. "The Farm" is a new cookbook written
experience about it. by Koh and published by CKS.
✓ Web site - order taking, 24/7 marketing, • Saves the entrepreneur from buying
online conversations, collecting customer expensive machinery
information, etc.
4. Materials - Materials to be used in creating
• Entrepreneurs can also venture to distribute
a product or performing a service, which
their products on their own without the aid of
includes supply chain management.
a distributor or agent.
• The supplier of the raw materials should
• The entrepreneur will be the one in charge
have a consistent and sufficient number of
of manufacturing, warehousing,
raw materials and supplies that can
transportation, inventory management,
accommodate the demand of the
marketing, and selling the product or service.
• Warehousing - Storing the finished goods
• The selection of suppliers depends on how
manufactured in a facility until they are
the suppliers will not cause interruptions in
distributed to end users. Cost is usually
the production of goods and serving the
substantial. The entrepreneur should choose
whether to buy a warehouse or rent an