Ceralatex SBR is styrene butadiene rubber latex, which has been specifically designed for use with
cement compositions. It can be used to form water and vapour resistant bonding coats, prior to
application of renders, plasters and screeds. Ceralatex SBR aids in better mechanical properties by
ensuring a sound contact area between old and new concrete.
Excellent bond strength
Improved tensile, flexural and compressive strength
Resistant to water penetration
Highly recommended for repairs and rehabilitation of structures
Easy to use
Curing: pH : 7.9
It is preferable to cure Ceralatex SBR modified Supply form : White Liquid
mortars as soon as they are laid, to prevent rapid Specific gravity : 1.040 ± 0.020
evaporation of water essential for hydration. This Toxicity : Nil
can be achieved by using polythene, damp hessian, Dry Material content : 51.65 (ASTM D638)
or a suitable concrete curing membrane. (% by mass)
Whilst any information and / or specification contained herein is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate, no
warranty is given or implied in connection with any recommendation or suggestions made by us, our Representatives,
Agents or Distributors, as the conditions of use of any labour involved are beyond our control.