Cera Microconcrete

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Free flow micro concrete for demanding

concrete repairs
An ISO 9001:2015 Company

Cera Microconcrete is a ready to use product developed for meeting the specific
requirement of repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures. The product is manufactured
from graded aggregates, special cements and various chemicals to derive unique functional


 Excellent adhesion with parent concrete, positive grip with reinforcement

 High early and final strength
 Efficient restoration material
 Compensation for shrinkage and settlement in the plastic state
 High fluidity enables placing without Vibration
 Low permeability. Ensures water tightness
 Easy to use
 Pre-packed system - overcomes the batched weight variations


Cera Microconcrete is a non-shrink Cera Microconcrete can be used for

cementitious micro concrete with 5 to 12mm repairing larger sections by mixing with 5-
down aggregates, for repairs and restoration 12mm aggregates in the proportion of 50 to
of reinforced concrete elements. The excellent 100% by weight of microconcrete.
adhesion and fine granular structure of micro
concrete enable its placement in difficult METHOD OF APPLICATION
locations also. Surface Preparation: The damaged or
cracked portions has to be removed with
USES chisel and hammer and the surface should be
Cera Microconcrete is compatible for use cleaned with wire brush to make it sound and
with different concrete grades and can be free from dust, loose particles, cement
used for thin sections also. laitance, grease etc. The parent concrete must
be applied with Cera Bond EP, the epoxy-
Cera Microconcrete is widely used in repairs bonding agent for proper adhesion.
where conventional concrete placing and Absorbent surfaces have to be pre-wetted
vibrating is difficult due to congestion of with water to make it saturated.
Mixing & Application: The dry material
Cera Microconcrete is an ideal material for should be mixed with approximately 6-7 litres
structural strengthening of columns, beams of water per 50kg bag. Depending on the
etc. by encasement or jacketing. application, Cera Microconcrete shall be
mixed to fluid or mortar consistency.
The mixing shall be carried out in a concrete expansion
mixer. For mixing small quantities a drilling Thermal conductivity 1.5 W/m°C
machine fitted with a paddle can be used. Yeild 0.026m³ / 50Kg
Supply form Powder
Cera Microconcrete has to be poured to the
areas by providing encasement using firm Compressive strength (N/mm2)
shuttering. Care should be taken to avoid air 1 Day 3 Days 7 Days 28 Days
bubbles getting trapped in concrete.
Placing: The mixed material shall be placed 35 60 75 80
within 20 – 25 minutes of mixing.
Fresh density:
Curing: Curing should be done by wetting or Fluid Consistency – approx 1900 kg/m3
ponding with water for minimum 7 days. Mortar Consistency– approx 2200 kg/m3
Cera Polycure R or W can be used for curing
purpose. Protection against drying winds and PACKING
direct sunlight is essential.
Cera Microconcrete is available in 50kg
PROPERTIES: packing.
The following results were obtained at water:
Powder ratio of 0.13 @ 30°C. SHELF LIFE
Compressive strength 80 N/ mm2@ 28 Cera Microconcrete has to be used within 6
(Tested on 70.7mm days months from the date of manufacturing. It
cubes as per ASTM C has to be stored in original bags to protect
109) from dampness.
Tensile strength 2.0 N/mm2 @ 28
Flexural strength 5 N/mm2 @ 28
(BS4551 - 80) days Avoid contact with skin for prolonged period.
Expansion Unrestrained Any contact with eye, wash immediately with
characteristics expansion plenty of water and seek medical attention.
(ASTM C827 - 1987) 1 to 4%.
Pressure to restrain Approx.
Plastic expansion 0.004N/mm2. Please consult Cera - Chem. technical cell
Coefficient of thermal 10 - 12 x 10-6 / °C for further details.

Whilst any information and / or specification contained herein is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate, no
warranty is given or implied in connection with any recommendation or suggestions made by us, our Representatives,
Agents or Distributors, as the conditions of use of any labour involved are beyond our control.

Cera-Chem Private Limited

No. 6, Park Street, Kilpauk Garden Colony, Chennai - 600010
Ph: 044-26441013, 26453498/4792, 26460844
Fax: 044-26446104
Email: [email protected]

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