Indiviual Performance Commitment and Review Form (Ipcfr) For Teacher I-Iii
Indiviual Performance Commitment and Review Form (Ipcfr) For Teacher I-Iii
Indiviual Performance Commitment and Review Form (Ipcfr) For Teacher I-Iii
Basic 11Monitored Quality Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely No
Education , evaluated monitored monitored monitored monitored acceptable
Services learner and evaluated and evaluated and evaluated and evaluated evidence
progress learners learners learners learners was shown.
and progress and progress and progress and progress and
achievement achievement achievement achievement achievement
using using learner using learner using learner using learner
learner’s attain data as attain data as attain data as attain data as
attainment shown in the shown in the shown in the shown in the
submitted submitted submitted submitted
Efficiency Submitted a Submitted a Submitted a Submitted 1 No
combination combination combination acceptable acceptable
7.5% of at least 4 of of 3 of the of 2 of the MOV evidence
the acceptable acceptable was shown.
acceptable MOV MOV
Timeliness Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted No
MOV were MOV were MOV were MOV were acceptable
distributed distributed distributed distributed evidence
across 4 across 3 across across only 1 was shown.
quarters quarters quarters quarter
Basic 12. Quality Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely No
Education Communicat showed showed showed showed acceptable
Services ed promptly prompt and prompt and prompt and prompt and evidence
and clearly clear clear clear clear was shown
the learners communicatio communicatio communicatio communicatio
needs n of the n of the n of the n of the
progress learners learners learners learners
and needs, needs, needs, needs,
achievement progress and progress and progress and progress and
to key stake achievements achievements achievements achievements
holders to key to key to key to key
including stakeholders, stakeholders, stakeholders, stakeholders,
parent/guard including including including including
ians. parents/guard parents/guard parents/guard parents/guard
7.5% ians as ians as ians as ians as
shown in the shown in the shown in the shown in the
submitted submitted submitted submitted
Efficiency Submitted a Submitted a Submitted a Submitted No
combination combination combination any 1 of the acceptable
of at least 4 of of 3 of the of 2 of the given MOV evidence
the acceptable acceptable was shown.
acceptable MOV MOV
Timeliness Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted No
MOV were MOV were MOV were MOV were acceptable
distributed distributed distributed distributed evidence
across 4 across 3 across across only 1 was shown.
quarters quarters quarters quarter
5. Plus 13.Perform Quality Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely No
Factor various performed performed performed performed acceptable
related various various various various evidence
works/activiti related related related related was shown.
es that work/activities work/activities work/activities work/activities
contribute to that that that that
the teaching contribute to contribute to contribute to contribute to
learning the teaching the teaching the teaching the teaching
process. learning learning learning learning
process as process as process as process as
10% shown in the shown in the shown in the shown in the
submitted submitted submitted submitted
Efficiency Submitted at Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted No
least 4 different kinds different kinds any 1of acceptable
different kinds of acceptable of acceptable accepted evidence
of acceptable MOV MOV MOV was shown