6.3 Plandenegocios México (38 Páginas)

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Importance of genetic considerations

in forest landscape restoration

Restoring forest landscapes is recognized as one of the
strategies for tackling some of the major environmental Why are genetic
problems of our time, notably climate change, loss of
biodiversity and desertification. The latest strategy of the considerations crucial
UN Convention on Biological Diversity (2011-2020) sets
the bold goal of restoring at least 15% of the world’s for success?
degraded ecosystems by 2020.
Using planting material that is adapted to the
The huge scale of this undertaking presents changing environmental conditions of a restoration
opportunities and risks. The restoration of vast areas of site is fundamental to ensure that the trees planted
wastelands that currently provide minimal economic today will become the healthy forests of tomorrow.
or ecological value to landscapes producing goods Tree populations need genetic variation for survival,
and environmental services represents an opportunity good growth and viability in the long term. Genetic
to increase our productive land area. However, to variation also enhances populations’ resistance
create these transformations requires addressing against acute and chronic stressors, such as pests
and overcoming risks of failure, many of which are and diseases and the effects of global warming.
associated with the qualities and the composition of
planting materials, and the processes needed to restore Inadequate consideration of the source of planting
a self-sustaining ecosystem. material has led many restoration projects to fail.
The widespread practice of collecting seed from
only a few trees is a well-known contributor to
Native tree species and such failures. It is also common to collect seed
from remaining forest patches near restoration
their diversity sites, but often these forests are too small or
fragmented to sustain viable tree populations.
The value of using native tree species in ecosystem When tree populations are small, mating among
restoration is receiving growing recognition among relatives increases, resulting in elevated inbreeding
practitioners and policymakers. Native species are rates. Inbred seed tends to produce seedlings, and
well-adapted to local environments and should support ultimately trees, that have reduced vigour and are
native biodiversity and ecosystem resilience to a greater vulnerable to pathogens and less able to survive
extent than would exotic planting material. new climatic conditions. Guidelines exist that
Bioversity International is a member describe how to carry out seed collection in a way
of the CGIAR Consortium. CGIAR is
a global research partnership for a However, restoration requires more than just planting that captures sufficient genetic diversity, but too
food secure future. the right species. The genetic composition of often they are not followed.
Bioversity International is reproductive material significantly affects the success
registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit
of restoration both in the short and the long term.
organization in the US and as a
registered charity in the UK Matching seed sources within species to site conditions
(no. 1131854) is essential for short term success.

www.bioversityinternational.org Photo: Women caring for tree seedlings in a nursery in Niger.

Credit: Bioversity International/L. Snook
What is needed? The way forward
The adoption of collection and propagation Bioversity International is dedicated to Bioversity International carries out
protocols that ensure the maintenance of creating awareness of the relevance and research and develops protocols for the
broad genetic variation in planting material role of tree genetic resources in ecosystem selection of reproductive material that is
needs to become mainstream practice. restoration and disseminating knowledge genetically diverse and adapted to the
to help practitioners and policymakers conditions of restoration sites, and to
Plant nurseries are key players in the take the right decisions regarding the monitor and evaluate the effectiveness
restoration process, but are often considered identity and quality of the most appropriate of restoration efforts in establishing
as simple service providers rather than planting material. genetically diverse tree populations, an
as fundamental partners responsible for indicator of long term ecosystem viability.
ensuring the genetic quality of planting Practitioners should promote resilience Several restoration methods hold promise
material. Inappropriate nursery management by choosing species and genetic diversity to create functioning ecosystems, but
can result in a drastic loss of genetic from sources that have similar conditions more research is needed to evaluate their
diversity, which compromises the potential to the restoration site and will restore effectiveness.
for future survival of trees. forests that provide food and fuel wood
for the local populations. To ensure Bioversity International is also committed
Monitoring tools and protocols that take that optimal material for the site and to working with policymakers to create
into account indicators of genetic diversity restoration objectives can be identified and enabling national policy environments that
in evaluation of the success of ecosystem produced, they need to work closely with provide adequate financial support and
restoration need to be developed. nurseries well before the intended planting foster long-term, ecologically-based forest
Traditionally, restoration success has been or seeding time to plan for the sourcing management, explicitly favouring genetic
measured by counting numbers of hectares of propagation material of the desired conservation and the use of native species
planted or calculating percentages of species and associated information. in ecosystem restoration. Bioversity
seedlings that survive till a certain age. Bioversity International supports capacity International seeks the development
Neither of these is an indicator of successful development of restoration practitioners of regulatory frameworks to guide the
restoration in the long term. A more holistic to increase the use of native tree species production and supply of propagation
approach is needed to evaluate the success with a broad genetic base by promoting material of native tree species and the
of restoration projects in establishing tree their awareness of best practices. use of sufficiently diverse material of
populations that are genetically diverse and appropriate origin in restoration efforts.
appropriate to the restoration site.

A synthesis of knowledge for scientists and practitioners

Bioversity International scientists coordinated the thematic study on ‘Genetic

considerations in ecosystem restoration using native tree species’ as an input to the
first report on The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources (2014) by the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The study reviews the scientific evidence on the role of genetic diversity in
maximizing seedling survival and the regeneration potential of future tree generations,
as well as in ensuring that restored forests are able to adapt to future biotic and
abiotic stresses. It also synthesizes information on current practices in ecosystem
restoration using native tree species and analyses how much attention is devoted
to genetic considerations in the selection of planting material. The study presents a
number of practical recommendations for researchers, policymakers and restoration
practitioners to maximize the potential for success in ecosystem restoration.

The thematic study can be downloaded from www.fao.org/3/a-i3938e.pdf

Contact us
Michele Bozzano
Research Support Officer,
Forest Genetic Resources
Bioversity International
[email protected]


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