Plant Conservation and The Sustainable Development Goals

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Plant Conservation and

the Sustainable
Development Goals:
a policy paper prepared for the
Global Partnership for Plant Conservation
Suzanne Sharrock,
Botanic Gardens Conservation International, UK,
Peter Wyse Jackson,
Missouri Botanical Garden, U.S.A.
The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), with its 16 plant conservation targets was originally
adopted by the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 2002. It was updated and revised
in 2010, with targets set to be achieved by 2020. The GSPC’s targets are output oriented, specific and
measurable. They address the conservation needs of wild plants as well as those of cultivated crops,
pastures and forests. Although it is generally acknowledged that greater progress has been made in
conserving threatened plants than would have been made without the GSPC, there is a continued lack
of mainstreaming plant conservation at the national level and a lack of comprehensive information on
which plants are threatened and where. With the GSPC reaching the end of its second phase in 2020, it is
important to consider how plant conservation can enhance its visibility and generate support in the future.
The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were
developed to succeed the Millennium Development Goals and were adopted in 2015 by the international
community through the United Nations. It is expected that the SDGs will shape the actions taken by
governments in the future. This paper reviews and highlights the contribution that plant conservation can
make to achieving the SDGs The SDG framework provides a helpful point of reference to demonstrate
the fundamental importance of plants for the planet, and importantly, if plant conservation is not achieved
then the achievement of these goals is put at risk, suggesting that the integration and mainstreaming of
biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration of degraded ecosystems and plant protection in particular,
are of fundamental importance to the achievement of sustainability on the planet.

This paper was presented and reviewed at a conference of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation on the theme ‘Plant Conservation and the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ held on 28–29 June 2016, organised by the Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, U.S.A. and held in collaboration
with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) and Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)

The photographs in this paper were taken by staff and associates of the Missouri Botanical Garden and reflect various aspects of the Garden’s global
conservation and capacity building work. The locations and programs represented include Madagascar, Peru, Vietnam, and Turkey. For more information
about science and conservation at Missouri Botanical Garden, please visit

2 Plant Conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals 3

Background— National responses few countries have done this and specific plant conservation
activities continue to be poorly integrated into national
the need for a focus on plants Although the GSPC targets had proved very successful in
biodiversity policies. The resulting inadequate linkages
The publication of the 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened stimulating individual institutional action and taking forward
between on-the-ground plant conservation actions and
Plants which documented almost 34,000 plant species plant conservation aims, relatively few Parties developed
governmental reporting processes means that inspiring
(12.5% of the world’s known vascular flora at that time) national responses to the GSPC in the form of national
activities and encouraging progress towards GSPC targets
under threat globally was a key milestone in raising plant conservation strategies or the development of national
are often not fully captured in national biodiversity reports.
awareness of the crisis facing the world’s plant diversity. targets. Most Parties sought to achieve plant conservation
By 1999, expert botanists were warning that as many as within the context of their National Biodiversity Strategies The reasons for this lack of mainstreaming of the GSPC
two-thirds of the world’s plant species could be in danger of and Action Plans. This often indicated a continued lack of targets are not entirely clear. It may be in part because
extinction in the 21st century. This led to a resolution from ‘mainstreaming’ of plant conservation at the national level. much plant conservation action is undertaken within the
the XVI International Botanical Congress in St Louis, USA non-governmental and academic sectors (universities
In the lead up to 2010, consultations with the Parties
calling for a new international initiative for plant conservation. etc.), and also because national biodiversity conservation
As a result, a draft plant conservation strategy was prepared
Benefits of a target-driven approach revealed continued support for the GSPC and a desire to
efforts are often managed by environmental, forestry and
At the time of its adoption, the GSPC represented the take an updated set of GSPCs targets forward to 2020.
by the botanical community in consultation with a range of agricultural ministries, that may lack a specific botanical
only set of internationally agreed targets for biodiversity However at the same time, the CBD’s Strategic Plan for
international and national stakeholders. This became the focus or expertise. Such governmental bodies often prefer
conservation (Wyse Jackson, 2001). It provided a framework Biodiversity and its associated Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), with its 16 to concentrate on protected areas development and
for action that was rapidly adopted by many botanical were also under development. In 2010, an updated GSPC
targets to be achieved by 2010. In 2002 the GSPC was management and the biodiversity legislative and regulatory
institutions (particularly botanic gardens) and other plant was adopted, and in an effort to give greater focus to plant
adopted unanimously by the Parties to the Convention on framework. It may also be in part because many Parties do
conservation orientated organisations. The GSPC acted as conservation at the national level, it was emphasised that
Biological Diversity (CBD), marking the first ever adoption not specifically connect the importance of plant conservation
an accessible entry point for many individual institutions to the GSPC should be implemented within the framework
of international targets for biodiversity conservation by the to national economic development priorities or even to
engage with the CBD, highlighting where and how individual of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and that the GSPC
global community. In 2010, the CBD Parties adopted revised general environmental protection efforts.
plant conservation actors could contribute to the broader targets should be incorporated into updated and revised
and updated targets to 2020 (Annex 1).
biodiversity agenda. National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).
The scope of the GSPC To date, however, with some notable exceptions, relatively
The targets provided a clear focus for activities and
The GSPC’s 16 targets, while wide-ranging and broad-based,
stimulated the development of new and innovative
also aimed to be output oriented, specific and measurable.
approaches in an effort to achieve them. Institutions with
The targets required both species and habitat-based actions,
a particular interest in plant taxonomy, such as the Royal
considering both natural and managed landscapes. They
Botanic Gardens Kew and the Missouri Botanical Garden,
addressed the conservation needs of wild plants as well as
focused on Target 1 and in 2010 they were able to launch
those of cultivated crops, pastures and forests. The GSPC
the Plant List—the first ever synonymised list of the world’s
targets also addressed the sustainable use of plant genetic
plant species. Plantlife International focused its efforts on
resources, linking the GSPC to human livelihood issues
Target 5 (Important Plant Areas), while Target 8 was widely
and the achievement of other related international targets
adopted by botanic gardens around the world as a target
and goals. Supporting actions related to education, public
for individual and collective ex situ conservation efforts,
awareness, networking and capacity building. While the
monitored by Botanic Gardens Conservation International.
targets were adopted as a ‘flexible framework’ to guide
national approaches to plant conservation, it was recognised By 2010, it was clear that the GSPC had been successful
that achievement of the targets at the global level would in mobilising the botanical community around a common
require a unique combination of actions at both national and theme involving some, if not all the GSPC targets. It was
international levels. In adopting the GSPC, Parties to the also generally acknowledged that significantly more progress
CBD were encouraged to adopt GSPC-related targets at the had been made in many areas of plant conservation than if
national level. the GSPC had not been there.

4 Plant Conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals 5

With the GSPC reaching the end of its second phase in Plant conservation and the 2030
2020, it is important to consider how plant conservation
Sustainable Development Agenda
can enhance its visibility and generate support in the future.
In a world where countries are committed to achieving an The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and associated
increasingly complex array of strategies and agreements, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were developed
careful consideration needs to be given to determining to succeed the Millennium Development Goals and were
what will be the best approach to ensuring successful adopted in 2015 by the international community through the
plant conservation outcomes in the post-2020 era. Clearly United Nations. With 17 goals and 169 targets, the SDGs
a review is required of whether continuing with a separate recognise the inter-relationships between human development
strategy for plants is the best or only approach. Could such and the environmental, economic, social and political context
a strategy be more effectively linked to the achievement of in which it occurs. It is expected that the SDGs will shape the
other targets and strategies? If the approach going forward actions taken by governments in the future.
is radically changed from the current framework, and the To this end, the remainder of this paper is devoted to
GSPC is not extended, would it put at risk the current reviewing and highlighting the contribution that plant
engagement of so many botanical institutions with the CBD? conservation can make to achieving the SDGs –both in
Could it jeopardise some of the gains already made? The general terms for each Goal and as a specific contribution to
Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and Aichi Biodiversity Targets individual targets under the Goals.
have made some progress in mainstreaming biodiversity
concerns into broader societal, economic and development It is notable that some aspects of plant use, sustainability
processes. Of particular note has been the way that and plant conservation are highlighted by particular SDGs
This is particularly concerning at a time when reports biodiversity issues have been linked with and incorporated that are not currently specifically addressed in the GSPC.
The current situation
indicate that at least one in five plant species are threatened into the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted through
A review of progress towards the GSPC target was carried An overview of links between the GSPC targets, the Aichi
with extinction and only 5% of all plant species have been the United Nations in September 2015. Reframing the
in 2014 (Sharrock et al.), indicating that only Target 1 (A targets and SDGs is provided in Annex 2.
assessed for their conservation status at the global level GSPC in the context of these Goals and reaffirming the
World Flora Online) was on track to be achieved by 2020. links between human sustainability and plant conservation
(RBG Kew, 2016). Therefore, despite 14 years of having
However, progress is being made towards most of the other may be the best option going forward, particularly if CBD
a specific conservation strategy in place for plants, and
targets, but not at a sufficient rate to achieve the targets by implementation after 2020 adopts a similar approach.
one which has been adopted by almost all of the world’s
2020. Concern was expressed by the Parties over the lack
governments, large gaps still exist in our information on
of progress, particularly with respect to Targets 7 (in situ
which species are most at risk and therefore where, and on
conservation), 10 (invasive species) and 15 (capacity building).
what species to focus conservation action.
The review indicated that having a specific plant-focused
While we can point to a diverse array of excellent plant
strategy in place has been successful at some levels. It has
conservation tools, methodologies, approaches, procedures
provided a focus for action at institutional and, in some cases,
and initiatives, many of which were developed during the
at national levels. It has brought the plant conservation and
lifetime of the GSPC ( efforts to apply
botanical community together and allowed common goals
them at national and local levels has been, at best, patchy.
and targets to be developed across this community.
It is perhaps the failure of the achievement of GSPC targets
Nevertheless, because the GSPC has not been widely on education and awareness of plants and their value to
acknowledged and implemented at the national level, humanity, present and in the future, that has led to continued
plants are still neglected in the broader biodiversity and difficulties in raising the profile and support for urgent plant
sustainability debate. Lack of available data compared conservation globally.
to other components of biodiversity (mammals, birds,
amphibians etc.) means that plants are rarely used as
indicators of the status of biodiversity and policy makers and
the public generally remain blind to the fate of plants.

6 Plant Conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals 7

SDG 1 Possible plant conservation actions towards SDG 1 of genes from wild plants, particularly crop wild relatives, will Other recorded health benefits of plants relate to the positive
could include: be essential in achieving SDG Target 2.4. A gap analysis of psychological impacts they have. Studies have shown that
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
• Studies and model demonstration projects, the coverage of CWR in genebanks as a baseline has been the presence of plants in hospital recovery rooms and/or
Millions of people around the world depend directly on particularly at community levels, to illustrate, validate completed, but more work is need for other wild plants. views of aesthetically-pleasing gardens help patients to heal
wild plant resources for at least part of their livelihoods, and evaluate the contribution of wild plants to faster. It has also been shown that spending time in nature
be it for food, medicine, building materials, fuelwood Target 2.5 is a crucial entry point for botanic gardens to
human livelihoods in order to inform policy makers. is associated with a positive mood, psychological well-being
or financial income. This is especially true of those contribute to the SDGs, through their ex situ collections.
• Carry out threat assessments of socio-economically and vitality.
living in poverty, particularly in the rural regions of many important wild plants to guide conservation action. Possible plant conservation actions towards SDG 2
developing countries. Natural habitats and the wild plants include: While there is no specific Target under SDG 3 that relates to
• Assist indigenous people and local communities to
they contain often provide the backstop for communities • Complete a review of the status of ex situ plant plant conservation, the conservation and sustainable use of
document and safeguard traditional knowledge and
against famine, shortage or poverty, and play vital roles in collections and the distribution of seed banks medicinal plants clearly contribute to the overall goal.
practices so that they remain available to support
supporting livelihoods and well-being. Rarely, however, is sustainable plant use. around the world. The possible actions under SDG 1 would be relevant here.
local community use of wild plant resources managed in a • Further research on the conservation of genetic
sustainable manner, so that the resources on which they SDG 2 diversity of species, linking plant conservation, SDG 4
rely, particularly in times of greatest need, are often being End hunger, achieve food security agriculture and forestry. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality
lost. The impacts of climate change and population growth and improved nutrition and promote • Work towards the achievement of GSPC Targets 8 education and promote lifelong learning
both effects greatly in such situations, making a difficult and sustainable agriculture and 9.
dangerous situation often even more critical.
opportunities for all
Plant diversity, in the form of crop species and varieties,
SDG 3 Environmental education and education for conservation,
Nevertheless, wild plant diversity used sustainably provides provides the majority of the world’s people’s needs for ecological restoration and sustainable development is
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-
a wide range of options to reduce poverty. As an indication food, as well as supplying a vast range of other crop and a key activity for many organisations involved in plant
cultivated resources for such purposes as fuel, medicines,
being for all at all ages
of the value of wild plant resources, wood removals from conservation. Of particular relevance is Target 4.7:
forests have been valued at just over US$100 billion annually fibres, timbers, ornament and much more. With plants being This Goal is closely related to Goals 1 and 2, with sustainable
between 2003 and 2007, with around two-thirds of all the basis of food systems around the world, access to plant income and good health being components of general Target 4.7: By 2030, ensure that all learners
diversity is an essential factor in ensuring improved nutrition well-being. While access to plant diversity can contribute to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote
harvested timber coming from natural or semi-natural forests
and sustainable agriculture. well-being through opportunities for poverty alleviation and sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles,
(FAO, 2010). The cosmetics and perfumery trade is another
ensuring food security, it also contributes to healthy lives. It including among others, through education for
major user of wild plant resources with global sales in 2011
Of particular relevance to plant conservation activities are is well known that many plants are used either directly as sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles,
for the ‘natural cosmetics’ sector of the personal care
two targets: medicines, or form the basis of derived medicines. Indeed it is human rights, gender equity, promotion of a culture
industry valued at some US$26.3 billion. The new market
of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and
segment for ‘natural’ or ‘botanical’ ingredients is growing in Target 2.4: By 2030, ensure sustainable food estimated that one in eight plants (around 45–50,000 species)
have a medicinal use. According to the UN’s Comtrade appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s
Europe by 20% each year. production systems and implement resilient agricultural
database (,in 2012, global contribution to sustainable development.
practices that increase productivity and production,
It is of course essential to ensure that it is the poor and most that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen exports of plants whose use was primarily pharmaceutical
While there are many organisations involved in delivering
vulnerable that benefit from the use of wild plant resources. capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme were valued at US$2.2 billion, while in 2000, global sales of
education for sustainable development, there is a need to
Issues such as land ownership and equitable and fair weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that herbal products were valued at US$60 billion (WHO, 2003).
ensure that the role of plants in underpinning sustainability is
access to resources therefore need to be addressed. Strict progressively improve land and soil quality Although the majority of commercial material in international
included in such programmes.
conservation measures that aim to protect wild areas from trade comes from cultivated sources, both international
overuse may in practice exclude local people from access Target 2.5: By 2020, maintain the genetic
diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and
trade and unsustainable local use put wild medicinal plant SDG 5
to important plant resources, about which they may often resources under pressure. In India for example, around
domesticated animals and their related wild species, Achieve gender equality and empower all
hold important traditional knowledge and have developed 90% of the medicinal plants used by the country’s health
including through soundly managed and diversified women and girls
long-term customary uses. This is addressed through Target industry are harvested from the wild and 315 of the 6,560
1.4 of Goal 1: seed and plant banks at the national, regional and There are no targets under this Goal that are specifically
known medicinal species are threatened with extinction
international levels, and promote access to and related to plant conservation. However, initiatives focused
Target 1.4: By 2030, ensure that all men and (Indian Ministry of Environment and Forests, 2014). Plants
fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from on community-based plant conservation clearly have to
women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, are also a vastly underexplored resource for bioactive
the utilization of genetic resources and associated address gender issues. Efforts must be made to ensure
have equal rights to economic resources, as well as chemical compounds that could potentially become drugs or
traditional knowledge, as internationally agreed. gender integration into all relevant projects and to support
access to basic services, ownership and control over compounds for drug development (Miller, 2011).
Significant efforts are already underway to ensure the the empowerment of girls and women wherever possible.
land and other forms of poverty, inheritance, natural conservation of plant diversity, through the implementation
resources, appropriate new technology and financial of GSPC Targets 8 and 9, with these targets being directly
services, including micro-finance. relevant to the achievement of SDG Target 2.5. The deployment

8 Plant Conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals 9

FAO has developed a ‘Forests and Water—five year action grown in association with food crops, for example on field This is closely linked to SDG 12 (Sustainable consumption
plan’ which aims to increase international action to address edges or as shade. This approach is being developed at and production) and relates to work on the sustainable
forest-water interactions in science, policy, economics the Hassan Biofuels Park in India where it is leading a shift use of plant resources. The focus for addressing this goal
and forest practices. Knowledge of tree species diversity towards pro-poor, community-based biofuel production from a plant conservation perspective is on increasing the
and species-level management would make a valuable (Balakrishna et al., 2014). body of knowledge on sustainable levels of harvesting for
contribution to the science goal of the Action Plan. Possible plant conservation actions towards SDG 7 species that are harvested from the wild and promoting the
Possible plant conservation actions towards SDG 6 • Evaluate and promote the use of indigenous oil- use of sustainable harvesting certification schemes such as
• Share knowledge on tree species diversity and producing and other biomass species for small- “FairWild”.
work to deepen the understanding of forest-water scale, community-level energy production.
interactions under multiple climate change scenarios • Ensure sustainable use of firewood by providing
Build resilient infrastructure, promote
• Undertake and promote watershed restoration training on species selection and providing
studies and projects that incorporate diverse native sustainable alternative species that can be
inclusive and sustainable industrialisation
SDG 6 plant usage cultivated.
and foster innovation
Ensure availability and sustainable This goal includes a target on scientific research:
management of water and sanitation for all SDG 7
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, Target 9.5: Enhance scientific research, upgrade
Sustainable forest management and ecological restoration the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all
sustainable and modern energy for all countries, in particular developing countries, including
of degraded ecosystems are essential to ensure the supply
of good-quality fresh water, provide protection from natural Trees and other plants provide an essential source of energy by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially
hazards such as flooding or soil erosion and to protect for many communities. Based on the Renewable Energy increasing the number of research and development
the needs of aquatic species. According to FAO, forested Policy Network for the 21st Century’s (REN21) 2016 report, workers per 1 million people and public and private
watersheds and wetlands supply 75 per cent of the world’s traditional biomass is the most important single source research and development spending.
accessible fresh water for domestic, agricultural, industrial of renewable energy globally, providing 9% of total global
energy supplies in 2015. Furthermore, over two billion Research on plants provides many opportunities for
and ecological needs (FAO, 2016).
people depend on energy from wood collected from natural innovation and technological development. Areas such as
Protecting forests also helps ensure a supply of safe, clean forests for cooking and/or heating, particularly in developing biomimicry and bioremediation provide clear examples,
water for the inhabitants of some of the world’s largest countries. Many wild plant species and/or the genes they and efforts should be made to promote such research.
cities. About one-third of the world’s largest cities obtain a contain hold potential for development as future biomass Biotechnology, using genes derived from wild species and
significant proportion of their drinking water from forested crops, including some species that occur in marginal or arid crop wild relatives, is also a growth area of endeavour.
protected areas. For example, New York City invested lands or wetlands.
nearly US$2 billion in restoring the watershed in the nearby
SDG 10
Catskills where water for the city was sourced, realizing that The use of renewable energy is promoted in Target 7.2: Reduce inequalities within and between
ensuring that water entered the city unpolluted was three Target 7.2: By 2030, increase substantially the SDG 8 countries
times less expensive than treating polluted water. Today, the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. Promote sustained, inclusive and There are no clear links between this goal and plant
Catskills not only provided New York City with clean water sustainable economic growth, full and conservation and no specific targets to which plant
but are widely enjoyed for outdoor recreation. Although biofuels and biomass are important sources of productive employment and decent work conservation activities could make a contribution, although
renewable energy, implementation of bioenergy programmes for all technology transfer, technical assistance, international
However, the contributions of forests in providing clean has attracted considerable controversy. Biofuels have networking and capacity building are all areas where
water depends to a large extent on individual conditions, This goal is related to sustainable consumption and
been implicated in ‘food for fuel’ controversies, food price botanical institutions can play a part (also see SDG 17).
tree species and age, soil types, climate, management production through Target 8.4:
increases, loss of access to land through ‘land grabbing’
regimes and needs from the catchment. Climate change and loss of biodiversity through conversion of natural Target 8.4: Improve progressively, through
is expected to have an impact on water catchment areas, ecosystems to biofuel plantations. 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption
affecting both the timing and volume of rainfall. and production and endeavour to decouple
While the development of large-scale industrial biomass economic growth from environmental degradation,
The importance of forests and other ecosystems in the and biofuel production has an important role to play in in accordance with the 10-year framework of
provision of water is recognised in Target 6.6: sustainable energy provision, the real strengths of using programmes on sustainable consumption and
plants for energy is that they can be grown in a wide variety
Target 6.6: By 2020, protect and restore water- production, with developed countries taking the lead.
of situations and thousands of different species can be used.
related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, This allows the opportunity, for example, to create ‘Energy
wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes. Gardens’ for small-scale farms using indigenous species

10 Plant Conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals 11

SDG 11 Suggested action: SDG 13 Possible plant conservation actions towards SDG 13
• Promote the establishment and development of • Develop guidelines to help countries integrate
Make cities and human settlements Take urgent action to combat climate
botanic gardens in urban areas where they are appropriate plant diversity management strategies
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable change and its impacts1
lacking to provide botanical resources centres, as into national climate change adaptation planning.
There are two targets within this goal that are particularly well as public spaces for the local community. Plants, being major regulators of global climate, are of • Ensuring that genetically diverse ex situ collections
relevant to plant conservation activities: • Promote greening of urban spaces to reduce rainfall particular importance with respect to climate change. The of climate change vulnerable species are developed
uptake of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis is the major
Target 11.4: Strengthen efforts to protect and runoff, provide shade and promote positive mental and maintained as sources for economic usage as
health. Actions could include rooftop gardens, urban pathway by which carbon is removed from the atmosphere well as to support ecological restoration and species
safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.
tree planning and greening of abandoned brown fields. and made available to humans and animals for growth recovery.
Target 11.7: By 2030, provide universal access and development. Forests are especially important, acting • Restore forests to sequester carbon.
to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public as major carbon sinks by soaking up carbon dioxide and
spaces, in particular for women and children, older storing it as biomass. Conversely, the on-going destruction SDG 14
persons and persons with disabilities. of tropical rainforests is a major source of carbon emissions. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans,
With respect to Target 11.4, unique plant diversity is clearly
The management of plant diversity will have implications seas and marine resources for sustainable
both for mitigating climate change as well as for adaptation. development
part of the world’s natural heritage and protecting important
areas for plant diversity (including Important Plant Areas [IPAs] It is also clear that the survival of tens of thousands of plant Target 14.2 of this Goal is of relevance to plant
and other protected areas, such as national parks and nature species worldwide will be put at risk through the impacts of conservation activity:
reserves) will directly contribute to achieving this target. So far, climate change. New plant conservation efforts addressing
more than 1,700 IPAs have been identified globally, but very these threats will be required, together with more research
Target 14.2: By 2020, sustainably manage and
few have adequate protection (RBG Kew, 2016). protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid
undertaken on the impacts of climate change on many wild
significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening
plants, populations and their ecosystems.
Beyond site recognition, the most pressing need is to move their resilience, and take action for their restoration in
towards protection and/or sustainable management of IPAs. SDG 12 order to achieve healthy and productive oceans.
Relevant targets under this goal are:
One in four European IPAs currently has no legal protection, Ensure sustainable consumption and
many have no active management plan and a significant production patterns Target 13.2: Integrate climate change measures The conservation and restoration of mangroves and other
into national policies, strategies and planning. coastal and near-shore ecosystems are clearly important
number are imminently threatened. Plant conservation activities clearly have a role to play in
Target 13.3: Improve education, awareness- here and are addressed through GSPC Target 4.
contributing to this goal and are mainly related to two targets:
Possible plant conservation actions towards SDG 11
raising and human and institutional capacity on
• Continue to identify IPAS and put in place plans to Target 12.2: By 2030, achieve the sustainable SDG 15
climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact
ensure their conservation (GSPC Target 5) management and efficient use of natural resources.
reduction and early warning.
Protect, restore and promote sustainable
Target 12.8: By 2030, ensure that people use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
With respect to Target 11.7, botanic gardens and arboreta
everywhere have the relevant information and All else being equal, ecosystems with greater plant manage forests, combat desertification
provide green and public spaces for residents in many
awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles diversity have a greater capacity to adapt to changing and halt and reverse land degradation
of the world’s major cities. Efforts are on-going by many
in harmony with nature. conditions. Thus, any management strategy that maintains and halt biodiversity loss.
such gardens to increase their social role and engage with
or restores the diversity of an ecosystem will have the
diverse and ‘hard-to-reach’ audiences. The benefits of Plant conservation activities are highly relevant to all
These targets also relate to Targets 4.7 and 8.4. effect of enhancing its resilience. Other key climate change
botanic gardens over municipal parks and gardens include the targets under this Goal. Table 1 shows how the
management strategies may include: removing barriers to
the multidisciplinary teams engaged in such gardens All activities related to the implementation of the sustainable implementation of GSPC targets will contribute to the targets
plant migration; afforestation to condition soils, improve
(horticulturists, researchers, educators, taxonomists, use targets of the GSPC (especially GSPC Targets 11 and of SDG 15.
water infiltration and provide shade; managing pollinator
ethnobotanists, conservation biologists etc.) and the 12) are of importance here and efforts should be made to
and seed dispersal agents; managing forests in order to
consequent ability to engage in many aspects of sustainable ensure that such activities continue in the future.
reduce the potential for forest fires; managing water to
urban life. As well as providing green public spaces, botanic
Possible plant conservation actions towards SDG 12: address unpredictable rainfall; restoring degraded areas
gardens can promote and advise on tree planting and
• Continue to support activities to ensure that all wild and removing stresses due to non-climatic effects, such as
tree health for cities, conservation of urban biodiversity,
harvested plants and plant-based products are invasive species.
ecological restoration, sustainable horticulture and urban
sourced sustainably
gardening, management of invasive species and so on.

The SDGs acknowledge that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum
for negotiating the global response to climate change.

12 Plant Conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals 13

Table 1: Relationship between the targets of SDG 15 and the targets of the GSPC SDG 16 Next steps
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies
SDG 15 Target GSPC Target Evidence-based policy making
for sustainable development, provide The sustainable management and use of plant
15.1: By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of Target 4: At least 15 per cent of each ecological region or vegetation type access to justice for all and build effective, diversity underpins a number of the SDGs and this
terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular secured through effective management and/or restoration
forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under accountable and inclusive institutions at provides an opportunity to clearly define the links
international agreements Target 5: At least 75 per cent of the most important areas for plant diversity all levels between plants and human well-being.
of each ecological region protected with effective management in place for
conserving plants and their genetic diversity There are no clear links between this goal and plant
Targeted global research could provide the scientific
15.2: By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management Target 4: At least 15 per cent of each ecological region or vegetation type conservation and no specific targets to which plant
of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and secured through effective management and/or restoration evidence of these linkages and be used to support
conservation activities could make a contribution.
substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally environmental policy decisions that ensure plants are
15.3: By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil,
including land affected by desertification, drought and floods and strive to
Target 4: At least 15 per cent of each ecological region or vegetation type
secured through effective management and/or restoration
SDG 17 recognised in the global poverty reduction arena.
achieve a land degradation-neutral world Strengthen the means of implementation
15.4: By 2030, ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including Target 4: At least 15 per cent of each ecological region or vegetation type and revitalize the Global Partnership for In order to measure progress towards the SDGs and their
their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that secured through effective management and/or restoration Sustainable Development associated targets, indicators will be required. Some of
are essential for sustainable development
15.5: Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural Target 2: An assessment of the conservation status of all known plant The Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC), these have already been identified, but many gaps remain.
habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the species, as far as possible to guide conservation action founded in 2004 to support worldwide implementation of Even where indicators do exist, these are not always
extinction of threatened species
Target 5: At least 75 per cent of the most important areas for plant diversity
the GSPC, is itself an example of a global partnership to comprehensive.
of each ecological region protected with effective management in place for support sustainable development. A number of targets are
For example, for Target 15.1, two indicators have been
conserving plants and their genetic diversity of particular relevance:
Target 7: At least 75 per cent of known threatened plant species conserved • Indicator 15.1.1: Forest area as a proportion of total
in situ Target 17.6 Enhance North-South, South-South
and triangular regional and international cooperation land area
Target 8: At least 75 per cent of threatened plant species in ex situ • Indicator 15.1.2: Proportion of important sites for
collections, preferably in the country of origin, and at least 20 per cent on and access to science, technology and innovation
available for recovery and restoration programmes and enhance knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered
15.6: Promote fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the terms, including through improved coordination by protected areas, by ecosystem type.
utilization of genetic resources and promote appropriate access to such
among existing mechanisms, in particular at the In the case of Indicator 15.1.2, data are proposed from
resources, as internationally agreed
United Nations level, and through a global technology WCMC—the World Database of Protected Areas, Birdlife
15.7: Take urgent action to end poaching and trafficking of protected Target 11: No species of wild flora endangered by international trade
species of flora and fauna and address both demand and supply of illegal facilitation mechanism. (Important Bird Areas) and the Alliance for Zero Extinction.
wildlife products Target 12: All wild harvested plant-based products sourced sustainably
Target 17.9 Enhance international support for Important Plant Areas are not included in the analysis and
15.8: By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and Target 10: Effective management plans in place to prevent new biological
significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water invasions and to manage important areas for plant diversity that are invaded implementing effective and targeted capacity-building therefore progress, or lack of it in this area, will not be
ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species
in developing countries to support national plans to obvious to governments and policy makers.
15.9: By 2020, integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and
local planning, development processes, poverty reduction strategies and
implement all the Sustainable Development Goals, Indicators relating to areas of land subject to ecological
accounts including through North-South, South-South and restoration activities, particularly when these fall outside the
triangular cooperation. scope of national protected areas, may also be a valuable
new indicator for development or consideration.

As many of the SDG targets lack indicators, this might

provide an opportunity to develop and make available global
plant-related datasets to support relevant indicators. This
approach was also highlighted at the last GSPC Liaison
Group meeting (June 2015) with the recommendation:

14 Plant Conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals 15

Conclusion Literature cited
The Sustainable Development Goals can certainly provide an important Aronson, J., S.J. Milton & J. Blignaut (editors). 2007. Restoring Natural Capital: Science, Business and Practice. Island Press,
reference point for plant conservation and the achievement of the GSPC Washington, DC.
targets up to and beyond 2020 and can play a valuable and sometimes a
Balakrishna, G., K. T. Prasanna, G. C. Vijaya Kumar, C. Haleshi & K. Rajesh Kumar. 2014. Hassan Biofuel Park—A concept
central role in helping the achievement of several goals.
for promotion of replenishable green energy. BGjournal 11(1): 23–26.
The SDG framework may also provide a helpful point of reference
FAO. 2010. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 Main Report. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United
to demonstrate the fundamental importance of plants for the planet,
Nations, Rome. Accessed 7 November 2016.
contributing to the achievement of sustainable development, helping to
alleviate poverty, providing new sustainable livelihoods and contributing to FAO Forest and Water Programme. Accessed 7 November
human wellbeing. 2016.
Importantly, if plant conservation is not achieved then the world puts at Indian Ministry of Environment and Forests. 2014. India’s 5th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity p27.
greater risk the achievement of these goals, suggesting that the integration Accessed 7 November 2016.
and mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration of
degraded ecosystems and plant protection in particular, are of fundamental Miller, J. S. 2011. Nature’s Potential: How Many Drugs Could Come From Plants? Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.
importance to the achievement of sustainability on the planet. 118: 125–140.

It is clear that plant resources and wild habitats will require increasingly RBG Kew. 2016. The State of the World’s Plants Report—2016. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.
active management, including protection of remaining natural and semi-
Renewable Energy Network. 2016. Renewables 2016, Global Status Report.
natural lands, as well as ecological restoration and more broadly, the
global-status-report/. Accessed 7 November 2016
restoration of natural capital, which includes ecological restoration,
ecological and economic rehabilitation of production systems and related Sharrock, S., S. Oldfield & O. Wilson. 2014. Plant Conservation Report 2014: A review of progress in implementing the Global
activities. Safeguarding the components of biodiversity, both in situ and Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada and
ex situ will also play a part in ensuring that not only does this biodiversity Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Richmond, UK. Technical Series No 81.
remain available to support present-day and future use, but also that such
biodiversity will be available for restoration and management purposes. UN COMTRADE database. Accessed 7 November 2016.

“To provide additional Over the coming years it will be valuable for botanical institutions to further WHO. 2003. WHO Guidelines on Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) for Medicinal Plants.
define their roles in SDG achievement and promote greater awareness and medicinedocs/en/d/Js4928e/. Accessed 7 November 2016.
guidance on global data support for plant conservation within this new framework and priorities for
Wyse Jackson, P. S. 2001. The needs for targets in the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Pp. 1–4.
sets relevant to global development.
In: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2001). Assessment, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest
the targets of the Redefining the objectives and targets of the GSPC up to 2030 will be Biodiversity. (CBD Technical Series no. 3.), SCBD, Montreal, Canada, P 130.
an essential part in continuing to mobilize thousands of institutions and
Strategy and related Aichi organisations throughout the world, as well as the thousands of scientists,
Biodiversity Targets citizen scientists, ecologists, horticulturists, educators and activists within
them, to continue support the objectives and work programmes of the
to facilitate national Convention on Biological Diversity, closely aligned with the Sustainable
reporting on those issues.” Development Agenda and its Goals as well as the United Nations
Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

16 Plant Conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals 17

Annex 1: The 2020 targets of the Global Objective III: Plant diversity is used in a Annex 2: Links between the Sustainable Development Goals and targets, the GSPC
Strategy for Plant Conservation sustainable and equitable manner targets and the Aichi Targets
Target 11: No species of wild flora endangered by
Objective I: Plant diversity is well SDG Relevant SDG target Link to plant GSPC Aichi target
international trade.
understood, documented and recognized
Target 12: A
 ll wild harvested plant-based products sourced
conservation target
Target 1: An online flora of all known plants. 1. No poverty 1.4…access and control over… Poorest populations are most dependant 13 18—Traditional
sustainably. natural resources on wild plant resources – food, medicine, knowledge respected
Target 2: A
 n assessment of the conservation status of all timber, fuel etc.
Target 13: Indigenous and local knowledge innovations
known plant species, as far as possible, to guide 2. No hunger 2.4…sustainable food production Biodiversity is the foundation of sustainable 6, 8, 9 7—Sustainable
and practices associated with plant resources,
conservation action. systems… agriculture & contributes to food security. agriculture, aquaculture
maintained or increased, as appropriate, to and forestry
Target 3: Information, research and associated outputs, and 2.5…maintain genetic diversity of
support customary use, sustainable livelihoods, seeds, cultivated plants…
methods necessary to implement the Strategy local food security and health care. 3. Good health Plants are the basis of many traditional and
developed and shared. modern medicines
Objective IV: Education and awareness 4. Quality education 4.7…all learners have the Learning about the importance of plants 14 1—Awareness increased
Objective II: Plant diversity is urgently and about plant diversity, its role in sustainable knowledge and skills needed to is part of education for sustainable
effectively conserved livelihoods and importance to all life on promote sustainable development… development

Target 4: A
 t least 15 per cent of each ecological region earth is promoted 5. Gender equality Community plant conservation projects
must address gender issues
or vegetation type secured through effective Target 14: T
 he importance of plant diversity and the 6. C
 lean water and 6.6 Protect and restore water- Plant diversity (especially forests) help 4 14—Ecosystem services
management and/or restoration. need for its conservation incorporated into sanitation related ecosystems…. provide clean water

Target 5: A
 t least 75 per cent of the most important areas communication, education and public awareness 7. Renewable energy 7.2…increase share of renewable Plants are an essential source of renewable
energy energy
for plant diversity of each ecological region programmes.
8. G
 ood jobs and 8.4…decouple economic growth Research is needed to identify sustainable 12 4—Sustainable
protected with effective management in place for
conserving plants and their genetic diversity.
Objective V: The capacities and public economic growth from environmental degradation harvesting levels for socioeconomic
important species
consumption and
engagement necessary to implement the 9. Innovation and 9.5 Enhance scientific research… Plant-based research can lead to innovation
Target 6: A
 t least 75 per cent of production lands in each
sector managed sustainably, consistent with the Strategy have been developed infrastructure and development.
10. Reduced inequalities
conservation of plant diversity. Target 15: T
 he number of trained people working with
11. Sustainable cities and 11.4…protect natural heritage Important plant areas are important areas of 5 11—Protected areas
Target 7: A
 t least 75 per cent of known threatened plant appropriate facilities sufficient according to communities natural heritage
11.7…universal access to green
species conserved in situ. national needs, to achieve the targets of this and public spaces Urban botanic gardens with enhanced
Strategy. accessibility will address this target 14
Target 8: A
 t least 75 per cent of threatened plant species
in ex situ collections, preferably in the country Target 16: Institutions, networks and partnerships for 12. Responsible 12.2…sustainable management of Support needed for the sustainable use of 6, 11, 12 4—Sustainable
consumption natural resources plant diversity consumption and
of origin, and at least 20 per cent available for plant conservation established or strengthened 14 production
12.8…people have relevant Education for sustainable development
recovery and restoration programmes. at national, regional and international levels to 1. Awareness
information for sustainable
achieve the targets of this Strategy. increased
Target 9: S
 eventy per cent of the genetic diversity of crops
13. Climate action 13.2 Integrate measures into Plants are major regulators of global climate 14
including their wild relatives and other socio- national policies and are involved in both mitigation and
economically valuable plant species conserved, 13.3 Improve education and
while respecting, preserving and maintaining awareness… Education for sustainable development
associated indigenous and local knowledge. 14. Life below water 14.2…manage and protect… Plants such as mangroves are important in 4 10—Protection of coral
coastal ecosystems coastal areas reefs…
Target 10: E
 ffective management plans in place to prevent
15. Life on land All targets Plant diversity supports all life on land 2, 4, 5, 7, 2, 5, 10, 12, 14, 15,
new biological invasions and to manage 8, 10, 11, 16, 17
important areas for plant diversity that are 12

invaded. 16. Peace and justice

17. Partnership for the 17.6…enhance…international Plant conservation organisations are well 15, 16 19. Knowledge
Goals cooperation…on science, networked and work together at various improved, shared and
technology… levels applied
17.9…enhance international
support for…capacity building…

18 Plant Conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals 19

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