Programme Moving Up
Programme Moving Up
Programme Moving Up
Lhesly B. Binongo
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Southern Leyte
Thank You District of San Francisco
I. II. Habay, San Francisco, Southern Leyte
Two little words 3x You taught us to read and write
Not goodbye You taught us to learn
It’s the end of the year
Graduation is here
You told us it’d be alright
And how to take our turn
Our two little word Repeat Chorus
To our teachers, moms, dads,
Grandparents and all
Chorus: III.
Thank you 3x everyone You helped us to tie our shoes
Thank you for all you’ve done Learn shapes and colors too
Moving up Ceremony
Thank you 3x everyone There’s so many things you do
Thank you for all you’ve done Repeat Chorus
Boys Girls
1. Abarico, Jerald C. 1. Andoy, Rodith Lyn N.
2. Baja, JM M. 2. Boyles, Joannah Jane T.
3. Binongo, Sean Athan B. 3. Jubay, Jona Mae S.
4. Coral, Rence M. 4. Lamo, Shaniel A.
5. Corporal, Lawrence B. 5. Maturan, Reochel S.
6. Corporal, Mark Laurence P. 6. Mosquito, Ryxelle Jin Y.
7. Dacca, Paul John A. 7. Rulida, Lexie April 1, 2019
8. Felerca, King James H. 8. Siacor, princess Nicka P. Habay Elementary School Gym
9. Micabalo, Mark Kevin C. 7:00-9:00 P.M.
10. Morial, Jerico V.
11. Omapas, Wilfredo M.
12. Pomaloy, Erl Jiro D.
13. Pugoso, Michael L.
Mr. & Mrs. Mosquito
Teacher: Jackelyn Y. Uy This serves as an invitation
Mr. & Mrs. Mosquito
Mr. & Mrs. Boyles
Mr. & Mrs. Jubay
Mr. & Mrs. Lamo
Mr. & Mrs. Maturan
Mr. & Mrs. Rulida
Mr. & Mrs. Siacor