Responsible Products Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

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Responsible Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

products agree disagree
Good quality
Health benefits
Brand image
Brand image of
Baba Ramdev
India brand
2) How satisfied are you with the PATANJALI products for the following characteristics?

Characteristics Strongly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly

satisfied dissatisfied
Low price
Better quality
Natural products
Customer service
3) How easy is it to navigate our website?
(a) Very difficult (b) difficult (c) regular (d) easy (e) very easy
4) How well does our products meet yours need?
(a) Very well (b) well (c) fine (d) bad (e) very bad
5) What is your opinion about overall sales process?
6) Please indicate the reason why you prefer PATANJALI product?
(a) Convenient (b) affordable (c) clean (d) herbal (e) others
7) Have you face any problem while using the product?
(a) Yes (b) no
8) Overall satisfaction of PATANAJLI products?
(a) Very good (b) good (c) fair (d) poor (e) very poor

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