Warm Up

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1. The Aim of this warm up is to
practise hitting the stumps
as a fielder and get the
body warm.
2. One team starts with the
cricket ball. This team
underarm passes to one
another to move the ball
from one end of the ground
to their wickets.
3. The students are not allowed
to move with the ball.
4. The students earn one point
when they hit the wickets.
5. No students are allowed in
Warm-up the square around the
Pass ball wickets.
6. The ball is turned over if the
team hits the wickets, if the
other team intercepts, the
ball is dropped or if the ball
goes out of bounds.
• Swap one team from each
space with another half way
through warm-up to allow
students to verse different
• Add in a second ball to
encourage students to think
L = 8 students per team, 2 teams at each set up
E = 8 cones (x2), 2 wickets (x2), 2 balls (x2)
S = Area is approx. 20m with a 5 x 5 square at each end with
stumps in the middle of each square. 2 spaces should be set up
T = No more than 10mins

1. Create a marked off zone

which all players need to
stand inside.
2. Teacher gives a ball to one
player – this person is now
the tagger that everyone
must avoid.
3. The tagger must run around
trying to ‘tag’ the other
players, who cannot run
outside the marked zone.
4. Once tagged, a player has
to collect a ball from the
Warm-up bucket outside the marked
Snowball tag zone, and they then
become another tagger.
5. The last player to be tagged
is the winner.
• When a player is tagged
and collects their ball,
they must bounce-catch
it five times before they
can become an active
• Make the area either
larger or smaller.
L = 16 students, 1 begins as the tagger.
E = x4 cones, x15 balls, x1 bucket.
S = Area is approx. 18mx18m.
T = No more than 5mins.
1. Players spread out in a
coned-off area, and one
player starts as the tagger.
2. When tagged, players
must stand on one leg with
their arms out wide.
3. To be freed, another player
must jump up and ‘high
five’ the tagged player.
4. Add the progressions to the
freeing sequence one at a
5. Players cannot be tagged
while they are freeing
another player.
• Perform and call the
“four” signal.
Warm-up • Perform and call the
Umpire tag “six” signal.
• Perform and call the “leg
bye” signal.
• Perform and call the
“bye” signal.
• Perform and call the
“wide” signal.
• Perform and call the “no
ball” signal.
• Call “howzat” and
perform the “out” signal.

L = 16 students, 1 begins as the tagger.
E = x4 cones.
S = Area is approx. 18mx18m.
T = No more than 5mins.

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