Practice Program Speed Badminton 6 Lesson (Of 8)

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Practice Program Speed Badminton

6th Lesson (of 8)

Notes: If the practice takes place outdoors adult players should use the Match instead of the
Fun Speeder® for the exercises.

Abbreviations: FH = Forehand, BH = Backhand, CP = Central position, RP = Ready


Material needed for this lesson: Rackets, Fun Speeder®, Match Speeder®, Courts

Optional: bibs to mark teams

General information/ News/ Questions – 5 min.

 Introduction of new players
 Attendance list

Recap The recap should include explanations and a short demonstration

5 min.  Ready position
 Grip
 Difference between forehand and backhand volley
 The serve and starting a rally
 Overhead forehand clear and smash
 Forehand and backhand drive

Subject of Basic offensive tactics (footwork techniques on the front court)




General Type Arrangement Elements

Dynamic Warm Up
8 min. Every player has their 1. Running forward
racket with one 2. Running backward
(Note: warm Speeder® lying on it. 3. Arm Circles
up shoulder The coach gives 4. Lateral Shuffle
especially) several commands 5. Lunge forward
which the players 6. Interval side steps (side
follow while moving steps in high frequency)
around the gym with
their racket
Exercise 1 - Use the lines on the ground of the gym as playing field. The players can only
8 min. move with sidesteps on the lines. 2 or 3 players are chosen to be the hunter.
They have to place a Speeder® on their rackets and try to touch another
player (not the other hunters) with the racket. If the hunter catches a player
then they become hunter immediately (the racket and Speeder® are handed
over). After the change the hunter always has to go back to a designated
area and start the “hunt” from there.

Scissor jump Explain the central position and the use of the scissor jump. Demonstrate the
and moving scissor jump:
to front court
Methodical sequence for learning the scissor jump
15 min.
1. Every player finds a line with some place around the gym. Standing on
the line the players should try to make a 180° turn in the air. They
should land on both feet at the same time and on the same spot they
were standing on before.
2. The same as no 1 and the players should make 2 or 3 sidestep on the
line before jumping (make sure they turn in the right direction!).
3. Now they players try to jump from standing on one foot (right handed:
starting on the right foot) to standing onto the other foot (left) – landing
only on this foot this time.
4. The same as no 3 and the players should make 2 or 3 sidestep on the
line before jumping (the jump needs to go up and in a backward
5. Now let the players try the whole scissor jump. First, focus only on the
legs, then add the hitting movement
6. The whole movement with sidesteps beforehand while throwing the
Speeder®. Then the player moves forward to the partner to high five
(after the throw move towards the partner who has caught the
Speeder®. Take the Speeder® back and repeat)
7. Introduce the footwork technique to right and left front corner
8. Exercise: the coach throws 10 Speeders® in the corner where the
footwork technique should be practiced. The player has to use the
correct hitting and footwork techniques and resume to the central
position after each shot
9. Playing exercise: Player 1 serves (first high, then low), player 2 returns
the Speeder® using the correct footwork techniques

Set up courts (normal distance = 42 feet)

Main part

Tactic An offensive tactic means that you put your opponent under pressure in
explanation order to force them to make a mistake or score a direct point. The offensive
3 min. player actively acts and only reacts in order to get back in an offensive
position. First, introduce the offensive shots:
- Smash
- Offensive clear
- Offensive drop shot
- FH drive (potentially a powerful volley)
- NO backhand shots

Transition Arrangement Procedure

tactics The players are on the Player 1 plays an easy serve to player 2’s
10 min. courts. Build groups of 4 if FH. Player 2 tries to score with one shot
there are a lot of players, (drive shot). If the shot is not a point, player 1
taking turns in pairs in order can return the Speeder® once more and wins
to play singles. a point. One set to 7 points, then change
roles. Every 3 points the different teams take
turns, so that everyone gets to play.

Exercise 2 - Arrangement Procedure

10 min.
The players are on the Player 1 serves high and too short to the front
courts. Build groups of 4 if court of player 2, who plays a smash and
there are a lot of players, tries to score a point as quickly as possible.
taking turns in pairs in order The rally is finished with normal play and
to play singles. scoring is as in the previous exercise. (Have
the teams take turns again.)

Exercise 3 - Arrangement Procedure

10 min.
The players are on the Player 1 only plays high, defensive shots, so
courts. Build groups of 4 if that player 2 can smash every ball. Player 2
there are a lot of players, tries to score: every mistake is “-1” point,
taking turns in pairs in order every rally they win is “+1” point. At “+6”
to play singles. player 2 wins the game and loses at “-6”.
(Have the teams take turns again as before.)

Exercise 4 - Arrangement Procedure

10 min.
The players are on the Player 1 always plays high shots or on player
courts. Build groups of 4 if 2’s forehand. Player 2 tries to score a direct
there are a lot of players, point or force player 1 to make mistakes by
taking turns in pairs in order playing precise shots (to the corners – also to
to play singles. the back of the court).

20 min. Free play with rules

Cool Down

Exercise “Merry-go-round” to play together at the end:

Path of the players

Square 2 Speeder® Flight path Square 1

Path of the players

The players split up in 2 equal groups. Group 1 stands behind square 1 and
group 2 behind square 2. The first player of each group step into the square
and hits the Speeder® into the opponent’s square. Then the player runs on the
side of the square towards the other square and gets in the other group’s line
etc. A player makes a fault loses one life (everybody has 3 lives at the
beginning. A player can make 3 faults at the 4th he/she is out of the game).

Outlook Call the players together, thank them for the lesson and give outlook for
next lesson: defensive tactics and moving around the square

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