NLT Canadian Design Construction Guide PDF
NLT Canadian Design Construction Guide PDF
NLT Canadian Design Construction Guide PDF
Cover Image Orchard Commons, Vancouver, BC. Architecture: Perkins+Will. (Photo credit: Michael Elkan)
Jana Foit The Guide was conceived and prepared by skilled practitioners who are each
Rebecca Holt extraordinarily dedicated to advancing high-quality timber construction across
Alex Minard industries, typologies, and geographies. We are grateful for the support of the
Sindhu Mahadevan Binational Softwood Lumber Council and Forestry Innovation Investment
for funding this work, and for their ongoing leadership as we advocate for
responsible use of timber in the built environment. Each author listed here
Ian Boyle
contributed essential content and expertise; we wish to acknowledge their
Carla Dickof
effort, time, and dedication with much gratitude.
Tanya Luthi
Special thanks to Marjan Popovski from FPInnovations and Helen Griffin
from the Canadian Wood Council for their thoughtful direction throughout
Lucas Epp our collaboration. Finally, we thank Alex Kinn from Perkins+Will for
his mad graphic design skills and countless hours spent illustrating and
annotating our work.
Nathan Bergen
It was our pleasure to learn from these leaders.
Robert Gerard
Bevan Jones
Andrew Harmsworth
Naki Ocran
Dan Lyzun
Chris Fraser
Accumulation of moisture in the form of vapour into and the porous
surfaces of a material.
Aesthetic Grading
Additional grading done to select lumber with a higher quality appearance.
This form of visual grading does not allow higher structural design values
than typical visually graded lumber.
Having different physical properties along different axes. For example, wood
is stronger parallel to the grain than it is perpendicular to the grain.
Appearance Grading
See Aesthetic Grading.
Bound Water
Water held within the cell walls of wood.
Butt Joint
End to end alignment of laminations within a course, generally without a direct
connection between the lams (i.e. no toe nails, glue, or connection plates).
Multiple laminations arranged end-to-end.
Curved-In-Plan NLT
Planar NLT with a curve or profile in plan only, generally formed by cutting
the edges of the panel.
Curved NLT
NLT curved in section, perpendicular to the laminations, generally created
on a curved jig to follow the curve of a supporting perpendicular beam. This
fabrication process does not produce a true curve but a faceted surface, with
each facet being the width of one lam.
Loss of moisture from a material.
Dimension Lumber
Visually graded or mechanically graded sawn lumber cut into planks, typically
called up as thickness-by-depth. Thicknesses are typically 2x (38 mm), 3x (64
mm), or 4x (89 mm) with depth typically falling from 89mm (4 in. nominal),
140 mm (6 in. nominal), 184 mm (8 in. nominal), 235 mm (10 in. nominal), or
286 mm (12 in. nominal). Refer to CSA O86 tables for design values.
A fire protection system made of various components used to seal openings
and joints in a wall or floor assembly.
Fire Separation
A fire-resistant element that divides a building or space to prevent fire spread,
such as a fire wall.
The passage of sound around, over, or under the primary partition separating
two spaces.
Finger-joined Lumber
Lumber manufactured by bonding two pieces of lumber with ends machined
to mated finger-like profiles.
Free Water
Water that is not bound within the cell walls of wood.
See Glued-Laminated Timber (GLT).
Hi-Line Grade
An appearance grade of SPF lumber, often for export, and generally kiln-
dried. It generally meets visual grading standards (white, bright, straight);
however, a visual grading standard must also be specified. May also be known
as Home Centre Grade.
Tending to absorb or adsorb water from the air.
J-Grade Lumber
The preferred appearance grade of wood in the Japanese market. This
grade meets high visual grading standards (minimal defects, white, bright
appearance) and is kiln-dried for dimensional stability. This is generally the
most selective appearance grade of lumber.
A temporary structure or device that holds a piece of material and guides the
tools operating on it.
A slit made by a saw cut. The kerf width is equal to the saw blade width.
Lamination or Lam
Individual dimension lumber component within NLT.
Placement, orientation, and location of prefabricated NLT panels in plan view.
Individual lamination pattern within NLT.
Lumber Checking
A separation of wood along the fibre direction that usually extends across the
rings of annual growth, commonly resulting from stresses created in wood
during seasoning/drying.
Mass Timber
Engineered wood products of massive panel type such as cross-laminated
timber (CLT), nail-laminated timber (NLT), glued-laminated timber (GLT),
laminated strand lumber (LSL), laminated veneer lumber (LVL) and other
large-dimensioned structural composite lumber (SCL).
Moisture Content, %
The ratio of the total mass of water within the wood relative to the total
mass of wood in its oven dried state. Living trees can have a moisture content
between 30% and 200+%.
Penny Size
A designation of nail size. For example 6D, 8D, 10D, or 12D. In this Guide,
nail type, penny size, diameter and length are specified for clarity.
Sawn Lumber
Visually or mechanically graded wood sawn to typical construction sizes as
described in CSA O86. The term applies to a variety of sizes and species as
defined in CSA O86, Section 6.3.
Seasoned Lumber
Lumber that has been either air-dried or kiln-dried to lower the moisture
content not in excess of 19%.
Spruce-Pine-Fir (SPF)
A specific wood species group as described in CSA O86.
Thermal Conductivity
Quantity of heat flow through a material for a given unit temperature
difference, expressed as W/m·K (Btu·in/h·ft²·°F).
Thermal Diffusivity
The thermal conductivity of a material divided by the product density and
specific heat capacity.
Warped NLT
NLT forming an undulating or bent surface out of plane, generally by
staggering the NLT courses up or down from the adjacent courses to create
curvature in section perpendicular to the laminations.
Zero-Strength Layer
A calculation term which accounts for a reduction in strength of the heated
wood beyond the char front.
3 Fire 26
3.1 Fire Safety in Timber Buildings 26
3.2 Fire Performance of Combustible Construction 29
3.2.1 Fire-Resistance Ratings 29
3.2.2 Char 31
3.2.3 Fire Spread and Smoke Development 33
3.3 Fire Design 34
3.3.1 Acceptable Solutions 34
3.3.2 Building Code Alternative Solutions 35
3.3.3 Performance-Based Alternative Solutions 37
3.4 Additional Considerations 38
3.4.1 Connections 38
3.4.2 Penetrations 39
3.4.3 Concealed Spaces 39
3.4.4 Construction Fire Safety 40
5 Enclosure 68
5.1 Managing Heat-flow 69
5.2 Air-flow 72
5.2.1 Special Detail Considerations 74
5.3 Water Vapour Transport 75
5.4 Liquid Water 76
5.4.1 Leak Detection and NLT Venting 78
Appendix A: NLT Appearance Chart 118
Appendix B: Sample Specification 119
Appendix C: Swelling & Shrinkage of Wood 125
The mass timber product range available in North America includes Glued-
laminated Timber (GLT), Cross-laminated Timber (CLT), Dowel-laminated
Timber (DLT), and Nail-laminated Timber (NLT). Structurally composite
materials such as Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), Laminated Strand
Lumber (LSL), and Parallel Strand Lumber (PSL) are also considered mass
timber products. While this wide range of products affords many options for
specific design applications, each has different design challenges, performance
characteristics, and construction advantages.
While products like GLT and CLT have modern publications and resources
aimed at assisting designers and builders with specification, detailing, and
installation, NLT resources are dated and focus on prescriptive rather than
engineered applications.
This Design and Construction Guide (the Guide) provides the Canadian
design and construction industry with immediate support and guidance to
ensure safe, predictable, and economical use of NLT. It is intended to offer
practical strategies, advice, and guidance, transferring knowledge and lessons
learned from those with experience.
[1] Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes, and National
Research Council of Canada. 2015. National building code of Canada,
2015. Ottawa, Ont: National Research Council Canada.
Figure 2.1: Historic NLT Vancouver Urban Winery, part of the Settlement Building Brand
Collective which also houses Postmark Brewing and Belgard Kitchen. Dating from the 1920s, the
building was originally used as a steel manufacturing foundry. (Photo courtesy of Vancouver Urban
Figure 2.2: Renovated Space at Vancouver Urban Winery. The building dates from the 1920s, used originally
as a steel manufacturing foundry. (Photo courtesy of Vancouver Urban Winery.
The examples here are intended to inspire and illustrate the breadth of
possibilities as they pertain to NLT. Although NLT floors and roofs can be
covered by finishes, they are often left exposed as a key design element. NLT
is most commonly exposed at the ceiling, where it is protected from wear and
the elements.
NLT may also be used as walls where exposing it for aesthetics is desirable, or
for elevator and stair cores to meet higher loading or solid wall requirements
(refer to Figure 2.3).
Creating simple curves from NLT is relatively easy. The roof of Aberdeen
Station, shown in Figure 2.4, is composed of gently curving steel channels
which support the lumber, creating a modular, prefabricated panel that was
craned into place. The channels were bolted to the adjacent panel channels.
Figure 2.5: Samuel Brighouse Elementary School. Richmond, BC. Architecture: Perkins+Will. (Photo credit: Nic Lehoux)
Compound curves are also possible. The NLT at Brentwood station is curved
perpendicular to the laminations, and used a combination of curved NLT,
curved-in-plan. Figure 2.6A shows the NLT curved to follow the shape of
the glued-laminated beams, and Figure 2.6B shows the form of the NLT
curved-in-plan to accommodate the overall form of the station. The NLT Figure 2.6B: Brentwood Station, Burnaby, BC.
Architecture: Perkins+Will. (Photo credit: Nic
spans between the curved glued-laminated beams set at varying angles, results Lehoux)
in a building form with compound curvature.
Figure 2.8: CNC Milled Compound Curve Species: Any species of wood can be used to fabricate NLT; this Guide
Prototype. (Photo courtesy of Perkins+Will)
assumes the use of species listed in the CSA Standard O86-14 Engineering
Design in Wood. Availability of species will vary by region, and offer different
colouration and variation in appearance. For example, Douglas Fir appears
to be more red or orange, compared to Pine, which appears more yellow or
white. Refer to Appendix A for an NLT Appearance Chart.
Lumber Grade: It is best to specify lumber grade and any other desired
characteristics of the timber if the product will be visible in the finished
building. For example, one project may require a ceiling that is free from
knots, while another may demand a rougher look. Specifications should use
regional appearance grading nomenclature to ensure lumber will achieve the
desired surface aesthetic. Refer to Appendix A for an NLT Appearance Chart.
Eased or Sharp Edges: Typical North American dimension lumber is milled
with slightly rounded corners in cross-section, giving NLT a distinctive grooved
or ribbed texture. To achieve a smooth face, the entire surface may be planed
after layup, or specifications may call for individual laminations to be planed on
one side prior to layup, as shown in Figure 2.9. If the NLT is assembled first,
and then planed or sanded smooth, the gaps between the boards will become
Smooth more obvious; the grooves tend to hide these imperfections. Both approaches
will impact cost, and not all fabricators will have the ability to plane NLT
Figure 2.9: Ribbed and Smooth Surfaces on
NLT from Un-planed and Planed Laminations smooth. Refer to Chapter 6 for more on fabrication.
Cantilevers in the direction of the NLT span are feasible. A useful rule of
thumb for concept design is that NLT can cantilever one quarter of its
backspan length, although larger cantilevers may be possible depending on
loading conditions. Cantilevers projecting through the building envelope create
additional design and detailing considerations; refer to Sections 4.4.3 and 5.2.1.
Planning should also carefully consider tolerance for swelling and shrinkage
with NLT. To achieve a consistent aesthetic, consider NLT expansion
joint widths in parallel with structural detailing requirements, fabrication
tolerances, and installation tolerances. Finish applications and MEP
anchorage requirements should be designed to accommodate swelling and
shrinkage of NLT.
Figure 2.15: Example of Continuous Soffit from Interior to Exterior. Samuel Brighouse Elementary School. Richmond, BC. Architecture: Perkins+Will.
(Photo credit: Nic Lehoux)
Where services are suspended and the NLT is supported on beams rather
than load-bearing walls, the direction of service runs should be carefully
considered. Service runs that are parallel to the beams allow for the most
efficient use of s pace, because the services can be contained between the
NLT soffit and the beam soffit. Where services must run perpendicular to
the beams, they must either penetrate the beams or be routed beneath them.
If penetration is required, coordinate carefully with the structural engineer.
Where routing services beneath, floor-to-floor heights may be affected if a
minimum overhead clearance is required.
When using NLT as walls, keep in mind that there is no wall cavity within
which to route services after the fact. All pipes, conduit, cables, and so forth
must be accounted for and accurately located during fabrication.
1. 2. 3.
2.5 Acoustic Considerations
Acoustics is a complex field, and an expert should be consulted in the design
of floor/ceiling and wall assemblies and the applicable interfaces. While it is
common to make use of such expertise for specialized spaces with low noise
tolerances, such as a performance or recording space, it is equally important for
any building type where there is an expectation of acoustic privacy or general
noise and vibration control. These include education facilities, hospitals, office
1. 2. 3.
buildings, and multi-family dwellings. Acoustics and noise control is one of the
most common complaints in finished and occupied buildings.
The National Building Code of Canada (NBC) and relevant provincial codes,
establishes minimum Sound Transmission Class (STC) targets for airborne
4. 5. sound isolation between multi-family residential units—STC 50. The NBC
does not set requirements for impact noise, or Impact Isolation Class (IIC),
but rather suggests a good practice target of IIC 55. Further, neither the
Figure 2.18: Alternating 38 mm x 89 mm
(2x4) and 38 mm x 140 mm (2x6) Lumber NBC nor provincial codes provide guidelines for room finishes. While room
With and Without Sound Absorbing Material finishes can affect the quality of life for occupants, finishes do not directly
Key affect the sound isolation performance of walls or floor/ceilings with respect
1. Concrete topping to the their STC rating, nor do they affect the façade details in terms of
2. Acoustic mat
outside-to-inside sound reduction (OITC). The selection of the appropriate
3. Plywood/OSB
4. NLT
OITC rating relative to acceptable interior noise levels in an occupied space is
5. Sound absorbing material generally set by local noise bylaws.
In general, the acoustic considerations for an NLT structure are the same as
for any other structural system. That is, one must consider how sound passes
through it when it is part of a floor/ceiling system and how sound reflects
from the NLT surface when the underside is exposed in the room below.
Always consult an acoustics expert for project and product-specific advice. The
overall fire rating of the final assembly must also be considered as part of the
basic acoustic design; refer to Chapter 3 for more on fire considerations.
Canadian national and provincial codes include requirements for minimum STC
ratings1 but only guidance for best practice for IIC2. Further, the 2015 National
Building Code sets design targets using the Apparent Sound Transmission
Class (ASTC) rather than the previously referenced Sound Transmission Class,
STC. It is expected that the forthcoming provincial codes will adopt the ASTC
requirement. There are currently no proposed changes to the requirements for
IIC. Refer to the following section on Impact Sound for more information.
1 Minimum STC rating is 50 between occupied spaces in dwelling units, and 55 adjacent to
elevator shafts.
2 Best practice IIC minimum is 55.
Airborne sound can travel horizontally along any surface including NLT;
the grooves on the surface of NLT unlike a smooth flooring finish provide
potential sound leakage paths at the party wall/floor interface. Accordingly,
designers should carefully consider interface details when using NLT. For
example, where a wall running perpendicular to the laminations meets
the underside or top-side of the NLT, an acoustic sealant must be applied
between the NLT and the plates of the abutting wall to fill the gaps.3
If a concrete topping is used to increase the sound rating via the floor/
ceiling system, the sound leakage through NLT gaps should be addressed
automatically at the floor/wall interface at least.
Impact Sound
Impact sound is often perceived to be more disruptive than airborne sound;
especially in situations where the level of airborne sound is well controlled.
For example, a residential building constructed of concrete or a modified NLT
construction (both of which meet Building Code requirements for airborne
sound) can effectively block the sound of voices from the suite above, but the
sound of someone walking in hard-soled shoes or of chair movement will be
clearly audible in the occupied space below. Complaints of impact noise are the
most common in any occupied multi-family residential building.
3 Use of an acoustic caulk at the header and base plate of a party wall in all construction is a
requirement to optimize the acoustic performance of the party wall system.
Addressing impact sound is typically the governing factor for the floor/
ceiling assembly, and like most structural floor systems, floor finish material
can have a significant effect on an NLT floor assembly’s IIC rating. In order
to optimize the reduction of impact noise, additional material is typically
applied on top of the NLT, below it, or both.
As previously noted, many local building codes have yet to adopt IIC ratings
as part of their requirements, but the minimum acceptable target according to
the International Building Code (IBC) is IIC 50. Floors in residential buildings
with IIC ratings less than 50 often result in complaints related to impact noise.
While it is not a requirement to provide a floor with a minimum IIC 50 rating,
it is strongly recommended. Some residential developments implement more
stringent ratings (IIC 55 or higher) in an effort to satisfy residents. In fact, the
BC Building Code suggests a minimum of IIC 55 as good practice. Further,
while IIC 55-58 is a common target range for upgraded performance, a range
of at least IIC 65-70 is required for overall user satisfaction.
The IIC rating required to provide generally acceptable impact noise insulation
depends on a range of factors, such as quality of building, expectations of
occupants and background noise environment. Table 2.3 provides some
guidance in selecting appropriate IIC targets for various design conditions.
Table 2.2 provides STC and IIC test results for NLT floors. Included in the
table for comparison is the acoustic performance of bare NLT with plywood
topping and bare CLT. It is always important, however, to contextualize the
results and the applications in which systems are typically used. For example,
STC and IIC ratings are derived from 1/3 band octave data that occur over
a range of frequencies. In order to better understand the comparison of one
assembly’s acoustic performance to another, the differences over that entire
frequency range should be evaluated.
While the industry builds a more complete database of tested assemblies for
NLT, designers may opt to use other mass timber assembly tests as a guide to
predict the performance of NLT. For example, there are a number of CLT
acoustic assemblies listed in the CLT Handbook [1] as well as others available
from acoustical mat manufacturers; some provide STC/IIC values and some
provide FSTC/FIIC values. If an NLT deck of a similar thickness was used
in place of the CLT, a rule of thumb suggests that the assembly performance
could be estimated by subtracting three from the STC/IIC, FSTC/FIIC, or
ASTC/AIIC values. In addition, there are proprietary software programs that
can predict the STC and IIC of non-standard assemblies. Such programs
generally predict results with an error of +/- 3 points for STC and +/- 5
points for IIC.
4 Field tested ratings are FSTC or FIIC where ‘F’ means ‘Field’; where ASTC and AIIC
are used, ‘A’ means ‘Apparent’
laminations, causing the film to fail. A penetrating finish may not crack, but
concealed faces of laminations will not be exposed to receive the coating.
[1] Karacabeyli, Erol, and Brad Douglas. 2013. CLT handbook: Cross-
laminated timber. Pointe-Claire, Québec: FPInnovations
Construction using NLT has been prescribed in the NBC since the first
edition in 1940, described as “solid sawn lumber planks set on edge and
well spiked together.” The current NBC includes minimum allowable sizes
when combustible construction with a fire-resistance rating up to 45 minutes
is permitted in Division B Part 3 and provides historic generic acceptable
solutions for fire-resistance ratings up to 1.5 hours. The intent of this Guide
is to provide direction on both the prescriptive use of NLT and offer a
performance-based framework to extend beyond the prescriptive provisions.
The prescriptive requirements of the NBC for construction type are based on
occupancy, building area, building height, and the presence of a sprinkler system.
Combustible construction, where permitted by the acceptable solutions of the
NBC, is typically considered to be wood-frame construction, which is regarded
as the type of combustible construction with the lowest level of performance
in fire. Heavy timber construction is considered a special subset of combustible
construction. It is permitted where a fire-resistance rating of not more than 45
minutes is required and for selected uses in buildings otherwise required to be of
The NBC’s Division A Sentence (1) allows design flexibility beyond
prescriptive requirements through alternative solutions as described under
Section 2.3 of Division C. These alternative solutions must demonstrate to
the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), typically at the municipal level, that
the fire safety objectives of the code will be achieved. Alternative methods to
comply with the acceptable solutions of the NBC could range in scope from
addressing specific details, such as minor combustible elements beyond that
permitted by the acceptable solutions of the NBC, to whole building design.
Refer to Section 3.3.2 for more on building code alternative solutions. Refer
to Section 3.3.3 for more on performance-based design. The NBC 2015
acceptable solutions in Division B prescribe maximum allowable building
areas and heights for combustible construction ranging from two storeys for
care occupancies to six storeys for residential and business occupancies. Refer
to Section 3.3.1 for more.
There are minimal provincial variations relative to the use of NLT. British
Columbia (BC), Alberta, and Quebec adopted six-storey combustible
construction provisions in advance of the publication of the NBC 2015.
Quebec has specific provisions for an “expedited” alternative solution for
encapsulated mass timber construction up to 12 storeys, which would directly
permit the use of NLT. Some provinces have specific processes for unique
or special buildings. For example, the recently constructed Brock Commons,
an 18-storey building of mass timber construction, located on the University
of British Columbia campus in Vancouver, BC, was approved through a Site
Specific Regulation developed by the provincial government’s Building and
Safety Standards Branch. The Site-Specific Regulation was authorized by the
provincial Building Standards and Safety Act and approved by the minister
responsible for housing in BC.
Integrity: ability of the assembly to limit the spread of hot gases or fire
Insulation to the unexposed side.
Figure 3.2: Functions of Fire Resistance [1]
Insulation: ability of the assembly to limit the rise of temperature on
the unexposed side.
30 45 1 1.5
Solid wood floor with building paper and finish
89 114 165 235
flooring on top
Solid wood, splined or tongued and grooved with
64 76 - -
building paper and finish flooring on top
Solid wood walls of load bearing vertical plank 89 114 140 184
Solid wood walls of non-load bearing horizontal plank 89 89 89 140
is required to meet all three criteria. NLT floor assemblies used in fire-resistive Notes:
(1) See CSA O141, “Softwood Lumber,”
applications are typically required to meet all three criteria. for sizes.
(2) The fire-resistance ratings and minimum
There are three primary methods of determining a fire-resistance rating dimensions for floors also apply to solid wood roof
decks of comparable thickness with finish roofing
above 45 minutes for NLT:
(3) The assembly shall consist of 38 mm thick
NBC assemblies: Division B, Appendix D-2.4 of the NBC provides a table members on edge fastened together with 101 mm
of minimum sizes for solid wood walls, floors, and roofs for fire-resistance ratings common wire nails spaced not more than 400 mm
o.c. and staggered in the direction of the grain.
up to 1.5 hours; this table is included in the Guide for reference as Table 3.1. NLT (4) The floor shall consist of 64 mm by 184 mm
panels, by virtue of its fabrication as solid wood members spiked together, wide planks either tongued and groved or with 19
mm by 38 mm splines set in grooves and fastened
meets the definition of a solid panel. These designs have been in the code for together with 88 mm common nails spaced not
more than 400 mm o.c.
many decades and it is not known whether the designs are based on actual fire
tests or historic practice that has been grandfathered into the code. The generic
solutions provided in Appendix D-2.4 are acceptable solutions under the code.
Tested assemblies: There are currently very limited data on tested NLT
assemblies. However, testing in this area is being contemplated. Once
testing is completed, this guide will be updated and results made available
by the Canadian Wood Council and/or Forestry Innovation Investment.
Reports demonstrating an assembly or structural member has been tested in
accordance with CAN/ULC-S101 is an acceptable solution under the code.
1. 2. 3. 3.2.2 Char
Charring of wood occurs when it is exposed to temperatures ranging from
approximately 280°C to 300°C [2]. Extensive testing has allowed char rates
of wood to be reliably predicted under the CAN/ULC S101 standard fire
time-temperature curve for various types of mass timber elements. The cross-
Figure 3.3: One-Dimensional Char Profile [2]
sectional dimensions of a wood element have a considerable impact on fire
performance due to the development of char on the surface of a burning
1. Char Layer
2. Pyrolysis Zone member. The char significantly reduces the rate of burning; the char at the
3. Normal Wood exposed side of the wood member acts as thermal insulation and delays heating
of unexposed wood. Figures 3.3 and 3.4 show a typical cross-section of a
wood member exposed to fire on one side. In Figure 3.3, the profile includes a
pyrolysis zone or heated layer in the portion of the wood member beginning to
undergo charring. Behind the pyrolysis zone is wood at ambient temperature,
which retains all of its structural strength.
NLT that meets the minimum sizes prescribed in Division B, Article
have inherent fire resistance due to their thickness and are recognized as
elements of “heavy timber construction” in the NBC. Such members are
permitted by the code to be used where a fire-resistance rating up to 45
Figure 3.4: Wood Charring (Photo courtesy of
Holmes Fire) minutes is required and combustible construction is permitted, and thus do
not require char calculations.
Char rates are generally consistent between types and species of wood and
are typically reported as a one-dimensional char rate or a notional (effective)
char rate. The one-dimensional char rate is applicable where the effect of
corner rounding is taken into account separately, or for slab elements exposed
to fire from one side (e.g. walls and floors). The notional char rate inherently
accounts for the effect of corner rounding and this need not be calculated
separately. Accordingly, the notional char rate is typically greater than the one-
dimensional char rate. Figure 3.6 shows a wood beam exposed to fire where
the effect of corner rounding is evident.
Annex B of CSA O86 provides design charring rates for various wood
products exposed directly to the CAN/ULC-S101 standard fire temperature
conditions. These char rates apply only where the residual cross-section has
dimensions greater than 70 mm (2.75 in.) when exposed to fire on two parallel
sides. Specific details for NLT have not yet been incorporated in CSA O86;
however, it is expected that future editions will include these. The methodology
under ‘Timber Plank Decking’ may be used but is likely to prove onerous in
comparison to the values provided in Appendix D-2.4 of the code.
Interior wall and ceiling finish materials are typically evaluated based on
testing in accordance with CAN/ULC-S102 to determine flame-spread
ratings and smoke developed classifications. Evaluated finishes are assigned
a numerical, dimensionless flame-spread rating or smoke developed
classification based on formulas noted in the test standard. The species of
wood used for NLT should be evaluated to confirm the appropriate flame-
spread rating for the NLT. Most softwood finishes achieve a flame-spread
rating of 150, which is generally permitted to be used as interior wall finish in
sprinklered buildings with the exception of exits and lobbies used for exits.
Refer to NBC Subsections 3.1.5 and 3.1.13 of Division B for interior finish
requirements. The interior finish requirements noted in the NBC Subsection
3.1.13 of Division B apply to both combustible and noncombustible
A4 1 storey
Detention B1 -
Treatment B2 2 storey
Care B3 3 storey
6 storey - includes A2 & E
Residential C
on lower floors
Business and 6 storey - includes A2 & E
Personal Services on lower floors
Mercantile E 3 storey
High Hazard Industrial F1 3 storey
Medium Hazard
F2 4 storey
Low Hazard Industrial F3 4 storey
Per the acceptable solutions of the NBC, NLT is permitted in the following cases:
3.4.2 Penetrations
Modern buildings typically contain an array of services that penetrate fire-
resistance-rated elements of the structure such as walls, floors, and shafts.
Where penetrations exist in fire-resistance-rated construction, the NBC
requires them to be cast-in-place or protected with firestop systems which
have been tested to CAN/ULC S115. Some provincial codes, such as those in
BC and Ontario, also permit penetrations to be “tightly-fitted.”
For exposed wood in general, fire testing has shown the importance of
insulating the wood from metal penetrations, as the hot metal can cause
unpredictable charring and allow passage of hot gasses and smoke [9]. There
are limited tested or listed firestop systems for NLT; however, designs tested for
CLT can reasonably be expected to perform similarly in NLT. Experience with
testing of penetrations in CLT has shown that metal pipes or fittings in contact
with timber cause charring, and metal must be separated from the wood by a
minimum of 12 mm (0.5 in.) of mineral wool. Refer to the latest edition of the
CLT Handbook [1] for additional details on penetration protection.
Similar experience with CLT testing has shown that plastic pipe penetrations
must account for the effect of charring, and firestopping materials typically
cannot be located on the underside of a timber floor. Joints built into NLT to
accommodate swelling during construction must also be firestopped (refer to
Chapter 4 for more).
[1] Karacabeyli, Erol, and Brad Douglas. 2013. CLT handbook:
Crosslaminated timber. Pointe-Claire, Québec: FPInnovations
[4] CSA Group, CSA O86, Engineering design in wood, May 2014
[5] Custer, Richard L.P. 2004. SFPE engineering guide to performance-based fire
protection: analysis and design of buildings. Massachusetts; Society of Fire
Protection Association.
[10] National Fire Protection Association. 2013. NFPA 241: standard for
safeguarding construction, alteration, and demolition operations.
[11] “Fire Safety During Construction for Five and Six Storey Wood
Buildings in Ontario: A Best Practice Guideline.” May 2016. Accessed
October 04, 2017.
[12] University of the Fraser Valley. “Construction Site Fire Safety.” Centre
for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research. May 28, 2015. Accessed
October 04, 2017.
Size Factor, KZ
Develop the size factor based on the individual lamination thickness (blam),
analogous to the typical design approach for built-up sawn lumber members.
Table 4.1 provides a number of layup types and the associated modification
factors for bending strength and stiffness. These factors provide a simplified
way to account for stress redistribution between the laminations. Some have
been derived based on CSA O86 Table others are based on European
research [1], [2], [3].
Laminations continuous
and single span
Laminations continuous
and multi-span
max. 7 courses
Laminations with controlled
to be repeated
random butt joints over 4 or
more supports
No Butt Joints
610 mm (24 in.) minimum
ℓend.span ℓ
max. 7 courses
Laminations with controlled to be repeated
random butt joints over fewer
than 4 supports
d = NLT depth
E = modulus of elasticity
Klayup.b = 1.0 Klayup.E = 1.0 Maximum bending strength for a given
depth. Typical maximum length for ℓ = span
laminations of 5 to 6 m (16 to 20 ft.). s = nail spacing in direction of span,
wℓ2 5wℓ4 Longer laminations can be fabricated in millimeters
M= Δ= with NLGA SPS 1 finger joints.
8 384E (d3/12) w = uniformly distributed line load
Use consistent units, except where
specific units are noted.
4. 2. 1. 3. Additional layup types are also possible; options such as combination simple/
two-span and mixed cantilever are described in the American Wood Council’s
publication on Tongue & Groove Roof Decking [4]. For these layups and
others not addressed here, or where the requirements noted are not met,
appropriate modification factors can be developed through a finite element
analysis using a grillage model. Figure 4.2 is an illustration of a grillage model,
where the laminations, modelled as beam members, are connected with shear
springs representing the nails. For more detail on the development of this
Figure 4.2: Grillage Model kind of model, including appropriate nail spring stiffness values, refer to
Key Kramer [1], Kramer [2], and Haller [3].
1. NLT lamination (modeled as beam element)
2. Spring between lams representing nails (model Cross-Section Factor (Ksection )
stiffness to match nail shear behaviour) Staggered NLT cross-sections can be used for architectural or acoustic
3. Break in lamination at butt joint (modeled
without connection to lam within the course) effect or to accommodate finish requirements, as discussed in Chapter 2. A
4. Support location (modeled as pinned supports common example of a staggered NLT cross-section with two alternating
at each lam) lamination depths is shown in Figure 4.3, though any number of depths
and patterns can be used. In some cases, staggered NLT can also be used to
accommodate venting as discussed in Chapter 5.
Note that Ksection is always less than 1.0 for staggered NLT and is intended to
modify stress and stiffness calculations based on the deeper laminations (i.e.
flat NLT with a constant depth of “d1”).
4.1.2 Strength
Strength design of NLT floors and roofs is based on CSA O86 provisions
for bending moment resistance, shear resistance, and compressive resistance
perpendicular to grain (bearing).
Bending Moment
Design NLT for bending using CSA O86 provisions, ensuring the factored
bending moment (Mf) is less than the factored bending moment resistance
(Mr,NLT). Determine the bending capacity in accordance with CSA O86 Clause modified by additional factors to account for layup type (Klayup) and
cross-section type (Ksection) as described in Section 4.1.2.
Shear rarely governs the design of uniformly loaded NLT, but a review of the
design approach is provided for completeness. Design NLT for shear forces
using CSA O86 provisions, ensuring the factored shear force (Vf) is less than
the factored shear resistance (Vr.NLT). For shear design of NLT with controlled
random butt joints, calculate shear at interior supports as if all laminations
are continuous multi-span, and calculate shear at exterior supports as if all
laminations are single-span. Determine the shear capacity in accordance
with CSA O86 Clause modified by an additional factor to account for
cross-section type (Ksection) as described in Section 4.1.2.
Design NLT with notches in accordance with CSA O86 Clause
modified by an additional factor to account for cross-section type (Ksection) as
described in Section 4.1.2.
Vr,NLT = ϕ Ff Ag Kn Ksection.v
Bearing rarely governs the design of uniformly loaded NLT. Design NLT for
bearing using CSA O86 provisions, ensuring the factored bearing force (Qf) is
less than the factored compressive resistance (Qr.NLT) of the NLT perpendicular
to grain. For NLT with a staggered cross-section that requires a fire rating,
consider blocking within the gaps where bearing occurs to prevent char on the
top side of the support. Refer to Chapter 3 for further discussion of char.
Qr,NLT = ϕ Fcp Ab Kb Kzcp
4.1.3 Deflections
Analyze NLT deflections using a simplified beam analogy, and compare
the results to code-prescribed and/or project-specific limits. Base stiffness
properties on specified modulus of elasticity values given in CSA O86 Clause
6, adjusted in accordance with CSA O86 modification factors given in Clause
5.4.1 and additional factors described in Section 4.1.1.
El = Es Klayup.EKsection.E
2 1.8
or any service conditions that will tend to increase wood’s moisture content.
CSA O86 addresses long term loading in Clause 5.4.3 but does not provide
3 3.0
specific guidance on calculating deflections in sawn lumber due to creep;
additional guidance can be found in the US and European wood codes and
design standards (National Design Specification for Wood Construction [5]
and Eurocode 5 [6], respectively). Eurocode provisions for creep are based on
three service conditions rather than simply “wet” and “dry”; they are designated
as Service Classes 1-3. Service Class 1 is defined as indoor conditions with
low humidity and wood moisture content not exceeding 12%. Service Class 2
is exterior to the building envelope but sheltered from direct rain and snow
exposure, and wood moisture content not exceeding 20%. Service Class 3 is
direct exposure to the elements and/or high humidity, with wood moisture
content of 20% or higher. In each of these cases, elastic deflections due to long-
term loads should be multiplied by the factors given in Table 4.3.
4.1.4 Vibration
Because of NLT’s high strength-to-weight ratio, vibrations become more
likely to govern floor design as spans increase. The stiffness of an NLT floor
with butt-jointed laminations should be calculated as discussed in Section
4.1.2. Beyond this modification, basic vibration design procedures for NLT
are based on loads, mass, damping, and stiffness, similar to any other type
of floor system. Discuss vibrations early in the project to determine the end
users’ expectations and set appropriate design criteria. Limits on vibrations
can vary widely, because occupancy and individual sensitivity to vibration
impact what a person views as “acceptable.”
For any NLT floor with potential vibration concerns, perform a detailed
design by calculating maximum accelerations, which are a better performance
measure than deflections or frequencies. Pay particular attention to structural
1. supports and their effect on the overall performance of the floor. For example,
NLT supported on walls will perform better than NLT with the same span
3. 4. supported on beams, because the beams will also contribute to vibrations. Non-
7. structural components such as floor build-ups and partition walls can also have
Flat NLT
6. a major influence on performance because of their effects on mass, stiffness,
and damping. In the absence of more specific information, a damping value
2. of 3% for bare NLT is a reasonable lower limit, matching the value given for
3. 5. mechanically laminated timber (“Brettstapel”) in the German timber code [7].
CSA O86 Annex A and NBC Structural Commentary D provide guidance
Staggered NLT
on dynamic loading, frequencies, acceleration limits, and design strategies
to prevent or correct problems with floor vibrations. AISC’s design guide
Figure 4.4: Charred NLT Cross-Section
on vibrations of steel-framed structures [8] also provides a useful overview,
and most of the content can be applied directly to NLT systems by using
1. Continuous air barrier such as concrete
topping the appropriate stiffness values in the equations. ISO 10137 [9] provides
2. Plywood/OSB diaphragm sheathing additional recommendations.
3. Remaining NLT depth (dfire )
4. Initial flat NLT depth (d) 4.1.5 Fire Design
5. Intial staggered NLT depth of As described in Chapter 3, NLT with an exposed soffit can meet fire-resistance
shallower lams (d2 )
6. Char depth (xc ) rating requirements in multiple ways. Where ratings are based on code-prescribed
7. Zero strength layer (xt ) minimum dimensions or on test data, structural calculations are not required.
In situations where ratings are calculated using char, the char rate should
be based on project-specific fire modelling performed by a code or fire
consultant. Refer to Section 3.2.2 for discussion or char. After subtracting
3. 4. the depth of the char and zero strength layers, perform strength and stability
checks with the revised NLT section depth, illustrated in Figure 4.4.
NLT is often governed by deflections or vibrations; therefore the overall depth of
the NLT may not need to increase to achieve the required fire-resistance rating.
The layup modification factor for bending strength (Klayup,b ) described in Section
4.1.2 is still applicable for NLT with butt-jointed laminations in the char analysis
case. The cross-section modification factor (Ksection,b ) need not be applied,
Figure 4.5: Bearing Reduction where Supported
on Exposed Charred Timber Beam however. The post-fire section for staggered NLT is based on the char and
Key zero-strength layer depths calculated for the shallowest lams, as illustrated in
1. Topping Figure 4.4. This simplified approach accounts for the char that occurs on three
2. Plywood/OSB diaphragm sheathing
sides for the portion of the deeper lams projecting below the shallower lams.
3. Initial bearing length (lb )
4. Remaining bearing length ( ) If the NLT is supported on an exposed wood member, such as a glued-
5. Remaining NLT depth (dfire )
laminated beam, check bearing based on the reduced bearing length of the
6. Char depth (xc )
7. Zero strength layer (xt ) NLT as shown in Figure 4.5.
Procedures 3. 8.
NLT is typically used in floor and roof applications; lateral design for NLT is
therefore often limited to providing diaphragm action. Though less common,
NLT can also be used for shear walls. In both cases, a separate layer of 7.
structure takes in-plane shear loads. Design shear walls and diaphragms based
on CSA O86, with additional guidance provided in the following sections. Panel Joint Perpendicular to NLT Span
4.2.1 Diaphragms 1.
In-plane load transfer across lamination joints is not well understood, nor is 5. 4.
the contribution of those joints to the in-plane shear and bending stiffness
3. 2.
of NLT. Relying on diaphragm capacities given in CSA O86 for plywood/
OSB diaphragms is an appropriate, conservative approach. Generally, the
diaphragm can be considered fully blocked. CSA O86 also recognizes
diagonal lumber sheathing; this system is more common in historic structures
and is not addressed here. Panel Joint Parallel to NLT Span
5. 6. Plywood/OSB
1. 2. 4.
Follow the approach provided in CSA O86 for fully blocked diaphragms
to design plywood/OSB and its fastening to the support structure. For
diaphragms with nail spacing that can be accommodated in a single line,
7. the plywood/OSB panel joints parallel to the direction of the NLT span
Diaphragm with single row of nails at panel edges should always be centred on an individual lamination to allow for proper load
transfer across the joint, as shown in Figures 4.6 and 4.7. Where multiple
5. 6.
rows of fasteners are required at panel edges and boundaries, the NLT
1. 3. 4.
laminations must have sufficient nailing to transfer the shear load across the
8. joint. A simple approach is to provide equal nailing between the laminations
If the outermost single lamination does not meet the strength requirements,
spread the load among multiple laminations as required. In such cases, ensure
the laminations are sufficiently nailed together and nailed to the plywood/OSB,
as shown in Figure 4.8. A simple approach is to provide equal nailing between
the edge laminations to that provided in the plywood/OSB at the diaphragm
boundary. Compression force transfer across the lamination butt joints is
provided by direct end-grain bearing. Transferring tension across a butt joint
is possible by transferring the force into the adjacent lamination and then back
into the original lamination on the other side of the joint, using nails in shear.
This load path becomes complicated where multiple laminations are needed
to resist the tension force and for layups with frequent butt joints in between
supports. Consider using light-gauge steel straps as a simpler approach.
For chords perpendicular to the direction of the NLT span, one option is to
provide a rim board to take both the tension and compression forces. Where
a single rim board does not provide sufficient tension strength, consider
using light-gauge steel straps. Where a single rim board does not provide
sufficient compression strength, another option is to resist the force with
perpendicular-to-grain bearing in the NLT laminations. Calculate the width
required to resist the compression force in accordance with CSA O86 Clause
6.5.7, and evaluate the result for reasonableness. Widths of over 150 mm (6
in.) may result in excessive crushing at the extreme edge of the diaphragm.
Relying on a rim board or perpendicular-to-grain bearing to resist chord
forces increases the flexibility of the diaphragm, which must be considered
in accordance with CSA O86 Clause 11.7.2. Chord-splice slip values must
be accounted for; in the case of perpendicular-to-grain bearing, the elastic
modulus is much lower than that for parallel-to-grain loading.
Design collector elements using the same approach. Where additional nailing is
difficult to locate accurately (for example at interior shear walls), consider using
separate elements such as beams, straps, or wall top plates as the collectors.
Above Mountain Equipment Co-op Head Office, Vancouver, BC. Architecture: Proscenium Architecture+Interiors. (Photo credit: Ed White Photographics)
1. 2.
3. 4.3 Connections
A complete NLT design includes details and specifications for connections,
both within the NLT and from the NLT to its supports.
For butt-jointed NLT, the structural purpose of the nails is to share vertical
load among the laminations to provide continuity across the joints, loading
the nails in shear. In this case, the proposed alternative nailing matches the
shear strength of the standard-prescribed nailing. 1.
2. 5.
For continuous NLT, where all the lams are self-supporting, any load
transfer between the laminations that may be required to ensure deflection
compatibility is easily accomplished with plywood/OSB; the nails are not
required to perform a structural purpose. In this case, the proposed nailing
provides a nominal clamping mechanism to ensure that any gaps between
Figure 4.11: NLT Connections to Wood Beam
laminations that result from shrinkage will remain small and well-distributed
across the overall NLT width. In cases where NLT is required to have a fire- 1. Plywood/OSB installed over countersunk
resistance rating, preventing large gaps helps mitigate the risk of an integrity screws
or insulation failure, as described in Chapter 3. 2. NLT
3. Prefabricated NLT panel joint
4. Wood support beam
5. Self-tapping partially threaded screws with
countersunk heads
2 Nailing every course is required to meet the standard intent. 6. Self-tapping screw fastener end distance
1. 3. 9. Panel-to-Panel Connections
8. For prefabricated NLT, panel-to-panel connections are provided by the
2. plywood/OSB. In order to maintain diaphragm continuity and in-plane shear
transfer, plywood/OSB joints must be located a sufficient distance from NLT
4. panel splices. For plywood/OSB joints parallel to the NLT span, the distance
7. must also be sufficient to prevent differential gravity deflection between NLT
6. panels. Refer to Figures 4.6 and 4.7 for examples of panel-to-panel connections.
For large areas of NLT, make allowances for swelling due to changing
NLT Span Perpendicular to
Shear Wall at Panel Joint moisture content during construction; these allowances are needed to avoid
1. inducing large stresses and deformations into the supporting structure. An
effective strategy is to leave a 38 mm (1-1/2 in.) gap (one lam) approximately
2. every 6 m (20 ft.), as shown in Figure 4.7. After the building is operational
and the NLT reaches its equilibrium moisture content, as discussed in
5. Chapter 7, the gap can be filled if desired for aesthetics or to maintain fire
7. separation between floors, as discussed in Chapter 3. Alternatively, if larger
gaps in the NLT are being provided for sprinklers, electrical, or mechanical
services, these gaps can be used to accommodate swelling.
NLT Span Perpendicular to Shear Wall
For prefabricated NLT panels, support conditions may create discontinuities
1. in deflection between adjacent panels. In such cases, additional panel-to-panel
connections should be provided to create continuity in the overall deflected
2. shape of the floor or roof and to prevent withdrawal of the plywood/OSB
nails at the NLT panel joint. For example, one panel could be clear spanning
5. 5 m (16 ft.) while the adjacent panel could be supported on wood stud
7. walls every 1.2 m (4 ft.) for closets. At the centre of the 5 m (16 ft.) span,
the first panel will deflect more than the second panel if the two are not
sufficiently connected. Similarly, if a wall support is parallel to the NLT span,
NLT Span Parallel to Shear Wall as illustrated in Figure 4.9, the adjacent unsupported panel will experience a
larger deflection unless the two panels are tied together.
Figure 4.12: NLT Connection to Interior Wood
Shear Walls
4.3.2 Support Connections
Detailing of connections between NLT and its supports varies with the type of
1. Diaphragm plywood/OSB sheathing
2. NLT load being transferred (gravity, uplift, lateral) and the type of support. Common
3. Prefabricated NLT panel joint supports include wood shear walls, wood beams, steel beams, and concrete walls.
4. Shear wall plywood/OSB edge nailing to
top plate Gravity Connections
5. Shear wall top plate with straps to act as drag For gravity cases, direct bearing of the NLT on the supporting element
6. Wood shear wall
is the most common approach for transferring load. If net uplift is not a
7. Screws through top plate to NLT
8. NLT bearing length concern, which is typical for floors and some roofs, nominal connections
9. Diaphragm plywood/OSB sheathing joint with with either self-tapping screws or nails ensure the NLT stays in place, as
diaphragm nailing
Shear Walls
Where NLT is continuous over a wood shear wall below, the lateral load
NLT Span Perpendicular to Shear Wall
path between the plywood/OSB and the shear wall must pass through the
NLT lams. Typical connections where NLT passes over an interior shear wall
are shown in Figure 4.12. Connections between NLT and perimeter walls
are shown in Figure 4.14. For interior shear walls, provide screws from the
underside of the top plate through the NLT. Similar to connections at beams,
the screws should either be installed vertically and centred on the laminations, 4.
nails or screws. In addition, provide tension ties between the top of the NLT and
6. 4.
the shear wall to resist out-of-plane loading. Ensure the studs are blocked in line
with the ledger to provide a direct load path to the plywood/OSB sheathing.
For NLT connecting to a concrete wall, install a continuous wood ledger
7. at the top of the wall. For site-built NLT which is toenailed to the ledger,
a single 2x is sufficient. For prefabricated NLT, install a thicker ledger to
accommodate self-tapping screw connections as shown in Figure 4.16.
Figure 4.15: NLT Support at Balloon-Framed
Wood Shear Wall
4.4 Additional Design
1. Plywood/OSB diaphragm sheathing Considerations
2. NLT
3. Wood ledger connected to shear wall studs Give special consideration to NLT systems with concentrated loads, openings,
4. Self-tapping screws from NLT to ledger and cantilevers.
5. Double height wood shear wall (Balloon 4.4.1 Point Loads
6. Tension tie at top of NLT Point loads on NLT will be shared by multiple laminations but must be
7. Wood blocking for diaphragm shear transfer checked independently from uniform loads. Based on the authors’ engineering
into wall
judgment, a reasonable lower limit for the effective width of NLT resisting a
point load is 300 mm (12 in.), which accounts for load spreading throughout
the section depth plus 1-2 additional laminations on each side being engaged by
the nails. If the actual width of the load plus half the NLT depth (d/2) on each
side is greater than 300 mm (12 in.), use this larger dimension. Treat line loads
4. parallel to the NLT span in a similar fashion. For large point loads or line loads
near supports, shear or bearing may govern the NLT design.
4.4.2 Openings
2. NLT is a one-way system, which means that openings often require additional
6. analysis and reinforcement. Based on the authors’ engineering judgment,
this Guide defines small openings as 228 mm (9 in.) wide or less (up to
6 laminations for NLT fabricated from 2x material); other openings are
considered large.
screws to act primarily in withdrawal, which is a stiffer and stronger load
path than the screws acting in shear. Design each screw for the appropriate 2.
to the “basic” shear from the terminated lams, which is calculated based
on design loads, shear is also generated due to imposed deformation. The
terminated lams must deflect equally to the adjacent full-length courses, 3. 4.
which creates shear proportional to the equivalent uniform load required to Plan View of Opening
deflect the terminated lams the same amount as the continuous courses. In 2.
grillage model studies, discussed in Section 4.1.2, the additional shear can be
significant. Refer to Figure 4.17 for an example of an opening reinforced with
fully threaded screws acting primarily in tension. The fastener pattern should
Section Beyond Opening
ensure that every terminated lamination is fully penetrated by at least one
screw, all screw heads are positioned outside the width of the opening, and Figure 4.17: Small Opening with Fully
Threaded Screw Reinforcing
the screw spacing meets the manufacturer’s minimum requirements.
Steel reinforcement of small openings, as shown in Figure 4.18, is another 1. Self-tapping fully threaded screws inclined 450
2. Opening width
option. The steel framing acts as a beam, taking the end reactions from
3. Fastener edge distance
the terminated laminations and spreading them to the adjacent continuous 4. Fastener spacing
courses. Extend the supplementary framing at least half the width of the
opening on both sides, and check the laminations supporting the steel
framing for the additional load. Where exposed steel on the underside of
the NLT is undesirable for either architectural or fire-resistance purposes,
an angle can be provided as shown in Figure 4.18. If the vertical leg can be
embedded in a topping slab or other floor build-up, orient the leg upward
for easier fabrication and installation. If projection above the NLT cannot be
accommodated, the vertical leg can be oriented downward but will need to
be coped at the edges of the opening. Use self-tapping screws that penetrate
a minimum of 80% of the NLT depth. Alternately, Figure 4.18 (right) shows
a steel channel supporting the terminated lams through a simple bearing
connection with nominal screws provided. For this approach, the terminated
lams are supported by partially threaded self-tapping screws installed through
the horizontal leg and centred on each lamination. In either case, only the
top flange/horizontal leg is extended over the continuous courses to provide
support through bearing on each lamination; provide nominal attachment
with screws to each lamination.
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1
6 1
* *
* *
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
* *
* *
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
S S S S 6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
S S S S 6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
* *
* *
6 1 6 1
S S S S 6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
* *
* *
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
6 1 6 1
Plan View of Opening with Steel Angle Framing Plan View of Opening with Steel Channel Framing
6 1 6 1
6. 6.
Section of Opening with Steel Angle Framing Section of Opening with Steel Channel Framing
4.4.3 Overhangs
NLT cantilevers in the direction of the span are structurally straightforward;
cantilevering in the weak axis direction is more challenging. Short weak-axis
cantilevers can be accommodated using fully threaded self-tapping screws installed
at a 45-degree angle, similar to the screw-reinforced openings shown in Figure 4.17.
Based on the authors’ engineering judgment, a weak-axis cantilever of 228 mm (9
in., six lams for 2x material) is a reasonable limit for this type of detail.
NLT cantilevers that cross the building enclosure, such as eaves and entrance
canopies, require special attention. As discussed further in Chapter 5, best
practice is to extend the enclosure to encapsulate the overhang. However, this
strategy does not allow the NLT to remain exposed, which is often desirable
for aesthetic reasons. In cases such as these, ensure enclosure continuity
in one of two ways: provide some type of flexible sealant between each
1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6
6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1
1 6 1 6 1 6
6 1 6 1 6 1
Providing sealant between each lam requires careful coordination with the 2.
fabricator and installer. One option is to leave all the laminations fully intact and S S S S S S S S S S S S
1 6 1 6 1 6
6 1 6 1 6 1
use a thin sealant tape at each interface. Although preferable from a structural
1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6
6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1
strength and stiffness perspective, this strategy will create a “bulge” in the
Plan View of Opening
NLT at the enclosure line. Products are available with less than 3 mm (1/8 in.)
thickness, but even these will add up. Another option is to kerf each lamination
over its full height at the enclosure line and inject sealant into the kerfs. This 5.
approach eliminates the “bulge” problem but reduces the structural strength
and stiffness of the NLT, which must be accounted for in the design. Section Beyond Opening
Where NLT is hung from outriggers using self-tapping screws, as shown Figure 4.19: Supplementary Steel Framing at
Large Openings
in Figure 4.20, the NLT can span in either direction. Details with upstand
outriggers such as these are especially susceptible to moisture and must be
1. Steel T-section spanning between supports
designed accordingly: if improperly detailed, the increase in tensile stress in 2. Opening width
the screw resulting from moisture-induced wood swelling could cause brittle 3. Steel framing at opening (channel or angle)
fracture of the screw. Where wood outriggers are provided, partially threaded 4. Nominal screws into NLT laminations
5. Screw length of 80% of NLT depth
screws ensure threads engage only in the NLT and not in the outrigger,
as shown in Figure 4.20. This approach will ensure that extreme cases of
swelling will result in crushing below the head of the screw, preventing excess 5. 2.
tensile stress in the screws. Capacity can be increased somewhat by providing
washer head screws or using separate washers below the screw heads. If
steel outriggers are necessary, provide a compressible material between the 3. 7. 4.
4.5 Specifications 8.
climate and the specific project. Also outline all requirements for samples,
mock-ups, and site review.
[1] Krämer, V.; Trag- und Verformungsverhalten genagelter
Brettstapelelemente unter Querlast, Dissertation, February 2003.
[4] American Wood Council, Wood Construction Data 2 – Tongue & Groove
Roof Decking. Washington, DC, 2003.
[5] American Wood Council. 2014. NDS national design specification for wood
construction. Leesburg, VA: American Wood Council.
[6] Porteous, Jack, and Abdy Kermani. 2013. Structural timber design to
Eurocode 5.
Figure 5.1: Climate Zones Across Canada based on NECB 2015 Heating Degree Days [1]
In some climates, the mass of the NLT itself may contribute to moderating
or potentially reducing heating and cooling loads. NLT may also contribute to
overall thermal comfort as demonstrated in modeling exercises performed for
CLT, a mass timber product of similar mass [3].
Roof membrane
Sloped Over-Framing
Rigid insulation
Air/vapor control membrane/TMMS
Structural Plywood/OSB
Sloped over-framing, Air cavity, vented
to interior. (Refer to section 5.4.1)
Roof support (beyond)
The air and vapor control membrane may also serve as
a temporary moisture management system (TMMS), as
Roof membrane further discussed in Section 7.6. Carefully consider the
Coverboard vapor permeance of all assembly layers relative to the NLT
Roof membrane
Sloped Structure
Rigid insulation
Air/vapor control membrane/TMMS
Structural Plywood/OSB
Sloped roof support (beyond)
Sloped Over-Framing
Structural Plywood/OSB (air control to the air control layer at walls above and below. In smaller
layer) soffit applications, the air control layer may be an air barrier
membrane over sheathing at the underside of the soffit.
Air-permeable or -impermeable
Thermal insulation in this assembly may be batt, rigid board,
thermal insulation (between structure
or spray applied insulation to fit tightly to the structure.
beyond) A waterproof finish floor coating should be considered where
Air barrier membrane (vapor-
wet conditions or risk of plumbing failures exist at interior
permeable water-resistive barrier
membrane optional) Carefully consider the vapor permeance of all assembly
Furring and vented cavity
layers relative to the NLT and interior/exterior environmental
Exterior vented soffit panel
5.2 Air-flow
Managing air flow across the building enclosure is a requirement of the
National Building Code of Canada (NBC) [5], and is key for reducing energy
consumption, increasing thermal comfort, and minimizing the movement
of water vapor into an assembly (refer to Section 5.3 for more on managing
water vapor transport). Addressing air flow also minimizes the transfer of
sound, smoke, fire, and contaminants between environments.
Stiffness: The air barrier system must withstand the air pressure forces
acting on it without deforming or deflecting in such a way that inhibits the
system’s ability to perform as intended (refer to Figure 5.3). In a horizontal
NLT assembly, this is overcome by providing a fully adhered or constrained
Figure 5.2: Potential Deformation or
air barrier membrane, or by using the structural plywood/OSB over the NLT Deflection of Air Barrier System from
and continuously air sealing/taping joints and transitions. Forces of Air Pressure.
12. 12.
6. 6.
1. 3. 1.
11. 11.
10. 4. 15.
Roof Parapet (Option 1)
16. 17. 16.
17. 17.
Exterior Soffit (Option 1)
15. 5.
4. 8. 7.
8. 7.
Continuity: The materials within the air barrier system must form a 6.
continuous boundary. Ensure that the air barrier system of the NLT 8.
assembly is continuous at all joints and penetrations, and interfaces with other
9. 10.
assemblies. Refer to Figure 5.2 for example details. Where the NLT is part
of the air barrier system as shown in Figure 5.4, refer to Section 5.2.1 for 11.
building movement, air pressure differentials, and environmental exposures (e.g. 7. Sheet metal closure flashing with crimp, sealed
to underside of exposed NLT
UV and site contaminants) which may occur during the building’s service life. 8. Water-resisitive and air barrier flashing
The five attributes detailed above are specific to building service life; however, 9. Continuous air barrier backer rod and pre-
if installed as part of the Temporary Moisture Management System (TMMS), formed sealant extrusion joint
10. Window system
air barrier materials must also be strong and durable during the construction
11. Continuous air barrier system.
phase to ensure long-term performance of the system. Carefully consider 12. Note: Details may vary on climate zone and
UV exposure, moisture exposure, wind pressures/gusts, and trade activities. building use.
The location of the air barrier membrane within typical NLT assemblies is
indicated in Tables 5.2 and 5.3.
The air sealing materials used within the Figure 5.4 detail need to withstand
mechanical pressures between each layer while maintaining continuity and
adhesion throughout shrinkage/swelling (refer to Appendix C). Preformed
butyl tape and expanding foam tape products shown in Figure 5.5 may
provide better performance when installed between laminations and between
sheathing and NLT interfaces. While preformed tapes are easier to control
throughout the fabrication process, they increase the overall gap dimension
Figure 5.5: NLT Panel with Preformed Tape between laminations and distort alignment. To maintain straightness and
overall uniform panel dimensions, it may be necessary to install tape or shims
throughout the NLT. Avoid sealant and spray foam products for air sealing
this transition; most of these products have a limited ability to accommodate
movement when sandwiched between materials, and can be difficult and
messy to install effectively during the fabrication and/or construction process.
Be aware that a vapour control layer and air barrier system in an NLT
assembly can limit the ability of the NLT to dry, should it become wet during
construction. Other low-permeability assembly layers and components can
also limit drying. Accordingly, it is important that NLT laminations and
sheathing are sufficiently dry prior to installing any subsequent enclosure
layers, exposure to liquid water during construction is limited, and that the
assembly is specifically designed for drying of construction moisture.
Decay of the NLT lamination and sheathing: decay can impact the
serviceability of the NLT lamination and sheathing should prolonged
moisture exposure occur.
1. 5. 3.
7. 7. 6. 7.
Liquid water at the roof is managed by the roof membrane; the location
1. Structural sheathing installed over intermittent
battens of this membrane and additional considerations are discussed in Tables 5.2
2. Structural installed over intermittent sleeper and 5.3. To help ensure the long-term performance of the NLT roof during
3. Structural sheathing building occupancy, a durable, fully adhered (e.g. multi-ply) roof membrane
4. Intermittent battens, beyond installed on the NLT roof is recommended, especially where a TMMS is not
5. Intermittent sleeper framing beyond used (refer to Section 7.6). Refer to the local provincial roofing contractors
6. NLT laminations, staggered lamination depth association roofing practices manual or the roofing membrane manufacturer
7. NLT panel, vented
literature for more on best practices.
*In all cases venting occurs between the NLT
laminations and sheathing and is vented to the
building interior.
Floor assemblies are generally not exposed to liquid water during a building’s
service life except for plumbing and appliance failures and wet in-service
building conditions. Where the risk of wet interior conditions exists, consider
a waterproof floor coating over top of the plywood/OSB sheathing and,
where possible, provide a means for slope and drainage; avoid a waterproof
floor covering directly over the NLT. Managing liquid water at NLT soffit
assemblies is also accomplished by managing water at the adjacent perimeter
wall interfaces through the use of deflection mechanisms such as base-of-
wall sheet-metal flashings as shown in Figure 5.2.
Where a clear air cavity vent space is not possible, consider another means
of leak detection or NLT drying. In such instances, consider the following
potential limitations:
• Fire code may require the air cavity to be filled with insulation,
negating the purpose of the vented cavity. Where this is required,
consider limiting the cavity insulation R-value to less than one third
of the total assembly insulation R-value, to minimize the risk of
condensation within the assembly.
• Some applications may not allow structural sheathing to be located
over top of the over-framing; if sheathing is located directly on
top of the NLT laminations, air from the vent will not be able to
effectively dry the NLT.
• Structural sheathing perimeter attachment requirements may prevent
a clear air cavity connection to the interior, negating the benefit of
venting the panel to the interior.
[1] Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes, and Institute for
Research in Construction (Canada). 2015. National Energy Code of
Canada for Buildings, 2015. Ottawa, ON: National Research Council.
[3] Karacabeyli, Erol, and Brad Douglas. 2013. CLT handbook: cross-
laminated timber. Pointe-Claire, Québec: FPInnovations.
6.1 Materials
Material selection and fabrication techniques will affect the finished aesthetic In This Chapter
and performance of any project. Understanding material attributes and the 6.1 Materials
NLT fabrication process helps inform all aspects of design and construction. 6.2 Tools and Equipment
Material supplies for NLT production include wood materials (lumber and 6.3 Fabrication Process
plywood/OSB) as well as fasteners and coatings. 6.4 Manufacturing Standards
6.1.1 Lumber
The primary factors in determining wood species and grades for NLT
are availability, cost, structural performance, and aesthetics. Consider the
following to inform lumber choices for NLT:
Grade also matters where NLT is exposed as an interior finish. For instance,
although visually graded No. 2 lumber may meet structural requirements,
a higher appearance grade can minimize visual defects (wane, holes, large
Figure 6.1: NLT Showing Blue Staining from Beetle-Killed Wood (Photo Courtesy of Perkins+Will)
Research and consider locally available lumber grades before ordering lumber
for NLT. In some regions, SPF includes a significant supply of beetle-killed
wood, which typically has blue stain through the grain, refer to Figure 6.1.
While staining is often acceptable and sometimes even desired as an aesthetic
feature, distributing it evenly throughout the NLT can be challenging.
For panels created with layup patterns, often called “spliced” panels, shorter
length boards can be used, but fabrication complexity and cost will increase.
Refer to Section 4.1.2 for further discussion on structural design for spliced
panels and Section 6.3.1 for more on layup pattern fabrication.
Standard construction grades of plywood or OSB are generally used over NLT
floors or roofs and on one or both sides of NLT walls. The plywood/OSB
provides vertical or horizontal diaphragm capacity and connects prefabricated
panels together with a continuous substrate. Requirements for plywood/OSB
thickness and layout should be described in the contract documents.
Self-tapping screws are often used to connect NLT to its supports and can
be used to reinforce panels at other conditions in panel assemblies such as
openings, overhangs, or weak-axis cantilevers. Where self-tapping screws
are needed, use zinc-plated screws to prevent iron staining; galvanizing this
type of screw reduces the strength of the steel, and is rare and expensive.
Although self-tapping screws have much higher structural capacity than nails,
requiring fewer per NLT panel, using screws will increase fabrication time,
increasing labour costs. For example, adding one pair of screws to every
course at a spacing of 305 mm (12 in.) on centre increases assembly time by a
factor of approximately three.
6.1.3 Coatings
Coatings include sealers and stains often applied to exposed faces of NLT
floors, roofs, and walls for aesthetic purposes. They can be applied in the
shop, on site, or both. While coatings can mitigate water staining, they will
not prevent swelling and are not an effective construction moisture control
system. Water staining is typically minimal for horizontal NLT even without
coatings, as the laminations create a natural drip edge every 38 mm (1-1/2 in.).
Site-applied coatings can be cost effective depending on size and complexity of
the project. Many different types of coatings are available and the appropriate
product is generally coordinated between the coating manufacturers and the
project architect. Penetrating coatings usually perform better than film building
coatings, as natural movement in the NLT panel with time can lead to shrinkage
or expansion and cracking in the film. For exterior panels, carefully consider
coating specification and maintenance requirements.
6.2.1 Jigs
The best way to assemble NLT is on jigs made from pony walls, back and end
stops, and back fences as shown in Figure 6.4. Consider the following tips for
an efficient and comfortable setup:
Jig: Build pony walls at typical waist height 762 mm - 864 mm (30 in. to 34
in.) tall to provide a comfortable position for using a pneumatic nailer for
long periods of time. Different setups can be used to create NLT that is
curved in plan or warped in elevation.
Back Stop: Ensure a straight, sturdy back stop, built on top of the jig to
withstand continuous battering over the course of manufacturing. Consider
engineered wood (LSL or LVL) or steel angles. Unless the backstop is too
thick, fasten the first board of a panel from the back side of the backstop for
ease of panel removal after completion.
End Stop: Make the end stop straight and square with the back stop, built on
top of the jig similarly to the back stop.
Back Fence: Build a back fence where nailing stations are set up back to
back, to protect workers from misfired nails.
6.2.2 Fastening
Choose the appropriate nailer for the nails specified in the drawings. For
typical three-inch pneumatic power nailers, a single compressor with air
volume of 5 CFM should be used for every two pneumatic nailers. To
prevent tripping hazards and protect equipment, run air hoses overhead,
allowing them to drop down only over work stations wherever possible.
Where large self-tapping screws are used, high-torque drills capable of driving
large screws are required. Never use an impact drill to install these screws;
doing so may overdrive or damage the screws, compromising the strength
of the connection. Where predrilling is required (for example with larger
diameter screws) take care to drill the correct sized pilot hole.
Where possible, identify zones where the NLT is expected to be cut after Table 6.1 SAW TYPES AND
fabrication, for example at panel ends and openings; do not put nails in these
zones. Where plywood/OSB is shop installed, nail the plywood/OSB to the SAW SIZE MAXIMUM
NLT as specified in the structural drawings with a pneumatic nailer. Where
250 mm (10 in.) 89 mm
self-tapping screws are required, install them after cutting or take special care beam saw (3-1/2 in.)
to ensure no screws are present in the zones where cutting will occur as they 400 mm (16 in.) 165 mm
are difficult to cut through. beam saw (6-1/2 in.)
450 mm (18 in.) 187 mm
6.2.3 Cutting beam saw (7-3/8 in.)
After fabrication, cut NLT panels to length and provide other cuts that can Carpenter’s 406 mm
chainsaw* (16 in.)
be coordinated in advance such as notching panel corners at column locations
and cutting mechanical openings. Cutting panels in the shop helps prevent *A chainsaw is not recommended due to high
probability of cutting through nails.
erection delays on site. While it may be possible to identify zones without
nails in advance of cutting (refer to Section 6.2.2), the steel nails located
throughout NLT do present a challenge for cutting. For this reason, NLT
panels are not well suited for CNC fabrication.
Some circular saws can handle cutting through nails, however it is best
to consult a blade sharpening professional and select a blade that will cut
through small amounts of steel. Even specialized “nail-cutting” blades will
become dull and chipped but will last longer than standard wood blades.
Circular beam saws range in cutting depth, accordingly deep NLT panels may
need to be cut from both sides. Refer to Table 6.1 for saw types and sizes
with corresponding cut depths.
Coatings may be applied in the shop or on site after the building is enclosed.
If applied on site, the most important considerations are accessibility and
coating ingredient attributes. Adequate ventilation may be difficult on some
sites so coatings with high VOC content may present a challenge for on-site
application. If coatings are applied in the shop, account for added lead time and
more stringent panel storage requirements. Avoid placing stickers and dunnage
on exposed sections of a panel, to ensure they do not affect the final appearance.
Take care during storage and shipping to ensure the pre-installed TMMS
is not damaged prior to panel installation. Refer to Chapter 7 for more on
storage and shipping approaches.
Forklifts and Telehandlers: Ensure that forks are clean and covered to
prevent damage to the panels. Use plastic covers are recommended, not
carpet or cardboard covers. Keep panel widths to a maximum of 1.8 m (6 ft.)
where overhead cranes are not available.
Figure 6.6: Combined NLT and Support Beams (Photo courtesy of Fast+Epp)
Panels longer than 6 m (20 ft.) can be created from shorter sections of boards
butt jointed to create continuous courses. The pattern of these joints is
called a splice or layup pattern. Different layup patterns affect the efficiency
of material usage as well as the structural capacity of the NLT. (Refer to
Section 4.1.2 for examples of layup patterns). The structural drawings may
supply a pattern or ask the fabricator to propose a pattern based on specified
requirements. In cases where the pattern is proposed by the fabricator, it must
be reviewed and approved by the structural engineer and architect before
production. Incorrect splice patterns can impact deflection and strength.
Fastener type: Incorrect nail diameter is the most common mistake. Also
ensure that nails are galvanized.
Jig setup: Even with solid back and end stops, check frequently to ensure the
jig remains square.
6.4.2 Tolerances
Reasonable manufacturing tolerances on panel width, length, and squareness
help speed erection and maximize the benefit of prefabricated NLT panels.
Refer to Appendix B for example tolerances for panel fabrication. Consider
the following:
Panel Length: Tight tolerances on length are easily met with accurate cutting
after the panel is nailed.
Accurate and efficient installation requires good shop drawings that clearly
communicate part numbering, placement, plan layout, and construction
details. Sequencing panels for installation should be considered in the pre-
construction phase. Identify panels required on site first, and work backwards
to plan and coordinate speed of manufacturing, panel storage, and truck
loading. Shop drawing packages, at a minimum, should include the following:
7.1 Organization
The most appropriate panel organization strategy depends on the size, In This Chapter
location, and complexity of the project, but there are three common 7.1 Organization
approaches for the most efficient installation: 7.2 Shipping
7.3 Storage
• Just-in-time delivery;
7.4 Unloading
• Sorting and staging on site; and
7.5 Installation
• Off-site storage.
7.6 Construction Phase
Just-in-time delivery offers the greatest advantage. Where it is possible to Moisture Management
organize delivery just-in-time, load panels to allow for installation directly
from trailers, and use truck stacking diagrams to ensure correct loading
sequences for larger or more complex projects.
7.2 Shipping
Consider shipping constraints carefully to ensure the width, length, height,
and weight limitations of transporting loads can be accommodated.
Width: Optimum panels are 1.2 m or 2.4 m (4 ft. or 8 ft.) wide. Loads wider
than 3.5 m (11 ft.- 6 in.) require permits and generally have time-of-day
restrictions at the discretion of local transportation authorities.
Length: Panels up to 18.3 m (60 ft.) long can usually be transported without
restriction. Longer panels may require special trucks or permits.
Height: Maximum shipping height for a loaded truck is generally 4.1 m (13
ft.-6 in.) above the ground. Over-height permits may be allowed up to 4.3 m
(14 ft.-2 in.), but this is rare.
Figure 7.1: Shipping with Dunnage and Stickers (Photo courtesy of StructureCraft Builders Inc.)
Weight: Trailer capacities and local transport authorities also impose limits
on shipping. Typical tandem-axle trailers have a capacity of 20,000 kg to
23,000 kg (45,000 lbs to 50,000 lbs.), and typical triple-axle trailers have a
capacity of 25,000 kg to 27,000 kg (55,000 lbs to 60,000 lbs). Local transport
authority truck weight limits are usually 20,000 kg (45,000 lbs). Most
softwoods have a density of 480 kg/m3 to 560 kg/m3 (30 lbs to 35 lbs./ft.3),
which can be used to estimate panel weights with reasonable accuracy. For
more precise density values of specific species, refer to the NDS Supplement.
It is best practice to use clean, dry lumber as dunnage and stickers, to raise the
panels off the truck bed and separate them to allow air circulation, as shown
in Figure 7.1. To avoid staining, dunnage and stickers should be free of grade
stamps. Placing plastic, lumber wrap, or wax paper on the underside of panels
to protect them from dunnage and stickers is usually ineffective and can cause
moisture to accumulate.
Reducing the thickness of the dunnage and stickers can maximize the number
of panels that fit on a truck. Ensure the thickness of the dunnage is sufficient
to allow a fork between the panels. Most forklifts with fork extensions require
a minimum of 100 mm (4 in.) of clearance. Other lifting devices may require
the same consideration, or additional clearance between loaded panels to
avoid damage to the undersides.
Renting trailers can be a good way to gain storage space during manufacturing
and to protect the panels from the elements, but the cost may add up quickly
for multiple trailers or in cases of schedule delays. Wherever the panels are
stored, the panel stacking sequence should match the install sequence to
prevent inefficiencies with repeat handling (refer to Figure 7.2).
Renting trailers can be a good way to gain storage space during manufacturing
and to protect the panels from the elements, but the cost may add up quickly
for multiple trailers or in cases of schedule delays. Wherever the panels are
stored, the panel stacking sequence should match the install sequence to
prevent inefficiencies with repeat handling (refer to Figure 7.2).
7.4 Unloading
When clean, dry forklift forks are used, no additional protection during
unloading should be required. If fork protection is desired, shrink wrap
over fork attachments offers the best fork protection without adding too
much thickness. Forklift damage to NLT panels can be costly and difficult to
remediate. Where cranes are used to unload/erect the panels, refer to Chapter
8 for erection engineering guidance. In either case, NLT-specific safety
requirements would follow standard safety rules for loading, offloading, and
general material handling.
7.5 Installation
The complexity of planning and coordination for NLT projects will vary
with the scale and size, which can range from small-scale residential buildings
to large multi-storey commercial projects. The typical installation sequence
involves placing the panels, support attachment, panel-to-panel connections,
Ensure the panels are placed per the structural drawings and details, which
may include gaps as shown in Figures 7.4 and 7.5. NLT panels are an
Figure 7.3: NLT Panel Installation Sequencing
Model (Image courtesy of StructureCraft engineered system; no notching or cutting is permitted without approval.
Builders Inc.) Where high-strength screws are used for the connection to supporting
structural elements, never use an impact drill, to avoid stripping the wood.
Refer to Section 6.2.2 for more on high-strength screw installation.
Figure 7.7: Scheffer Climate Index (As updated by Morris and Wang [6] and modified by RDH Building Science Inc.)
The need for a TMMS will vary by project and is impacted by both seasonal
temperatures and frequency of rain events. One approach to determine an
effective TMMS is to use a climate index such as the Scheffer Climate Index
Map [2], [4]. Refer to Figure 7.7 for the four categories of climate indices
across Canada, and Table 7.1 for suggested temporary moisture management
systems for each climate index category.
Scheffer Climate Indices (SCI) may vary based on local climates and
geographic features. Where specific conditions merit, calculate a project-
specific SCI using recent weather data acquired from the closest available
1. 1.
5. 4. 3. 2. 2.
1. 1.
Field Applied TMMS and Joint Treatment Shop Applied TMMS with Field Applied Joints
weather station. Refer to A New Decay Hazard Map for North America Key
Using the Scheffer Index by Morris and Wang [4] for more information and 1. Sheathing, NLT, and structure beyond
2. TMMS membrane
city-specific indexes.
3. TMMS joint treatment
In addition to the guidelines provided in Table 7.1, consider the ability of the 4. Movement gap per structural engineer
5. Sheathing per fire engineer
TMMS to accommodate construction activity without undue risk of workers
slipping, the system’s compatibility with any interfacing roof membranes
or flooring systems to be installed later in construction, and the TMMS
sensitivity to UV exposure relative to the project schedule. Where the TMMS
is also to be used as the permanent air barrier system and vapor control
layer, ensure the TMMS has the appropriate properties to function as these
elements and is repaired as needed prior to cover. Also consider that the
TMMS may impact the adhesion of a concrete topping slab.
Take care where fasteners penetrate through the TMMS at elements such as
fall arrest anchors (refer to Chapter 8), scaffolding supports, or structural
outriggers (refer to Chapter 4). Detail fastener penetrations through the
TMMS and consider additional protection for high rainfall areas. Any
removed fasteners or damaged TMMS areas should be promptly repaired.
Joint Treatment: Taped and/ Additional applications of water sealer may further increase water resistivity of
or sealed (e.g. flexible flashing the sheathing.
membrane or tape).
Cost effective compared to options with field membrane.
Low durability.
Difficult to seal.
Isolated Conditions
Typically slippery and dangerous to walk on. (evaluate for project specific
Allows lateral moisture movement beneath
Sheathing splines provide an easy pathway for water to migrate into the NLT.
Detail the splines with the TMMS field membrane and/or joint treatment as
soon after placement as possible, and before wet weather conditions occur.
Additionally, ensure any other water deflection/diversion mechanisms avoid
concentrating water at spline locations.
Using natural ventilation to dry wet NLT is not effective; drying typically
occurs slowly and relies on natural heating from sun exposure, and air flow
from wind [3]. Active heating and dehumidifying are more effective but have
limited benefit in cases where there is a membrane on top of the assembly.
[1] Wang, Jieying. 2016. Wetting and Drying Performance and On-
Site Moisture Protection of Nail Laminated Timber Assemblies.
Publication 173-644. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: FPInnovations.
[4] Morris, P.I.; Wang, J. 2008. A new decay hazard map for North America
using the Scheffer Index. Document IRG/WP, 08-10672. Stockholm,
Sweden: International Research Group on Wood Protection.
NLT projects usually require specialty erection engineering for panel lifting,
fall arrest, and temporary structural stability. This engineering can be
performed by the structural engineer but is more often carried out by the In This Chapter
supplier’s or installer’s temporary works engineer. 8.1 Design Loads
8.2 Panel Lifting
For larger structures, an engineered, stamped, and sealed set of erection
8.3 Fall Arrest and
drawings should be in place prior to the start of work on site.
Horizontal Lifelines
8.4 Temporary Stability
8.1 Design Loads
Successful systems for lifting and temporary stability are based on accurate
design load calculations. Consider the following:
Take care before specifying a specific load rating for any engineered lifting
system. Once a rating is stated, others may assume it to be valid even under
significantly different circumstances.
Lifting Mechanism: Slings, spreader bars, and chain hoists can all be
components of the rigging system which attaches to pick points on panels.
Specifying allowable sling angles and required sling or chain capacities is
critical to a safe lifting plan. Specify use of tag lines to safely guide the panel
during lifting.
Refer to Table 8.2 for some common approaches to lifting horizontal NLT
panels for floors or roofs, many of which include high-strength self-tapping
screws. Where these screws are used, place them centred on NLT laminations.
Screws of larger diameter should be predrilled.
Use the right tools, correctly calibrated to prevent stripping of the wood
during screw installation. Never use impact tools to avoid overdriving the
screw, breaking the screw, or stripping the holes. Generally these screws
cannot be re-used; consult with the supplier to confirm.
NLT wall panels with vertically oriented laminations and a horizontal top plate
require special lifting techniques. Consider the use of choked slings or screws
fastened through the top plate, or D-ring plates fastened to the sides of the
panel. It is important to consider load transfer between lams, although where
plywood/OSB is pre-installed on at least one side this is usually straightforward.
When picking more than two lifting points from a single hook, use
appropriate compensation systems to ensure proper load distribution between
all pick points, and carefully consider effective loads on each pick point.
Screwed in
Quick-connect system reduces
Quick-Release Anchors
cycle times.
Screws must be installed at
correct angle.
Common system for mid-range
panel weights. Local reinforcement of panel
is required.
Load is dependent on the
withdrawal capacity of high- For higher loaded connection,
strength screws. provide timber blocking fastened to
the top of the panel or a counterbore
into the panel to ensure lifting
screws are loaded in withdrawal only.
Screws penetrate pre-installed
Screwed Plates with Lifting Rings D-ring plates and screws can be
Can be time consuming to install.
Consider impact to dunnage during
Governed by plate dimension and shipping for pre-installed plates.
number of screws installed. Multiple plates required for a project
Used for higher load panels (or will impact the cost.
reduced number of pick points). Provide either swivel lift ring or
orient d-ring to pivot in same
direction as chains/slings.
Large number of penetrations into
the TMMS.
Panels that are covered with lumber wrap or adhesive membrane for weather
protection also become very slippery when wet, posing an additional hazard
during construction. For temporary fall arrest systems, D-plates can be
fastened directly to the NLT and used for both point arrests and life lines;
refer to Figure 8.1. Note that not all lifting systems are designed for fall arrest.
Fall arrest engineering should be done in addition to lift engineering.
Permanent fall arrest anchors typically impose larger loads on the structure
than temporary systems, because minimum clearances above the finished
roof increase the height of the anchors. Local reinforcement of the NLT
If panels are stacked on the structure during installation, be sure to check the
weight of the panel stacks against the design loads for the structure.
Wall panels require restraint for temporary construction loading such as wind.
Shores are common and may take several forms, from custom built-up 38
mm x 140 mm (2x6) braces with adjustable turnbuckles at either end, to pre-
manufactured and adjustable metal shores.
[1] Karacabeyli, Erol, and Brad Douglas. 2013. CLT handbook: cross-
laminated timber. Pointe-Claire, Québec: FPInnovations.
A NLT Appearance Chart
B Sample Specification
C Swelling & Shrinkage of Wood
Figure A.1: Significant wane and knots, inconsistent colouration. Loose vertical tolerance on placement of laminations.
Figure A.2: Minimal wane, some knot holes, variable colouration. Tight vertical tolerance on placement of laminations.
Figure A.4: No wane, no knot holes, consistent colouration. Tight vertical tolerance on placement of laminations.
Part 1 General
.1 ASTM A153/A153M-16a - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and
Steel Hardware.
.2 ASTM E488/E488M-15 - Standard Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete
.3 ASTM F1667-15 - Standard Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, and Staples.
.4 CANPLY (Canadian Plywood Association) - Grading and certification.
.5 CSA O86-14 - Engineering Design in Wood.
.6 CSA O121-08(R2013) - Douglas Fir Plywood.
.7 CSA O141-05(R2014) - Softwood Lumber.
.8 ICC-ES ESR-1539 - Power-Driven Staples and Nails.
.9 NLGA (National Lumber Grades Authority) - Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber,
2014 Edition.
.10 National Building Code of Canada 2015.
.11 For Projects overseen by a Construction Manager or Design-Build Contractor in lieu of a
General Contractor, references to “Contractor” shall apply to the relevant Subcontractor(s).
Part 2 Products
.2 Do not grade stamp lumber exposed to view. Deliver to site with certificates as to species,
grades, stress grades, seasoning, moisture content, and other evidence as required to
show compliance with the Specifications.
.3 Dress lumber, S4S, unless noted otherwise.
.4 Wood Members: SPF #1/#2 unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, 19% maximum
moisture content.
.5 Finger-Jointed Lumber: Conforming to NLGA SPS 1 and CSA O86.
.1 Floor and Roof Sheathing: T&G Douglas Fir plywood, exterior grade, conforming to
CSA O121. Thickness as indicated, not less than 16mm.
.2 Factory mark panels to indicate compliance with applicable standard.
.1 Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements specified in this
article for material and manufacture. Provide fasteners with hot-dip zinc coating complying
with ASTM A153 or of Type 304 stainless steel.
.2 Nails, Spikes, and Staples: ASTM F1667.
.3 Power-Driven Fasteners: ICC-ES ESR-1539.
.4 Screws, Tight-Fit Pins and Bolts, Through-Bolts, Glued-In Rods, and Specialty Connectors:
As specified on the Drawings. All fasteners and connectors shall be hot-dip galvanized or
Type 304 stainless steel unless noted otherwise.
.5 Expansion Anchors: Anchor bolt and sleeve assembly with capability to sustain, without
failure, a load equal to six times the load imposed when installed in unit masonry
assemblies and equal to four times the load imposed when installed in concrete as
determined by testing per ASTM E488 conducted by a qualified independent testing and
inspecting agency.
.6 Metal Straps and Ties: Galvanized Simpson Strong-Tie straps or approved equal where
.7 Structural Steel Connectors: As specified in Section 05 12 00. All steel and connectors shall
be hot dip galvanized unless noted otherwise. Fabricate steel hardware and connections
with joints neatly fitted, welded, and ground smooth. Test fit in shop.
.1 Hand select members to ensure straightness and architectural-quality appearance.
.1 No wane, knot holes, grade stamps, or stains are permitted to be visible in the
completed structure.
.2 Where pine beetle kill wood is specified, hand select all members to ensure beetle
staining is visible. Ensure staining is spatially distributed throughout panels; avoid
clusters of stained boards.
.3 Assume a minimum of 30% - 40% lumber rejection rate to achieve acceptable
appearance with #2-grade material. Higher grade material (e.g. J-grade or MSR
lumber) will reduce the rejection rate and may be substituted for #2-grade material
at Contractor’s option.
.2 Place soffits of timbers so the least number of checks and knots will be visible in the
completed structure.
.3 Placement tolerance for timber soffits is plus or minus 2mm.
.4 Arrange timbers in staggered pattern or aligned joint pattern as indicated on the Drawings.
.1 Staggered pattern: Stagger and nail together as indicated on the Drawings.
.2 Aligned joint pattern: Place timbers with joints centered over support members
below. No joints are to be visible from below. Nail together as indicated on the
.5 Use common steel wire nails unless noted otherwise. Make tight connections between
members. Install fasteners without splitting wood. Drive nails snug but do not countersink
nail heads unless noted otherwise.
.6 Substitution of common nails with power-driven nails of the same length and diameter is
acceptable. Substitution of power-driven nails of smaller diameter is permitted only with the
Consultant’s approval.
.7 Clearly mark top surface of panels for identification during erection.
.8 Apply a saturation coat of end sealer to ends and other cross-cut surfaces, keeping
surfaces flood coated for not less than 10 minutes.
.9 After end-coat sealing, apply a heavy saturation coat of penetrating sealer on surfaces of
each panel, or seal every lam prior to assembling.
Part 3 Execution
.1 Confirm all dimensions prior to fabrication. Coordinate with shop drawings of other trades.
.2 Examine supporting construction in areas to receive decking, with Installer present, for
compliance with requirements, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting
performance of the Work.
.3 Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
.1 Provide temporary shores, guys, braces, and other supports during erection to keep NLT
secure and in alignment against wind loads, seismic loads, temporary construction loads,
and loads equal in intensity to design loads. Any failure to make proper and adequate
provisions for stresses during erection shall be solely the responsibility of the Installer.
Fasteners required for erection purposes are the responsibility of the Contractor and are to
be included in the bid.
.2 Fit NLT panels closely and accurately to required levels and lines without trimming, cutting,
or other modifications, unless approved in writing by the Consultant.
.3 Securely attach NLT to supports as indicated on the Drawings.
.4 Site cutting or boring of NLT, other than shown on the shop drawings, is not permitted
without written consent of the Consultant. Coat all field-cut openings with minimum two
coats of clear sealer.
.5 Provide sill gaskets below laminations and non-rigid vapour barrier sealant between
laminations where assembly passes over exterior walls.
.6 Provide moisture barrier at all locations where NLT abuts concrete or masonry construction.
.7 Provide gaps as required for construction tolerances and swelling. Details and locations
shall be discussed with and approved by the Consultant in writing prior to construction.
Gaps on the interior of the building are to be filled after the building is fully enclosed and
.2 Overall Surface Levelness (Floors and Flat Roofs): 6mm in 3 meters maximum.
.3 Elevation: plus or minus 10mm from theoretical.
.4 Joints: 5mm maximum gap between NLT panels unless noted otherwise.
Wood is a natural material, therefore its properties vary with the direction
of the wood grain. As shown in Figure C.1, three directions of grain are
identified: radial, longitudinal, and tangential.
1. Although there are no prescribed manufacturer standards for NLT, typical
softwood species used to construct NLT include Douglas Fir (DF) and
Spruce-Pine-Fir (SPF). Different species have different physical properties,
2. 3.
including density and water vapor permeability.
moisture content
001 10 02 20 03 3004 40 05 5006 60 07 7008 8009 9001 100
Relative Humidity
Relative ( %)
humidity (%)
Figure C.3: Swelling and Shrinkage in Individual Laminations (Scale Exaggerated to Show
General Effect).
Wood will change dimensionally with changes in moisture content most in the
tangential direction, half as much in the radial direction, and a minimal amount
(0.1% to 0.2%) in the longitudinal direction (United States Departement of
Agriculture Forest Service, 2010). As longitudinal shrinkage/swelling is so small,
it is generally ignored in the design and construction of NLT panels. Expected
values of swelling can be calculated by estimating the material’s installation
moisture content and the maximum expected moisture content during a
heavy rain event. Typically these values range from 12% to approximately 28%
respectively. Values of shrinkage can be calculated by estimating the material’s
installation moisture content and the building’s equilibrium moisture content.
Typically, equilibrium values range from 8% to 12%.
When NLT gets wet, the wood fibers will fill with water and begin to swell.
When NLT dries out and finds stable humidity and temperature levels, the
individual laminations will shrink in cross section. When detailing NLT,
consider both swelling during the construction phase and shrinkage during
the first few years of building service life. This cycle can result in small gaps
between the NLT laminations as shown in Figure C.3.