BIOL 108 Atmospheric Impact Lab
BIOL 108 Atmospheric Impact Lab
BIOL 108 Atmospheric Impact Lab
Fill out this table as you complete the Atmospheric Impacts Lab Worksheet. This will be submitted with
your lab quiz.
Day 3 Moist soil, moist dry leaves, damp leaves are a little
leaves, soft leaves, soil, leaves are a soft, soil is damp
bright in color little crisp
Day 5 soft leaves, moist stems no longer bright in color, very
soil, leaves are standing straight up, soft leaves, dry soil,
bright in color leaves are very soft bright in color
and flimsy, color
has darkened, damp
Day 7 stems still standing some leaves laying stems are bent over,
tall, leaves still full over side, the leaves color of leaves has
of color, damp soil, laying in pot are darkened, soil is
soft leaves turning black, the drier but not as dry
leaves over the side as the soil with acid,
are very soft and leaves are very soft
still have a little and flimsy
color, a couple
leaves are soggy
feeling the soil is
Day 9 leaves are still dark leaves and leaves are
standing but not as stems, soil is damp, crumbling, stems
tall as before, leaves stems are fallen, have fallen, dark
are still colorful, soil leaves are all very stems and leaves,
is moist crisp soil is dry and
Day 11 leaves are still dark leaves and leaves are
standing but not as stems, soil is damp crumbling, stems
tall, leaves are still stems are fallen, have fallen, dark
colorful, soil is leaves that are stems and leaves,
moist hanging over are soil is dry and
crisp and others are crumbling
soggy feeling
Day 13 leaves are still dark leaves and leaves are very
standing but not as stems, soil is dry, crumbly and curling
tall, leaves are still stems are fallen, up, stems have
colorful, soil is leaves are crumbling fallen, dark stems
moist that fell over side, , and leaves, soil is
a couple leaves are dry
soggy feeling
Day 15 leaves are still dark leaves and leaves are very
standing but not as stems, soil is damp, crumbly and curling
tall, leaves are still stems are fallen, up, stems have
colorful, soil is leaves are soggy fallen, dark stems
moist besides form the and leaves, soil is
ones that are dry
hanging off the side
which are crumbling
Day 17 stems are a little soil is dry, a couple lost a couple leaves,
bent, leaves are a leaves are soggy leaves are shriveled
little crisp, still full feeling, stems and up, stems and leaves
of color, hasn’t lost leaves are a dark are a dark blackish
any leaves, damp blackish color color, very dry soil
Day 19 03/02 stems are a little soil is dry, a couple lost a couple leaves,
bent, leaves are a leaves are soggy leaves are shriveled
little crisp, still full feeling, some leaves up, stems and leaves
of color, hasn’t lost are very hard and are a dark blackish
any leaves, damp are falling apart color, very dry soil
soil stems and leaves are
a dark blackish
Day 21 03/04 stems are now dry soil, leaves are very dry soil, leaves
leaning, leaves are crumbled, stems are falling off stems
soft, full of color, have fallen, no color are crumbling, dark
most soil in leaves in color
Day 23 03/06 stems are now dry soil, leaves are very dry soil, leaves
leaning, leaves are crumbled, stems are falling off stems
soft, full of color, have fallen, no color are crumbling, dark
most soil in leaves in color
Day 25 03/08 stems are leaning dry soil, leaves are very dry soil, leaves
more, leaves are crumbled, stems are falling off stems
soft, full of color, have fallen, no color are crumbling, dark
most soil in leaves in color
Final Observation stems are leaning, dry soil, leaves are very dry soil, leaves
03/10 leaves are soft, full crumbled, stems are falling off stems
of color, most soil have fallen, no color are crumbling, dark
in leaves in color
Include three photos of your plants as indicated below:
Day 1 Photo:
Day 13 Photo:
Day 25 Photo: