Caring Confidential & Free
Caring Confidential & Free
Caring Confidential & Free
We are a Christ-centered ministry that works to meet the comprehensive needs of those unprepared for
pregnancy, heal lives traumatized by abortion, and challenge people to embrace a Biblical view of sexuali-
ty and the sanctity of human life.
We do this by providing the following caring, confidential, and free services:
Options Counseling educates clients about abortion, adoption, parenting, and sexual health issues.
Medical Services include limited ultrasounds, pregnancy verifications, fertility counseling, and appro-
priate referrals.
Life Steps Classes prepare parents for what they will experience from pregnancy through their child’s
1st year of life, and material resources are provided through this incentive-based program.
Stepping Up Mentoring has parallels with our Options and Life Steps programs but is designed for
Pathway to Hope is a post-abortive Biblical counseling and education program for women & men.
Reality Check is our abstinence-based sexual health and relationship education program delivered
within public and private schools (grades 8 - 12), and at other institutions.
Upon obtaining my Bachelor of Science degree in Histo- I choose to invest my time and treasure in helping the
ry/Secondary Education, I began a 25 year career in ed- "the least of those" who have no voice of their own. I of-
ucation. During that time I also obtained my Masters of ten wonder, out of the 60 million plus lives lost since Roe
Arts in American Legal History. v Wade, what else has society lost? What potential great
minds — healers, poets, artists, scientists — have we
I have long had a passionate desire to be used by God snuffed out before their time? Much like slavery in the
to encourage others, and He is using this desire along 19th century, this is a difficult, and divisive issue tearing
with my previous experiences to do just that as well as to at the fabric of our society. As William Wilberforce said,
equip others with a similar desire. "surely the principles of Christianity lead to action as well
as meditation." We welcome all to get involved.
Jim Kerr
Executive Director 801-994-4981 [email protected]
Primary Spokesperson
George Stewart
Chairman of the Board of Dir. 385-237-7132 [email protected]
Secondary Spokesperson