Caring Confidential & Free

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FREE [email protected] 801-994-4981

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE parenting classes, father mentoring, post-abortion support, material
resources, and appropriate referrals. Additionally, the PRC has an
September 19, 2017
abstinence education program that teaches students in grades 8 - 12
Contact: Jim Kerr, Executive Director, Pregnancy Resource Center within public and private schools and at other institutions.
801-994-4981; [email protected] The combined generosity of dozens of individuals and foundations
and organizations enabled the PRC to raise 105% of the projected
The Pregnancy Resource Center of Salt Lake City (PRC) pre-
startup costs, and because of three major factors the increased oper-
pares to open a satellite center in American Fork, UT.
ational costs of this center will be lower than usual. The primary fac-
Salt Lake City, UT— Since 2016, the PRC has been exploring the tor is that Calvary Mountain View church is allowing the PRC to use
possibility of opening a satellite center in Utah County which has not 1,428 ft2 of space owned by the church without having to pay any
had an Evangelical pro-life organization such as the PRC for over 8 rent/lease. Other key factors include having minimal payroll expens-
years. Since Utah County is Utah’s 2nd most populated county and es since volunteers will mostly run this center and not having to dupli-
has the 2nd most abortions each year, the PRC knew opening a cen- cate tasks that PRC staff in SLC can do is driving down projected op-
ter in Utah County was needed. erational costs.
“We are looking forward to serving those confronted with unplanned Though initially, the American Fork center will only be open one day a
pregnancies with our caring, confidential, and free services beginning week, the PRC is praying that additional hours and days can soon be
this summer,” said Jim Kerr, Executive Director of the PRC. “Our cli- added as the number of clients and trained staff increases.
ents from Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, and beyond predominant-
The American Fork center will be located at 364 East State Street,
ly compliment us about our professionalism as we assist them with
and the PRC welcomes interested parties to keep track of this pro-
making informed decisions about their futures and provide them with
ject’s progress via its website (
needed services.”
ucsc.html). Also, anyone with a question or idea about this center is
The PRC has been serving the Salt Lake City community for over 33 welcomed to contact its Executive Director via email
years, and it’s medical services, rendered by Registered Nurses, in- ([email protected]) or phone (801-994-4981).
clude pregnancy verification, limited ultrasound exams, and fertility
counseling. Additionally clients receive options peer counseling, [email protected] 801-994-4981

What We Are &
What We Do

We are a Christ-centered ministry that works to meet the comprehensive needs of those unprepared for
pregnancy, heal lives traumatized by abortion, and challenge people to embrace a Biblical view of sexuali-
ty and the sanctity of human life.
We do this by providing the following caring, confidential, and free services:
 Options Counseling educates clients about abortion, adoption, parenting, and sexual health issues.
 Medical Services include limited ultrasounds, pregnancy verifications, fertility counseling, and appro-
priate referrals.
 Life Steps Classes prepare parents for what they will experience from pregnancy through their child’s
1st year of life, and material resources are provided through this incentive-based program.
 Stepping Up Mentoring has parallels with our Options and Life Steps programs but is designed for
 Pathway to Hope is a post-abortive Biblical counseling and education program for women & men.
 Reality Check is our abstinence-based sexual health and relationship education program delivered
within public and private schools (grades 8 - 12), and at other institutions. [email protected] 801-994-4981


Jim Kerr - Executive Director George Stewart - Board of Directors Chair

I was born in Daytona Beach, Florida and I grew up in Connecticut and received my
was immediately put up for adoption. After Juris Doctor degree from Duquesne Univer-
living in 7 different foster homes in my early sity in Pittsburgh, PA.
years, God brought me to William and Nan- I worked for United States Steel Cor-
cy Kerr who not only adopted me, but intro- poration for 24 years eventually being
duced me to my Heavenly Father at age 7. God used my named Assistant General Counsel in 2009.
parents, church and local Christian School to minister to
my heart, and I wanted to be used by God in the lives of I am currently the Senior Corporate Counsel for Rio Tin-
others in similar ways. to, a global mining company.

Upon obtaining my Bachelor of Science degree in Histo- I choose to invest my time and treasure in helping the
ry/Secondary Education, I began a 25 year career in ed- "the least of those" who have no voice of their own. I of-
ucation. During that time I also obtained my Masters of ten wonder, out of the 60 million plus lives lost since Roe
Arts in American Legal History. v Wade, what else has society lost? What potential great
minds — healers, poets, artists, scientists — have we
I have long had a passionate desire to be used by God snuffed out before their time? Much like slavery in the
to encourage others, and He is using this desire along 19th century, this is a difficult, and divisive issue tearing
with my previous experiences to do just that as well as to at the fabric of our society. As William Wilberforce said,
equip others with a similar desire. "surely the principles of Christianity lead to action as well
as meditation." We welcome all to get involved. [email protected] 801-994-4981

OUR CLIENTS [email protected] 801-994-4981

Click below graphic to view our landing page about our impact. [email protected] 801-994-4981

Click below graphic to view Clients’ Testimonials video. [email protected] 801-994-4981

Click below graphic to view our 30th Anniversary video (2016). [email protected] 801-994-4981

Click below pie-chart review additional financial information.

2018-19 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET [email protected] 801-994-4981



Pregnancy Resource Center

801-363-5433 [email protected]
of Salt Lake City

Jim Kerr
Executive Director 801-994-4981 [email protected]
Primary Spokesperson

George Stewart
Chairman of the Board of Dir. 385-237-7132 [email protected]
Secondary Spokesperson [email protected] 801-994-4981

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