Arranged By :
Cut Fadhira
Winda Novita Sari Br Ginting
Yuni Sahara Hasibuan
Class : B 2017
We thank you for the presence of the Almighty God where thanks to
blessings, mercy and love, the author completed this critical book review as it
should. The authors say many thanks to those who have contributed and
contributed, both material and mind. Not to forget, the author also expressed his
gratitude to the Ecology and Environment lecturers who have given the task to
motivate the writer to give the best results in this task.
I realize there are still many shortcomings and errors in this report because
of my lack of knowledge and experience. For that reason, constructive criticisms
and suggestions are very much expected from readers to improve this report in the
future. Finally, I would like to say thank you and it is hoped that this report can add
insight to both readers and writers.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................... 3
A.CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 13
B. SUGGESTION ......................................................................................................................... 13
A. writing background
In the current era environmental pollution is a serious problem faced by the community.
Without them knowing it, their daily activities can pollute the environment so that the
environment becomes shabby and unhealthy so that it can cause the emergence of sources of
disease. If it is not prevented effectively then what is feared is that the place becomes unfit to be
From this increasingly rampant environmental problem, the most basic thing is to be able
to give awareness to yourself to be more sensitive to the environment. To increase knowledge
about this, of course, supporting media is needed, such as books. Therefore on this occasion, the
author will provide a review of two books relating to environmental pollution.
C. Writing purpose
The purpose of this paper is:
A. Bibliographic Information
Title : Ecology and Environmental Pollution Chapter
ISBN : 978-602-8826-10-5
Print To : Cet. 2
Publication : 2009
Pages : 317 P
Size : 15 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-979-518-209-2
A. Book Summary
Book I
Water pollution is a change in conditions in a water reservoir such as lakes, rivers, oceans
and ground water due to human activities. Lakes, rivers, oceans and ground water are important
parts of the human life cycle and are part of the hydrological cycle. In addition to also drain the
water drain sediment and pollutants. Its various functions greatly help human life. The biggest
use of lakes, rivers, oceans and ground water is for agricultural irrigation, raw water for drinking
water, as a drainage channel for rainwater and wastewater, in fact it has the potential as a tourist
Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes, storms, earthquakes etc. also result in
major changes to water quality, this is not considered as pollution.
Cause :
1. Water pollution can be caused by various things and has different characteristics.
3. Organic waste such as sewage causes an increase in oxygen demand in the water that receives
it which leads to reduced oxygen which can have a severe impact on the entire ecosystem.
4. The industry removes various kinds of pollutants into their wastewater such as heavy metals,
organic toxins, oils, nutrients and solids. The wastewater has thermal effects, especially those
released by power plants, which can also reduce oxygen in water.
5. Like factory waste that flows into a river, like in the Citarum river, water pollution by garbage
Consequences :
2. Erosion
5. Landslides
1. Be aware of the continuity of water availability by not damaging or exploiting springs so that
they are not polluted.
4. Filtering factory waste so that the waste that will unite with river water is not a bad waste of
ecosystem damage.
5. Making proper and clean sanitation so that other sources of clean water are not polluted.
Several ways to deal with water pollution
Chapter 5. Environmental Pollution
The term water pollution or water pollution can be perceived differently by one person
to another given that many reference libraries formulate the definition of the term, either in
dictionaries or scientific textbooks. The definition of water pollution is also defined in the
Government Regulation, as a derivative of the definition of environmental pollution defined in
the law. In operational practice, environmental pollution has never been shown in its entirety, but
as a pollution of environmental components, such as water pollution, sea water pollution,
groundwater pollution and air pollution. Thus, the definition of water pollution refers to the
definition of the environment stipulated in the Law on the environment, namely Law No.
Indicators or signs that environmental water has been polluted are changes or
observable signs that can be classified into:
a). Physical observation, namely observation of water pollution based on the level of water
clarity (turbidity), changes in temperature, color and changes in color, odor and taste
b). Chemical observations, namely observation of water pollution based on dissolved chemicals,
changes in pH
c). Biological observation, which is observation of water pollution based on microorganisms
present in water, especially the presence or absence of pathogenic bacteria.
Indicators commonly known in the examination of water pollution are the pH or
concentration of hydrogen ions, dissolved oxygen (Dissolved Oxygen, DO), biochemical oxygen
demand (Biochemiycal Oxygen Demand, BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD).
Many causes of water pollution sources, but generally can be categorized into 2 (two),
namely sources of direct and indirect contaminants. Direct sources include effluent coming out
of industry, landfill waste, household and so on. An indirect source is contaminants that enter
water bodies from the soil, ground water or the atmosphere in the form of rain.
Water pollution can have a very broad impact, for example can poison drinking water,
poison animal food, be a cause of imbalance of river and lake ecosystems, destruction of forests
due to acid rain etc. In water bodies, rivers and lakes, nitrogen and phosphate from agricultural
activities have led to the growth of aquatic plants that are out of control called eutrophication
(eutrofication). The growth explosion caused oxygen to be used together by all aquatic plants, to
be reduced. When the aquatic plant dies, its decomposition takes up more oxygen. As a result the
fish will die and bacterial activity will decrease.
The impact of water pollution is generally divided into 4 categories of KLH (in Lina,
2004), namely:
a). Impact on the life of aquatic biota The amount of pollutants in wastewater will cause a
decrease in the dissolved oxygen levels in the water. So that it will lead to life in water that
requires disturbed oxygen and reduce its development. Besides that, death can also be caused by
the presence of toxic substances which also cause damage to plants and aquatic plants. As a
result of the death of bacteria, the natural water purification process that should occur in
wastewater is also hampered. With wastewater it becomes difficult to decompose. Heat from the
juaga industry will have an impact on the death of the organism, if the wastewater is not cooled
b). Impact on groundwater quality
Pollution of groundwater by feces commonly measured by faecal coliform has occurred on a
large scale, this has been proven by a shallow well survey in Jakarta. Many studies indicate the
occurrence of this pollution.
c). Impact on health
1) The role of water as a carrier of infectious diseases varies among others:
2) Water as a medium for living pathogenic microbes
3) Water as a nest of insect spreaders
4) The amount of water available is insufficient, so that the person concerned cannot clean
5) Water as a medium for living vector diseases
There are several diseases that fall into the category of water-borne diseases, or diseases carried
by water, which are still widely found in the regions. These diseases can spread if the microbes
that cause them can enter the water source used by the community to meet their daily needs.
While the types of microbes that can spread through water include bacteria, protozoa and
d). Impact on environmental aesthetics
With the increasing number of organic substances being discharged into the aquatic
environment, the waters will be increasingly polluted which is usually characterized by a
stinging smell beside the pile which can reduce environmental aesthetics. The problem of waste
oil or fat can also reduce aesthetics. In addition to odor, the waste also causes the surrounding
area to become slippery. While detergent or soap waste will cause a lot of foam buildup. This
can also reduce aesthetics.
Excess Book
In terms of the cover, the book cover is designed simply and not too much. If the topic
covered is English terms, the word or sentence is italicized, making it easier for the reader to
understand the book and when you see italicized words or sentences the reader will immediately
know that it is English. This book helps audiences especially for people who will or have
become people who are involved in geography and want to discuss environmental pollution,
especially in an ecological perspective. This book is suitable to be used by students to help
launch the lecture process and increase student knowledge because the material presented in this
book is very detailed so this book is very suitable to be used as a source for making college
assignment papers. The table of contents is neatly arranged, so the reader is easy to find the topic
to be searched for. The general description presented in the book is very good. Because before
discussing the material, the author made an overview of the topic. This book is easier to
understand because the material discussed is not straightforward, and is discussed directly to the
Book Weaknesses:
In some discussions, there are double punctuation marks, as in the discussion the
general description of the topic to be discussed includes a double dot and a direct comma after a
period. There is an error in writing sentences, we can see in the general description of the
material discussed this makes the readers experience confusion. There is an error in the
Indonesian language rules, namely sometimes not making paragraphs in writing material.
The rapid industrial development in this era of globalization does bring many benefits
to our lives but without being disrupted the industry also has an adverse impact on our
environment. The word environmental pollution may have been heard by us and has become a
very worrying global problem. In a book entitled "Environmental Pollution" this is discussed
about the effects of chemistry on the environment and materials that can be a savior or even
endanger our environment if not used carefully.
This book is divided into 9 (nine) chapters that discuss the influence of chemistry on
the environment both land, water and air, food pollution and provide a little solution to this
environmental pollution. This book also shows concrete examples of environmental pollution in
Indonesia and discuss the problem. In the last chapter of this book, we also put forward the
prevention of environmental pollution that we can apply in our daily lives.
In this book chapter 5 discusses Water Pollution, which is explained in depth about water
pollution, causes, effects or impacts that occur if pollution is continuously carried out.
The advantage of this book is the elaboration of problems that are carried out simply so
that they are easy to understand, a summary at the end of each chapter that can help the reader to
understand the problems in the chapter, and also the language used is a language that is not
ambiguous so that it can be digested properly by the reader. In this book there are also
procedures for simple experiments that can. In addition to the advantages already mentioned, this
book also has drawbacks where the relationship between each part is less harmonious.
By reading this book, the authors hope that readers will increasingly understand the
pollution problems that we are facing and also participate in preventing and preserving the
environment around us Explain how disaster management and explanation of the disaster are
very good. At the beginning of the explanation, this book explains how the hydrological cycle is
formed, which makes the reader know the basics. At the end of each sub-section the author
always makes exercises to observe the environment with questions. Each chapter describes
general objectives, specific objectives, and sub topics, which make it easier for readers to
Very few formulas in the discussion are lacking in terms of listing images, tables, and
charts. This book cover is less interesting. Less explain in depth how water pollution is around
A. Conclusion
Basically water pollution is indeed very detrimental to all beings and circles. Pollution
means the entry of living things and certain substances or components into an environment. As a
result the environmental order has changed. Pollution can reduce local environmental quality.
But all of that can be overcome in various ways such as not throwing waste at the river, not
throwing garbage and many more.
Water pollution has become a crucial problem in Indonesia and has been rampant and
most of these problems are caused by humans. Therefore to overcome this is the need for
awareness of the local community on the use of water.
In this report 2 books have been given as references to the problem of water pollution
in which each book has advantages and disadvantages of each, but overall both are
B. Suggestion
As a follow-up to the above description of water pollution, the authors propose a number
of suggestions to improve sustainability in the environment around us, including:
1) There needs to be cooperation between communities in reducing the occurrence of water
pollution in the environment
2) Maintain cleanliness of the living environment and the environment around the river
3) Do not dispose of garbage in waterways and rivers that can cause water pollution
4) Clean the environment so that it cannot cause disease