Assignment Chemisty

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Faculty Earth Science


Title: Chemistry in Your Daily Life

How does it relates to your program of study?



I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the
possibility to complete this assignment. A special gratitude I give to my Principle of
Chemistry lecturer, Dr Rozidaini Binti Mohd Ghazi, whose contribution in stimulating
suggestions and encouragement, helped me to finish this assignment. Dr Rozidaini had gave a
brief about this assignment to make sure that all of us, student of Sustainable Science been
prepared to complete this assignment. With her courage, I can complete the assignment and
also learn new thing about chemistry in my program, Sustainable Science.

In addition, a thank you to all of my course mate because of their support and also
contribution in sharing ideas during the process finishing this assignment. They had gave lot
of creative ideas in writing this assignment. Not only that, I also want to thank them because
they have spending their time with me to make sure that this assignment can be finished.

The outcome and also the successful of this assignment is all because of the above person
help in guiding and also sharing their opinion. I find that I am really gratitude to having them
besides me.

Table of Content
a) Water 2
b) Why water sustainability is important
c) Challenges to provide clean water
d) Suggestion and application to recover the water 4

Chemistry is the branch natural science that study about the study of matter, its properties,
how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances
interact with energy (Bagley, 2017). Chemistry is important in almost every profession. The
chemistry is related with sustainable science because that are lots thing that need to be sustain
and the process to sustain have the chemistry reaction or changes. The definition of
“sustainability” is the study of how natural systems function, remain diverse and produce
everything it needs for the ecology to remain in balance. It also acknowledges that human
civilisation takes resources to sustain our modern way of life (Mason, n.d.).

Sustainability include these three core areas which is social development, economic
development and environmental protection. One of example, that have contributed to the core
areas that been mention is water but the crisis now is the shortage of the clean water.

Some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and a total of 2.7 billion find
water scarce for at least one month of the year. Inadequate sanitation is also a problem for 2.4
billion people—they are exposed to diseases, such as cholera and typhoid fever, and other
water-borne illnesses. Two million people, mostly children, die each year from diarrheal
diseases alone. (WorldWildLife, n.d.)

The objective of this assignment is to provide awareness about the shortage of the water.
To provide the method and process of the sustainability innovation or ideas to make sure that
water can be sustain in the future.

a) Water
Water, a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing
in gaseous, liquid, and solid states. It is one of the most plentiful and essential of compounds.
A tasteless and odourless liquid at room temperature, it has the important ability to dissolve
many other substances. Indeed, the versatility of water as a solvent is essential to living
organisms.(Steven S, 2018). Each molecule is made of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms
held together by strong covalent bonds. Water on our planet flows as liquid in rivers,
streams, and oceans; is solid as ice at the North and South Poles; and is gas (vapor) in the

Water is also underground and inside plants and animals. All living things need water in
some form to survive on Earth. People can go weeks without food, but can live only a few
days without water. Water is an important resource with many uses including food
production, cleaning, transportation, power generation, recreation, and more. Water is
important in lives. It has impact and have been used in three pillars of sustainability which
social, economic and environmental.
b) Why sustainability of water is important.
As been mentioned, clean water is one of vital in our lives and for our sustainable future.
This is because water have been used in our society, to generate economic development, and
for environmental well-being. It shows that water is important in three pillar of sustainability
which is social, economic and environment.

1. Social
Humans need clean water to drink, shower, to wash the clothes, and lots of stuff. If the
shortage of the clean water happened, so it might make human life in bad lifestyle.
One of the things that will happen is human will easily to get diseases. If we don’t
have clean water access, then we will be more likely to get diseases from the water
that we do have. Whether we drink the water or using it for bathing, those diseases
will get into the body and, in several cases, the people carrying those diseases will
pass away. So, it important make sure the sustainability of water.

2. Economic
Water have been used in our economic to do lots of things. The lack of water leads to
the impossibility of keeping livestock, which in turn makes it even harder for people
in arid regions to find food and income. For example, in agriculture sectors, they are
the sector that used a lot of fresh and clean water. So, when this happened it will make
the sector not going well. Not only that, automatically, the export of fresh food,
medical plant and so on will be affected. A clean water plays a critical role in make
sure our economic can be develop.

3. Environmental
Environment including the living things and the non-living things. Water is also
including as non-living thing environment. A shortage of clean water will make our
environmental will affected. When shortage of clean water happened, animals will not
able to drink the water to continue their life and plants will not able to make
photosynthesis to generate food. So, the clean water sustainability vital to keep our
environmental well-being.

c) Challenges to provide clean water

Clean water is needed to make sustainability future better. There are lots of challenges to
provide clean water such as water pollution, drought, the water demand and groundwater
over drafting.

Water pollution is a problem in provide clean, especially when the areas don’t necessarily
have a good sewage system.

Water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water that has
a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives in it. When humans drink
polluted water it often has serious effects on their health. Water pollution can also make water
unsuited for the desired use. The water pollution kept happen and many of humans take it as
something normal and this pollution causes because of human itself.

Not only that, groundwater excessive use also become the challenge. Groundwater, water that
occurs below the surface of Earth, where it occupies all or part of the void spaces in soils or
geologic strata (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2018). Agricultural industries used
lot of groundwater. Over 70% of our water is used to grow crops and most is wasted due to
leaky pipes and poor watering techniques. (Rinkesh, n.d.) The excessive use of the
groundwater is leading to diminished yields and wasted water.

Next challenge is a drought. Drought happen when an area not getting enough rainfall to be
able to sustain the people live there. Some areas are in perpetual drought, whereas other areas
may be dealing with a drought on occasion. Droughts are common all over the world and it
became the crisis that hard to deal. The higher water demand also becoming the challenge to
provide clean water. This is because the population increase, and incomes also grow, so does
water demand. The world's population, now at 7.5 billion, is projected to add 2.3 billion more
people by 2050 (Leah Schleifer, 2017). It make it really hard to access for enough clean
d) Suggestion and Application to the Challenges.

i) Neutralization
The suggestion for the water pollution is Neutralization. The water that have been
pollute can be treat by wastewater treatment of neutralization. In this process the
water will be adjust the pH value of the polluted water. It is a process of adjusting
the pH of a polluted solution to near 7 (neutral) by adding an acid or base. The
polluted waste water might have different chemical and physical changes such as
precipitation or evolution of a gas occurring because of a chemical reaction. The
process has wide application to aqueous and non-aqueous liquids, slurries and is
widely used in water treatment. Neutralization is carried out in batch or
continuous process reactors by mixing acidic and alkaline streams together or by
passing acidic wastes through packed beds of limestone. For example,
Neutralization may be used to treat acid wastewaters containing metals, the
method comprising increasing the pH of the acid waste by addition of an alkaline
reagent, to form a precipitate and collecting the precipitate. This way the incoming
solution is pH adjusted to the optimum range for precipitating metals as

Picture 1: Wastewater treatment Neutralization

ii) Irrigation Scheduling
The recommendation to avoid the excessive use of groundwater is by having a
nice irrigation scheduling. Irrigation scheduling is the process used by irrigation
system managers to determine the correct frequency and duration of watering.
Irrigation is very dynamic and most fields have differing watering needs. With
irrigation scheduling, growers are able to determine the correct amount of water to
apply to the field, as well as the correct timing for the application. This is
accomplished by tracking critical inputs related to the soil water balance to track
the current soil water depletion level and forecast the upcoming crop water
requirements at every point across the field. Its purpose is to maximize irrigation
efficiencies by applying the exact amount of water needed to replenish the soil
moisture to the desired level.
Irrigation scheduling saves water and energy.
It is effectively managing soil moisture reduces risk by maximizing yield and
quality, reducing energy and fertilizer costs, increasing nutrient availability, and
allowing us to get a one step closer to being the most effective and efficient player
in the game of water. (Ian Jolovinch & Danial Burgard, 2017)

Picture 2: Step of Irrigation Scheduling

iii) Fog Collector

The solution for the drought and high demand of water is the mountain fog or fog
collector. An area that drought usually has lack of rain, but despite the lack of rain
in many coastal region, clouds of fog frequently shroud the landscape. This is one
of the suggestion to make the fog turn to the water and can be collected.
Fog, a cloud that touches the ground, is made of tiny droplets of water—each
cubic meter of fog contains 0.5 to 5 grams (half the weight of a paper clip) of
water.(RENEE CHO, 2011) Fog collectors look like tall volleyball nets slung
between two poles, but they are made of a polypropylene or polyethylene mesh
that is especially efficient at capturing water droplets. When the fog condense, the
tiny droplets of water cling to the mesh, and as more and more cluster together,
they drip into a gutter below that channels the water to a water tank.

Picture 3: Fog Colectors

Sustainable science program is one of the program that use a knowledge from the chemistry.
This is because, in sustainable science, we need to use the application of chemistry to design
or make an application that can generate the better future for sustainability. Water is one of
the thing that have important role in order to keep our sustainability keep going up. Three
pillars of the sustainable is social, economic and environmental shows that water play the role
to make sure that this three pillar meet their standard to able to have a development of social
and economic but still manage the well-being of environmental. So, a chemistry and
sustainable science program is a like a connecting branch that related to each other. The
application and the suggestion for the challenges of the shortage of the water is based on the
learning and knowledge that have been applied from the chemistry itself.

Bagley, M. (2017). What Is Chemistry? The Science of Substances and Interactions.

Retrieved November 12, 2018, from
Ian Jolovinch, & Danial Burgard. (2017). The Benefits of Irrigation Management and
Scheduling. Retrieved November 15, 2018, from
Leah Schleifer. (2017). 7 Reasons We’re Facing a Global Water Crisis. Retrieved November
15, 2018, from
Mason, M. (n.d.). What Is Sustainability and Why Is It Important? | Retrieved November 12, 2018, from
RENEE CHO. (2011). The Fog Collectors: Harvesting Water From Thin Air. Retrieved
November 15, 2018, from
Rinkesh. (n.d.). Causes, Effects and Solutions To Critical Problem of Water Crisis - Conserve
Energy Future. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from https://www.conserve-energy-
Steven S, Z. (2018). water | Definition, Chemical Formula, Structure, & Facts | Retrieved November 12, 2018, from
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2018). Groundwater. Retrieved November 15,
2018, from
WorldWildLife. (n.d.). Water Scarcity | Threats | WWF. Retrieved November 12, 2018, from

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