Environtmental Pollution

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Environtmental Pollution

Anggota Kelompok:

Muhammad Reizal Hafidz Cahyadi....................................D011181315

Andi Anandi Putra Hadyan..................................................D011181317

Andi Nurfadillah Alifuddin..................................................D011181321

Rafil Syah Gaib......................................................................D011181323

Muhammad Iqbal...................................................................D011181327





The writer wants to thank to Almighty God because of His bless and
grace, he can finish this paper. This paper titled “Environmental Pollution”. The
writer wrote it to fulfill the assignment of English subject and as a paperwork of
our PowerPoint presentation

The writer also delivers his gratitude the English lecturer from Universitas
Hasanuddin, for his guidance to complete it. This English paper provides the
reader about Environmental Pollution along with the explanation for each of
them. The writer realizes that this paper is far from perfect in the arrangement or
in the content of the paper. The writer hopes that the suggestions from the reader
can be a support to make her better in the next paper project.

Finally, the writer expects that it can be a medium for the reader to deepen
the knowledge about the figure of speech and its application.

Gowa, 5 Mei 2019




CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................3


1.1 Background of Paper..................................................................................3

1.2 Purpose of Paper.........................................................................................3

1.3 Problem Formulation..................................................................................3

CHAPTER II.................................................................................................................4

THEORY AND DISCUSSION.....................................................................................4

2.1 The Definition of Environmental Pollution...............................................4

2.2 The Types of Environmental Pollution......................................................4

2.3 The Impact of Environmental Pollution and Efforts to Do.....................11

CHAPTER III..............................................................................................................20


3.1 Conclusion................................................................................................20

3.2 Suggest.....................................................................................................20



1.1 . Background of Paper

Environmental pollution is a change in the environment

that are not desired because it can affect the activities,
health and safety of living beings. The changes are caused
by a contaminant called pollutants. A substance can be
considered as pollutants if foreign material or substance that
exceeds the normal amount, are in place and should not be
at the most in opportune times.
Polluted environment, the state of the ecosystem out of balance due to
the entry of pollutants into the environment. While the natural environment
has a balanced ecosystem. Just as an example, the air in the village feels
fresh because many overgrown with green trees. This suggests that the
village has not been polluted air. The city is densely populated, the air will
feel warm and breathing becomes uncomfortable. This shows the air is

1.2 . Purpose of Paper

a. Knowing the definition of the Environmental pollition

b. Knowing the types of environmental Pollution
c. Explain the impact of environmental pollution and efforts to do


a. What definition of the environmental pollutions ?

b. What types of environmental Pollution ?
c. What Impact of Environmental pollution ?

d. What efforts to do?


2.1 The Definition of Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is the release of chemical waste that causes
detrimental effects on the environment. Environmental pollution is often
divided into pollution of water supplies, the atmosphere, and the soil. In his
book Environmental Chemistry, Stanley Manahan lists several different types
of pollutants, including toxic inorganic and organic compounds, high
concentrations of normally innocuous compounds, and heat and noise. While
much pollution is produced by the chemical industry, domestic sources include
human waste and automobile exhaust.
While physical sources, such as noise and light, of pollution are important,
people most often notice the damage of chemical pollution on animals and
plant life. These chemicals can react with tissues in the body and change the
structure and function of the organ, cause abnormal growth and development of
the individual, or bind with the genetic material of cells and cause cancer. The
study of the effects of poisons on the body is called toxicology . One of the
central tenets of toxicology states that the dose of a chemical determines its
overall effects and that most chemicals can be dangerous at high exposures.
2.2 The Types of Environmental Pollution
a. Air Pollution

Air pollution is the presence of one or more substances physics,

chemistry, or biology in atmospheric quantities that could endanger human
health, animals, and plants, interfere with the aesthetics and comfort, or
property damage. Air pollution can be caused by natural sources and human
activities. The nature of air pollution impacts may be direct and local,
regional, and global levels.

Many factors can cause air pollution such as pollution caused by natural
sources and human activity or a combination of both. Air pollution can
cause air pollution impact is direct and local, regional, and global or
indirectly in a long time.
Air pollutants pollutants can be divided into primary and secondary
pollutants. Primary pollutants are substances directly arising from pollutant
sources of air pollution. Carbon monoxide is an example of primary air
pollutants because it is the result of arson. Secondary pollutant is a pollutant
substance formed from the reaction of primary pollutants in the atmosphere.
a) Human activities

- Transport
- Industry
- The power plant
- Burning (fireplaces, stoves, furnaces, incinerators with different
types of fuels)
- Exhaust gas factory that produces harmful gases
- Secondhand smoke

b) Natural resources
- Volcanoes
- Swamps
- Wildfires
- Nitrification and denitrification biological

c) The types of pollutants

- Carbon monoxide
- Oxides of nitrogen
- Oxides of sulfur
- Hydrocarbons
- Ozone

- Volatile Organic Compounds
- Partikulat

b. Water Pollution
Water pollution is a change of state in a water reservoirs such as lakes,
rivers, oceans and groundwater caused by human activities. Lakes, rivers,
oceans and groundwater is an important part in the human life cycle and is
one part of the hydrologic cycle. In addition to also drain the drain water
sediment and pollutants. Various kinds of functions very helpful human
life. Utilization of the largest lakes, rivers, oceans and ground water is for
agricultural irrigation, drinking water raw materials, as the drainage of
rainwater and wastewater, even real potential as a tourist attraction.
Millions of people depend on the polluted Ganges river. Water
pollution is a major global problem that requires evaluation and revision of
water resource policy at all levels (from the international level to private
water sources and wells). It has been said that pousi water is the world's
leading cause of death and disease, and recorded the deaths of more than
14,000 people every day. An estimated 700 million Indians have no access
to a toilet, and 1,000 Indian children die of diarrheal sickness every day.
Approximately 90% of China's cities suffer from water pollution to a
certain extent, and nearly 500 million people lack access to safe drinking
water. Plus the addition of water pollution is an acute problem in
developing countries, industrialized countries / forward is still struggling
with pollution problems as well. In the most recent national report on
water quality in the United States, 45% of rivers, 47% of lakes, and 32%
of the bays and estuaries are classified as polluted.
Usually referred to polluted water when disturbed by anthropogenic
contaminants and when it can not support human life, such as drinking
water, and / or a marked shift in its ability to support the constituent biotic
communities, such as fish. Natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae

blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality
and ecological status of water.
Sources of water pollution such as industrial waste, agriculture and
households. There are several types of pollutants that can enter the water:
materials containing germs, substances that require a lot of oxygen to
decoder, organic chemicals from industrial or agricultural fertilizer waste,
materials that do not sediment (sediment), and materials containing
radioactive and heat. Water pollution can also be caused by many things
and have different characteristics, namely:
 Increased nutrient content can lead to eutrophication.
 Organic waste such as sewage causes an increase in oxygen
demand on the receiving water leading to reduced oxygen that can
have a serious impact on the entire ecosystem.
 Industry to dispose of a variety of pollutants in waste water such as
heavy metals, organic toxins, oils, nutrients and solids. The waste
water has thermal effects, especially those issued by power plants,
which can also reduce oxygen in the water.
 Such as plant waste that flows into rivers like the Citarum River
 water pollution by garbage

c. Land Pollution
Soil is an important part in supporting life on earth. As we know the
food chain begins with plants. Human, animal, plant life. Indeed, there are
plants and animals that live in the sea, but most of our food comes from
the ground. Therefore, it is our obligation to preserve the land so that it
remains able to support life on earth. However, as well as air and water
pollution, soil contamination was a result of human activity as well.
Soil contamination is a state in which man-made chemicals enter and
modify the natural soil environment. This contamination usually occurs
because: leakage of liquid waste or industrial chemicals or commercial
facilities; pesticide use; influx of contaminated ground water into the sub-
surface layer; accidents of vehicles carrying oil, chemicals, or waste, water
waste from landfills and industrial wastes are directly discharged into the
ground are not eligible (illegal dumping).

Contaminated soil
a famous Indonesian land. Up in the history of Indonesia ever.
Fertility that has invited the foreign invaders to exploit. Another
phenomenon now. Most Indonesian soil contaminated by pollution caused
by public disorder. This makes the soil contamination is damaged and lost
a, contain high acidity. Foul smelling, dry, containing heavy metals, and so
on. If it were so then the ground will be difficult to be utilized.
From the above statement, it can be deduced that polluted soil
characteristics are:
1. Infertile soil
2. pH below 6 (acidic soil) or pH above 8 (alkaline soils)
3. Stink
4. Dry
5. Contain heavy metals
6. Containing inorganic waste

Uncontaminated soil
Uncontaminated soil is that still meet the basic elements of the soil. It
does not contain harmful substances. Uncontaminated soil is fertile, do not
stink, normal acidity. The main thing is do not contain heavy metals.
Uncontaminated soil great potential for the benefit of mankind tools. With
good agricultural land can bring in profits doubled.
From the above statement, it can be concluded that the characteristics of
the soil is not contaminated is:
1. The soil is fertile
2. Route minimal pH 6, maximum 8
3. Do not stink

4. Not dry, has a normal level of friability
5. Contains no heavy metals
6. Does not contain inorganic waste

Sources of soil pollution, soil pollution is not much different or can be

said to have a close relationship with air pollution and water pollution, the
sources of air pollutants and sources of water pollution in general are also
a source of soil contaminants. For example, carbon oxide gases, nitrogen
oxides, sulfur oxides into the air pollutants that dissolve in rain water and
fell to the ground can cause acid rain causing pollution in the soil.
Surface soil containing pollutants such as contaminated radioactive
substances, heavy metals in industrial waste, household waste, hospital
waste, the remnants of fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural areas,
waste detergent, eventually also can cause pollution in the area of land
where surface water ground or water surface area through which the
contaminated soil. Then ground source pollutants can be grouped also be a
source of pollutants coming from, household waste, market waste, hospital
waste, erupting volcano / motor vehicle and industrial waste. In general,
soil contamination can be caused by domestic waste, industrial waste, and
agricultural waste.

1. Domestic waste
Domestic waste can come from areas: residential; perdagang-
an/pasar/tempat hotel businesses and others; institutions such as
government offices and private, and tourism, can be solid and liquid
a. Solid waste in the form of inorganic compounds that can not be
destroyed or broken down by microorganisms such as plastics,
fibers, ceramics, tins and used building materials, causing the soil
becomes less fertile. The pollutants will remain intact up to 300
years to come. Wrap plastic waste to the environment that we will

still be there and may be found by our children and grandchildren
after hundreds of years later. Ter-inorganic waste is not
biodegradable, causing soil layer can not be penetrated by plant roots
and is impermeable to water so that the absorption of water and
minerals to nourish the soil is lost and the number of microorganisms
in the will be reduced consequently difficult plant to grow even die
because they do not obtain food for developed.

b. Liquid waste such as inks, detergents, oil, paint, if absorbed into the
ground will damage the soil water content can even kill micro-
organisms in the soil.

2. Industrial waste
Industrial waste comes from the remnants of industrial production.
Wastewater treatment is the result of a production process, such as
industrial processing scraps of metal plating and other chemical
industries. Copper, lead, silver, chromium, arsenic and boron are
substances resulting from industrial processes such as metal plating Hg,
Zn, Pb, Cd can contaminate the soil. A substance that is toxic to
microorganisms. If soak into the ground will result in death for
microorganisms which have a very important function of the soil

3. Agricultural waste
Agricultural waste may be the remnants of synthetic fertilizers to
enrich the soil or plants, such as urea fertilizer and pesticides for pest
eradication. Continuous use of fertilizers in agriculture will damage the
soil structure, which led to reduced soil fertility and can not be planted
with certain crops due to soil nutrient decreases. And the use of
pesticides not only kill pests of plants but also useful microorganisms in
the soil. Though soil fertility depends on the number of organisms in it.

In addition the use of pesticides will result in continuous crop pests
resistant to pesticides.

2.3 The Impact of Environmental Pollution and Efforts to Do

a. Impact of Air Pollution

1. Health impacts
Substances contained in air pollutants can enter the body through the
respiratory system. Away penetration of contaminants into the body
depending on the type of pollutant. Large particulates can be retained in
the upper respiratory tract, whereas small-sized particulates and gases can
reach the lungs. Of the lungs, pollutants are absorbed by the circulatory
system and spread throughout the body. Health impact of the most
common is the ARI (acute respiratory infection), including, asthma,
bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders.

2. Acid rain
normal pH of rainwater is 5.6 due to the presence of CO2 in the
atmosphere. Air pollutants such as SO2 and NO2 reacts with water to form
acid rain and lower the pH of rain water. The impact of acid rain, among
a) Influence of surface water quality
b) Destructive plant
c) Dissolve the heavy metals present in the soil thus affecting the quality
of ground water and surface water
d) As a damaging corrosive materials and building

3. The greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is caused by the presence of CO2, CFCs,
methane, ozone, and N2O in the troposphere which absorbs solar radiation
reflected by the Earth's surface. As a result, the heat trapped in the

troposphere and cause global warming phenomenon.

4. Global Warming
The impact of global warming are:
- Melting ice in the polar
- Regional and global climate change
- Changes in the life cycle of flora and fauna

5. Damage to the ozone layer

The ozone layer is located in the stratosphere (20-35 km altitude) is a
natural protective filter function earth ultraviolet B radiation from the sun.
The formation and decomposition of ozone molecules (O3) occurs
naturally in the stratosphere. Emissions of CFCs reach the stratosphere is
very stable and causes the rate of decomposition of ozone molecules faster
than its formation, thus forming the holes in the ozone layer. Damage to
the ozone layer causing UV-B sun rays are not filtered and can cause skin
cancer and disease in plants.

Efforts To Do
Prevention of air pollution can not be done without tackling the cause.
Taking into account the transport sector as a major contributor to air
pollution, then this sector should be central.
- Calling on the government to improve the transportation system that
exists today, with a transport system that is more environmentally friendly
and affordable to the public. The main priority should be given to the mass
transit system and not based on personal vehicles.
- Also called on the government to fulfill its commitment to enforce the
use of unleaded gasoline.
- In the industrial sector, law enforcement should be carried out for
industrial polluters.

Solutions to address the city's air pollution is mainly aimed at the
improvement of the transport sector, without ignoring other sectors. This
case we need to learn from other major cities in the world, which has
managed to reduce urban air pollution and morbidity and mortality caused
by it.
1. Granting permission for a small public transport should be
limited, while the mass transportation vehicles, such as buses and trains,
2. Vehicle age restrictions, particularly for public transport, need to
be considered as one solution. Therefore, the older the vehicle, especially
the less well maintained, the greater the potential to contribute to air
3. Greatest potential for pollution by motor vehicle is a traffic jam
and climbs. Therefore, traffic control, signs, and crack down on violations
of driving can help address traffic congestion and reduce air pollution.
4. Emissions test must be conducted regularly on public transport
or private although test quotes (spot check). Should be considered and
taken into account the additional authority for the traffic police to conduct
emissions testing in addition to check the papers and the completeness of
the other vehicle.
5. Planting trees in broadleaf roadsides, especially the heaviest
traffic and at the corners of the city, also reducing air pollution.

b. Impact of Water Pollution

Germs of various substances that are toxic and radioactive
materials can harm humans. Various pollutants requires O2 to decoder. If
O2 is less, imperfect decoder and cause water to change color and foul
smelling. Material or hazardous metals such as arsenic, uradium,
chromium, lead, mercury, Benzon, tetrachloride, carbon and others. The
materials can damage human organs or may cause cancer.

A large number of waste streams will go overboard. These
pollutants can damage aquatic life around the mouth of the river and some
small marine estuary. Hazardous materials that enter the sea or ocean have
long-term consequences are not known. Many types of shellfish that may
contain substances that are dangerous to eat.

Sea can also tecemar by the original oil as possible from

residential, factory, through the river or from the damaged tanker. Oil can
be deadly, birds and other marine animals, for example, the effects of
poisoning to be seen in Japan. Mercury dumped a plastic industry
Minamata accumulate in body tissues and the people who consume fish
suffer disability and death.

Consequences caused by water pollution:

1. Disruption of aquatic organisms due to the reduced oxygen content.
2. An explosion of algae and aquatic plants (eurotrofikasi)
3. Shallowing bottom waters.
4. Blockage of the filter reservoir, and causing ecological changes.
5. In the long run are cancer and birth defects.
6. Due to the excessive use of pesticides appropriate than killing pests and
diseases, it also kills useful insects and creatures, especially predators.
7. Death of an ancient biota, such as plankton, fish, and even birds.
8. Cell mutation, cancer, and leukeumia.

Efforts To Do
Dilution and groundwater pollutant decomposition difficult because
the water does not flow and does not contain the aerobic bacterial
decomposition so, contaminated groundwater would remain contaminated
in a very long time, even though there is no material contamination
coming. Because of this a lot of effort to keep the ground clean for

1. Placing industrial areas or plants away from residential areas or
2. Disposal of industrial waste that is not regulated environment or
3. Oversight of the use of the types of pesticides and other chemicals that
can cause pollution.
4. Expanding green movement.
5. Action against environmental pollution behavior.
6. Provide awareness of the meaning of environmental t so much more
loving human environment.
7. Agricultural intensification.

Many people say " better than on addressing", this also applies to flood
inundation. Below are some steps you can take to prevent flood
1. In planning the neighborhood streets both government and non-
government programs should choose the material that absorbs water, for
example, the use of block paving materials (concrete blocks prepared with
water absorbing cavities interrupted-he interrupted. Thing is no less
important is the arrangement of channel / drainage environment must
coincide with the road construction.

2. If in our yard yard there are still open spaces, make the wells rain water
infiltration as much as possible. Function of the water catchment wells to
accelerate the water seep into the ground. By making the rainwater
catchment wells, in fact we can obtain the following benefits:
a. Water supply in the soil around our house pretty well and a lot.
b. Former quarry land wells can be used to hoard land or raising the lower
floor of the house.
c. If the rain water can not be accommodated in a house gutters / gutter-
gutter house, water can be streamed -infiltration wells. Do not throw

trash or removing household waste water (used water from showers,
laundry, etc.) into the rainwater catchment wells because it can pollute
the soil water content. Specifically for domestic wastewater discharges,
make its own catchment wells
d. If the incoming flood waters reached a height of 20-50 cm home the
only way is to elevate us above the threshold of the house floor surface
water flooding
e. Another way is to create a dike at the entrance of our house. This is a
common way people are often less technically only planned in detail.

c. Impact of Soil Pollution

1. Impact On Health
The impact of pollution on health ground dependent, pathway into
the body and the vulnerability of the affected population. Chromium, a
wide range of pesticides and herbicides are carcinogenic materials for all
populations. Lead is particularly dangerous in children, because it can
cause brain damage, and kidney damage. Chronic exposure (continuous) to
benzene at a certain concentration can increase the chances of developing
Mercury (mercury) and siklodiena known to cause kidney damage,
and may not be treated, PCB and related siklodiena on liver toxicity,
Organophosphate and causes the neuromuscular disorder. There are
several kinds of health effects such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, eye
irritation and skin rashes to exposure to chemicals mentioned above. What
is clear, in large doses, can cause soil contamination Death ..

2. Or Environmental Impact On Ecosystems

Impacts on agriculture, especially plant metabolic changes that could
eventually lead to declining crop yields. This can lead to further impacts
on the conservation of plants where the plant is not able to hold the layers

of soil erosion. Some of these pollutants has a long half-life and in other
cases derivative chemicals are formed from the main soil pollutants.

Soil pollution can also have an impact on the ecosystem. Radical

changes in soil chemical that can arise from the presence of toxic
chemicals / hazardous even at low doses though. These changes can lead
to changes in the metabolism of endemic microorganisms and arthropods
that live in the soil environment. As a result, it can even destroy some of
the primary species food chain, which can give a great result against
predators or other levels of the food chain.

Impacts on agriculture, especially plant metabolic changes that could

eventually lead to declining crop yields. This can lead to further impacts
on the conservation of plants where the plant is not able to hold the layers
of soil erosion. Some of these pollutants has a long half-life and in other
cases derivative chemicals are formed from the main soil pollutants.

Efforts To Do
Domestic waste so much waste reduction this is by separating
organic waste or garbage can or easily decomposed by soil, and inorganic
waste or garbage that will break down the soil but it takes a very long time
to decompose by land. Organic waste are easily decomposed by soil, for
example be used as backfill, all we then cover with soil so that the soil
surface there that we can use again, and special composted manure and
biogas can be made other, while inorganic waste that can not be
decomposed by microorganisms. The best way of handling the waste
recycling into items that may be used or can also be used as wall hangings.
Industrial waste, ways to overcome that is by treating the wastewater
before discharge to the river or sea.

Agricultural waste that is by reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers
and other chemicals such as pesticides for pest control is replaced with the
use of compost. As for the handling of land clearing, namely:
1. Remediation
Remediation is an activity to clean up contaminated soil surface.
There are two types of soil remediation, ie in-situ (or on-site) and ex-situ
(or off-site). Cleaning is a cleaning on-site at the location. This cleaning is
cheaper and easier, consisting of cleaning, venting (injection), and
Cleaning off-site includes excavation of contaminated soil and then
taken to a safe area. After it in a safe area, the land was cleared of
contaminants. The trick is, the land is kept in the tub / watertight tank, then
pumped into a tub of cleaning agents / the tank. Furthermore pollutants
pumped out of the basin which is then processed by the wastewater
treatment facility. Off-site cleaning is far more expensive and complicated.

2. Bioremediation
Bioremediation is the process of cleaning the soil contamination
using microorganisms (fungi, bacteria). Bioremediation aims to break
down or degrade contaminants into less toxic materials or non-toxic
(carbon dioxide and water).

Precautions and countermeasures against pollution can be done in

various ways according to the kinds of contaminants that need to be
tackled. Preventive measures and countermeasures against pollution,
among others, can be done as follows:
Preventive measures
In general, prevention is, in principle, is trying not to cause pollution, for
example to prevent / reduce the occurrence of pollutants, among others:

a) The organic waste that can rot / described by micro-organisms, among
others, can be done by measuring the waste in closed and open land, then
can be processed as compost / fertilizer.

b) Waste organic compounds or inorganic compounds that can not be

destroyed by micro-organisms can be done by burning the rubbish that can
burn such as plastics and fibers, both individually and collected in a place
far from home, so it does not pollute the air settlements . Waste that can
not be burned to ground / cut into small particles, and then buried.

c) Treatment of the industrial waste containing heavy metals that

contaminate the soil, before being discharged into the river or into exile in
order to do the process of purification.

d) The use of fertilizers, pesticides are not used arbitrarily, but in

accordance with the rules and not to excess.

e) Try to get rid of and put detergent in the form of organic compounds
that can be destroyed / broken down by microorganisms.


3.1 Conclusion

Environmental pollution is the release of chemical waste that causes

detrimental effects on the environment. Environmental pollution is often
divided into pollution of water supplies, the atmosphere, and the soil. The
types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, and soil
pollution. The impact of environmental pollution is very detrimental for life,
example distruption of health, and damagr to nature. The most important
effort is to foster our concern for the surrounding environment.
3.2 Suggest

We the writers of this paper want to apology because of the imperfections

of this paper. We know thi paper is far from the perfect word. So that we need
the feedback from the readers of this paper. Thank you.




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