Indoor Outdoor Learning
Indoor Outdoor Learning
Indoor Outdoor Learning
A. Background
Education is the most basic need for every human being, one of the
elements of education is the learning process. The learning process is composed
of a number of elements that are interrelated with each other. In a series of
learning there is a need for classroom mastery by the teacher, mastery of the
class can be through the selection of models or creative classroom settings.
There are many ways that teachers can do in an effort to improve the quality of
teaching in schools so that the teaching goals can be achieved properly. One of
them is teaching by trying out a variety of learning models and class
The learning method used so far is merely to collect or memorize the facts
presented in the form of information from learning. The mindset finally gave
birth to monotonous and dominant learning and learning patterns in the
classroom. The learning process tends to be rigid and standard, no longer
prioritizing the creativity ideas of each student because everything must be
linearly patterned in the classroom (Indoor Learning). Thus, there needs to be a
different approach, namely the approach to learning using the Outdoor Learning
method that is done outside the classroom.
C. Purpose of Writing
Based on the formulation of the problem, we can conclude the purpose of
this paper is to know the indoor and outdoor learning.
Chapter II
Outside learning aims so that students can adapt to the surrounding natural
environment and know life skills and life experiences in the environment and
nature, and have an appreciation of the environment and nature. According to
Adelia (2012: 21-25) the educational goals to be achieved through learning
activities outside or outside the school environment are as follows:
a. Directing students to develop their talents and creativity as widely as
possible in the open.
b. Teaching and learning activities in the classroom aim to provide a
meaningful setting for the formation of attitudes and mental learners.
c. Increase awareness, appreciation and understanding of students towards
the surrounding environment.
d. Helps develop all potential students to become perfect human beings
who have perfect soul, body and spirit development.
e. Provide context in the process of introducing social life at the practical
level (reality in the field).
f. Support the skills and interests of students. Not only interest in certain
subjects that can be developed outside the classroom, but also the
interest in activities outside the classroom.
g. Creating awareness and understanding of students how to respect nature
and the environment, and living side by side in the midst of differences
in ethnicity, ideology, religion, politics, race, language, etc
h. Introduce various activities outside the class that can make more
creative learning.
i. Providing unique opportunities for students to change behavior through
setting up activities outside the classroom.
j. Make important contributions in order to help develop the relationship
of educators and students.
k. Providing the widest possible time for students to learn firsthand
experience through the free implementation of the school curriculum in
various areas.
l. Use resources from the environment and surrounding communities for
education. So that students can understand optimally all subjects.
Learning does not only have to sit in the classroom. There are only
blackboards, benches, tables, walls and floors. Absorbing knowledge and practicing
English language skills can also be done outside the classroom (outdoor study). For
example by inviting students to tourist attractions. But, the teachers / facilitators
need to selectively determine the recreational destination. It's better to choose a
tourist spot that is visited by many foreign tourists. So that students can immediately
have a dialogue with tourists using English. Inevitably students must speak English.
It is okay to make grammatical mistakes and limited vocabulary, because they are
still in the learning stage. The important thing is that students dare to greet and
converse with English.
An educator who wants to teach students outside the class must know the
methods of outdoor learning, there are:
a. Assignment
The assignment method is a way of presenting lesson material from
an educator by providing certain tasks so that students carry out learning
activities. In the context of teaching and learning activities held outside
the classroom, educators assign assignments to students that must be
carried out outside the classroom. it means that the assignment is not
homework that can be done at home. But being done at that time and
being carried out by educators when teaching outside the classroom
must be closely related to the subjects being discussed. Not only that,
the assignments given to students must be able to be done outside the
classroom. meaning that students do not need to look for materials for
the assignment at home or in the classroom (Adelia, 2012).
b. Play
The second method that can be used in learning outside the classroom is
the method of playing. The game method is good presentation methods
if done outside the classroom. In this case the students are invited to play
to obtain or find understanding and concepts, as explained in certain
textbooks. (Adelia, 2012).
c. Observation
Observation in teaching activities in other classes is a method or ways
of learning outside the classroom that is done by looking at or observing
subject matter directly in the wild. The method is done by direct
observation and making notes objectively about something observed
then concludes (Adelia, 201: 134).
a. Lecture method
The lecture method is verbal information or learning material to a
group of listeners to achieve certain learning goals in a relatively large
amount. As shown by Mc. Leish, through lectures, can achieve several
goals. With the lecture method, educators can encourage inspiration for their
listeners. Gage and Berliner, stated the lecture method was suitable for use
in learning with certain characteristics. Lectures are suitable for the delivery
of learning materials in the form of information and if the learning material
is difficult to obtain.
b. Discussion Method
The discussion learning method is the process of involving two or
more participants to interact with each other to exchange opinions, and or
maintain mutual opinion in solving problems so that an agreement is
reached between them. Learning that uses discussion methods is interactive
learning. According to Mc. Keachie-Kulik from the results of his research,
compared to the lecture method, discussion methods can improve children
in understanding concepts and problem solving skills. But in the
transformation of knowledge, the use of the results of the discussion method
is slow compared to the use of lectures. So the lecture method is more
effective in increasing the quantity of children's knowledge than the method
of discussion.
c. Demonstration Method
Demonstration learning methods are very effective learning
methods to help students find answers to questions such as: How to set them
up? How is the work process? How is the process of working on it.
Demonstration as a learning method is when an educator or a demonstrator
(an intentional outsider is asked) or a student who is asked to show the whole
class about a process.
Chapter III
A. Conclusion
The learning environment is a facility and infrastructure that can
support the material obtained from the teacher. The learning environment
does not stick to the school or university environment but the learning
environment can be outside the school environment. The learning
environment can be divided into two: indoor learning environment and
outdoor learning environment. Indoor learning environment is a learning
environment that has been provided by school management to be used for
students as a learning resource or learning environment in the school. This
learning environment can be in the form of libraries, laboratories,
auditoriums and mainly classrooms. While the outdoor learning
environment is the environment or learning facilities that are outside the
school environment, in the sense that this learning environment was created
not for the teaching and learning process but can be used for teaching and
learning processes, such as: museums, mosques, monuments, and fields.
B. Suggestion
As prospective teachers we must be creative in an effort to arouse
children's learning spirit, so that children are not bored and bored with the
material we teach. So that a teacher must be able to create interesting and
fun learning models.
Adelia, Vera. 2012. Metode Mengajar Anak di Luar Kelas (Outdoor Study)
Divapress : Yogyakarta.
Ismail, Andang. 2009. Education Games Menjadi Cerdas dan Ceria Dengan
Permainan Edukatif. Pilar Media. Yogyakarta.