Midterm Exam - Sci Ed 223
Midterm Exam - Sci Ed 223
Midterm Exam - Sci Ed 223
SCI ED 223
Due: OCTOBER 12, 2020 at 12:00 PM
1) Explain reforms to the Philippine Science Education and its effect to: a.) Instruction
b.) Learning environment c.) Curriculum
- Science Education in Basic Education Curriculum thought science in high school
according to the depth. Gen.Sci for 1st year, BioSci for 2nd year, Chemistry in
3rd year and Physics in fourth year. Science Education in the present curriculum
Earth Sciences, Biology, Chemistry and Physics are taught in each grade level. It
follows spiraling and learner-centered approach. There is big difference in
instruction to these two curriculum because it K-12 focuses more on the learner.
Several methodologies and strategies are learner centered, and it allows learners
to discover their own learning. The learning environment in K-12 brings positive
atmosphere to the students where they can boost themselves and communicate
and collaborate with the others. Learning environment in K-12 is not restricted.
Reforms in the curriculum help address the issue in Philippine Education. Global
competency is what it seeks to achieve and to bring the world closer to the
students. That will only happen if there is a reform in the curriculum.
2) Cite situations where the qualities of an effective science teacher is exemplified. Do
you possess each qualities?
An Effective science teacher possess Professional knowledge, professional
practice and professional Attributes. Professional knowledge can be seen in the
teacher’s confidence in the delivery of instruction and responding to the queries
of the students. It is always observed inside the classroom. There were students
that will ask you out of the blue questions and it would be a challenge on what
answer to give. That is why preparing everything before the discussion is
important thing to consider. Professional Practice talks about the different
methodologies a teacher uses for his instruction. For example, I use lecture
method if the topic is too broad and if we need to catch up the lesson. Most of
the time, I uses collaborative approach and laboratory methods wherein the
students can freely understand/ practice scientific skills and attitudes.
Professional Attributes displays the attitude of the teacher as a lifelong learner
and exhibits scientific habits of mind. I encourage students every time to speak
in class whenever there are laboratory exercises, to observe if there is
understanding in what they just did. There is a scenario when I am in school late
in the evening with my co-teacher to reproduce modules needed for the opening
of class. However there, are strange sound of a moving table that creates terror
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga
to the both of us. It took us a while to solve the mystery and it happens to be a
ceiling fan that is rubbing to the light bulb whenever it is approaching the bulb.
These scenarios makes me think that I possess qualities of science teachers.
3) Differentiate a course guide and study guide.
Course guide gives an outline about the topics covered in an entire course
including which its course description, credit points, outline of assessment,
references and learning outcomes expected to the students. It provides information
about the teacher, campus, number of hours in instruction mode, weekly teaching
schedule and detailed information about evaluation tasks and resources. On The
other hand, study guide is an aid, usually in a form of printed notes, used to assist
students in their studies. The management tool of a teacher that will be employed
will be seen here while teaching the students how to manage their own learning.
4) Enumerate and explain the curriculum development process.
Curriculum development starts in Phase I, the planning, which includes the
identification of the issue/concern that needs to be address. Once the issue was
known, formation of the Curriculum Development Team will be established to
make decisions about the learners, the learning outcomes, the methodologies in
teaching and the kind of assessment to be used. Planning also contains conduct
of Needs Assessment and Analysis to evaluate the draft of the curriculum. Phase
II, includes the statement of the Intended Learning Outcomes or the objectives
of the education, the Selection of Content, and designing of experiential
Methods. Phase III is the implementation of the curriculum. This follows the
orders; 1. Production of curriculum product or material used in the curriculum. 2.
Testing and Formative Assessment of the curriculum. 3. Recruitment and training
of the facilitators so that the implementation of the curriculum will be possible. 4.
Implementation of the curriculum. Phase IV includes designing of the Evaluation
Strategies and Reporting and securing Resources. The result in this evaluation
will be used by the decision makers for the allocation of fund materials needed
for the implementation of the curriculum
5. What are the different challenges faced by the Philippine Education aside from what
we have discussed? Explain each.
There are several challenges that Philippine Education faces today. A very
good example is the current situation today. As the pandemic is still present and
there is no specific date when it will end, education today is really difficult. The
students, parents and teachers are struggling in the type of modality that the
educational institution uses. The mode of instruction today is not so effective
especially in the lower grade level which needs a hands-on assistance from the
teacher. There are issues regarding both online and modular learning that gives
both the students and the teachers in a bad place. Aside from this, the amount of
resources that the student can visit/get is not open to everyone. When face to face
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga
is still allowed, books provided by the institution sometimes is not enough for all the
students. Classrooms are crowded, equipment for science experiments for example
are not existing in the school especially those schools located in the far flung areas.
Most of the teachers also teaches subjects not related to their degree to fill in with
the lack of teachers in the school. It would give the teacher a struggle in teaching
resulting sometimes to the inefficient teaching and learning.