Planning Process For Sidings and PFT PDF

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Planning Process for Sidings and

Private Freight Terminal

Kamlesh Gosai
Professor (IT)

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Outline of presentation

Types of Freight Terminals

Process for construction of new sidings

Process for Private freight terminal

Private Siding Approval & Monitoring System (PSAMS)

Planning of works – Traffic Facility

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Freight Terminals
Railway Owned Goods sheds and sidings on Railway land

Private sidings built on private land in terms of the private siding

policy for exclusive use of its owner for its own cargo

Private sidings - Co-use facility

Privately owned container handling terminals set up on private


Private Freight Terminals

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Flow chart for construction of new sidings

RTC to be
given by CTPM
at Zonal
If more than Survey
one Zonal Examination of charges (codal
Party to apply Railway is pre-feasibility charges) @
for setting up involved, it is report in 1% of total
private siding forwarded to Division and project cost to
to CPTM /Divl. Railway Board CTPM office in be paid by the
Rly for approval Zonal Railways party

The applicant Party submits In principle

is required to proposal along approval to be
deposit Rs with feasibility given by CTPM
15000 towards /conceptual and survey
preliminary report undertaken
expenses containing
projected traffic
and estimated
cost of the
siding to CTPM

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Flow chart for construction of new sidings

CTPM will initiate

approval of DPR
+ESP and send it to
Party to submit PCE for pucca No.
detailed project report There after PCE will
after completion of return the same to
survey to concerned CTPM for circulation
ADRM(O) to all concerned

ADRM will circulate Charges @ 2% of the

DPR to concerned final detailed
branch officers for estimated cost of the
finalising consultants new sidings will be
within one month and paid by the party after
forward DPR to adjustment of 1%
CTPM duly approved paid earlier
by DRM

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Submission of DPR

After necessary
Detailed Project
changes, approval
Report and
of DPR is
Examination of conceptual yard Necessary
communicated to
Detailed Project layout is examined changes are
the party and DRM
Report and in detail by division suggested to the
of the concerned
conceptual plan – and CTPM’s office party
division with a copy
in view of traffic
to CE (P&D) and

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Flow chart for construction of new sidings

Based on Engineering
Scale Plan (ESP)
prepared by the
Division and approved
by Zonal HQ, Signal
Interlocking Plan (SIP)
is prepared by the

After approval of SIP,

If siding is constructed
detailed cost estimate is
by railways, the
prepared by the
prescribed time frame
Division and
from survey to
communicated to siding
completion of
owner for construction
construction by the
of siding under the
railways is 6 months to
supervision of the
1 year
approved consultant

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Flow chart for construction of new sidings

After completion of the

construction the Siding handed over to
concerned department Commercial Deptt. &
will issue certificate like Siding Agreement is issue of notification for
safety, fitness for executed by CCM/FM at commissioning/opening
operating etc. HQ of siding

2% of final estimated CRS clearance

cost to be paid by the
party towards
Inspections charges

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Flow chart for construction of new sidings

Cost will be recovered from

In case of work of siding is to party and work will be
be executed by Railways as executed by nominated
Deposit work, Feasibility The work will be executed agency (Open
Report, DPR, Conceptual after approval of ESP and line/Construction). The party
yard layout, Estimates and SIP from HQ office would be required to pay the
ESP will be prepared by the charges in accordance with
division itself the Freight Marketing circular
No. 21 of 2007

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Flow chart for construction of new sidings

Raising of Bills done by Sr.DFM in the Division and Sr.

DCM. Co-ordinates for clearance of dues accrued

Nodal Officer at Zonal level: CTPM - During

preconstruction stage and for signing of the agreement
CGE-During construction stage
CCM(FM)- After commissioning

Nodal Officer at Board’s level

ED (FM): Both prior to construction and after notification
for commercial operation
EDCE (G): During construction stage

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Private Freight Terminal

Aim – To stimulate
development of
privately owned
Revised Private
terminals not on
Freight Terminals
railway land for
(PFT) scheme –
dealing with railway
traffic including
parcel traffic and

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An eligible entity will apply to CCM/FM

After scrutiny of eligibility criteria application will be

forwarded to CTPM for examining operational

CTPM will put up to CCM and COM for in principal

approval for the PFT (within 45 days)

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DPR submission by the applicant

DPR approval by Zonal railway

Engineering/Bridge drawings submission by the applicant

Engineering/Bridge drawings approval by Zonal railway

Completion time after final approval given by CTPM – 1 year for

brownfield PFT and 3 years for Greenfield PFT

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CCM/FM of the concerned Zonal
railway and TMC will execute an
Agreement for operation of the
PFT before commissioning of the

Chief Commercial Manager will

issue a commercial notification
opening a PFT as an independent

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Payment of Permitted at
Freight PFT

Deployment Types of
of Railway wagons
Staff permitted

Facilities in
the PFTs

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Currently there are about 1600 sidings in the country

Railways expect about 100 more sidings in the next two years

Sidings are the mainstay of freight traffic

The biggest advantage of siding is that it enables door to door


Eighty five per cent of originating freight traffic of railways from

private sidings and freight terminals

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Private Siding Approval & Monitoring System

A Web Portal to expedite the

processing, execution and
commissioning of the private
siding projects on IR system

The objective of this application

system is to empower users to
track the status of private siding
proposal, hence bringing
greater transparency and faster
process execution
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Private Siding Approval & Monitoring System

Online entry for Private Siding proposals by applicant party

Dashboard for regular status updates, compliance


Record of Codal Charges deposited by party

Monitoring of Proposal at a glance

Online summary and status reports

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Planning – Traffic

Pink Book

Law Book

Mini Law Book

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Vadodara Division

Major works for

capacity augmentations
List of Major Works to enhance
• Vadodara Yard:-Segregation of Ahmedabad and
• BRC(P) : Connecting Line No. 8 (PF No. 7) to Line
No. 1
• Vadodara-Godhra Section:-Provision of Automatic
signaling system between stations Vadodara &
• Makarpura-Vadodara D Cabin:-Providing 3rd and
4th line
• Anand- Godhra Section:-Additions and
alterations in yards in connection with
removal of existing PSR in various seven
• Increasing CSR of 3 stations at Kosamba,
Kanjari-Boriyavi & Angadi
• Utran- Ankleshwar:-Quadrupling of track. 8.
Increasing speed from 15Kmph to 50Kmph
on main line of BRCP
• Increasing Speed from 15 KMPH to 50
KMPH on Main Line of BRCP
• Augmentation of running room at BRCP
• Augmentation of running room at BRCP. Merging
of Vadodara "C", Vadodara "D" and Vadodara "E"
Cabin at Vadodara-RRI
• Provision of Electrification between VS and PRTN
• Provision of longer loop to run long haul trains at
Pilol, Kosamba,Nabipur & Kashipura station
• Development of Chhyapuri/Bajwa as Satellite
stations of BRC
• ANND-GDA Doubling
Expend Outlay
Last Balanc
S. Current ure up to
iture in propose Expendi
Description sanction e till Remarks
No cost March-
2016- d 2016- ture up
ed cost date
16 17 17 to date
Phase-I: Work completed Dec.2010.
Phase-II work:- Plan approved on 03.01.13
& the scope of Phase-II have been
BRC - Provision of platform & line changed and not covered in the main &
No.7 with 2nd entry towards west revised estimate. The re-revised estimate
1 side & conversion of line No.2 as up 243128 244128 240313 0 1000 240313 2815 for S&T work is under HQ finance vetting.
main & line No.4 as down main CAO(C) has accorded short closure of this
line(PB 2006-07) work. As per DSTE(C)-BRC Rs. 50 Lakh is
required for financial closure.
Dy.CE(C)I -9724091250

Work completed on 13.09.16 and balance

Anand:-Direct Placement and
of Rs. 37.82 is required for financial
2 Removal at goods Shed(LB-2015- 9795 9795 611 1400 5500 2011 4100
BRC: Shifting of running room from
3 3071 3071 0 0 1500 0 1571 ESP is under approval at Division.
BRCY to BRCP(LB 2017-18)
ATS/BRCY:Improvement in Area Work completed on 26.11.16.
4 1475 1475 136 356 100 492 256
Training School(MLB 2014-15) DEN/E- 9724091204
GER-Shifting of Starter Signal Work completed on 30.05.16. Sr.DEN-N-
5 1181 1181 0 17 1000 17 181
towards VTA yard(MLB 2014-15) 9724091202
DE sanctioned. The work clubbed with
NIU: Providing shunting neck of 60
other CTYR work. Tender awarded on
6 mts. by extending dead end of line 1427 1427 0 8 200 8 0
23.11.15. CRS sanction received. DEN(S)-
No. 4(MLB 2015-16)
Improvement of lighting
LOA issued on 19.10.15.
7 arrangement in Goods Shed ND and 600 600 0 0 200 0 200
RNO(MLB 2015-16).
Remodellining of control office (MLB
8 1455 1455 0 0 200 0 1255 ESP is under preparation.
3/20/2017 32
IR – Future Plan

IR aspires to add 1.5% to India’s GDP

by building infrastructure to support 40%
modal freight share of India’s economy

Preferred freight carrier - IR will develop

integrated business solutions to capture
new traffic
Seven Missions
Mission 25 Tonne

Mission Zero Accident

Mission PACE (Procurement and consumption Efficiency)

Mission Raftaar

Mission Hundred

Mission Beyond Book – Keeping

Mission Capacity Utilisation

Other Key Areas
Organisation Structure

High Speed Railway Network

Station Development

Dedicated Freight Corridors

Mission 41K
Infrastructure Upgradation
Increase Throughput on existing network
• Integrated corridor approach –
• Increase throughput by an integrated approach
across 2-3 critical corridors
• Best in class Rolling Stock –
• Reduce the differential in maximum rated
capacity of freight wagons
• Propagate 25 ton, and low tare freight wagons
• Reduce different types of rolling stock on the
Build Terminal Infrastructure

Upgrade good sheds

• Upgrade operating conditions of goods sheds based on pre-
defined infrastructure requirements via PPP arrangements
Multi-commodity, multi-modal freight parks
• Expand capacity and scope of terminal services by partnering with
existing government agencies (e.g., DMICDC, State Governments,
NHAI) to build multi-commodity, multi-modal freight logistics parks
Outsourced Goods sheds
• Conversion of Existing Goods sheds to Outsourced Goods sheds
by Outsourcing Goods shed activities : policy change, retaining
ownership, railways as common carrier
New Service Offerings
End to end service
• Implement end-to-end integrated transport solution for
selected commodities through partnership with national
road logistics player
Domestic Cargo
• Conduct accelerated trials for new service models e.g.,
Dwarf containers to capture domestic cargo market
Rolling Stock Design
• Develop 3-4 new rolling stock design which would help
capture new commodity traffic
Questions ?

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