ICRA Report On Road Infra and Logistics Comp
ICRA Report On Road Infra and Logistics Comp
ICRA Report On Road Infra and Logistics Comp
Report on
in India
Table of Contents
Summary 1
Outlook 17
01 Summary
Asset sales in the road sector have picked up over number of EPC contracts have spiked the interest
operational national highway projects, totaling
the most preferred mode of awarding projects by Government focus on addressing execution
bottlenecks and improve developer’s liquidity
were made through the HAM route, compared to
outlook on the sector continues to be Stable
Compensation to
concessionaires in case of construction period and operation period, any delay in achieving the COD
delays not attributable to would shorten the operation period resulting in revenue loss and higher
concessionaires –
Applicable to languishing operation period as envisaged originally in the concession agreement
toll and annuity projects; will would remain unchanged, resulting in a corresponding increase in the
not be applicable to projects
where tolling is permitted
from the appointed date however, the total number of annuities payable will remain as per the
Execution: 30% increase in execution rate in ROB and RUBs and increasing the limit on sand
available more speedily, the NHAI has delegated
Over the last three years, the Government focused
on the right of way and to shift utilities as and
like awarding projects after securing 80% right of
way, expediting projects stuck midway, delegating
the power to grant forest clearances to regional
In a bid to attract private sector participants in the The bidding variable is the life cycle cost which is
road sector, the Government introduced the Hybrid the summation of a) the NPV of the bid project
cost during the construction period and (b) the
NPV of the O&M cost during the O&M period,
Overall, from the developer’s perspective, HAM has annuity payment schedule is linked to the
several positives when compared with BOT
during the operations phase will be adjusted for
These features of HAM have garnered a favourable
HAM most preferred mode
Two in three HAM projects awarded by discount to the base price, with some HAM
NHAI till January, 2017 were at a discount
to the base price, though moderation in
competitive intensity witnessed in recent bidders for these projects ranged between three
ICRA’s study on HAM bids suggests that bids till projects being awarded at a premium during this
aggressive promotions campaigns to lenders and Although the letter of awards (LoAs) was signed in
developers, improved the participation level to
struction (EPC) mode experienced the most Given the low equity requirement for the HAM,
intense competition, with a large number of
bidders quoting at a substantial discount to the
cially given that many of the developers have
witnessed moderate competition, while the BOT limited experience in development space (many
developer is negative, indicating loss on operational track record provide more comfort as
disposed their assets at a loss as liquidity took pertaining to regular/periodic maintenance would
with the highest returns were secondary sale user acceptability of toll rate revisions and toll
transactions wherein the sponsors are private
opportunities in the road sector are the highest
following a favourable outlook on toll collections
and decline in interest rates, the asset sale around 88 operational National Highways
transactions are expected to gather further
Operational BOT projects adjusted for projects wherein private equity investments happened at holding company level and projects where asset sale
is concluded.
0 NHAI’s proposed – TOT Model
ICRA’s study3
Chart 10:
of actual and projected at the time of bidding) for
Table of Contents
Summary 1
Logistics and their impact
01 Summary
India’s logistics sector is at the cusp of fragmentation (presence of numerous small and
evolution with medium-to-long term
& Services Tax (GST) to the Government’s focus on Accordingly, the sector is known to be highly
improving India’s transportation mix and the
exaggerated by India’s relatively weak core
road logistics sector is heading towards an
Collectively, these hurdles lead to a high
to challenge the conventional business models turnaround time and high cost of logistics, which in
and prompt stakeholders across the value the
three major implications on the sector – a) Haryana and the densely populated states of Uttar
consolidation of warehousing network and a shift
commodity carried on rails in this region is coal
degree of tax compliance with business moving
and fast deliveries to the thermal plants in Delhi
providers to the organised sector and c) creation of
capacity constraints of the Indian Railways lead to
traditional transport service providers by virtue of delayed arrival of coal in thermal plants, which in
turn leads to multiple blackouts and interruptions
In addition, the availability of input tax credit on
like Rivigo have adopted an asset heavy model;
of transport of foodgrain to the states of Punjab, tion, dispatch planning, driver relay model and
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02 Overview of Logistics Sector in India
Logistics in India – A complex structure characterised by high fragmentation and dispersed service
03 Likely Impact of Proposed Investments to Improve
India’s Transportation Mix
The Railways has lost market share in preferred mode of transportation for long haul and
bulky commodities such as coal, iron ore,
The Railways account for approximately 30% of to maintain its dominance in transportation of
the total freight movement in India and is a select commodities, it has lost its market share on
of Key Commodities
congestion on its network), limited private sector connectivity are also often cited as the other
participation and better service and reliability
offered by the road transport segment had led to Despite opening up the sector to private
investments, the share of private container train
operators (CTOs) has also remained miniscule on DFCCs will enable Railways to gain share
account of the frequent increase in haulage over road over the longer-term
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length of the corridor, which would facilitate the
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container train operators on the
Delhi-Mumbai route producer of cement and accounts for almost 80%
Western Railways
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industrial belts in Haryana, Rajasthan and
Length of
Key Industries
Length of
Railways gaining market share
from the road transport industry
Length of
Key Industries
upgrading the feeder routes to
Mundra could lead to greater
Eastern DFC to provide seamless coal
transportation to thermal power plants in
North India
The project has already been delayed several years from its original target and
Further Delays in
entered into MoUs with the Haryana Government, the Gujarat Government and
Development, Design
of Wagons Suitable for
DFC However, at present, there is no visibility as to when the new rakes would be
Focus on developing other modes will also
will help in bringing down the cost of transporting
mix bulk commodities especially coal, steel, fertilizers,
of GST would have three major implications for the goods and services and it will subsume a host of
logistics sector – a) consolidation of warehousing indirect taxes and levies at the central and state
level and will be levied by both the Centre and state
model, b) higher degree of tax compliance with
transportation service providers to the organised goods and services, the state will levy an SGST and
nies need to invest in both manpower and IT regime will trigger a shift to an organised logistics
market where the share of business with organised
operators would go up and the small fleet owners
to provide streamline documentation (under GST will align themselves with the big operators as an
goods between the manufacturing hub and naturally decline and the lead distance of LTL
routes would increase
movements, and the movement of goods between
Sales Velocity
decentralised warehousing model to prevent stockouts
Logistics Cost as % of Industries with high logistics cost, as a percentage of revenues, would look to
Nature of Goods
easier for goods that have standard dimensions where larger CVs can transport
The express cargo companies mostly transport GST system the tax paid on freight forwarding can
manufactured high value goods, and the effective be used as an input tax credit to offset the tax paid
The road logistics industry carries over 60% of the of the others have adopted an asset light or
the roadways on account of weak core Technology related to route planning, route
infrastructure, high fragmentation and complex optimisation, dispatch planning, driver relay model
tax policies have led to high cost of transport via and scheduling are being deployed by logistics
While anomalies in the taxation regime are services which have helped reduce the turnaround
expected to improve post GST implementation,
operators may express interest in acquiring the
consulting and outsourcing services. ICRA shares are listed on the BSE and the National Stock Exchange. ICRA is majority-held by Moody’s Group, which has
50.06% equity ownership stake in the Company.
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