Ultrafiltration Enhanced With Activated Carbon Adsorption For Efficient Dye Removal From Aqueous Solution
Ultrafiltration Enhanced With Activated Carbon Adsorption For Efficient Dye Removal From Aqueous Solution
Ultrafiltration Enhanced With Activated Carbon Adsorption For Efficient Dye Removal From Aqueous Solution
DONG Yanan (), SU Yanlei (), CHEN Wenjuan (), PENG Jinming (),
ZHANG Yan () and JIANG Zhongyi ()**
Key Laboratory for Green Technology of Ministry of Education, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,
Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Abstract In this study, orange G dye was efficiently removed from aqueous solution by ultrafiltration (UF) mem-
brane separation enhanced with activated carbon adsorption. The powdered activated carbon (PAC) was deposited
onto the UF membrane surface, forming an intact filter cake. The enhanced UF process simultaneously exploited
the high water permeation flux of porous membrane and the high adsorption ability of PAC toward dye molecules.
The influencing factors on the dye removal were investigated. The results indicated that with sufficient PAC incor-
poration, the formation of intact PAC filtration cake led to nearly complete rejection for dye solution under opti-
mized dye concentration and operation pressure, without large sacrificing the permeation flux of the filtration process.
Typically, the dye rejection ratio increased from 43.6% for single UF without adsorption to nearly 100% for the en-
hanced UF process, achieving long time continuous treatment with water permeation flux of 47 Lm2h1. The pre-
sent study demonstrated that adsorption enhanced UF may be a feasible method for the dye wastewater treatment.
Keywords enhanced ultrafiltration, powdered activated carbon, filter cake, adsorption, dye removal
In the present paper, dye (orange G as model casting solutions were cast on a glass plate to form a
system) was efficiently removed from aqueous solu- thin film and immediately immersed in water coagula-
tion by UF membrane separation enhanced with acti- tion bath. After solidifying for 2-3 min, the mem-
vated carbon adsorption. The UF process was operated branes with a wet thickness of about 240 m and a
in dead-end model, meanwhile, the powdered acti- membrane area of about 210 cm2 would peel off from
vated carbon (PAC) was deposited onto the membrane the glass plate. The resultant membranes were dipped
surface forming an intact filter cake or mini-fixed-bed into deionized water for at least 24 h to remove resid-
column. The objective of the present study was to ual DMF. The membranes were soaked in deionized
evaluate the dye removal efficiency of the enhanced water prior to utilization.
UF process. Furthermore, the influences of PAC add-
ing amount, initial dye concentration and operation 2.3 Characterization of the membrane and PAC
pressure on membrane performance were investigated.
Environment scanning electron microscope
2 EXPERIMENTAL (ESEM, Philips 171 XL30E) was utilized to investi-
2.1 Materials gate the cross-sectional morphology of the membrane
and the particle size distribution of PAC. The pore size
distribution of the PAC was measured in a Micromer-
Polyethersulfone (PES) flakes (category no. itics TriStar system based on the Brunauer-Emmett-
6020P) was purchased from BASF Co. (Germany) Teller (BET) method of N2 adsorption/desorption iso-
and dried at 110 C for 12 h before use. Orange G was therm at 77 K. The dye concentration in the solution
purchased from Dingguo Biological Technology Co. was detected by UV-vis spectrophotometer (Hitach
(Beijing, China). The molecule structures of PES and UV-2800, Japan) at 485 nm for maximized absorbance.
orange G were showed in Fig. 1. Poly(ethylene glycol) In the adsorption kinetics experiments, 200 mg
(PEG) (Mw = 2000), powdered activated carbon (PAC), PAC was continuously agitated in 800 ml of 40
and N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) were purchased mgL1 orange G solution at constant room tempera-
from Kewei Chemical Reagent Co. (Tianjin, China). ture (251 C). The results of the adsorption kinetics
Other reagents used in the experiments were all of were determined by comparing the residual concentra-
analytical grade. The feed solution was prepared by tion in the sample solution with initial concentration,
dissolving 40 mg orange G into 1 L deionized water from which the uptake of dye could be calculated at
and fully agitated before use. different time intervals. The amount of dye adsorbed,
Qe [mgg1 (based on PAC)] was calculated by
Qe = V (C0 Ce ) / w (1)
where C0 and Ce (mgL ) were the initial and equilib-
rium dye concentrations in the aqueous solution, V
was the volume of solution (L) and w was the PAC
(a) Polyethersulfone
adding amount (g) [19].
The adsorption isotherm was obtained by meas-
uring the uptake amount of dye as a function of dye
concentration at equilibrium. Constant volume (100
ml) of the sample solution at different concentration
(20-200 mgL1) was blended with 50 mg PAC. When
the adsorption reached equilibrium (generally within
20 min), the residual concentration of the dye solu-
tions was detected and the dye amount absorbed was
calculated accordingly.
(b) Orange G
Figure 1 Molecular structures of polyethersulfone (a) and 2.4 Adsorption-enhanced UF experiments
orange G (b)
The lab-scale experimental equipment of the UF
2.2 Membrane preparation process enhanced with PAC filter cake adsorption was
similar to that in our previous work [18]. The UF sys-
The detailed preparation procedure of PES/PEG tem consisted of N2 gas cylinder, feed solution reser-
membrane can be found in our previous study [18]. voir, Millipore UF cup (Model 8400, Millipore Co.,
First, 3.6 g PES and 1.8 g PEG [50% (by mass) of USA, working volume of 400 ml, effective membrane
PES] were dissolved in 14.6 g DMF to form mem- area of 45.8 cm2) and permeate effluent reservoir. PAC
brane casting solutions. The casting solutions were was added directly in the UF cup (Fig. 2) with a
stirred for 4 h at 60 C and then left for about 6 h to near-surface agitation (200 rmin1). During the UF,
allow complete release of bubbles. Consequently, the part of the PAC particles were anticipated to deposit
Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 5, October 2011 865
Figure 4 N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm and the pore size distribution of PAC BET surface area: 585 m2g1
adsorption; desorption
866 Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 5, October 2011
asymmetric structure consisting of a compact skin axis, the profile shows a typical Langmuir-type ad-
layer, a porous sub-layer and fully developed support- sorption isotherm [19]. It is obvious that the adsorption
ing layer from top to bottom. Fig. 3 (b) shows the capacity of PAC increases with dye concentration at
morphologies of PAC particles. The PAC exhibit equilibrium (Ce, mgL1) and the adsorption of dye
irregular shape and the average size spanned from 2 to molecules is thus highly concentration dependent [20].
10 m. N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm and pore
distribution of PAC are investigated by BET (N2) as 3.3 Effect of parameters on permeation flux and
shown in Fig. 4. The existence of hysteresis loop rejection ratio
indicates that the mesoporous structure of PAC with
an average size around 3.8 nm and specific area of 3.3.1 Effect of PAC adding amount on permeation flux
585 m2g1. Due to its excellent temperature, pH stability and
mechanical strength, the negatively charged PES UF
3.2 Adsorption kinetics and isotherm of PAC membranes are often utilized to adsorb positively
charged dye molecules via the electrostatic attractive
interaction [5]. However, in this study, since the size of
In our study, batch adsorption experiment is car- dye molecules is smaller compared with the average
ried out to investigate the adsorption kinetics and iso- pore size of UF membrane, a large proportion of mole-
therm of PAC. As shown in Fig. 5, the amount of ad- cules could permeate the membrane [21, 22]. Therefore,
sorbed dye was increased rapidly in the initial 20 min the UF process enhanced with PAC adsorption is em-
and then gradually leveled off with the maximum ad- ployed to achieve the efficient dye rejection, and the
sorption value of about 133 mgg1. Since the adsorp- results demonstrate that as the PAC particles are com-
tion amount of PAC is not substantially changed, 20 pletely retained by the membrane, dye molecules
min is taken as the equilibrium adsorption time in our could be readily and completely removed. To fully
subsequent study. Adsorption isotherm in Fig. 6 (Qe evaluate the performance of this enhanced UF process,
versus Ce) presents the uptake amount of dye on PAC the influences of PAC adding amount, initial dye con-
as a function of dye aqueous equilibrium concentra- centration and operation pressure are investigated.
tion. With an initial concavity to the concentration As shown in Fig. 7, under a constant operation
pressure of 0.1 MPa, the UF permeation flux is gradu-
ally decreased from 65 Lm2h1 to a pseudo-constant
value of about 47 Lm2h1 as the PAC adding amount
is increased from 0 to 160 mg and varies slightly as
the PAC adding amount is further increased. It is pro-
posed that PAC in the feed would deposit or adsorb on
the membrane surface, forming a PAC filter cake layer
and consequently causing a drop of the permeation
flux [23]. In the stirred cell, the shear force from the
stirrer may actually sweep some PAC away from the
membrane surface. When the PAC adding amount is
arrived at 160 mg, the deposition and sweeping of
PAC may reach equilibrium [24], so that an intact PAC
filter cake layer is formed. As the PAC adding amount
Figure 5 Amount of adsorbed dye onto PAC as a function is further increased, the formation of the filter cake is
of operation time [The original dye concentration in the feed
solution was 40 mgL1 and the equilibrium dye concentration fully completed and the thickness keeps at a constant
was 3 mgL1, the operation temperature was (251) C] value. Similar phenomenon is also reported by other
Figure 6 Adsorption isotherm of the orange G onto PAC Figure 7 The influence of the PAC adding amount on the
[The PAC adding amount was 50 mg and the operation tem- permeation flux at pressure of 0.1 MPa, and temperature
perature was (251) C] of (251) C
Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 5, October 2011 867
research [24]. Fig. 8 presents the photograph of PAC Under the enhancement of PAC adsorption, the
filter cake formed on the membrane surface. The permeate solution is continuously received from the
thickness of the as-formed cake layer is about 87 m UF process. However, the adsorption ability of PAC is
and corresponding resistance is about 7.61012 m1. limited at constant dosage; there comes the break-
through point which is defined as when the adsorbate
solution passes through adsorption column, permeate
effluent concentration starts rising with time after a
certain period [16]. The breakthrough point at 50%
(Cp/Cf = 0.5) is the intersection of the 50% horizontal
line with the rejection curves as showed in Fig. 9.
Based on 50% breakthrough point, it is clear that the
treated volume increases with the decrease of the ini-
tial dye concentration. Theoretically, convective flow
is more favorable for rapid mass transfer compared
with free diffusion. In column adsorption, mass trans-
fer velocity is limited by diffusion, while in the UF
enhanced with PAC adsorption process, convection is
the main flow mode and the mass transfer resistance
could be decreased substantially. The convective flow
Figure 8 Image of PAC cake layer on membrane surface
at pressure of 0.1 MPa, and temperature of (251) C
in the UF enhanced with PAC adsorption process may
overcome that problem with rapid adsorption and
separation [5].
3.3.2 Effect of initial dye concentration
The adsorption of dye is highly concentration 3.3.3 Effect of PAC adding amount on rejection ratio
dependent, due to the fact that the initial dye concen- The rejection ratio is substantially affected by the
tration would provide an important driving force to PAC adding amount in the PAC adsorption enhanced
promote mass transfer of the dye molecules from UF process. In our experiments, the flat sheet mem-
aqueous solution onto adsorbents. Hence, initial dye brane is utilized to separate the PAC particles and
concentration is adjusted from 2 to 50 mgL1 and the permeate solution. The cake layer formed by the
corresponding influence on the performance of the UF deposition of PAC particles acts as a mini PAC ad-
process enhanced with PAC adsorption is investigated sorption column. When dye solution passes through
(as shown in Fig. 9). The rejection ratio is ascended the PAC cake layer, the rapid attachment of dye
with the decrease of initial dye concentration. From molecules onto PAC particles ensures the high removal
the adsorption kinetics of PAC, it is obvious that the ratio of dye molecules [14, 25]. The effect of PAC ad-
adsorption rate is increased in the first 20 min. For the dition on dye removal is verified by varying PAC
dye concentration of 5-25 mgL1, the complete re- adding amount while fixing the operation pressure at
moval is achieved in the initial 20 min, which is 0.1 MPa and the dye concentration at 40 mgL1. As
agreeable with quick uptake in adsorption kinetics. illustrated in Fig. 10, the PES pristine membrane
The initial relative low dye rejection ratio would be (without incorporation of PAC) exhibits about 40%
attributed to that the adsorption active sites of the dye rejection ratio in the initial 60 min, which is at-
membrane are insufficient and the intact PAC cake tributed to the instinct electrostatic repulsion and ad-
layer on membrane surface could not be formed. sorption ability of the membrane matrix [5]. Further-
When the initial dye concentrations are 40 and 50 more, the rejection is remarkably decreased after 60
mgL1, the highest removal only reaches 72.5% due min. As shown in Fig. 10, the incorporation of PAC
to insufficient adsorption sites for PAC filter cake.
obviously favors the enhancement of the dye rejection. with a feed dye concentration of 40 mgL1 and a PAC
The dye rejection shows a gradually increase trend adding amount of 160 mg. At the initial stage of filtra-
with the increase of PAC adding amount. Especially, tion when the pressure is 0.05 and 0.10 MPa, com-
when the PAC adding amount is 400 mg, the rejection plete dye removal (rejection ratio is 100%) is observed
ratio keeps at nearly 100% within 170 min. The varia- and ranges from 0 to 83 min and to 43 min, respec-
tion in the rejection ratio can be interpreted by the tively. At higher pressure, the last time of complete
availability of active sites on PAC particles and the rejection is shortened. Pressure is the driving force in
intact formation of the PAC cake layer. The desired the process, and the increase of pressure would drive
rejection ratio could be received by readily adjusting more dye solution into the cell. Simultaneously, the
the PAC adding amount. increase of pressure also drives more PAC particles to
For providing a better insight into the relation- deposit on the membrane surface, enhancing the ad-
ship between intrinsic adsorption property of PAC and sorption capacity of the cake layer. In this process,
the separation performance of the enhanced UF proc- 160 mg PAC is used, and based on Fig. 7, the thick-
ess, the relationship of PAC adding amount and ness of the cake layer would hardly increase. Under
breakthrough point is analyzed. Based on Fig. 10, a constant dye concentration and PAC addition, the
linear relationship of the breakthrough time t0.97 (at completely rejection last time is decreased with the
97% or Cp/Cf = 0.97) with PAC adding amount is pre- increase of operation pressure.
sented in Fig. 11. Values of the intercept and slope The deposition of PAC on the membrane surface
calculated from the linear plots are 81.03 and 0.64, would also lead to an increase of resistance to the fil-
respectively. The correlation coefficient (R2) for the tration process and decrease the permeation flux of the
straight line is 0.976. Fig. 11 may be used to estimate process, consequently. At constant thickness of PAC
the PAC adding amount needed for a certain operation cake layer, permeation flux would mainly depend on
time with the rejection above 97%. the driven force. As presented in the Fig. 13, the stable
permeation flux is increased with the increase of the
operation pressure. It could also observe a transition
stage where permeation flux is not stable, which may
correlate with the PAC deposition velocity. The rate of
PAC particles deposition would be influenced by
driving force from operation pressure and shear force
from stirring. Higher driving force would cause PAC
particles more rapidly being driven to the membrane
surface. The shear force keeps constant, so the time
needed to form intact PAC cake layer will be shorter
under higher operation pressure. Above all, for the
purpose of stable high rejection, relatively optimized
operation pressure, 0.1 MPa, should be taken into
Figure 11 Operation time for 97% rejection ratio at differ- consideration.
ent PAC adding amount (The concentration of dye is 40 mgL1)
Figure 12 Dye rejection ratio as a function of filtration The present study demonstrated that the efficient
time at different operation pressure removal of anion dye from aqueous solution was re-
operation pressure/MPa: 0.05; 0.10; 0.15 ceived by UF process enhanced with PAC adsorption.
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