Incarnation and Reincarnation
Incarnation and Reincarnation
Incarnation and Reincarnation
Last Updated on 05 January 2017
Hits: 4719
Version 3
1 of 15 9/27/2017 3:36 PM
Incarnation and Reincarnation about:reader?url=
Human Beings that follow and Human Beings that do not follow
religious false teachings, doctrines, beliefs and ideologies are not all
bad Human Beings who live their lives without love, respect,
decency, and a life of good. However there is need for the Earth
Human to understand and have knowledge of the truth of the
Human Spirit-form and the process of reincarnation. This knowledge
makes it possible for the Earth Human Being to turn away from
thoughts of a magical place after death and to turn towards the truth
of Creation and the purpose of human life. Truly if the Earth Human
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being had knowledge of reincarnation and accepted the fact that the
planet you degenerate through your thoughts, feelings and actions
in one material life is the planet you are reincarnated on in the next
material life then a change in thinking is more possible towards the
preservation of life and the planet as no one would have the
ignorant, short sighted thoughts of "When that happens I will not be
around", "You only live once, make the most of it" and "Who cares, I
will be dead soon" and so on. Truly, Earth Human Beings will
reincarnate onto Earth again within new Human Bodies.
The Creation, the spiritual energy we exist in, which was created out
of an idea from a Ur-Creation has created the Human Spirit-form.
The Creation is truly the creator of your Spirit-form and your
Spirit-form is a fragment of the Creation. Your Spirit-form belongs to
Creation as Creation created and set forth your Spirit-form on a path
of spiritual/consciousness related evolution. Our Creation is around
46,000,000,000,000 years old (calculated in Earth years) in which
Human Spirit-forms have been incarnating and reincarnating within
the Material Universe (belt 4) onto planets. The Creation created all
Spirit-forms at the being of the expansion period of our Creations
first and current awake cycle. This is comparable to the male Human
Being who throughout his life will create billions of sperm. Most will
never get to fertilize an egg within the female's womb. This is the
same for the created Spirit-forms in regard that not all of the
Spirit-forms created by the Creation will ever enter into the
reincarnation cycle, thus will never evolve. The Spirit-form that
reincarnates into Human Beings is a conscious-evolutionary
Spirit-form where as the Spirit-forms that reincarnate into animals
and so forth are Instinct Spirit-forms and are not capable of
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Incarnation and Reincarnation about:reader?url=
When a Human Being dies the Spirit-form leaves the body along
with the Material Consciousness Block. The Material Consciousness
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Consciousness Block enters into the Foetus at the 21st day after
conception. Before this the Foetus is not a Human Being. Only when
the Spirit-form and Material Consciousness Block enter into the
Foetus does a new Human Being exist and the heart starts to pump.
Once this reincarnation of the Spirit-form and Material
Consciousness Block has processed the Spirit-form is then
responsible for developing the new Human Being, the Brain, the sex
(male, female) and so on. The mother and father of the new Human
Being only provide the material in which the Spirit-form then uses to
develop into a human being. Therefore the personality, character,
consciousness and so forth from the mother and father are not
passed onto the new Human Being as the new Human Being has
his/her own.
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Material Life
The Material Life is the time in which it takes for the Human Being to
develop 100% inteligence Brain Quotient. The average time for the
Human Being to develop 100% inteligence Brain Quotient is 50 000
000 with a minimum of 40 000 000 years. For the Earth Human a 60
million year maximum time span is calculated to which the
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High Council
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52 Million years + (7x7=49
Sub Levels)= (49x7.4 Second pure spirit level. Level of
Million =362.6 Million freedom and disengagement
52 Million years + (7x7=49
Sub Levels)= (49x7.4 Third pure spirit level. Level of peace
Million =362.6 Million and love
52 Million years + (7x7=49
Sub Levels)= (49x7.4 Fourth pure spirit level. Level of
Million =362.6 Million knowledge and wisdom
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52 Million years + (7x7=49
Sub Levels)= (49x7.4 Fifth pure spirit level. Level of
Million =362.6 Million thankfulness
52 Million years + (7x7=49
Sub Levels)= (49x7.4
Sixth pure spirit level. Level of causes
Million =362.6 Million
52 Million years + (7x7=49
Seventh pure spirit level. Blooming
Sub Levels)= (49x7.4
level of Creation. The crown of
Million =362.6 Million
As can be seen from the table above the evolution of the Spirit-form
and consciousness takes 3008.2 Million years to complete. Below is
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Primary Life
Life of Reason
Intellect Life
Realist Life
Creative Life
Spiritual Life
Creation Life
The first 5 learning levels pertain to the Human Being. The 6th
learning level pertains to the pure spirit levels and the last level
pertains to the Spirit-form once it has merged with the Creation. The
recolection of past lives does not happen until the required
knowledge and wisdom has been attained up to the sub level of
Creative Life. The average Earth Human stands at the last stages of
Life of Reason. Highly educated Earth Humans are just after the
beginning of Intellect Life where as very few are at the end stage of
Intellect Life. The following is a list of the 7 sub levels to the above
sub levels.
Primary Life
1. Primary development of the intellect and the consciousness.
2. Primary intellect and conscious thinking.
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Life of Reason
1. Primary development of reason.
2. Effective realisation of reason and its application.
3. Primarydetection and recognition of higher influences.
4. Belief in higher impacts without possessing knowledge.
5. Belief in higher powers, delusional beliefs, fear of evil, of devotion
to good germination time for religions, etc.
6. Primary recognition of the true reality: Moderate level of scientific
development. Research, first consciousness-related developments
and there use: 'spiritual healing', telepathy, etc. (current level of the
average Earth Human Being)
7. Primary development of knowledge and wisdom.
Intellect Life
1. Higher development of the intellect. High technology, second
consciousness-related power usage with initial findings. Primary
conception of life forms.
2. Implementation and application of knowledge, truth, and wisdom.
Slow degradation of beliefs. (current level of educated people =
Earth scientist etc.)
3. First use of knowledge and wisdom.
4. Recognition and utilization of natural laws. Creation of
hyperspace technology. Second generation of life forms.
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Realist Life
1. Clear understanding of reality as real Absolutum.
2. Recognition of the spiritual knowledge and spiritual wisdom.
3. Utilization of spirit of knowledge and spiritual wisdom.
4. Recognition of the reality of the Creation and its laws.
5. Life after the creative laws. Clarification of the spirit and the
intellect. Recognition of the task and the real power of the spirit.
Total dismantling of all beliefs.
6. Targeted and controlled utilization of spiritual and consciousness-
related forces and abilities.
7. First generation of viable life forms.
Creative Life
1. Generation and control of life forms.
2. Creation of mechanical viable life forms.
3. Spiritual and consciousness-related power development to control
material and organic life forms.
4. Wilful control of life and all its forms and types.
5. Level of recognitions, Recollections of past lives, etc.
6. Kingdom of wisdom = JHWH. Last second highest power of
7. Recognition of spiritual peace, universal love and creative
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Spirit Life
1. Recognition and realization of spiritual peace, universal love, and
creative harmony.
2. Life in purely spiritual forms.
3. Spiritual creations.
4. Disembodiment of the spirit of organic bodies.
5. First spiritual existence.
6. Final spiritual existence.
7. Transition into the Creation.
Creation Life
1. Slumber over seven periods (ages).
2. Awakening and creation in the beginning of Creation as a creation
during seven periods/ages.
3. Creation of life forms.
4. Creation of new-spirit in the perfection of Creation.
5. Creation of spiritual greatness within the Creation.
6. Perfection of Creation in the Creation.
7. Highest perfection in the seventh period/eternity.
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