Issues and Challenges of Women Participation in Politics
Issues and Challenges of Women Participation in Politics
Issues and Challenges of Women Participation in Politics
Women equality with men is almost necessary in all aspect of life. Equal voting right in election represents country’s initiative to
establish equality among men and women in democracy. But the current scenario of policies has witnesses that a woman does not
get equal opportunities like men to participate in political affairs. Numbers of constrain affect women participation in politics and
decision making. This paper aims to explore issues and challenges faces by women in political participation. This is conceptual
paper that based on review the literature from various research generals, articles and case studies to explores important aspect of
women’s’ political participation.
Introduction politics is man’s arena (d) political parties also believe that
It is very difficult for a woman to make up her mind to enter women lack the ‘win-ability’ characteristics.
politics. Once she makes up her own mind, then she has to
prepare her husband, and her children, and her family. Once Literature review
she has overcome all these obstacles and applies for the ticket, Many researchers including Randall (1987) [6], Matland and
then the male aspirants against whom she is applying makeup Taylor, (1997) Rule, (1981) [9] explores various factors
all sorts of stories about her. And after all this, when her name hinders women participation in politics such as lack of time
goes to the party bosses, they do not select her name because for politics due to their domestic obligations, their lack of
they fear losing that seat. socialization for politics, their lower social capital and weaker
Women’s participation in politics of any country gives a asset base than men owing to discrimination in schools and in
strong message globally not only in terms of equality and the market, their under representation in the jobs that favor
freedom of liberty but also in the space provided for women in political careers, their marginalization within male-dominated
the democratic framework of electoral politics. India has one parties, their inability to overcome male and incumbent bias in
of the strongest laws that provide women a life with full honor certain types of electoral systems. Research by Browne and
and dignity. But the customs, patriarchal set ups and societal Barret (1991) found a strong association between female
norms have always treated them as subordinate to men. They education and socio-economic development at both the
are always taught to be submissive. Because of unequal individual and societal level. Oduol (2008) [13] found access to
distribution of resources, women do not have adequate education and lack of quality education still remains a barrier
resources, be it economic, material or human. It should come for many women. That shows education ill-equips women for
as no surprise, therefore, that women’s under-representation in leadership.
American politics raises grave concerns regarding democratic Some of the researcher including Kellerman & Rhode (2007)
legitimacy and fundamental issues of political representation. , Kiamba (2008) [11] found gender stereotype was one of the
Electing more women increases the likelihood that policy important barriers for women leadership. That explained
debates and deliberations include women’s views and women face a ‘double edged sword’ ascribed to gender role
experiences. Political participation means which allows for stereotypes, as there is a long-standing and widespread belief
political agendas to be developed by women ‘taking part in that male traits are consistent with leadership. Kunovich,
politics’ through a range of activities such as discussion and Paxton and Hughes (2007) explained that cultural ideas about
debate, lobbying and activism in formal and informal ways. women can affect women’s levels of representation
The prime obstacle that hinders women’s representation and throughout the political process, from an individual woman’s
participation is patriarchy. It is the very basis that makes most decision to enter politics, to party selection of candidates, to
of the society realize and even forces them to think that the decisions made by voters on Election Day.
women are incapable of political participation and Bari, (2005) [1] in a study formulated and narrated some
representation. And, so they should be restricted inside the important factors which hinder the women political
four walls to perform household chores. Some of the facets of participation. Ideological factors, political factors, socio-
patriarchy that play major role are (a) public-private divide (b) cultural factors, economic factors are very important in this
lack of family support especially husband (c) the belief that regards. Besides these lack of capital and strategy for women
National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
political participation are also in the same regard. Bano, 5. Lack of financial support - Women do not get adequate
(2009) [2] conducted a study to observe the situation of women financial support from the political parties to contest the
in Parliament in Pakistan. The focus of this research is on the elections.
role of Pakistani women in the political arena. The study 6. Societal and cultural norms imposed on women bar them
observes how this numerical strength in parliament has from entering politics. They have to accept the dictates
contributed to the empowerment of women. The study imposed on them and bear the burden of society. They also
concluded that in relative terms, the status of women has bear their deprivation and undermining status thinking as a
improved in contemporary society with the passage of time, culture of the society. Public attitudes not only determine
but the ideal of women’s empowerment is still a distant how many female candidates win a general election, but
dream. McCarthy and Sultana, (2004) [4] conducted a study to also directly and indirectly how many are considered and
explore the possible hindrance in the women political nominated for office (Welch and Sigelman, 1982) [15]
participation. Domestic violence and other forms of violence
are flourishing in families, society and also in the state as a Conclusion
means of controlling women. Their subordinate social and It is the need of the hour in a country like India to have equal
legal status and domination by men in the family, society and participation of women in mainstream political activity.
state obstruct their participation in public life. Hence the Society needs to deconstruct the stereotype of women as
patriarchal mind-set is considered to be a key issue in limiting limited to household activities only. Overall political parties’
the women political participation. National Commission on environment too is not women friendly, they have to struggle
the Status of Women (NCSW, 2010) [5] in its report suggested hard and face multi-dimensional issues to create space for
that women are not much active despite coming into the field them in the party. it is important for all institutions (state,
of politics. Although women are brought into political family and community) to respond to women’s specific needs
institutions, no effort is made to transform the patriarchal such as bridging gaps in education, renegotiating gender roles,
nature and culture of institutions. MoWA (2006) [8] shows the the gender division of labor and addressing biased attitudes
number of elected women representatives is still low; More
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National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development