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Chapter I
discrimination, and others, touch everyone in their everyday life. There are no
2015). Although gender inequality affects people of all ages and backgrounds,
the victims are affected differently. Worse, victims frequently experience many
forms of discrimination.
gender refers to the socially created distinctions between men and women
women's and men's lives and circumstances in society, including how they
Although women and men have officially equal political rights in today's
democracies, there are persistent gaps in how often these rights are
Hence, the perception of gender equality does not share the same with
men and women. According to the study by González, Forcén, and Sanchez
(2019), The discrepancy in perceptions between men and women was more
leadership ability. Men felt that men and women received equal treatment in
substantially lower, with just 69% agreeing. Men and women see gender
inequalities and hurdles differently depending on the office, town, and locality.
Exposito, 2021). They are afraid of being judged negatively and appeared to
make riskier decisions than other groups. Thus, in the study of Fox and
Lawless (2014), they uncovered a dramatic gender gap as men and women
aim for a position in politics. Women appear to be less interested and less
engaged in politics than men; some evidence suggests that the presence of
less gender-role congruity bias for male-dominated jobs (Koch et al., 2015). It
shows that gender remains the strongest predictor of political participation and
suggests that Asian women remain marginalized in the political arena (Liu,
challenging for many men. They live up to the societal pressures of being
believed to guarantee that individuals are treated equally and have human-
centered development, and that they all progress together (Gender Equality
women to contribute more economically in their homes, and they become less
the study revealed that other factors, such as unemployment and the out-
gender role and position of women is, however, creating gender antagonism
with work matters like work organization, task priorities, or structure problems
2020). Female political leaders still face issues and challenges that their male
counterparts do not (Fox & Lawless, 2014). The understanding that males are
superior, more powerful, and represent the norm should not be ignored, as
women are inferior and lack power and autonomy (Jakobsh, 2012). Even
once they run for office, differences persist in the experiences of male and
female leadership. Besides the patriarchal setups and norms that differentially
position men and women where voters rely on stereotypes to help them
evaluate political leaders, voters have limited time and energy to devote to
political matters. It shows that women were ultimately excluded from the
specifically in the lower positions, to keep this male leadership in power. With
this, naturally, males depend on the subordinate position of women, and this
violence, and a lack of support from fellow women (Anyango et al., 2018).
level, with the shared objective of performing different services and do-good
following their functions and purposes. Hence, in the study area, CSOs are
barangay officials. The community assembly is those who join during the
As for electoral participation, though the law does not require citizens
participate in the democratic process by voting for a leader that supports the
citizens' interests and represents the community and their ideas. Hence, civil
policymaking process.
members, lack of funds, and conflict within the household over time devoted
to the work (Bagsit & Jimenez, 2013). Regarding gender roles in the
houses and children in the care of their husbands and seek jobs as house-
their respondents, described just apart from the wholeness of the reality.
gender gaps in those areas. Similarly, Cruz and Tolentino (2020) found that
men are more likely to be recognized as influential, while women are still
al., 2017). However, the group stated that the country still has to address its
force than males. About four out of every five working-age Filipino males are
in the labor force, whereas just half of women aged 15 and above are.
Between 2005 and 2015, this difference shrank by only 2.5 percent. This
chains strive for empowerment and women's engagement. To follow the goals
between and within value chains, restricted systematic, rigorous research was
performed. Unlike in other nations where men and women are empowered
throughout all four value chains, men and women in the Philippines are
household are the major causes of disempowerment for both men and
voting, and providing service or leadership. Men are more commonly seen as
Liu, 2019, 2020; Cruz & Tolentino, 2020; Malapit et al., 2020; Lundgren &
initiatives, on the other hand, may have equivocal effects on female and
beliefs, and factual beliefs are almost the same, which is regarded as
agreeable (Aguido, et. al., 2016). Moreover, in the study of De Guzman et. al.,
(2014), it was found that respondents are aware of the identified dimensions
Gender issues are seen everywhere, which means that the civil society
citizens to ensure that they are heard and that their priorities are reflected in
officials and officers of the Civil Society Organization, the barangay officials,
research respondents. The next section covers the scope and impact of the
Conceptual Framework
Input Process
1. Data collection
The gender issues and challenges, effect, and
and Analysis.
extent experienced in participatory decision-
2. Stakeholder
making processes in the communities of
Banaue, Ifugao, in terms of:
3. Interpret the
1. Community Assembly;
2. Electoral participation;
3. Other participatory decision-making
Measures or recommendations to develop gender
equality in participatory decision-making.
Improved gender-responsive decision-making.
Strengthened community cohesion and
Figure 1 shows the research paradigm of this study. This study will
study will describe the extent and effect of the identified gender issues in
women elected and appointed officials as part of the civil society organization
and the municipality. Thus, the collected, identified, analyzed, and interpreted
data of different gender issues in the different fields will help to measure or
Research Objectives
Specifically, it sought:
following platforms:
a) community Assembly;
The purpose of this study was to find out how gender problems
respondents' gender, age, and position were clearly collected in their profile.
activities for the community of Banaue because they are the beneficiaries of
developing gender equality and avoiding gender gaps and barriers in the
use this study to acknowledge the issues and problems in gender gaps and
gender gaps and barriers and develop gender equality in political leadership
gender equality.
Chapter II
Research Design
Banaue. Men and women elected and appointed officials as part of the
barangay and the municipality, and the elected officers as part of a Civil
groups, and identifying patterns in meaning across the data to derive themes.
Research Environment
on the east, Benguet on the west, and Nueva Vizcaya on the south. It has 18
Table 1 shows the criteria or basis for the research area. Out of 18
The study areas are chosen based on the highest, middle, and lowest criteria.
while Batad and Ducligan are "Ayangan." Pula has the lowest total household
Batad and Ducligan are in the middle regarding the total household
population, total population, and economy and are farthest from the center of
Banaue. In contrast, Poblacion and Bocos have the highest total household
populations, total populations, and economy and are the nearest to the center
of Banaue. This also indicates that the five selected barangays well
elected and appointed officials in the barangay and municipality and the
Research Respondents
based on the criteria and profile. The respondents were ninety (90), forty-five
(45) for the men and women elected and appointed officials in the barangay
and the elected officers in the civil society organization and forty-five (45)
Table 2.
Total Number of Respondents
Total of
Respondents Men Women
Community 20 25 45
Total of Respondents 35 55 90
Research Instrument
for a key informant interview. The qualitative data utilized a key informant
Before the interview was conducted, there was a need for a letter of
request for an interview with the selected participants and seeking data on
Also, the adviser experts in the field formulated and checked a guide
conducted a pilot interview which was followed by the final interview with the
to understand better the result of the data collected. After collecting the data
through interviews, the data was thematized and interpreted the results.
Data Analysis
Qualitative data was employed to gather data. Then the data was
presented and analyzed using thematic analysis. First, the data was
taking preliminary notes. The second step was to code the data, highlight text
parts, and construct brief labels or codes to represent the material. The
was noted. The data was then consolidated into groupings defined by code,
meanings reoccurring across the data. Third, generated themes examine the
created codes, identify patterns within the codes, and begin to construct
themes. Fourth, themes were examined to verify that they provided a useful
and accurate representation of the data. Fifth, once the data is accurate, a
final list of themes is created, defined, and named, which entails formulating
precisely what each theme means and determining how it helped the
succinct and easily understandable name for each theme. Finally, the analysis
was written detailing the key insights and how the study answered the
themes. The local dialects and Filipino words or responses were translated
into English for a readable and understandable response. The researcher did
the translation to retrieve what the research participants stated, and this was
consultation with experts in the field and experts in the field discussions.
Chapter III
Gender Roles
The participants who are the elected and appointed barangay officials
and officers of the civil society organization are aware of gender roles as they
assigned to men, like road clearing. In contrast, the paper works given to
women are light. Paticular respondent from barangay Pula, Banaue stated,
“nan linalaki ketdi ya iconsider da nadan girls nga kagawads nga nakabsut.
Nu panggep hin eda tumulungan yah iconsider da nadan binabai nga uray
athtu uray dakmi di ume te adi yu kaya nga aton for example ngay ya nan
road clearing. Ya nan linalaki piman di ume nga e tumulung hin imali nga
heavy activities like road clearing, and they believe they cannot do it. That is
they observe that men prefer their jobs in order to feed their families than
chi ohan tamu cha.” [Women outnumbered the men in attending meetings
are evident, especially in terms of community assembly where men are seen
and chosen to preside and to lead while women are sometimes perceived as
preferred when it comes to handling forest issues because women do not join
or go in the forest that's why men are mostly the one who talks.
“Lalai ji mun preside te jijay kajaklan hitu munisipyu met. And nan babai ji
kasla supporter or helper ja.” [Men will preside since they are the ones who
are many here in the municipal and the women their supporters or helper.]
ano mga field sa mga agricultural sector eh may discrepancy sa wages nila
na mas mababa sa babae, yung daily wage niya tas mataas sa lalaki
although the same ang trabaho.” [When it comes to organizations, men are
usually the ones who lead. Like in the field of agricultural sectors where there
is a discrepancy of wages where women have little while men have bigger
are playing a very important role both at home and outside but still disparities
exist between men and women in education, health, employment, and income
political activities. According to this practice, the man is the earner and the
woman is the server of the man. Being the server of men, women should be
kept in the house, and movement outside the house is restricted (Panday,
they often prioritize their family and caregiving responsibilities, which can limit
stated that, “Mostly ya linalaki ti dida di waday kaya na kanu an rumwar athidi.
dida kanuy mabati an munbantay lang ayni unga hidin nabayag.” [Men are
mostly chosen because they are the ones capable and when it comes to
women, they are said to be housewives only because they have babies to
and assertiveness (Vogel, Wester, Heesacker, & Madon, (2003); Skelly &
parent, are assumed to be likely to prioritize care for their children over
commitment at work (Ellemers et al., 2018). Social role theory explains that
men and women acting in accordance with their social roles are often
segregated along gender lines and that this functions to confirm gender
men are said to be powerful in decision-making, and the people mostly prefer
particular respondent from Bocos said, “Nu pangep hi meeting chi barangay
wennu organization ya mostly ya linalai kase mas kaya cha ngay an ihandle
mas paboran cha nan linalai.” [Men are mostly the presider of a meeting not
only in the official barangay assembly but also in the civil groups meeting
because men can manage the meeting when there is an argument and can
handle it better than women. When they speak, their voice is heard and
mostly followed.]
fuun chi babai.” [Right now, when it comes to meetings, men are the ones
mostly presiding because that is what God said that the ones who should lead
yah lalai te under ja babai te lalai latta ji maunud.” [Mostly, it is men because
second nan babai gamin second choice yah mostly gamin hiway tumahjog
yah head yah syempre lalai.” [In presiding, men preside because they are
held in great regard. They will respect the guys. Women have the potential to
be respected, but it appears that women are the second choice, with males
society organization officers that men are not actively participating during
meetings, which is why they get quickly bored; meetings are not for men; they
have more important to do, and they need to be more active and interested in
attending the meetings. Thus, the particular respondent from barangay Bocos
cha gamin ja busy.” [They (women) are always present during meetings,
During meetings, women are mostly seen sharing and talking, whereas
men tend to be silent and agree with what women are saying because men
are not good at sharing or explaining their ideas. Particular respondent from
kapitan mi tapos chachuy linalai ja achi cha ngay unay humapet, ja syempre
chitaon fafai ja the more ni hapet tao su nga un the more an munexplain ni
fafai ngem nu hini lalai isu nga at last ken ja mapanigan ken hini fafai te chen
meeting, and because our captain is a woman, males are always mute to say
when it comes to their thoughts, however, women keep extending their ideas
more than men, which is why the choice is overwhelmingly in favor of the
Also, the respondents in the community show that women are often
Women's perceived availability may lead them to be relied upon more often,
This was revealed during the interview from Barangay Poblacion with
one of the respondents, “Halos hay matigoh yah binabai gamin hay mattig uh
the women and what I saw was that if there is a problem, women are usually
the ones who will help while the men give more importance to doing their
waja ji ujum an active ngem wajay ujum an aji ja ngay unay mi paparticipate.
Nu waja ngay ah meeting yah namag yah inbaun ja ngay iiba ja, adding ja
athiji. Ngem tanu binabai eh ta invaga jan wajay meeting yah mun sacrifice
jan ume.” [Yes, some are active, and some are also not active to participate. If
there are meetings, they will just let their siblings attend. But if women, if they
an namin, ngem oh te jijay mostly nga bakante.” [Mostly women but not all
That is why when it comes to meetings, women are the ones who are heard,
and turned out that men are being left behind with the information. It shows
that women are discussing with women as a particular respondent from Bocos
members hitu nu mun meeting ami. Umat inan nu mun meeting ami ya mostly
an humapit ya binobai te innilam pibo nu binobai hehe oya hin udjum ya aji
maawatan nu nganne pinhod jay a kay aji ami part ije.” [I observed that
are having our meeting, mostly women are the ones who are talking because
you know the women. We do not understand what they want, and sometimes
they are just the ones who are talking. It seems like we are not part of it.]
Thus, it is observed that women are being talkative in a way that keeps
especially the men. Despite being talkative during the meeting, some women
are not attending it, and sometimes they attend. However, they refuse to
speak about their decisions as they protect against committing mistakes and
respondent from Batad stated, “Dakol pigoh tuh di issue or chismiss athidi
sila.” [There are issues here about the involvement of women in a particular
situation which I politically think that they are just protecting themselves
because they have plans to run for the same position in the next election.
Therefore, as much as possible, they would shut their mouth and keep silent.]
ngay syempre jijinongana te ngay kaya ngay hinan jakjakor an linalai hehe
that because men are many and I am the only woman in the council, I would
keep silent because I am inefficient to argue with the men about my opinion
shy and pressured to express their ideas. Also, a particular participant from
Ducligan stated that, “nu umat hinan culture ya hano ngay mamaelog sunga
hitud chu’lig ja mostly ja chichay nanginnila hi about hanan cultural ngay chin
nahup aja chichay mostly an nangannila way itchuran chi munfa-I nah oya
[When it comes to decision-making about cultures, elderly men are the ones
who are knowledgeable about the culture in the past and they have witnessed
the culture like the process or performing "munbaki" that is why we respect
their decision and we respect also to the culture because we did not witness
the decision of the elders, especially the men, are still considered and
respondent from Ducligan says, “Nu cultural ja we can base to those older...
about hanan cultural ngay chin nahup aja ihno han oha an ommod an
kagawad ja hijay mostly an nangannila way itchuran chi munfa-I nah oya
irespect mi ken ha’ah ti agkhuy mi tinnig, han mi nga Nakita isunga ibasar mi
nah immuna.” [When it comes to cultural, our basis are our elders, here in
Ducligan, elderly men are the most knowledgeable about the past. We have
Gender Bias
executive, there is a belief that they are more powerful than men during
Gendered Participation
there is a gap in the participation of men and women as they have their
abilities and capabilities. As both genders have abilities and capabilities, this
might impact the way they participate in community assemblies. Men are
meetings. Men are also viewed as more strong, smart, and communicative,
stating that, “Ay lalai ta mas nainin-ay power cha, mas inila ja oh kaya ja an
humapet an mostly gamin nu babai ya pabaliwbali ngay chi decision ja.” [Men
are powerful and knowledgeable and they know how to speak, and most
tahdog an organization yah lalai mun handle kasi pag babai eh bababa daw
yung level nila.” [Mostly who will stand and handle in an organization are men
active in various contexts. They are recognized for their knowledge, talents,
and emotional expression, while men may face limitations in these areas.
babai, te iparuwar ja ngay mo nan laing ja. Te idi garud yah gapu ta ayon ja
an pangbahay ja yah hije lang focus ja ngem adwani yah rinumwar mo nan
laing ja. Gapu ta adwani yah I identify ja mo ji babai, yah hiji an matigo an
waja gayam ji talenton ji bibinai.” [Women are more likely to bring out their
knowledge. Because they used to claim that they were simply housewives,
and that was their exclusive focus, but now they will share their wisdom.
Because women are now being acknowledged, it will be clear that women
“Oh, karkaru nan naelect an babae ya wajay turturid na an mun question athiji
athiji met.” [women who have a position have the courage to question
because if it is questionable they just say that they don't understand and give
Gender Roles
males, and most men were officers because men were known to be farmers.
men chose to work for their families and women to care for their children
because women were better at caring for children and domestic duties. As a
result, males are selected to lead the community since they are adaptable in
trabahu ngay gamin nan barangay officer ya matrabahu nga kayan ketdi di
binaba ngem mostly gamin nadan binabai hitu ya busy ja ngay karu nga
jahnuy ken ni rason an munresign cha ayni position cha. Isunga mas mayat
an miheto cha nalang hichi nunhitugwan sha tapos hana met linalai ja flexible
ja ngay an kaya cha an munmulti tasking athiji, umuy sha ken mamo’la.” [The
but, women who have children have no time to complete their tasks and
obligations after they are elected, causing them to quit. That is why it is
preferable for women to stay at home and care for their children. Men, on the
other hand, will be the family provider since they are capable of multitasking,
Thus, in the study of Ahmed and Moorthy (2021), it is seen that women
are more obviously hindered from participating in politics and many aspects of
a nation. As over half of the country's women are still hindered or blocked
openly display emotion and affection. That is why during the election of
elected because they have the quality to control, manage and handle the
mapaboran chi community te mid ah unay power cha.” [Men are powerful
when it comes to leadership because women are emotional and mostly not
Thus, the study of Jakobsh (2012) found that the understanding that
men are superior, more powerful, and represent the norm should be
addressed, as women are inferior and lack power and autonomy. This proves
that women lack the power to manage and hold a position because of the
gender roles in the community. Naznin (2021) found that both men and
women believe that men are more suitable than women in leadership
Further, the study of Fox and Lawless (2020) shows that women need
men and women evaluate themselves as candidates, they rely on the same
factors, but men were believed to meet the criteria. Women are more likely to
question themselves, their skills, and their ability to engage in politics and
campaign mechanics.
Hence, in the community men are typically found in more senior roles,
stronger than women at carrying out heavy duties and capable of doing things
that women can't do like physically fighting. This explains why men are more
likely to be elected, active, and preferred than women because they have
more control over the community, particularly the bad guys, and because they
are more likely to be heard since they are men. In addition, they preferred
male barangay officers to female ones in times of disaster as they are strong.
Additionally, few women seek office because they think they can't since they
dida. Binabai keya maid, hiyah neh di number one." [In the barangay, for
example, individuals who are drinking liquor will listen when men warn or talk
to them, but if women talk, they will not listen, but if they do the same thing,
"Syempre kasla ngay nan ayon ja ngamin an jijay mangat hi mas kaykaya da.
Kasla example, kasla jijay mangat inan kasla mas majamot ji kaya jan aton or
ilaeh at hiji isunga parang mas linalai in-ah ja.” [Maybe because they are the
ones who have the capabilities. For example, they are the ones who do those
heavy tasks or they can carry something like that, that's why men are mostly
"Aggeh lang inila te, ay, ihaon lang ah ti mas ngay nga nain-ah ja peman nan
boys kaysa nan girls. When it comes ngay nu wajay karkaru nu barangay
girls." [I don't know, but for me, men are somehow more active than women.
boys are the ones who go through it. Sometimes women also participate.]
maid a hilig ji binabai an tumuray te supporter ja lang nan binabai." [Men are
the ones who usually run for office because women don't have any interest to
join and men are the ones who have interests in running for politics. Women
mostly lang met hi tigoh nu waday tumuray ya nan ngay fuun ngay hiten in-
ah, fuun ngay umat hinan tanud ti un umat hinan tamu an secretary, treasurer
mostly hijee ngay ji umayan ji babai. Ngem ayoom, example ijie an pulis an
wajay iskul an waja nan ayyon ja an in-ah, hiji mostly umayan ji linalai met. Ti
works." [What I only observed now is that women are not running for election
but they are mostly appointed as secretary and treasurer and not for barangay
police where men are appointed. Because, based on what I observed women
Since more men than women are observed to run for office, men are
typically elected. It is a common knowledge that women either have less free
time or are extremely busy taking care of their children and as a wife.
This was revealed during the interview with one of the community
tumuray gamin nadan binabai ya aji ja go gamin nawaya te busy jai nan bale
ya imbabale ja." [Women don't have time to run for office as they are busy
excluded from the political process as women are less likely to be recruited as
specifically in the lower positions to keep this male leadership in power. Also,
it is more known that men mainly participate in politics while women are
women are soft and have no stick decisions to manage a barangay. That is
other work that men cannot do, like paper works, technical work, knowledge,
discussion, and information literacy, and those skills that women have makes
position due to men having more decisive leadership and being capable of
handling the barangay and the organization, as women tend to lead under
leadership da kaysa binabai. Hya nga nu election oya mas prefer di tatagu
kasla wada hi utok nadan tatagu nga linalaki di mas mayat nga leaders kaysa
tend to have stronger and better leadership than women. That is why men are
research analyzed, male leaders and the necessary leadership traits are
positions. Women are not significantly more likely than males to be leaders.
Males have woven the fundamental fabric of social order for males to assist
depend on the subordinate position of women, and this ordering of power thus
and the culture of formal political structures. Women were often ignored in
political parties and were not reflected in their parties' politics, as males
seemed superior. Also, men are usually elected to the position of power within
party structures, while women do not because of the gender biases of male
leadership. Further, Dahal et al. (2022) found that women are socially
the barangay, men should be the ones to hold the committee on peace and
citizens and minors, and committee on education, cultural affairs, and tourism.
That is why particular respondent from Pula stated, “syempre nan position like
peace and order eh ya pang linalae talaga te nan finafai ja achi ja kaya an
mun anawa.” [We cannot just put women in a position that is not suitable for
them like the peace and order as the duty of a chair in the peace and order is
for men. Women cannot stop the arguments and fight in the community while
men can.]
With the study of Doering and Thébaud (2017) reflects that there is a
are gendered. For example, public relations, nursing, and teaching are
Also, in the community, men are frequently expected to take the lead
leader. Men are usually known to be the ones who act as an emcee or the
one who talks, are aggressive, and can act in political settings. Men are
women have no time. Men are favored since they have the skills and the
courage to act for the community's sake more than women because they are
always shy. In addition, men are perceived as having more strength, flexibility,
talaga di chance nga mas dakdakol da nga maielect kase dakol di punpili an
kaysa hin binabai." [Because men are mostly the ones who run for candidacy
which is why they have the chance to get a higher number of votes for men
da nga mangat hin way punsayaatan. Oya hin binabai eh ya medyo bumain
da gamin hin uddum nga mangat." [Because, men have the courage to do
common good while women are shy.] Also, "Linalaki ladta di sumrek
manmanu lang di binabai dipende nah kun kaya or nan maka kaya." [Men are
the ones who mostly win than women which depends on their capabilities.]
Lastly, "Nadan linalaki di halos nga mangabak te mas dakdakor da and dida
di mas napigsa” [Mostly men are the ones who win because they are more
(who runs for candidacy) and they are stronger (than women).]
"Lalaki di mostly an maibotbotos kasi nan girls gamin ya they are more on
words ngay mahapet cha gopon binabai. Nan lalaki peman an at least an ma
actionan da nan ibaga da athidi." [Men are mostly chosen as they put into
action what they said. Compared to women, who are more on words only.]
Schein (1975) discovered that both men and women agreed that
on the other hand, are connected with attributes associated with care for the
spoken, are all examples (Eagly and Carli, 2007). According to Cruz and
As women are noticed to have a lot more experience than men when it
"As ohan officer hitu organization ya bokon pang lalai te mas knowledgeable
nan binabai considering nga hidiye ji role da nga mun perform hinan athina an
mas experiensyado da. Yah at the same time, aji active nan linalai te matigo
ja nga mostly babai ji member hitu organization, sunga ibati ja nan tasks
hiway binabai te mas knowledgeable da.” [Being an officer (in civil society
groups) is not for males since women are better informed because it is their
experience. At the same time, males are not active because they realize that
Therefore, the study by Gaby (2016) found that men are less likely to
from barangay Ducligan stated, "So far hitu organization hitu hi Ducligan I
think ah usually met ja finafai chi mun eelect te hana linalae ja they very busy
an umuy cha mamo’la and cha’mi eh an finafai ja we have all the time nga
mun participate hinan hinuy siguro chi rason nu nakhu ta usually an president
ones doing the election because men are busy going to work, and us women
have all the time to participate; that is maybe the reason why the
Men are elected and are usually the ones who run for political
politics. They noticed that there are fewer women than men standing for office
in the Banaue community because women are not interested in joining. Men
Poblacion, Banaue stated, "On my observation ang mga lalaki kasi noon eh
mga traditional politicians na sila. Sila ang mga politico mula kabataan nila
hanggang sa pag tanda ay sila at sila pa din ang tumatakbo kaya hanggang
ngayon mga lalaki pa rin ang mas maraming tumatakbo pero ngayon naman
are traditional politicians who have ran from their early years till now, they are
seniors, and many of them are still running, but many women are now
mostly an mangabak yah linalaki di ustu met example yah wada di himpulu ya
wada di duwa nga babai nga niddum." [Men mostly win because they
outnumbered the women as women are not interested in joining. For instance,
ten (10) men are elected and two (2) women as well.]
due to their lack of time, lack of interest in politics, and lack of confidence.
Because of these, men tend to lead their community more often than women
mid ha time da an mikyat." [Mostly men are the ones who run because
compared to men though women represent more than half of the world's
population (AAUW, 2016). Also, the study of Fox and Lawless (2010), shows
both rely on the same factors, but men were believed to meet the criteria.
Women are more likely to question themselves, their skills, and their abilities
election to higher posts in the Banaue because they can spend money and
are more popular than women. They are motivated by fame and fortune rather
than knowledge.
ngem mas popular ladta gamin di linalaki." [Men mostly win because they will
base it on popularity and the one who had money but women can win also if
they are popular as well. However, men are more popular than women.]
that, "Te dipende go te ad uwan yah he kuma alan ja nan ugari hanji nga mid
ah pihu ivayad ji tagu oh wahji jiye nga an ah ma prinsipyu dipende nan mun
piri. Ad uwan, nu panggep eh pulitika, yah mid met ah tinigo tu vimutus yah
nan nalaing yah nan rinalai or nan vinavaih nan nun a laing ji ivutus ja te nan
wajay pihu na oh an ijat ja te un ah aji kuma athiji nga suruton ji pihu waja
siguru ji equal mitlaing wajay vinavaih, rinalai." [It depends also, because right
now if they will adopt the attitude before, money will not move the people.
There is still a principle for those who will choose. Now, when it comes to
politics, I do not see voters who choose men and women that are genius
because those that they will vote are those who have money. If it will not be
like that, they will follow the money, there will be equality between women and
Additionally, women are not viewed as being able to spend any amount
ha pihu ya adi da mo eh patna-on. So, nabalor ki dida hidiye nga basit nga
spend-on da. Nadan linalaki ke gamin ya nalaka da nga sumugal ngay.” [In
today's politics, spending money is necessary, but because they don't have a
lot of it, they don't try. It is pricey for them to spend a small amount, however
wealthy, but also by men. This is not by chance; males have more money,
influence, and power than women over the world. Gender disparities in
resources make it simpler for men than women to fund campaigns and run for
their qualifications rather than their gender. Women are also regarded to be
the ones that advocate for their spouses. They put forth more effort than
males, and they are more knowledgeable in terms of political power. When it
comes to thinking, males are thought to be less expressive and have fewer
words than women. They merely focused on what was in their thoughts at the
time. Unlike males, they can multitask and think at the same time.
Banaue who stated, "Before pibo ya usually ya lalaki tumaray, ngem nu wada
siguruy babai ya mas in-ah mas in-ay babai met. Mas napigpigsay political
mun effort, kay na ahawa dan babai di mun effort kasi nalaklakada nga
dumiskarte an mun akit hi in-ah compared hinan lalaih an limited nga lang
talagay hapet na, na ohay nomnom da an umehan ya hidiye lang. Nan babai
ya talagan multi-tasking, multi-thinking." [Men are normally the ones that run
first, but when there are more women on, women are more. Women have
greater political power. It appears that you see the spouses of politicians. It
appears that ladies are the ones that put forth effort for their husbands who
run because they can easily discover methods to influence them, as opposed
to males who have limited language and their minds are only concentrating on
the majority of jobs in the legislative, top official, and managerial occupational
category. All these results indicate that the Philippines has taken steps to
pointed out that many studies indicate that female politicians contribute to
strengthening the situation of women's interests and that they tend to prioritize
are seen to make firmer judgments and to be less swayed by outside forces.
Banaue that, "Hay ohan jingor uh yah syempre tayong mga babae ngay yah
ag aga tau ngay an. We are easily influence hinan jakor an hapi hapit, we are
easily influence to change our decisions. Ngem nu hinan lalai talaga, kung
ano yung sinabi nila, firm sila sa kung anong sinasabi nila. Gapu ta we are
softhearted. We are easily affected with our emotions. Unlike men nga kung
ano yung sinabi eh yun na." [One thing I have heard is that we, as women,
are readily swayed by what we hear, and we are quickly persuaded to alter
our minds. Men, on the other hand, stick to their guns no matter what. It's
making, women make more difficult risk judgments than males. That women
present in Islamic civilizations such as Iran, where women are often banned
from leadership posts owing to the assumption that they are emotional
Gender Roles
because they are good and knowledgeable at planning. Also, women are
preferred to be the ones to plan, conduct and lead the activities with their
they act as the mind because of their capabilities when it comes to decision-
hano uchum an matamu… hana linalai umali cha lang an mun prepare
umathinan mun ephod hi torcha bago munstart chen program.” [Programs like
this, they will give the task to women because men would say that women are
and men are only present for the preparation like putting up tents but leave
exist in other decision-making where tasks like programs are given to women
believed that men are not participative because they are not interested and
confident in planning.
activities such as cultural events and entertaining visitors, whereas males are
the workplace are supposed to defer to women when making decisions since
women are picked to plan, conduct, and lead activities because of their ability
binabai, ti syempre nan wowomen’s peman ya jakor cha. Icha mun intertain
pay nan ruwar nan wachay grupo na ann organization.” [Women, because
they are many, and what they do is entertain visitors from outside the town.
over female sex that developed during the querelle is the assertion that
met ji active ngem nu waja ji ma parti umat hi fafuy yah pangrinarai hine.”
making situations where tasks such as programs are assigned to women due
to their abilities and expertise in handling such activities. Men are observed to
not participate because they are not interested and not confident in their
planning abilities.
Overburdened Women
affects some of their participation and performance in the office and in the
the organization. They are sometimes seen to take their children with them,
particular respondent from barangay Pula, Banaue said, “Mas better an wajay
babai nga single hitu office te kaya na an aton nan duties yah responsibility n
ate mostly nga women hitu yah waja ji inbabale da sunga aji ja participative te
hay reason yah kailangan an bantayan ja nan inbabale ja.” [It is preferable to
have a single woman at the workplace to carry out her tasks and
responsibilities since most women who already have children are not involved
mothers jamo sunga they tend to carry their children while working yah
sometimes yah makak ja ta eja sunduwon nan invavare ja hi iskur yah aton ja
them are women but because most of them are also mothers, they tend to
carry their children while working and sometimes they have to leave to fetch
their children in the school and do their responsibilities inside their home.]
officer, but women with children are not participatory. Furthermore, having
children did not prevent men from becoming officers since they had spouses
to care for their children. Thus, according to Koenig and Eagly (2014), social
role theory argues that men and women playing out their social roles are
stereotypes. Because women are more active in caregiving duties, they are
Men, on the other hand, are perceived by society as having male traits such
Madon, 2003; Skelly & Johnson, 2011). Furthermore, the research of Firmase
influenced by their varied gender roles both within and outside the house.
Their increased obligations, which give them political clout, are also the root of
their lack of time for political activity. Thus, unlike males, women are
considered to prioritize caring for their children over work commitment when
and traditions were taken into account, with older men's decisions being
heeded since they are more informed about cultural activities, particularly
nga hatu elders talaga ta inilasa haa peman nu ngasan chi style na idi ja
ngasan hana culture. Isu nga hasi peman lalakay an nanginnila mo culture ja
hasi moy mang-istorya ja sahmi ken an agguy nanginnila ja mun Chongo ami
the styles in the past… they explain how it is done because generation today
does not have any idea about the culture. Elderly men explain clearly and we
are both involved, although males are clearly favoured. Males also like to
judgments and skilled in carrying out their ideas. Women are believed to be
ja emotional cha isunga maminghan ya aji ja maawatan aji umat hinan linalai
misunderstand them unlike men where they stick to what they say.]
more dependent than men. This study backs up Verma's (2013) hypothesis
hinan jakjakor an linalai hehe oya gapu ta waja mo po nan bain an ooha an
[During meetings, I observed that because men are many and I am the only
with the men about my opinion and because of shyness that I am the only
It has been discovered that the respondents are unaware that this
occasionally influences how they present their views to their fellow officers.
According to Marcoses (2015), women's fear of being judged for having the
and led to their decision to remain silent. This has important ramifications for
captain. Participants are aware that specific issues like mentioned above
affect their participation. Particular respondent in Pula said, “nu pangep aynuy
ja un ihood mi ngay nan mayat an tiempo an mi’jat tapnu nan capitan nan
mundecide an mun appoint wennu masukatan.” [We are patiently waiting for
the right moment to participate and the captain will decide to appoint or
noticed to be the ones who start the dialogue as they are often represented as
being more vocal and expressive while men prefer to be silent to avoid
conflicts. Both men and women are known to have the same knowledge but
Also, women are seen to think thrice compared to men who can only think of
one and it seems like women have already thought of three while men still
women are seen to be the ones who initiate the discussion, since they are
prefer to remain silent in order to prevent disputes. Both men and women are
recognized to have the same information, yet males have a far harder time
expressing themselves or their thoughts than women. Also, women are seen
to think three times more than men, who can only think one, and it appears
that women have previously thought three times more than men, indicating
“Oh, nan binabai, te jituu eh anu an binabai ya natototot tu uh.” [Yes, the
situations of conflict. Men, on the other hand, are viewed as more likely than
women are observed to be more active or engaged and often do not like to be
like to be corrected.]
arranging cultural events, and supporting the children who participate in the
cultural activities. Men in the organization believed that women should make
decisions since they are good and informed planners. Women are also
chosen to design, direct, and lead events due to their abilities to manage and
coordinate programs, men on the other hand, demand more confidence when
Banaue stating that, “Mostly yah babai peman, te umat hinan program,
example nan naat hijin imbayah yah Mostly yah babai nan ime nun
like in the program, for example, in what just happened in imbayah, women
are the ones who decorates the venue. In practice, they are the ones who
The result of the research Gaby (2016) revealed that whereas women
are more inclined to volunteer when taking part in various community events,
Men's Superiority/Supremacy
especially among elder males, because older men's decisions are obeyed
since they are more educated about cultural activities, particularly the Ifugao
culture. Men are also seen talking, presenting and being active during the
nan ngane go, cultural activities ya mostly boys ji mas chachoor oya mas
generation oya mostly na girls ya aji ja ngay.” [Men mostly are participative
than women and from what I observed in the generation today, girls do not
since they are the ones that arrange cultural activities. They are also the ones
that push men to engage since men prefer to prioritize their work, thus women
are the ones who make the sacrifice to join and participate. Men are typically
nu met umathina oya paran ihaon ya equal met miparticipate day binabai ya
their family's desires as the leader and provider of the family. Men have
utilized it during a meeting; they are always unavailable and do not participate
in every meeting held; this is why women are always present during meetings.
make money and provide for the requirements of their families, officers are
hitu hi Ducligan I think ah usually met ja finafai chi mun eelect te hana linalae
ja they very busy an umuy cha mamo’la and cha’mi eh an finafai ja we have
all the time nga mun participate hinan hinuy siguro chi rason nu nakhu ta
organization in Ducligan are the ones doing the election because men are
busy going to work, and us women have all the time to participate; that is
maybe the reason why the organization's presidents and officers are usually
approach and recommend a decision that is more analyzed to the fact; that
they have stick plans, and women tend to state a broad idea that creates or
leads to disagreement. Though it has been anticipated that women can prove
themselves much more. However, it is less significant than the role of men. A
particular respondent from Batad stated, “Active met amin, kaya lang ot po
oya nadan linalaki ladta di ustu kase nadan linalaki ya mas firmer di decision
da kaysa binabai. Kase dida ya munstick da nah den eda planu tas aton da
nan eda kinali. Nadan binabai ke gamin oya manu te kinali ya kinali da lng ya
abuh tas pabagu bagu di eda decision.” [everyone is active and we noticed
that men have firmer decision than women because they stick to what they
have planned and they put actions into it while women are they are just more
In the study of Brescoll (2016), it has been found that the participants in
It has been a practice that the community still respects the ideas and
decisions of older men since older men are known during traditional times as
the head of the family. Being the head of the family, they know more about the
culture since they can go outside to work and communicate with others. They
have more experience when it comes to ways of culture; that is why up until
now, they are being respected and heard since they are one of the assets of
particular respondent from Ducligan, “nu umat hinan culture ya hano ngay
cultural ngay chin nahup aja chichay mostly an nangannila way itchuran chi
munfa-I nah oya irespect mi ken as respeto metlang inan culture ha’ah ti
men are the ones who are knowledgeable about the culture in the past and
they have witnessed the culture like the process or performing "munbaki" that
is why we respect their decision respect also to the culture because we did
positions are engaged in laborious work, not just in the barangay setting but
also in the organization. People believed that men could handle it since they
were used to labor work since it had been part of their role as the head and
Poblacion, “nu mun elect ami ja mostly ngay hi ielect mi umathinan position
mostly they are in favor of men in holding the position of the president here
because it is laborious.]
People believe that men can handle it since it is more on physical work.
Social role theory explains that men and women acting by their social roles
are often segregated along gender lines and that this functions to confirm
gender stereotypes (Keonig & Eagly, 2014). Because women are more
women have been seen to be more trustworthy. Men are constantly busy at
work, therefore women answer faster. One of the criteria they use to
determine who will be the best candidate for barangay captain is their ability
“hitu ah barangay mi umat hinan organization ya nan finafai ngay chi kanayun
an active, ohan tawag cha lang ja nunresponse cha got nu ihnoy problema,
chichi cha always present.” [In our barangay, particularly in the organization,
women are easy to call and are responsive to the situation. They are always
prevent conflict and propose collaborative solutions. This shows that women
what women say when there is a fight in the barangay. For example, men
normally prevent conflict, but this is not true in some barangay (particularly
mi ya mas epektib ngay nu binabai nan mun hold ije te mas jonglon ja nan
preventing a fight because they listen more to women than men because if a
man gets engaged in a fight, it will not stop but it will worsen instead.]
secretary, it has always been known that women excel more than men in
technical skills. Moreover, they appoint the position mostly to women because
gay hinan nangannila an mun operate hi computers te waja ngay pema nan
kapitan ya finafai.” [In appointing the position of treasurer and secretary, the
because some elders are also applying for the job. So, our captain would
known that men are less knowledgeable when it comes to planning and
organizing since they are more on physical work; as a result, it has been
stated by some participants that men support the decisions of women when it
yah italek mih nan binabai nan athina te mas expert yah experiensadu jah nu
umat hinan party athiji yah halos an namin met ngem regarding lang nan
Because women are mostly the one who is knowledgeable in that case,
women are expert, and they are experienced when it comes to those
activities. At the same time, men support women in case they need someone
to carry chairs or make a tent for the venue of the activity they will do.]
It has been known and noticed that the experiences of older men
regarding cultures had been respected throughout the years that even in the
decision-making, they need to hear first the opinions and decisions of the
elders because older men during the traditional times serve as the chief or
head during cultural activities. Thus, as the head of the family, men are known
chores and care for their children. Elders are seen to play an important role in
the community, especially in the cultural setting, since they witness the
process and familiarize the ways of culture as it has been part of their lives
from their adolescence until adulthood. It has been a tradition that older men
are the ones who are being followed during decision-making, particularly in
cultural activities. Because they respect the Ifugao culture, and men also
know about the tradition. Particular respondent from Ducligan said that, “nu
umat hinan culture ya hano ngay mamaelog sunga hitud chu’lig ja mostly ja
chichay nanginnila hi about hanan cultural ngay chin nahup aja chichay
mostly an nangannila way itchuran chi munfa-I nah oya irespect mi ken as
decision-making about cultures, elderly men are the ones who are
knowledgeable about the culture in the past because they have witnessed the
culture like the process or performing "munbaki" that is why we respect their
in this study. One is on gender roles in the community assembly. Men are
seen and being chosen to preside and to lead while women are sometimes
men. Women are often perceived as being more available than men. Women
are described as always being present and involved in various activities and
situations. Women's perceived availability may lead them to being relied upon
more often, while men may prioritize their own plans and activities. Gender
barangay chief executive, there is the belief that they are more powerful than
have abilities and capabilities, this might impact the way on how they
being direct, sticking to their decisions, and taking charge in various settings
tasks. As a result, women have less time and are less interested in or
man's supremacy, ability, and activity. Men are frequently expected to lead
because of their perceived power, aptitude, and status as the head of the
women. Their acts are regarded as more impactful and forceful, whereas
chosen over women owing to the impact of money, popularity, and power,
since males are associated with higher positions and are prioritized due to
political impact, and being elected based on their ability rather than their
meetings and being active in organizations while men are involved in other
both gender in different ways wherein it reflects how do men and women act,
Intervention Program
Table 3.
Proposed Intervention Program to Develop Gender Equality for Gender
Involved Project
Development Agency Beneficiaries
Agency Description
Seminar, Local Banaue Local To provide
Training and Government Community Government seminars,
Orientation Unit (LGU) Units, training, and
Program Organizations orientation about
promoting gender equality
gender and gender
equality, and development at
Philippine work and in the
Commission community, the
on Women LGUs and other
(PCW) organizations
gender equality
will also tackle
and share
gender roles,
patriarchy, and
supremacy in
organizing and
managing the
Chapter IV
based on the criteria and profile. Specifically, respondents were ninety (90),
forty-five (45) for the men and women elected and appointed officials in the
barangay and the elected officers in the civil society organization and forty-
these responses were analyzed and coded using thematic analysis to look for
Gender Issues
appointed and elected official men and women in the barangay and civil
making activities (such as cultural activities, fiesta, and programs) are gender
community assembly are, women are more participative than men, men’s
manual physical works, and women are more responsive than men. Also, in
and programs) are, women are for planning and organizing while men are for
multi-tasking and
to other decision-
as cultural activities.
power in presiding in
cultural activities
because of knowledge
and experiences.
Based on the data gathered from the community and chosen political
leaders, men continue to have superiority over women because men are the
events, whereas men prioritize their personal careers, in which case, women
chosen for political positions because they are perceived to be more capable
the head of the family, so men are put in higher positions. Women, on the
other hand, are portrayed as having less time and lacking interest and
and are assigned to lower-level tasks such as secretary, treasurer, and doing
paper work. Moreover, the flexibility of men and their use of their high
positions, makes their actions more influential and convincing while women
are observed as talkative but less in action. Additionally, men are mostly
chosen for political positions as they are recognized to be more financially firm
of women in politics as they are seen to be participative and are being elected
based on their abilities and political influence rather than just their femininity.
Lastly, women are easily affected by their emotional sensitivity which disturbs
their decision making while men are firm in their decisions and are less likely
meetings, and entertaining visitors. While men are involved in other tasks
fiestas, elderly men are superior to women because of their knowledge and
experience. Finally, women are seen as active and men are seen as passive.
disparity of tasks wherein they are being called weak and not capable in
are not able to express their opinion on a particular subject for the reason that
the decision is always favored on men's decision making which affects them
as an official which make them look down on themselves because they are
not heard. With the negative behaviour of women like being talkative and
men are not given the opportunity to speak about the subject which affects
Culturally, it was stated that elderly men are the only ones presiding
that influences the decision of the younger ones (officials) because they
cannot make other plans about it that improve performance, for example.
Gender issues are timely and relevant, especially in far-flung areas and
and other decision-making activities there is a need for seminars and training
Organizations in the Philippines promoting equality for both genders like the
more. Thus, with these seminars and training about gender equality at work
and in the community, the LGUs and other organizations promoting gender
equality will also tackle and share gender roles in organizing and managing
the responsibility inside the house and the community. Further, to provide
supremacy of men and passive participation among men and women. This
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Guide Questions for the appointed and elected barangay officials and
a. Community Assembly
b. Electoral participation
a. Community Assembly
b. Electoral participation
1. What are the gender issues you observed to the officer of the organization
or barangay official?
d. Community Assembly
e. Electoral participation
d. Community Assembly
e. Electoral participation
List of Figures
Input Process
4. Data collection
The gender issues and challenges, effect, and
and Analysis.
extent experienced in participatory decision-
5. Stakeholder
making processes in the communities of
Banaue, Ifugao, in terms of:
6. Interpret the
4. Community Assembly;
5. Electoral participation;
6. Other participatory decision-making
Measures or recommendations to develop gender
equality in participatory decision-making.
Improved gender-responsive decision-making.
Strengthened community cohesion and
List of Tables
9 9
Anaba 144 341 315 656 15 91 24 1 1 2 18.1km
7 8
Gohang 140 324 357 681 14 117 25 13 111 24 5.26km
1 8 6 7
Banao 122 263 209 472 17 77 24 0 0 0 4.62km
1 8
San 119 214 185 399 11 66 17 0 0 0 5.52km
Fernand 3 9
Pula 106 253 220 473 13 71 20 5 7 12 19.48km
2 3
Total of
Respondents Men Women
Community 20 25 45
Total of Respondents 35 55 90